All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

Stirring up Ottawa’s Belly dance community in 2014

Hey folks,

I’ve been percolating on a few things for the past few years, as enrolment in my classes has shifted downwards a bit, we’ve seen attendance to events like the Dancers’ Bazaar decline, and am pretty sure I am not alone.
What to do, what to do….?
When I started taking lessons in Ottawa, OMEDA { Ottawa/Outaouais Middle Eastern Dance Association} was a present and active force.
Halyma circa 2004 at Uncle Louie's
Halyma circa 2004 at Uncle Louie’s
It’s volunteer members organized events from shows to workshops and a fairly regular newsletter that was mailed out to the membership.  It was through this association that I found my own Goddess of Dance, mainly with amateur parties where I could try new things, play, and learn by watching other dancers and meeting other creative souls.  I am still friends with some of the fabulous women I met through OMEDA.
I know that my own activities when I first got into the local community, way back in 1995, were in conjunction with OMEDA and I did my own small amount of time volunteering with the association too, but really did not want to take on too much responsibility, preferring to support the events as best I could while developing my own side newsletter/ events when I could be a benevolent dictator.
Over the years, I’ve been honoured to take part in other local events too, as many others have done their own thing and tried to include the community at large.
At the Fire and Ice show – 2013
So, all in all, Ottawa-Gatineau still has a great core of dancers/ teachers and events that can be sustained, to a degree.
But where can we rejuvenate?
Are there new and upcoming students and potential performers who would like to show off their dances, but are not comfortable at the OCCP? Or even the theatrical fundraisers of either Catharine or Anna and Safiya?
 I know I can only accommodate a limited number of dancers, and the same is true of the other fundraisers run by others.  And these more theatrical events need to continue for the more advanced dancers who are polishing their skills and developing their stage presence, but…
Can we revisit having some relaxed, open invitation dance parties in Ottawa again?  Pack your costume and cd/memory stick/ipod and sign up when you get there and dance type parties-how much fun would that be?
Will this type of event also bring new people into our classrooms when they can see the fun and positive energy that this dance form brings to us?
I think it’s great that Studio Oasis is also thinking along these lines and has the ball rolling with their Nov. 23rd Galabeya party!
I can see, if other people feel welcome to take on an active roll,  having an assortment of these types of events throughout the Ottawa-Gatineau area.
I am not thinking of getting too crazy with this idea, just looking to see if we give it a try for a one time event this winter, will others be open to setting up something in their part of the city,  a couple of months later, so that everyone can start to benefit?
I am interested in opening up a conversation with you: teachers, event organizers, professional dancers, and active members in supporting Ottawa’s Middle eastern/ belly dance community. 
Do we need OMEDA again?
Do we need something new?
Or can we come together as Rogues  { my Belly Dancing For Fun dancemates know what I mean} and create a fluid community that benefits everyone?

If you would like to share your thoughts publicly , please comment below.

If you prefer to share them privately, message me:

PS/BTW – the reason I chose the photos of only me is that I wanted to get this post out there! While I have some great photos of people from the various events throughout my years dancing, I don’t like to publish anything without permission. Just know there are some beauties who are part of this great community!


Zombie Dancing- it’s a thing — an awesome thing!

As a belly dancer, bollywood dancer, teacher of both, and generally a person always open to good clean fun, getting a last minute email request for help in replacing a Zombie Dance group cancellation just makes my day!

And then I share the opportunity with some of my playmates!! (Read- I email folks to ask if they will join me!!)

These dancers are students, teachers, friends and fellow creative forces that come together when they can, under my long time umbrella rogue group, “Belly Dancing For Fun”.

There are more than these ladies who come out for volunteer events, and when it’s a real last minute rescue mission, I like to hand pick the ones who I think will be able to pull it off with me! And if the first picks can’t make it, I then move along the list as Ottawa is Full of great dancers with whom I have had the pleasure of working and playing!

This round of dance fun, Eurika, Zamira, and Pink Pandemonium graciously accepted the challenge!


See more photos hereFlickr set

Combining solos and group numbers, culminating in a grand finale which challenged our brains due to the last minute versus busy lives syndrome, we had a stressful blast! When the organizers came to us and told us how pleased they were, we all breathed a sigh of relief!

