All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

Friday News update…Trying something new…

While I think that Sunday morning will always be the proper  Dancers’ News “day” – and the major deadline for folks to send me their information will be Saturdays, I know that sometimes in the past I would send out a Wednesday update, if info came in really last minute.

Now I am happy to help promote your events as much as I can, within reason of course!

I think we all have so much to do/read/email in our inbox etc. that sending out another email just to make up for a missed deadline is not necessary, esepcially if I can use my blog as an alternative way to add super last minute posts…

So, I’ll give it a try here and I’ll be including everything that is coming up next week so that it’s all fresh!

If you have any thoughts, are a subscriber to this blog, follow me on Twitter or Facebook and want to share, leave me a comment!

Sunday will also have the usual newsletter from my main website  – so try to get me your info before the Saturday evening deadline and it’ll get out there!

Weekend/coming week News:

This Weekend’s EVENTS of all types!

September 10, 2010
Henna Party Fundraiser for Victims of Flooding in Pakistan

Shenkman Centre
245 Centrum Blvd.
5 to 10 p.m.

– donations will go to Oxfam Canada
$5 admission
$2 for kids

Bollywood for Fun will be part of the entertainment along with traditional cuisine, face painting, henna tattoos and more!

Beginner Bellydance workshop with Nikita

September 11 @ OSSD Westboro
2:30-3:00 PM
294 Picton Avenue
No registration required… just show up for some fun!!!!!

September 11 and 18, 2010
COSTUMING WORKSHOP with Roxane and Zeevah

September 11 · 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Location 32 Cassidy Road, Bell’s Corners.

Created By Creative Clothing by Roxane

Liz Chaisson and Creative Clothing’s Roxane will be holding a double workshop aimed at helping dancers in general, but also the dancers getting ready for Catharine Crerar’s Hallowe’en Fundraiser, to design, find the elements and create a recital or special event costumes.

Liz is a dancer herself and an accomplished beader and costume maker. See her website here: . Roxane used to dance (amateur level only) and is a professional designer and sewer who loves to make Cabaret belly dance and especially Tribal dance costumes. You can visit her website at:

Email to register or for more information on what you’ll need!

Contact either Roxane at or Liz at or check out the facebook event page at

September 11, 2010
Djembe Fever With the amazing Catherine Veilleux

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Trinity St. Andrew’s United Church
291 Plaunt St. S., Renfrew

Beginners workshop 9 a.m. to noon
Intermediate workshop 1 :30– 4:30 p.m.

Workshops $40.00 each or $75.00 for the day

Registration is limited. Register early.

To register contact Debi Virtue at or 613-432-0908

SEPTEMBER 11, 2010 ~ Madoc, Ontario

Drum Nation Festival is fast approaching and the excitement has started

already.Last year we had such an amazing turn out and everyone had so much fun.

For those of who were unable to make it or have not yet heard about the festival, here is a little info..It`s a festival geared toward family and creative learning.

Admission is Free, as are many of the workshops, such as drumming and percussion workshops, many types of drumming circles, wellness workshops, Dance and Drumming performances, Belly Dancing, Youth workshops, making a meditation mat with mural artist Maureen Walton, Yoga, and so much more..Visit our website for this year’s event listings and a video of last year’s festival at

Or call Deborah or Terry Richardson at 613-473-1725,
Hope to see you there.


Starting this week/ already underway

Halyma’s Class Info

Belly dance

Byward Market Area: Starting September 13th / 16th
172 Guigues, Routhier Community Centre, corner of Cumberland street and St. Patrick

$97.75/ 12 weeks

Beginner classes:
Learn the basics of belly dance in a relaxing atmosphere and have some fun finding new ways to move your body!

Mondays 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. => Lots of room to sign up!

Thursdays, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. * This class presently has only 1 student enrolled and may be changed to a Bellywood class. If you are interested in finding out more about this class, read on as the description is below…

Intermediate Class:
Once you’ve got the basics, come out for a bit of a challenge with layering, more props and even more fun!

Mondays, 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Still Room to sign up!

Old Ottawa South: Starting September 14th
Bank and Sunnyside Area, Old Ottawa South Community Centre
Beginners and Beyond:Designed for beginners and those who have the basics of belly dance already, this course will challenge you to a low impact workout and get your brain working too!

Tuesdays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Bellywood with Halyma

“Bellywood“: a fusion of the best of Bollywood dance and Bellydance that focuses on the strong and gentle low impact movements with lots of energy!

AS I have been working with Bollywood For Fun over the past while, I have come to see a potential of amazing joy and high energy dance that could be made available to all fitness levels! By combining that which I personally love from both dance forms, I will be sharing my two loves in a new way for me, and for those who come out to play!

Check out more about it online at

Old Ottawa South – Starting September 14
Bank and Sunnyside Area
Tuesdays: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Check with centre for pricing details-

Dovercourt Starting September 15
411 Dovercourt
Wednesdays: 7 -8 p.m.
$147/14 weeks – 2 weeks extra!

Routhier Community Centre Starting September 16
172 Guigues,corner of Cumberland street and St. Patrick

Thursdays: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. FULL!*

$97.75/ 12 weeks

*Possible 2nd class will be set up from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. with enough students – Contact the centre by phone to add your name to the waiting list if interested!

Zamira’s Fall/Winter Classes

Belly Dance for Adults and Teens all levels
A Beginner-Intermediate Belly Dance class with an emphasis on flexibility, muscle isolation and increasing muscle strength and grace. Enroll early to guarantee your spot in this fun, dynamic class.
Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM
September 8 – December 8, 2010: block of 8 consecutive classes $88
Paypal (credit card, interac, etc.) or cash payment accepted. Call or email for details.
Drop-in fee $12 cash per class – no registration necessary

Classes take place at Makin’ Moves Dance Studio:
1196 Bank Street at Ossington Avenue in Old Ottawa South

For registration and information contact Zamira:

Bellydance with Gela~ Renfrew


Renfrew and Horton Community centre.

Fall classes begin week of Sept.13th


or call 613-432-7459.

JEHANE (Jocelyne Khan)

Downtown Ottawa, Sept 16-Dec 16
Dance with Alana Studio, 100-858 Bank Street, Ottawa.
Registration online, Phone 613-233-3456
– Thursdays Intermediate 7:00 PM at Dance with Alana on Bank St in Ottawa for registration info /


Fall classes start September 7
Daytime and evening classes; Monday to Friday and Saturday & Sunday
Full schedule at
Drop-ins welcome.



Cours d’automne commence le 7 septembre
Classes des jours et soirs; Lundi au vendredi et samedi-dimanche
Programme de cours en complet au
Les au-cours (drop-in) bienvenues.

