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Bollywood For Fun!, originally uploaded by Halyma.
What a crazy fun @BWFF night!
After a long work week for everyone, we loaded up and hit rush hour around 5 p.m. and spent 35 minutes on the 417 before slipping off at Island Park to head over into Quebec!
Traffic flow picked up, and then construction detours in the dark had us taking a slight variation on our planned route, but without any major stress – twas still a straight cut northwards through Aylmer to the 148 Ouest! YAY!
And we were off towards my hometown area – the places where I called home for the first 17 years of my life! AFter that Ottawa quickly became my “home”, but Campbell’s Bay will always be where it all started for me!
A few months back when Leslie connected Monique D from Aras Pontiac with us, I was totally surprised to see that someone was making such huge efforts to bring a variety of entertainment to the area – so good work folks at Aras Pontiac!
I was also very pleased to see my niece Leanne as part of the evening’s performances with the Ecole de danse Corriveau and even in her padded fat cat costume, she is a truly fabulous dancer! While she is moving on towards other creative pursuits for the next while, I hope she’ll be able to keep up her dance – crazy proud aunt stuff ya know!
The theatre was not huge, but it gave us the feeling of a very close community effort – the folks in attendance were there because they really supported the groups performing! We did our 10 minutes, were given resounding appreciation and then headed back stage to get my cameras so that I could get some shots of Leanne and the group on stage! Then a few more minutes back stage afterwards to change and get ready for the ride back to Ottawa.
We had snow/rain/crazy drivers/ etc.but most of our focus was on a really great road trip and getting to know each other a little bit more! And for some catching up on needed sleep was a great benefit of an almost 2 hours drive each way!
Thanks to my Bollywood For Fun buddies: Eurika, Vashti, and Kalyani for a really good start to the weekend!
Thanku for this
It was a lot of fun! Thanks for the opportunity, for driving, and for the yummy potato salad n_n
It looks like it was a lot of fun! Vashti was pretty wiped when she got home. Any chance you could e-mail us the photos for her personal album?
Will be in touch, Vashti’s Husband!
Hi Tracey…. good to hear from you…loved the Pictures…and your Costumes…glad to hear about “Cabaret Pontiac”….hope all’s well with you…