Volunteer dancing at charity events is something that gives us a chance to give back, doing something we love and bringing joy and awareness of both how great belly dancing is for all ages, as well as how creative we, as Belly Dancing For Fun, are without the limitations imposed by classic middle eastern dance styles.

We hope to have more chances to perform for both charity and corporate and private events, showcasing both our classic middle eastern dance skills and our creative fusion styles that bring together cross-cultural energies in a fun and sometimes creepy way :/)

Be sure to keep us in mind for your events and give us more than 2 weeks notice and we will bring the house down!!

Great Day at the Bazaar

Had a wonderful time sleeping in, having breakfast with the hubby and then heading out to the Ottawa Dancer’s Bazaar that is now under the helm of Eurika and Farasha.

And we got goofy:

Leila and Linda
Leila and Linda
Leila and Halyma/Tracey
Leila and Halyma/Tracey

And I had fun!

Socializing with vendors who used to come when I was running this show, and meting new vendors that joined the fun at Erika’s invitation, it was a great community event – as I always aimed for myself.

No this isn’t all about me – but bear in mind, this is my blog, so I’m going relate to it from my perspective even as I happily acknowledge the passing of the torch.

The first joke of the day was arriving and seeing that Shibori Borealis Daisymobile had taken my fave parking spot – and Linda pointed out how I am no longer the “queen bee” of the day 🙂

Totally correct!

And so I took the spot beside, and after quickly unloading my stuff with the help of the fabulous volunteers, and then got set up and got more help from them as they found me an extra table, and set up my racks, I thought – I like being a vendor only – it’s WAY EASIER!

So kudos to the new organizers, the great folks who help them and the vendors who keep on coming out to join in the fun!

Now back to our regular workload – busy sewing day ahead and more dancing to come!

Oh – and I still have some lovely pouches for sale – message me if your new veils need a home!



Every morning I try to get a walk in before I start my day. I am grateful to live near views like this:


Today in particular.

An example of the kind of day that keeps me going:
1- first appointment = chill bride happy with the progress and plans are ready for finishing and pick up after the bazaar.

2- 2nd appointment at Luxe – a bit rushed but I was able to meet a lovely new potential staff member and connect her with local quilting info. Oh and the dress barely needed any work!

3- fabulous dance mini workshop with Eurika as Bollywood For Fun! Sunshine. Park space and a great group of kids to show how to do some fun moves!!  And we got pumpkins on top of our fees!!

4- the Sprocketmonster: out in our nearby park, sunshine, friendly folk, happy dogs.


and now I’ll be a heading off to hang with new folks, trying a new experience or at least semi new – with my fake rosary, purple and black robe ready to go. And a cheese platter.

Sister Mary and Darrell Simmons

Happy Thanksgiving All!


Anyone wondering why I did not include @wtl in this Gratitude post should note that I try to tell impersonally every day how much I appreciate him. Just so you don’t think I take him for granted!



Back to school week – well for me at least

Of course, September mens back to school. And for regular students, it began a coupe of weeks ago.  For me it began this week.

Teaching evening dance classes as part of the City of Ottawa and Old Ottawa South Association community centre adult courses, September always brings with it a sense of renewal but also uncertainty.  I never can know how enrolment will be until the week of the first classes.  The same happens for all “luxury” type courses.  When money is tight, or the enrolment system is not easy, potential participants have to choose what they best options are for their lives and sometimes our classes don’t run.

This fall my schedule has reversed itself from normally having Monday classes and my Thursday classes not running, to having no classes on Monday evening and a single class on Thursday.  Thankfully Tuesday’s two classes have a minimum number – and while there is still more room in those classes, the changes there involve location – so nothing is ever the same!

And what? My sewing level 1 class is full to overflowing!  That starts tomorrow so I better get on that today too!

Being self employed allows me to, er wait, forces me to roll with the waves of change. My sewing business has been rocking it on an upswing, especially with my linking up with the ladies at Luxe Bridal, and my own constant intentions to provide good service for all of my clients. So as the dance classes shift and change each season, I have learned to take advantage of their slowing down { at one time I was teaching 9 classes a week, between Community centre courses and private lessons} to happily focus on bridal – which is really an all year round business now.