Jalilah’s fall 2010 Classes!

In Ottawa

Belly dance for Fitness with Jalilah at the RA Centre September 13-December 6 2010

Mondays 10:30-11-30 am at the RA centre 2451 Riverside Drive or

Mondays 6:30-7:30 pm at the Rideau Tennis Club, 1 Donald Street

Fees: LifeFit Member free

RA Member $99

Non-member $124

Learn the basic authentic Middle Eastern Dances movements and combinations put together in easy routines while getting a terrific cardio workout. Focus on core strength and proper body alignment.

Belly Dance Level 2

For those who have mastered all the movements taught in “belly dance for Fitness” and wish to continue learning more advanced movements and routines.

Mondays 7:30-8:30 pm at the Rideau Tennis Club, 1 Donald Street


LifeFit Member $89

RA Member $119

Non-member $144

Registration through the RA Centre: (613)736-6224

In Hull

Jalilah’s Classes at Oasis Starting September 9 to October 28 2010

Intermediate 2 Thursdays 6:30-7:30

Technique with an emphasis on flowing form one movement to the next, a short veil Choreography and the beginnings of improvisation

Fees: $85

Advanced Thursdays 7:30-8:30

Choreography to Alf Leila Wa Leila and Improvising to Arabic Pop music

Fees: $100

At Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis, 200 St. Joseph, Hull

To register contact Oasis at (819) 9622645 or (819) 7765033

Dance with Alana

Our Fall registration is now well underway & Fall classes start on Friday September 10th, 2010. Please visit our new schedule at register.php#schedule

A reminder that we have an GREAT sale on our Annual Membership!
Get unlimited dance classes for just $65 + hst per month!
This offer ends Sept. 30th, 2010!

Beginner Belly Dance
When: Starts on Thursday Sept. 16th 6:00-7:00pm

Intermediate Belly Dance
When: Starts on Thursday Sept. 16th 7:15-8:15pm

Advance Belly Dance
When: Starts on Thursday Sept. 16th 8:30-9:30pm

*Also comming in Sept are beginner classes in:
Contemporary Jazz
& More!!!!!
Bachelorette Parties & Private Lessons also Available.

Thank You & Happy Dancing!

From your friends at Dance With Alana Studios. 🙂



Bellydance with Anna & Safiya

2010 Fall Classes
Starting Wednesday September 15th!

At Capital City Dance (1309 Carling Avenue, Westgate Mall lower level)

Learn to Bellydance: Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Build strength, flexibility and confidence learning movements key to bellydance, through technique exercises, drills and dancing that will inspire you to continue.

Intermediate – Advanced Bellydance:Wednesdays 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Take your bellydancing to the next level with technique, drills, short fun combos and innovative choreography!
Location and pricing info available at or contact Safiya at

Beginning bellydance starting soon at Fitness Fusion

333 Cumberland (between York and Clarence),
Tuesdays 8 – 9 pm, Sept 14 – Nov 7.

Learn fun combinations from an American cabaret dancer who’s danced for 15 years. We’ll look at hip and shoulder shimmies, upper body isolations, fun traveling steps and more.
Although this is geared toward beginners, it’s good for more experienced dancers who want to brush up on the basics.
$96 plus tax, discount for Fitness Fusion members.,  613-680-7276

Dancers’ News- 2010-09-05

To see the main website, click here . Or check the Blog version here

Head on over to your preferred of the above links and check out everything there:

Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!

Okay folks!

I am back and at it!  Already had my first demo night – 2nd one coming up this week and am really looking forward to the challenges of my new classes along with the fun of ramping up my regular ones!

But if mine don’t fit your schedule or style, Ottawa/Gatineau/and up the valley is blessed with loads of classes, so be sure to check the Fall Classes listing online and sign up in advance!!

TEACHERS: thanks to those who sent in their info early  – everyone else: feel free to send me yours asap and I’ll get it online!

I am begin “efficient” today and simply sending you to the websites –links at the top of this post.  Please check any listings I have about you in particular as well as if you offer services in any of the categories and are not listed, send me your text info and I’ll get it up too!

Have a great week!


What I did on my Summer Vacation…

Amy, Felicia and ME!

… Or why I love September….

So, this is one photo from our August holiday – if you click on it, you can see many more and check out our Algonquin photos as well in my hubby, WTL’s sets.

I am a very lucky person.  I have a great husband, I am self-employed doing jobs that i love, and while I still have things to work on [ don’t we all?], I really like where I am in my life and will stop gushing now!

This summer’s holiday adventures included a lot of nooks coming up to join us on our camping trip – and it was so cool.  Each person brought a different element of experience, learning, joy and smiles – and maybe a bit of eyeball exercise – as we all took some time to get to know each other a bit better in a new space and time.

So thanks to all of you for joining us and adding such great memories to our trip.  While @wtl did not post pics of you all, we do have them in our person collections and will treasure those moments!

the list: Mark, Gail, Ramanda and Justin [ on their own site], Kristina and Gabriel, Susi and Chris, Jocelyne, Gailene, Ginny, Glen, Matt and Warren[ on their own site], Alex, Julie and Richard, Megan and Dan – Hope I did not miss anyone!

Thanks to all who so kindly brought us little tokens – be it drinkies, goodies, snackies etc. – all of your generous contributions/ gifts were most appreciated!

We had a wonderful time on our own as well, as we both really needed that down time to relax, sleep, read, walk, canoe, relax, sleep etc.

Once we got back into Ottawa for a couple of days, we really only had time to sort through things, do some laundry and then pack for Fan Expo.  And another great weekend of adventure began with an early morning train ride with @suzemuse and @G_Reg to Toronto!  It was fun meeting the other group at the back of the train – those young pups who had some great knowledge and appreciation of the oldies as well as the new stuff in sci-fi, comics etc.  Claire, Krystin, James? and pink haired girl with the knitting were all great fun to chat with. and to share my baking with!  Recipes later for the vegan oatmeal cookies!

I had a great time meeting so many new people and running into Ottawa folks there – even if it was only for a few minutes in line at the hotel!  And next year we’ll bring more Ottawa folk out to have some fun!

While this post is pretty superficial, suffice it to say that I really appreciate and am grateful for the blessings of August – they always get me good and ready to start my own personal new year in September.

Going back to school is a perpetual part of my life – September always brings on the new round of work/classes[ since I teach now]/and begins a fresh start, especially as the weather starts to cool off – not today I know with this heat wave – but soon!

