This past weekend, I was the organizer and co-facilitator with Michelle Hrynyk in presenting our annual spiritual belly dance workshop, Dancing with the Elements. After some health issues with my husband,
I was able to head off and gratefully work with some amazing ladies!
We use the Subud Facilities on Wilmont here in Ottawa, a fantastic split level house that is rentable for a variety of workshops, classes and other endeavors.
A welcoming place - Subud Ottawa
We had a lovely number of participants, almost all new comers, with a couple of returning dancers. A variety of levels of skills were represented, and that’s perfect as this is not a workshop about technique. It is a journey into your own personal space as a dancer, woman, and participant in a community of dancers and women. [ Nothing against the boys at all – we just spent the time focused on the women for the day!]
Michelle mixes up great aromatherapy oils for each participant and the headiness of the room at the end of the day is amazing – energy, power, interconnectedness and the generosity of each woman as she has given to each of her colleagues throughout the day hangs in the air.
As Michelle and I alternate in roles throughout the day, we are able to play off each other and every year there are new lessons learned. While I teach the basics in the morning, getting everyone warmed up and prepared to put their moves to use, she is finishing the oils so that they are as fresh as possible. While she comes into the role of leader, guiding everyone through the movement meditations, I am lucky enough to be able to participate myself. I just have to pay enough attention to work the music, and then I can float off and dance through the Air, Fire, Water and Earth myself, benefiting from the magical energy she exudes as she guides us.
Lunch is simply phenomenal – everyone brings something to share and there are some powerfully good cooks out there! Thanks again to everyone!
The afternoon brings out the veils and the oils – I can just let you visualize that yourself! Until it is experienced, the practical description simply does the healing ritual no justice at all!
We end with food again to bring us back to earth, and a collaborative effort to clean up – again thanks to all! And a bit of chatting /sharing etc. to let people express anything they feel they want to, and to give us some feedback for next year!
I’ll be posting the song list in the discussion area of my Facebook group – Halyma’s Belly Dance
Now on to the next event on the calendar!