So, this morning, I know my dance schedule for the fall- other than when the heck we are going to schedule our Bollywood For Fun Practices as Diwali is coming!  I have dresses to work on, and the final stages of the Ottawa Browncoats fundraiser on September 29th to co-chair.

I also get to look forward to some October events that I am NOT planning, but will be attending and am enjoying the freedom that comes with attending and helping, not herding the cats.

All in all, Back to school time is the most wonderful time of the year !

A day at the spa…or how easy it is to get to Le Nordik.

The view from Parking lot 2

For a few years now, I kept being told how amazing Le Nordik is and how easy it is to get there, blah,blah,blah.

As my own life’s stresses increased, with work being more and more intense, changes occurring in small but accumulative ways within my dance world, and the need to extend my holidays as much as possible, I finally decided to give it a try.

I, of course, have a process for approaching new experiences that involves advance research online to determine the best choices for ROI ( I checked their website extensively, figuring out what I could afford that I would likely find the most enjoyable) and travel logistics (both checking out their online information along with google maps).

After much internal debate and planning, I chose to combine a treatment ( basic 60 minute massage) with use of the ” baths”. This allowed me a slight discounted price on both, and the chance to both spend some quiet time and get some physical pampering. The online appointment booking though does not clearly show you the combined option, so I booked the massage – which was easy – and decided they probably just allow you to add on your time in the general area when you get there and pay. They do, of course, need a credit card to book your treatment.

Before folks started coming in, this was the view from the upper treatment area where I was in the waiting room before my massage.

So, after I had my lovely time there, I had decided to share the important parts of my adventures for any other souls who also like a LOT of simple details before embarking on something new.

Getting there…
I live near King Edward, so, yes, super easy:
Turn onto King Edward headed towards Quebec.
Stay on the Quebec highway until exit 12 ( which is about 12 km from me).
There are lovely signs on the highway clearly saying ” Le Nordik” *yay*
Exit the highway and turn left at the stop sign.
Drive past the grocery store, cycling store and be prepared to turn right onto a dirt road ( called Chemin Le Nordik) directly across from Doozy Candles.

Drive up the dirt road and turn right again into the confusing and winding parking areas. There are a few, and if you can figure out the roads the first time, you are a good driver. Otherwise, take your time and it will all work out :-).

Once you are parked….
See the photo of the entrance?

You have a lovely uphill walk through random stone steps and flat landings. So if you have any issues walking, are injured, older etc. make note of the side benches where you can stop and rest. Or try the meandering path way that cuts horizontally like a labyrinth, slowly bringing you to your destination – the wooden stairs and entrance to the queuing area.

Yes. There is a queuing area, complete with ribbon divider to channel the eagerly awaiting patrons in an orderly manner into the reception area. I was lucky and arrived when there was no line up, but when I left I had to ask folks to let me by, as the way out seems to be the same as the way in ( I may have missed something there, but safely made my way out, so…).

Once you get to a service rep, he/she will take your name and credit card and set you up with a rubber coated bracelet (if you are using the baths) that gives you access to your own locker in the changing room.
Note: the little lights on the locker are about 2 cm above where you want to tap the bracelet part to unlock it. If you try to tap the lights, it probably won’t work, slide down just a smidge!

On the website, they clearly let you know in advance about needing a water bottle, bath robe, bathing suit, and slippers/ sandals. You can rent some of this there, but its pretty easy to pack a small tote bag.
Do you need all this?
Water bottle? Yes, the process makes you sweat, and they have water fountains available to fill your bottle. You cannot bring drinks from the restaurant into certain areas, so have the bottle just to make sure you drink enough.
Bathrobe? I found I did not use mine. It was a hot, sunny day, and my bathing suit is very modest, so I felt comfortable wandering from pool to chair to sauna with just a towel*. I believe you may want it if you are going to the restaurant. I did not go there, but most folks seated inside seemed to have their robes on.
Bathing suit? – of course- this is not a clothing optional place.
Sandals? Yes, make them slip on type- you have to remove them to go into the saunas and pools, but want something to walk around the cobblestones, sandy area, inside areas.

* towels- they give you 2. I left one in the locker for my post adventure wipe down – there are showers if you like to get all of the sunscreen, pool water, sweat off before getting dressed again.