I am really looking forward to what this season will bring as I begin my new bellywood classes, ramp up my regular belly dance classes and then teach some sewing in October!  and the Dancer’s bazaar return in October as well, only weeks away so much to do for that as well!

I have lots of prep to do over the next few weeks and tonight’s demo will be my first actual sharing of the bellywood stuff, so I hope those who come out will be kind 😉

An hour from now, I’ll meet with my first appointment of the fall, and I still have info to put online and more promo/ marketing work to do for the many things coming up, so I’ll sign off and wish you all a happy First day of September!


“holiday”- “vacation”… Whatever!

@wtl, my DH, has often said something along the lines of when we take a break, it’s for resting, not doing.  And I think he even broke down the differences in his  own personal views of  the terms, “holiday” and “vacation” – but I couldn’t find it easily on his blog, so I’ll just ramble on with my own thoughts!  He can add his later in the comments 😉

ON my walk this morning – lovely August morning at 17 degrees Celsius with a fair breeze to keep me cool – I was in heaven! – I started to think about the words: holiday and vacation, and wished I could just create a blog post in my mind and send it out from there!  Maybe some day….

Defining things a bit:

Holiday: |ˈhäliˌdā|

  • noun: a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done : December 25 is an official public holiday.
  • [as adj. ] characteristic of a holiday; festive : a holiday atmosphere.• chiefly Brit. (often holidays) a vacation : I spent my summer holidays on a farm | Fred was on holiday in Spain.
  • verb [ intrans. ] :chiefly Brit.spend a holiday in a specified place : he is holidaying in Italy.
  • ORIGIN Old English hāligdæg [holy day.]

Vacation: |vāˈkā sh ən; və-|

  • noun: an extended period of recreation, esp. one spent away from home or in traveling : he took a vacation in the south of France | people come here on vacation
  • [as adj. ] a vacation home.• a fixed holiday period between terms in schools and law courts.2 the action of leaving something one previously occupied : his marriage was the reason for the vacation of his fellowship.
  • verb [ intrans. ]take a vacation : I was vacationing in Europe with my family.
  • ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French, or from Latinvacatio(n-), from vacare ‘be unoccupied’ (see vacate ).

Pretty similar concepts.

I like the idea that vacation comes from Old French/ Latin – “to be unoccupied”.  Considering the time I spend in my brain, does that mean I actually will be vacating that cerebral space while on my break?  Probably not, but definitely exiting certain areas and visiting others in there for sure!

And holiday – a day where no work is done.  That’s where I am headed as well.

Hmmm… maybe based on the classic definitions, it’s merely whatever word you prefer to use, and then choosing your own definition of the break you are taking.

Ambiguous and Wishy-Washy that!

Well, my break will include much of nothing.  And the smatterings of doing will contrast with the extended periods of nothing.

Balance is what I am always seeking, in everything I do, and I think balance in my vacation/holiday will come pretty naturally.

I find an ever present spark of guilt gets me up and moving, and moments of self preservation offset it with a demanding whine that lets me stop and relax for at least a while!

And it takes a lot of work to take a break, whether it’s simply having friends over to visit, or actually taking time off and getting away from it all.

There are always preparations on so many levels and when camping is involved, you cannot let yourself slide into relaxation mode before the tents are set up and ready to house you for X days/weeks etc.

If you relax too quickly, and let things slide [ ie. don’t put the tarps up] that’s when the rain will hit and then everyone suffers.  But put em up right away and it’s all good!WTL used to try to interrupt the momentum that carries me through to the end of any given preparation, now he just does his own thing and keeps up, stepping aside when I am in full steam ahead mode so that he does not get run over!  As do our friends who have camped with us and are there for either set up or take down 🙂 and of course: 

XKCD comics are most funny

I am actually writing this to help in keeping the momentum flowing …

We still have things to do to get ready for our trip, including trips to see both of our parental units and errands, and last minute tying up of loose ends!  And of course Sunday Brunch before our first real journey begins!

How do you define the breaks you take to recharge, reevaluate, and rejuvenate your spirit/body/mind?

Do you find it more important to go out a do things  – try new activities, explore new places, be out and active, when you take a break from your daily life?

Or do you seek peace and quiet, finding somewhere comfortable and relaxing, where you can simply be, with no pressure to be “doing” anything at all?

What began as a journey into defining what’s a holiday and what’s a vacation, evolved into some fun with Google Images – thanks to everyone out there who tags their photos so that silly folk like me can borrow them for their blogs!

Gonna go run some errands now!


Counting down to Holidays!

Only a short while from now, it will seem that I have disappeared… for a while at least.

Occasional personal posts may appear, but for most of the month of August I’ll be avoiding anything that feels, looks, smells, or sounds like work.

And I love my work! But I love my play too, so I am looking forward to some:

"Staycation" Time,
… I mean, CAMPING …honest!
… some Family Time!…
Serious view from the hammock!

Oh, yeah, there will be some seriously effortless Hammocktime!

There will also be some time with friends:


and the return of my inner FanGirl  – who came to life last year for the first time!

Some Fan Girl time - Click on the pic for more shots!

So, don’t call, don’t email, feel free to post some comments here, search through my recipes, watch some of my mini lesson video clips and remember me fondly while I’m away and generally take some time for me and @wtl to relax.!

I’ll see you in September!

Oh, and if you want to know about my many classes – check the Class info tab!

MWAH – Hugs to you all!

And check the Dancers’ News for other happenings here in the area and beyond coming up – as well as, please post any news you want to share in the comments area way down at the bottom of the page!

Dancers’ News Update: 2010-07-25

To see the main website, click here . Or check the Blog version here

Head on over to see more Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!

Oh, what a summer of festivals and fun and we are about halfway through it!  Hope everyone has been getting out and enjoying the Turkish Festival, Egyptian Festival and Lebanese Festival!  These events all get major publicity so I don’t have any more info – just google them!

I am feeling the winding down starting already as I approach my combined Staycation and holiday trips coming soon! That means whether I am in town or out, from August 4th to 31st, I’ll be outta circulation and hope that you all have a fabulous month!  You’ll probably still see me popping online, but it’ll be a nice break!

UPCOMING items to note:

TEACHERS: Please send all your fall class info by July 31st to have it posted while I am on a break.

August information/updates: Post any info during August in the “comments” area of my blog page here:
Have a great week! Tracey/Halyma



JULY 29, 2010


Thursday evenings of dance – come out and play
Where: 172 Guigues – Routhier Community Centre, 2nd floor
When: 6:30 to 8:30p.m.
What: Two hours in an air conditioned room with mirrors to play as you wish!

