Only a short while from now, it will seem that I have disappeared… for a while at least.
Occasional personal posts may appear, but for most of the month of August I’ll be avoiding anything that feels, looks, smells, or sounds like work.
And I love my work! But I love my play too, so I am looking forward to some:
Oh, yeah, there will be some seriously effortless Hammocktime!
There will also be some time with friends:
and the return of my inner FanGirl – who came to life last year for the first time!
So, don’t call, don’t email, feel free to post some comments here, search through my recipes, watch some of my mini lesson video clips and remember me fondly while I’m away and generally take some time for me and @wtl to relax.!
I’ll see you in September!
Oh, and if you want to know about my many classes – check the Class info tab!
MWAH – Hugs to you all!
And check the Dancers’ News for other happenings here in the area and beyond coming up – as well as, please post any news you want to share in the comments area way down at the bottom of the page!
Have a fabulous time!