What else do you need to know?
~The staff is very helpful in both languages.
~Be quiet…Seriously- a staff member will come and remind you if you are talking too loudly. ( I slipped away in the pool, so he didn’t catch me )

~Don’t worry about walking into a space and walking right out again. I found a couple of the saunas were not comfortable – too hot, too strong scent, too many people… It’s supposed to be about de stressing, so find a space you are comfy in – there are quite a few options.

~You also have to remove glasses along with shoes in some of the saunas, but it is indicated on the door before you go in.

Since I knew I would have a couple of hours before my massage*, I also brought a book, and they kindly gave me a plastic bag to put it in when I went into the humid places. You could do the same with an MP3 player I guess, I just chose an old fashioned book for simplicity.

* do it in the other order – massage first then the baths if you can. My appointment for the massage was towards late afternoon, so it just worked out better for me to do the baths earlier and end on the massage. But I would do it in the reverse if I chose to combine things again.

Will I go again?

Maybe. Probably alone, as I found it most logical for me to reduce my chances of talking by not knowing anyone there.
It is beautiful, but certainly busy, so it’s hit or miss regarding how crowded it might feel. I was there on a weekday and it still felt like a lot of folks were taking advantage.

Hope this helps!

New ideas for the fall…

The fall is when I really try to “restart” as it has always felt like New Year’s, since I’ve been on a break for a couple of months.  So, with September’s classes coming just around the corner { SEE HERE}, I have been playing with some new ideas.
Every once in a while, I change up the music.  Since I have some AwesomeSauceonaBagel return students, I like to keep things fresh for them, and it encourages  me to try new moves and challenge myself too.
An added bonus this year: here is the Playlist!  I’ve tried to find an interesting link for each song – either the iTunes link where it’s available, or a youtube link showing the song in action.
So, by giving you advance insight into the fun songs we’ll be playing with this session, I hope you will feel inspired to sign up and join in on the fun!!

Bellywood Fall Classes – starting in mere weeks!!

This fall – everyone can come dance!

Everyone welcome, dance at your own pace, and have fun getting some great exercise!

We will play with learning a routine for the chance to perform in December, but that’s totally optional!
Here’s a clip of some of our past bits:
Bellywood with Halyma!
Click on this image to head over for some fun video footage!


Bellywood with Halyma Class Schedule

Registration has begun, so sign up!

FALL 2013 Dance Schedule:
Byward Market:
Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Ottawa, ON
Register online: or call 613-244-4470

  • Bellywood With Halyma Level ALL –Course #: 865078- $97.75
  • Thursdays, Sep 19 to Dec 5, 2013
  • 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Old Ottawa South:
Register online: Old Ottawa South Community Centre, 260 Sunnyside, Ottawa, ON [Map]

  • Bellywood with Halyma Level ALL
  • Tuesdays, Sep 17 to Dec 3, 2013
  •  7:30 to 8:30 p.m.

*NOTE: All dates and prices are subject to updating by the community centres themselves – please confirm with the centre for actual dates, times and rates.


Algonquin 2013

Bear food from Leiladancer !Are you gonna be taking pics all the time?Dad? you in there?cozy Jalewarm spotComfy sleepy time
This works for meDragon fly liking the purple.Ain't I pretty?SunshineGetting used to the chair
Queen of the mountain!Rock climbingDood….Fabulous for a camping meal!I been digging!My artwork
Warm spotView from the canoeCamping stick!From the comfort station, the view is great too!Whatcha doing dad?Can we go over there?

Algonquin 2013, a set on Flickr.

Holidays/ Vacation/ Sabbatical/ All of it is needed and appreciated. Go look see at some of the fun we had! and if you are really bored, check out for a bit more lyrical conveyance of our weeks off!

Via Flickr:
Another fabulous camping trip – 1st one for the Sprocketmonster!

How I am enjoying my summer sabbatical

Some of you may have noticed that I have not completely unplugged during my much anticipated August break.

But please note my views while I occasionally check in to see what’s going on via email/FB/Twitter:

Birds are chirping, I am relaxing and even though my lurking online has not stopped completely, I am very much enjoying that it is on my terms.

For another couple of weeks at least!
Back to work with y’all!