There with a cd player and music. Feel free to bring your own music too, or just take advantage of space and a safe fun atmosphere to test drive those belly dance moves you learned through the winter and spring!

Drop in anytime during the two hours to play, practice, and socialize.

Join us for a fun night out to get some exercise, to practice for upcoming performances, or try those props you have learned through the year and have nowhere to practice them!

OPEN TO ALL LEVELS – Beginner through professional!

Please note: this is not a class – but you’ll learn new stuff by watching and playing.

29 juillet au 1er août 2010 ~ Sherbrooke
Air de Vacances


I would like to invite you to my Oriental dance annual retreat in Sherbrooke, Qc. It is given in French, but dance being an universal language, you can still benefit of it. I have taken dance classes in German and still I was able to learn beautiful things!

Here is the link for all the information:
Please note that the second workshop (the one in August) is already full.
Nathalie Lebel

31 Juillet, 2010 ~ Laval
Atelier ”Dunyavi” avec Marthyna

Samedi, 31 juillet 2010
9h00 à 12h00

Lieu: Le Souk d’Anichka: 65 St-Judes à Laval

L’atelier est en français.

Plan du cours:

Réchauffement et musculation en fonction des mouvements à apprendre
Technique de base du Dunyavi
Apprentissage d’une courte chorégraphie avec jupe
Étirements et retour au calme

Le Dunyavi:
Le Dunyavi est un style créé par Dalia Carella de New-York qui fusionne essentiellement les danses orientales turques, les danses classique de l’Inde et les danses latines. Dunyavi signifie “du monde” en indien. Marthyna étudie ce style depuis 12 ans. Elle approndie depuis quelques années les danses dont le style Dunyavi est issu afin de bien comprendre et surtout, bien interpréter les différents styles ainsi fusionnés.

Cet atelier vous permettra d’en comprendre les principes à votre tour et de pouvoir présenter une splendide chorégraphie avec de dynamiques mouvements de jupe !

Pour en savoir plus au sujet de Marthyna:

Pour réserver votre place, vous devez le faire directement sur le site:
Vous y trouverez les informations complètes et divers modes de paiement vous seront offert (chèque, Accès D, Dépôt bancaire, Paypal).


August 14, 15, 2010

Khan el Khalili Weekend at Arabesque-Toronto

– everyone welcome!

Arabesque and various dancers/vendors sell their new and used bellydance costumes, drums, shisha, props, fabric, zylls, hip scarves, coin belts, DVDs, CDs, and more!

Sat. Aug. 14: 5:00-9:00pm & Sun.Aug. 15: 12:00-6:00pm

Free public admission

Interested in selling your Bellydance gear? please contact us for more details

1 Gloucester St, Suite #107
Toronto, ON M4Y 1L8

October 17, 2010

TAV Creations Presents the Dancer’s Bazaar

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Noon to 4 p.m.
260 McArthur, Knight’s of Columbus Hall

More details will come, but mark the date now!

October 30, 2010
Halloween Masquerade and Fundraising Party!

Saturday, Oct. 30…doors open at 7 pm…party starts at 8 pm
Montgomery Legion, corner of MacLaren and Kent Sts.

Come dressed to inspire, frighten, charm ??, intrigue. Prizes will be given for the best masks!
Belly up for the challenge….How does a belly dancer dress for Halloween??
Soloists, duets, etc. are all welcome…out-of-towners too!! So is ‘Theme’ music!. We will have lots of tasty food, good vibes, prizes and some ‘interesting’ performances!!
The price is still only $25, the booze is cheap, and all profits will go to the Distress Centre and Bereaved Families of Ottawa…maybe enough will be left over to donate to the Snow Suit Fund too!
If you have a special piece of music you would like to perform, contact Catharine ASAP to reserve it….(Thriller has already been spoken for!!!..and is much anticipated!) or 613-276-0969


July 25, 2010

Full Moon Drum and Dance Circle

Sunday July 25 – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Maki Park

19 Leeming Drive (between Bayshore and Kanata)
Rumour has it that there will be some hooping going on there.

Celebrate the powerful energy of the Full Moon.

Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be some shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.

Weather permitting, we will be outside in the park, otherwise we will be inside the community centre.

There will be an optional meditative drumming and period of silence at the end of the circle for those wishing to stay.

Please RSVP to

You can also invite friends through facebook!/event.php?eid=141043799245668

Hope to see you there.

JULY 31, 2010
Nepalese Canadian Association of Ottawa Present:
8th Annual Multicultural Dance and Music Show For Ottawa’s Food Bank

Saturday, July 31. 12:00 PM – 05:00 PM

Free Admission
Come join us for an afternoon of entertainment and fundraising!

Non-perishable food or cash donations for the Ottawa Food Bank appreciated

Andrew Haydon Park – 3169 Carling Avenue
Bollywood For Fun will be performing between 2-5 p.m.
More details will be updated on our website:

July 31, 2010

Musical Wheel at Chamberfest with Leo Brooks

Saturday, July 31
Marion Dewar Plaza
110 Laurier Ave. W.
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

From Leo Brooks:

As a member of the Hand Drumming community in Ottawa, I want to invite you to take part in a really special event taking place at the end of this month, put together by Chamberfest, Ottawa’s world renown chamber music festival.

The event is called “The Musical Wheel”, and it ingeniously incorporates cycling with music and community participation. Essentially, it is a bicycle ride along the canal from Landsdowne park to Ottawa city hall. Cyclists are treated to live chamber music performances at several stops en route, but the main event happens at Marion Dewar plaza in front of the municipal buildings. Here, the fantastic percussion quartet TorQ will be laying down some grooves for the cyclists to enjoy. They, in turn, will continue to ride around the perimeter of the plaza and are encouraged to join in with bicycle bells, horns and whistles.

And this is where you come in…

I have been commissioned to assemble as many volunteer hand drummers as possible to boost the sonic landscape created by TorQ around the perimeter of the plaza. These players will create a drum circle within the Musical Wheel, with TorQ as the hub. Hand drummers will get the unique chance to jam with each other, a professional percussion ensemble, and dozens of cyclists creating a moving sonic soundscape.

The event takes place on Saturday, July 31, 2010. Drummers are asked to assemble at Marion Dewar plaza by 1:30 pm. The first wave of cyclists is expected to arrive by shortly after 2:00 pm. The Musical Wheel will continue until approximately 3:30 pm. At this time we are hoping the carillon of bells at City Hall will join in for a true climax to the event.

Please let me know via  email whether or not you are able to attend. Of course, friends and family members are invited to join in, regardless of their hand drumming experience. We should have enough experienced players there to carry the beginners along!

