Post Bazaar – you are saying it best!

If you scan through my posts after any event I’ve organized, you’ll see a similar pattern of gratitude at being part of such a strong community.  This time, I was so pleased to see such quick and well expressed view from your side [via Facebook], so I decided to quote you instead.  Please feel welcome to add your insights and comments below too!

Lisa-Marie : Had an incredible time reading Tarot Cards at another wonderful bazaar hosted by Tracey A. Vibert! I always look forward to seeing all of my fabulous friends at the bazaar. Thanks Tracey and thanks to Sophie R, Katheryne L, Brenda S, and Emilie (the rock star) for helping me set up, tear down and sell my goodies!! I couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks. ♥

Safiya:Thanks for hosting yet again Tracey. Had a good time catching up with a few, even with my 3 and 5 year olds lurking under the bazaar table, waiting to scare potential customers, grrr.

Zamira wrote: “Off to bed soon but first:

Thank you Tracey, for yet another excellent Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar. Huzzah!  Thanks to all the volunteers for your help throughout the day. Without you all it just can’t work.   BIG Thanks to all the shoppers who stopped by to say hello and mostly to those who bought something or made appointments :-)Thanks to all the other vendors who keep the Bazaar going.”

Teresa B: “Wonderful day in Ottawa with Cynthia L-V, Kristina E, and Jan A. Fun, giggles and new sparkly costumes from the Ottawa Dancer’s Bazaar. Also great seeing Gailene and Tracey  once again. Great job ladies! Thanks for playing Opium Jukebox today. I am hooked”

Cynthia L-V“all I have to say is chelery and sheep (lol) great day with some awesome girls who shopped till they dropped (I was a good girl)”


Big thanks to Halyma and Tom for hosting another fun Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar..a good time sharing space with Wendy, Koston, and Kitty..nice to see new and familiar faces, and now some of my costume treasures have new homes; spent my profits on Ms Zenna LifeofZeus delicious Greek food…yummm..a good day, eh!

Lisa T: Today was my first Bazaar. It was wonderful and impossible to choose from so many beautiful things.

Shibori-Borealis: And thanks go to the generous Halyma for putting on this great event! Whoohoo!

I forgot to take pics yesterday! so this is the one shot I knew was taken in the Shibori Borealis booth!

4 thoughts on “Post Bazaar – you are saying it best!

  1. As I mentioned to you yesterday, the bazaar is another event that is an anchor for the community by which we mark time. Perhaps it is time to go back to one a year. It might give you more energy to focus on just one rather than two.

  2. The question of once or twice a year has been hovering for the past year or so… at least for me. It’s hard to say but I think once a year at this point would be enough… until there is a bigger demand anyway. I feel that February is likely better. For myself, when my sales were high they were pretty even at both Oct & Feb events and when they dropped it was steady and coincided with the attendance levels. This Feb was better than Oct but then so was attendance. I’d say… keep February when everyone is looking for costumes for the June OCCP and all the other upcoming shows.
    Just MHO. I’m interested in what other vendors have to say.

  3. Thank you so much Tracey for letting me join in all the fun and beautiful things. There was so much to choose from, I am sure I spent more than I made. LOL. I look forward to the one in October, although if you choose just to go with the February one that’s fine too, as I see it is a lot of work and energy for you and the rest of the volenteers.
    Hopefully I will be more organized and things will start off smoother for me next time. Nothing’s perfect though, especially in my case it was my very first bazaar, Thanks again, Tessa.

  4. Hi Tracey:
    Hi Tracey:
    A big thank you goes to you once again for all your efforts in putting on this wonderful bazaar and sorry for my lateness in giving you some feedback. In future, I am probably reaching the stage in my inventory of items to sell where I will only be needing to come as a vendor on a yearly basis rather than twice a year. If I have to choose between the two bazaar dates, I believe that my preference would be to hold the bazaar in October rather than February.
    Thanks again

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