Thanks in advance. See you at “The Musical Wheel” 2010!

Leo Brooks

For more information check out the following websites:

AUGUST 6, 2010
SPLASH! Bollywood dinner and dance boat cruise on the Ottawa River

date: Friday Aug. 6th
cruise departs at 8:00 pm. from Jacques Cartier (Hull)
Bollywood-R&B-Bhangra, 3 dj’s, catered by East India Company
tickets $35.
Please contact Andree, who wants to club our tickets together to negotiate a
discount on the ticket price. Note, tickets are limited and usually sell out.
Come on out for a night of Bollywood bling and dancing!

August 6, 2010 – 1st Friday of Every Month
Repo! The Genetic Opera

Shadowcast Performance by the Necromerchant’s Payment
Friday August 6th, Sept 3rd, Oct 1st, Nov 5th and Dec 3rd, 2010…

Club SAW  67 Nicholas Street (near the arts court and next to the youth hostel)Ottawa

Welcome to “Repo! – the Genetic Opera!” Bring your zydrate and get ready for some fun with Ottawa’s shadowcast performers – “The Necromerchant’s Payment” – a tribute group to the movie “Repo! the Genetic Opera”. This movie was released in 2008 and rapidly became a cult classic with groups soon forming to do shadowcast performances during showings of the movie. Shadowcasting is when a live ensemble recreates a movie on stage while the film is playing behind them. It is the ultimate melding of film and theatre, with the cast complimenting the action on screen, and subtly contrasting it with their own unique vision. As such, you are really getting two shows for the price of one. It is the perfect blend of theatre and film, with audience participation and gags thrown in to create a fun, unique event.

“The Necromerchant’s Payment” are a bunch of lunatics with sharp things dancing around and throwing organs. It’s a good old time, full of mischief, mayhem, drugs, rock N roll and anarchy. They perform the first Friday of every month at the Club Saw located at 67 Nicholas Street. The doors open at 8pm and the show starts at 9pm. Admission is a mere $10 at the door, and for your money you are getting a movie, a show, an event, and more importantly, a bunch of people dancing around while having their organs repossessed. What could be better than that?

For more information on the Necromerchant’s Payment, visit


Dancers News Updates – 2010-07-17

To see the main website, click here . Or check the Blog version here

Head on over to see more Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!

OMG= yesterday was a blow me away day!

It was great to see so many familiar faces at all of the dance events I took part in – thanks for coming out to support us at the South Asian Festival! Isaden, Kalyani and I had such a blast showcasing our new BFF routines { complements of Isaden, our lead choreographer]!

Working with the ladies in Bollywood For Fun gives me loads of inspiration for the “Bellywood” [Bellydance/Bollywood fusion] classes I’ll be starting to teach in the fall!

And Zafirah is priceless – it’s not over yet, there is still time to take the drum solo workshop today – details right below!  It was a pleasure hanging out with her and Dania and friends last night after the show!  More solos Dania!

Congrats to Isaden for assembling an amazing selection from Ottawa’s very talented pool of dancers for her Midsummer Night’s Dance show last night – if you were elsewhere, you missed a Kick-A** show!

Gonna chill today – have a good week,




July 18, 2010
Drum Solo Workshop with Zafirah of Montreal

STILL A FEW SPOTS REMAIN – but only a couple!
Drum Solo
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Time: 12pm-4pm
Location: Routhier Community Centre (172 Guigues St.)
Note: Parking available for free
Learn technique and choreography at each workshop.
DVD of the choreographies are included.

$75 cash at the door!

To confirm your spot: email at

JULY 24, 2010
Workshop and Pool Party w/ Leslie

On Saturday July 24th, 1-4pm, take an afternoon to learn this deliciously slow movement choreography created by Leslie for her presentation at UCR. Theory will be discussed and the workshop includes a yoga based warmup, technique practice and combinations leading into the choreography.

Wear something comfortable and bring water! $40 for this 3 hour workshop at 1196 Bank St (Makin Moves). After the workshop, we will all head over to Leslie’s for a pool party and tribal gathering with snacks and videos.

RSVP and BYOB (if you can’t make the workshop, you can still come to the party!)
To register and RSVP – email leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca

29 juillet au 1er août 2010 ~ Sherbrooke
Air de Vacances with Nathalie Lebel

CLICK Here for all the information

August 6 – 8th 2010 ~ Mississauga, Ontario
Fifi Abdo

First Time to Canada!

Also featuring Khaled Mahmoud of Cairo!

Saturday Gala starring Fifi Abdo! With live band Layali El Sharq!

Click here for more details:

August 9-20, 2010 ~ Montreal
Hadia’s 5th Annual Summer Pro Course and Ultimate Technique Week return to Montreal!!

So many details! check it online on Hadia’s website

(514) 969-2220 | |

Merci et a tantôt!

Xoxo Hadia


BBGO is having a Big Summer Clearance Sale!!!

Please come and enjoy our large selection of summer products and save up to 50%! This offer ends on 6th of August.

Please Note: Our shop will be closed from August 7th to 22nd for our summer vacation.

BGGO Trading Inc.
1A Springfield Road
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: +1.613.680.1500


We want to remind you that you can visit Sister Bazaar any time during July by appointment.

Come individually or with friends, we are located at Andree’s apartment in the Glebe.

please contact to set an appointment.

July 24, 2010



July 25, 2010
Full Moon Drum and Dance Circle

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Maki Park

19 Leeming Drive (between Bayshore and Kanata)

Please RSVP to

You can also invite friends through facebook!/event.php?eid=141043799245668

AUGUST 6, 2010
SPLASH! Bollywood dinner and dance boat cruise on the Ottawa River

cruise departs at 8:00 pm. from Jacques Cartier (Hull)
Bollywood-R&B-Bhangra, 3 dj’s, catered by East India Company
tickets $35.
Please contact Andree, who wants to club our tickets together to negotiate a
discount on the ticket price. Note, tickets are limited and usually sell out.
Come on out for a night of Bollywood bling and dancing!

7&8 Aout ~ Montreal

Dancer’s News-2010-07-11-Updates

To see the main website, click here . Or check the Blog version here

Head on over to see more Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!

Good morning!

Another busy weekend of dance all over the place!  And next week is full on crazy too!  Be sure to get your tickets for the Midsummer Night’s Dance Show at Ottawa U – details below!  A pro evening of dance not to be missed!

Bollywood For Fun, will be doing some great public shows- check it on our website if you have a moment!

Okay – read on for this weeks updates!




July 11, 2010

Sparks Street International Festival

Belly Dancing For Fun and Bollywood For Fun are proud to be sharing their love of dance with everyone, both performing and teaching some fun moves to get you moving!

Wear something sparkly and join us:

Sunday, July 11: Check at the Green roofed Kiosk on Sparks Street as to where we should be!
1:30 p.m. Bollywood For Fun
2:00 p.m. Belly Dance

JULY 12, 2010
Belly Dance and more for charity: Sexy in the City

The Algonquin College Events Management Students present Sexy in the City, a Ladies night out in support of the Children’s Wish Foundation.

On Monday July 12th from 6:30-10:30pm join us at the Loft on 380 Elgin Street for a night of pampering and fun.

Mini manicures, mini pedicures, hair styling, make-overs, canapés, cocktails, belly dancing lessons by Halyma, interior design specialist Luc Crawford, bra fittings by La Senza, silent auctions and much more!
Take a night off, have fun, and come join us in some pampering for charity.

Tickets: $60 a person or
2 for $100.
Four or more will be $40 each.
Tickets can be purchased at the Loft, by email: or by calling 613.617.0773, ask for Cara.


JULY 15, 22 and 29, 2010

Thursday evenings of dance – come out and play
Where: 172 Guigues – Routhier Community Centre, 2nd floor
When: 6:30 to 8:30p.m.
What: Two hours in an air conditioned room with mirrors to play as you wish!

There with a cd player and music. Feel free to bring your own music too, or just take advantage of space and a safe fun atmosphere to test drive those belly dance moves you learned through the winter and spring!

Drop in anytime during the two hours to play, practice, and socialize.

Join us for a fun night out to get some exercise, to practice for upcoming performances, or try those props you have learned through the year and have nowhere to practice them!

OPEN TO ALL LEVELS – Beginner through professional!

Please note: this is not a class – but you’ll learn new stuff by watching and playing.

JULY 16, 2010
Zafirah of Montreal in Ottawa

Friday, 16 July 2010
Topkapi Turkish Restaurant, 484, rue Preston Street

Dinnner with performance by Zafirah of Montreal.

Please make your reservation by calling 613-230-8828.

Souper et spectacle avec Zafirah de Montréal.

Veuillez faire vos réservations dès maintenant en téléphonant au 613-230-8828.

We need 20 people to reserve in order for this event to take place.
Nous avons besoins de 20 réservations pour continuer avec l’élément.

July 17-18, 2010
Two Day Workshop with Zafirah of Montreal

Veil Poi (Voi) Workshop
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time: 10am-2pm
Location: Sandy Hill Community Centre (250 Somerset St.)
Note: Parking available for free.

Drum Solo
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Time: 12pm-4pm
Location: Routhier Community Centre (172 Guigues St.)
Note: Parking available for free
Learn technique and choreography at each workshop.
DVD of the choreographies are included.

1 day workshop: $75
2 day workshop: $140

Please make payments through Paypal to the email address and let me know which workshop or both you would like to register for.

Once your payment is processed I will send you an email confirming your registration.

If you would like to make other arrangements for payment please email at

A Midsummer’s Night Dance – A Celebration of Oriental and Tribal Dance
Special Guest Zafirah of Montreal

Saturday July 17, 2010
Ottawa University Alumni Theatre ( Jock Turcott Building/Unicenter )
Doors open: 7:00pm
Show starts: 7:30pm
$15.00 Advance or $20.00 at the Door

for tickets email:
Tickets will also be available at the SUMMER PRACTICE EVENINGS

JULY 24, 2010
Workshop and Pool Party w/ Leslie

Saturday, July 24th – workshop and pool party!
Tribal fusion workshop with Leslie: Slow Motion: The Minimalist Economy of Movement choreography!
In April, Leslie presented her work at the Dance Under Construction Conference at UC Riverside in California.

On Saturday July 24th, 1-4pm, take an afternoon to learn this deliciously slow movement choreography created by Leslie for her presentation at UCR. Theory will be discussed and the workshop includes a yoga based warmup, technique practice and combinations leading into the choreography.

Wear something comfortable and bring water! $40 for this 3 hour workshop at 1196 Bank St (Makin Moves). After the workshop, we will all head over to Leslie’s for a pool party and tribal gathering with snacks and videos.

RSVP and BYOB (if you can’t make the workshop, you can still come to the party!)
To register and RSVP – email leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca

29 juillet au 1er août 2010 ~ Sherbrooke
Air de Vacances


I would like to invite you to my Oriental dance annual retreat in Sherbrooke, Qc. It is given in French, but dance being an universal language, you can still benefit of it. I have taken dance classes in German and still I was able to learn beautiful things!

Here is the link for all the information:
Please note that the second workshop (the one in August) is already full.
Nathalie Lebel

31 Juillet, 2010 ~ Laval
Atelier ”Dunyavi” avec Marthyna

Samedi, 31 juillet 2010
9h00 à 12h00

Lieu: Le Souk d’Anichka: 65 St-Judes à Laval

L’atelier est en français.

Plan du cours:

Réchauffement et musculation en fonction des mouvements à apprendre
Technique de base du Dunyavi
Apprentissage d’une courte chorégraphie avec jupe
Étirements et retour au calme

Le Dunyavi:
Le Dunyavi est un style créé par Dalia Carella de New-York qui fusionne essentiellement les danses orientales turques, les danses classique de l’Inde et les danses latines. Dunyavi signifie “du monde” en indien. Marthyna étudie ce style depuis 12 ans. Elle approndie depuis quelques années les danses dont le style Dunyavi est issu afin de bien comprendre et surtout, bien interpréter les différents styles ainsi fusionnés.

Cet atelier vous permettra d’en comprendre les principes à votre tour et de pouvoir présenter une splendide chorégraphie avec de dynamiques mouvements de jupe !

Pour en savoir plus au sujet de Marthyna:

Pour réserver votre place, vous devez le faire directement sur le site:
Vous y trouverez les informations complètes et divers modes de paiement vous seront offert (chèque, Accès D, Dépôt bancaire, Paypal).


October 8-10, 2010
Tribal Fusion Bellydance with Rosanna McGuire

Shakti fusion welcomes Rosanna McGuire for a 2 day intensive workshop in tribal fusion!
October 9-10, 2010 – Thanksgiving weekend!
The workshop is in downtown Ottawa with a small possibility of Gatineau (151 Chapel or CEGEP as the backup!).

I’m delighted to bring Rosanna back for a two day workshop, Thanksgiving weekend, Saturday Oct 9 and Sunday Oct 10th. She’ll be teaching workshops in her two signature styles, vintage/flapper fusion bellydance and bellyfunk hip hop fusion, each workshop is 4 hours – so you get a weekend intensive with 8 hours of instruction plus a fabulous show!. (for the show, I’m waiting for confirmation on the location/day from the venue).

Saturday 12-5pm
Technique and drilling
Intro to vintage jazz dance and how to incorporate it with bellydance – In this workshop we will revue basic charleston, but adding more complicated variations. We will go further in depth into vintage jazz styles and steps, with more footwork and combinations.

***the Saturday workshop includes a mini costuming workshop and break***

Sunday 12-4pm
Popping vs. Locking – whats the deal? In this workshop we will clarify what exactly is the difference between popping and locking. Many people confuse the two, mistakenly calling these two distinct dance forms by one term “poplocking.” Through a breakdown of the differences and doing a short choreography with each one, we will see that there is actually no such thing as “poplocking.”

Please register early to guarantee your spot 🙂

$170 Both days and show ticket EARLYBIRD!
$150 workshop only EARLYBIRD!
$75 Saturday only EARLYBIRD!
$75 Sunday only EARLYBIRD!
$20 Show ticket ____ (specify number of tickets) **show location to follow!**

VENDORS: If you would like to vend at this event, please contact me by email.

To register – email leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca


11 JUILLET/JULY, 2010 ~ Montreal


-52 mudras(hand gestures)/ Mudras Traditionelle (les gestes de main)
-104 expressive mudras/ Mudras expressif
– 8 styles of dance walks/ styles de danse-marche elegant
– 15 combinations of feet and hand steppings/ combinaisons de pieds et les mains
-10 eye, neck, torso & hip combinations/ combinaisons des yeux, le cou, le torse& les combinaisons de hanche;
–Many slow and fast rhythmic dance movements using all techniques AND LOTS OF JOY!/ Beaucoup mouvements de danse lents et rapidement rythmiques qui utilisent tous les techniques ET BEAUCOUP DE JOI!


Cout/Cost:$295 for two days

JULY 17, 2010
South Asian Festival


11a.m. to 8 p.m.
Confederation Park, Elgin and Laurier
This Admission-Free festival is a full day event (11 AM to 8 PM) for the entire family. We are working hard to prepare for all weather conditions so rain or shine, please bring your lawn chairs and spend the day in Confederation Park!

LIVE Performances: You will enjoy free live preformances by Ottawa artists including diverse dance forms (such as Bhangra, Garba, Bollywood) as well as various vocal performances (traditional and RRB). This festival is also your chance to meet the talented Preeta Chabra from Montreal and Naomi Zaman & Jay Deala from Toronto!! You will also laugh your heart out with Sophie Teresse as she leads 2 laughter yoga sessions!! You’ll end the night dancing to DJ Imperial Desi’s South Asian beats!
Mouth-watering Cuisine: From popular items including samosas, butter chicken, biryani to specialties not easily found in Ottawa restaurants such as Hakka (Chinese fusion), paan, and Shikanjvi (South Asian style lemonade). There will also be special items for kids including pizza and fried chicken. And not to forget kulfi (South Asian ice cream) and Breyer’s ice cream cart!

Health & Well-being: We have expanded the Health Section of the festival, thanks to support from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario! There will be six health agencies on-site including the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, the Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County, Canadian Blood Services, Canadian Liver Foundation, Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, and Ottawa Public Health to provide information and answer your questions. Some agencies will also provide Free health screenings. There will also be booths offering information on alternative and holistic treatments including Reiki and Ayurveda.

Kid’s Zone: Professional face painters will be creating fun designs for kids of all ages! There will also be story-telling by My Barefoot World, which offers award-winning books and gifts for kids! And one of Ottawa’s best caricatures will be there to create amazing sketches!

Traditional Merchandise: The latest in South Asian fashion will be offered by Ottawa’s Preity Collections and Toronto’s Laiba Fashions! There will also be traditional jewellery, silks, miniature wooden creations, spices, teas, basmati rice, and cooking ware!! And of course Al-Nisa henna artists will be there to create intricate traditional patterns!

Community Information: The RCMP, Ottawa Police, Hydro Ottawa, South Asian Bar Association, Ecology Ottawa, 211 Ottawa,and South Asian Connection Business Directory will be on-site to provide you with information on the services they provide to the community including legal services, advocacy, child saftey, conservation, and the environment.

Parking is free at the World Exchange (111 Albert Street) on Saturdays. You can also find parking at City Hall (opposite Confederation Park), the National Arts Centre (less than a block away), and Rideau Mall. You can also use all the main transit linea to Rideau Mall and walk down to the Park.

Please check out our website for more information. You can also tune in to CHIN Radio 97.9 FM from 5 to 7pm to receive regular updates on the festival. Rogers TV and A Channel are also running special features on the festival next week. /A Morning Ottawa, will run a speacial feature on Wednesday, July 14th at 7:20am and Rogers Daytime Ottawa will run a special feature on Friday, July 16th at 11:50am.

Hope to see you all at Confederation Park on Saturday July 17th!!


July 15-18, 2010

Ottawa school of Art
Summer Academy for Adults courses

If you have any questions about these courses or this information, please contact our Administration Officer, Patricia Madge:
613.241.7471 ext 29

CYNOSURE JEWELRY | Ottawa School of Art’s Summer Academy for Adults


July 24, 2010

10:30am – 4:30pm
Vincent Massey Park (please confirm location with the organizer)

SEEKING DRUMMERS! We are organizing a free event on Saturday July 24th, to raise awareness of consciousness activities in the Ottawa area. A drum circle would expose new people to the experience would be a real hit with this crowd. ANYONE WANT TO VOLUNTEER FOR AN AFTERNOON THAT DAY?

Clear the mind, invigorate the body, and inspire the soul.

This open air FULL DAY event will offer a variety of relaxing and inspiring activities, and a chance to ‘sample’ consciousness, wellness and healing experiences at no cost. Try things like yoga, energy healing, Love workshops, meditations, singing bowls, Qigong, and more.

Share your experience with like-minded others, meet new friends, and leave relaxed, renewed and inspired!


July 25, 2010
Full Moon Drum and Dance Circle

Sunday July 25 – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Maki Park

19 Leeming Drive (between Bayshore and Kanata)
Rumour has it that there will be some hooping going on there.

Celebrate the powerful energy of the Full Moon.

Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be some shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.

Weather permitting, we will be outside in the park, otherwise we will be inside the community centre.

There will be an optional meditative drumming and period of silence at the end of the circle for those wishing to stay.

Please RSVP to

You can also invite friends through facebook!/event.php?eid=141043799245668

Hope to see you there.

July 31, 2010
Musical Wheel at Chamberfest with Leo Brooks

Saturday, July 31
Marion Dewar Plaza
110 Laurier Ave. W.
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

From Leo Brooks:

As a member of the Hand Drumming community in Ottawa, I want to invite you to take part in a really special event taking place at the end of this month, put together by Chamberfest, Ottawa’s world renown chamber music festival.

The event is called “The Musical Wheel”, and it ingeniously incorporates cycling with music and community participation. Essentially, it is a bicycle ride along the canal from Landsdowne park to Ottawa city hall. Cyclists are treated to live chamber music performances at several stops en route, but the main event happens at Marion Dewar plaza in front of the municipal buildings. Here, the fantastic percussion quartet TorQ will be laying down some grooves for the cyclists to enjoy. They, in turn, will continue to ride around the perimeter of the plaza and are encouraged to join in with bicycle bells, horns and whistles.

And this is where you come in…

I have been commissioned to assemble as many volunteer hand drummers as possible to boost the sonic landscape created by TorQ around the perimeter of the plaza. These players will create a drum circle within the Musical Wheel, with TorQ as the hub. Hand drummers will get the unique chance to jam with each other, a professional percussion ensemble, and dozens of cyclists creating a moving sonic soundscape.

The event takes place on Saturday, July 31, 2010. Drummers are asked to assemble at Marion Dewar plaza by 1:30 pm. The first wave of cyclists is expected to arrive by shortly after 2:00 pm. The Musical Wheel will continue until approximately 3:30 pm. At this time we are hoping the carillon of bells at City Hall will join in for a true climax to the event.

Please let me know via a response to this email whether or not you are able to attend. Of course, friends and family members are invited to join in, regardless of their hand drumming experience. We should have enough experienced players there to carry the beginners along!

Thanks in advance. See you at “The Musical Wheel” 2010!

Leo Brooks

For more information check out the following websites:

AUGUST 6, 2010
SPLASH! Bollywood dinner and dance boat cruise on the Ottawa River

date; Friday Aug. 6th
cruise departs at 8:00 pm. from Jacques Cartier (Hull)
Bollywood-R&B-Bhangra, 3 dj’s, catered by East India Company
tickets $35.
Please contact Andree, who wants to club our tickets together to negotiate a
discount on the ticket price. Note, tickets are limited and usually sell out.
Come on out for a night of Bollywood bling and dancing!

SUMMER CLASSES – more listed online!

Summer Classes with Jalilah !

Still Room to join!

Intermediate /Multi-level   Tuesday  Mornings 11-12

At The Studio School of Dance 71 Jamie Street (near Hunt Club and Merivale)

July 6 to August 10 Price: $60

To register contact Jalilah (613)2288215

Intermediate/ Advanced  Multi Level  Thursday Evenings  7:00-8:30

At Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis

200 St Joseph, Hull

July 8 to August 12  Price $90

To register contact Oasis at (819) 7765033 or (819)9622645

Jalilah has been a professional dancer since 1985 and teaching dance since 1996.  Her extensive experience in working with a variety of musicians and performing with live music enabled Jalilah to produce a series of six CDs of belly dance music.   Jalilah’s teaching technique is  multi-dimensional; her classes are artistic, culture-oriented, uplifting and above all, a fun, safe and healthy workout. Her classes are intended for all age groups and fitness levels and are appropriate for those who want to have fun while working out, as well as for dancers who wish to achieve a professional level.


Astral Fitness & Health Club, Stittsville, (613) 831-2348, Private workshops and performances also available, in Ottawa Area.

Summer ShimmySessions are on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 -7:30pm in Stittsville at Astral Fitness & Health Club, 44 Iber Road, 12 week Class Pass = $99 + taxes. Check out
or call to register (613) 831-2348

Dancers News-2010-07-04

Good morning,
Happy 4th of July to our american cousins and happy last day of our Uberlongweekend!

Now that the summer is on full, remember you can still find classes, workshops and adventures in belly dance and more – and some of it is in the great outdoors!
I had a fabulous month of June with my dance buddies in both bellydance and bollywood and I am looking forward to even more in July!


I’ll be taking August off, after sending out the full news on August 1st, so as teachers and event organizers, be sure to get me any info for September by July 31st!

Also plan to add your own events in the comments area of my blog!


I have added a new page to my blog here: Class Info – just to get your appetites whetted for what is coming in September!

I’ll be enjoying some brunch then checking out the Take Charge Tea tasting at Crystal Dawn -11 a.m. to 1 p.m., then back to the pub for the Apple/Mac user group meeting: ByMug from 1-4 p.m.


A few updates to the news – otherwise check it in full: Dancers’ News


July 8-11, 2010

2010 International Festival on Sparks Street

Come out and dance with us  July 9-11, 2010

Belly Dancing For Fun and Bollywood For Fun are proud to be sharing their love of dance with everyone, both performing and teaching some fun moves to get you moving!

Friday, July 9:

1:15 p.m. at Block One ( between Elgin and Metcalfe)

Saturday, July 10:
1:30 p.m. at Block Two ( Between Metcalfe and O’Connor)

Sunday, July 11:
1:00 p.m. at Block One
1:45 p.m. at Block Two

JULY 10, 2010
Bhangra Workshop!! For Beginners of All Ages!

Saturday, July 10
11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Come learn Bhangra! The vibrant & joyful traditional dance from northern India. Bhangra dancing elevates the mind and spirit and Wow! what Great exercise!

More details- Click here or call: 613-824-9189

July 17-18, 2010
Two Day Workshop and Gala with Zafirah of Montreal

Still tickets available for the Gala and room in the workshops

JULY 17, 2010
South Asian Festival

11a.m. to 8 p.m.
Confederation Park, Elgin and Laurier
Free Admission
Food Fun and entertainment all day!


DVD’s are ready!

It’s been a busy  couple of weeks since the Ottawa Centre Class Party, but the dvd’s are finishing up in the production line now!

We’ll be dropping them into the mail Wednesday morning – and though you’l just have to relate your memories, based on the photos seen on Lainie Cambria’s site , to your friends and family on Canada Day, you may get your copy by the weekend – early next week for sure!

If you are on the list of folks dropping by Chez T2 on Canada Day [check your Facebook events area!] then you can pick your copy up in person!  Do RSVP if you haven’t so far so that we can keep your copy outta the mail!

And resuming next week, onThursdays, you are of course welcome to join us at the Summer Practice Evenings for the rest of July!  I might miss one of two myself, but I’ll have some fabulous folks to help keep the music playing if I am not there!

Happy dancing!
