A bit of a break, and my body breaks down…

I exaggerate, but I have been fighting a sniffly head and sore throat since Monday morning. 

Up to that point, teaching three nights a week, partying for WTL’s birthday week and a lot of late nights.  Sunday was the final event day – brunch with the enlarged gang, and an afternoon of dvds on the futon. 

This week, final Monday class on the winter session, first class of the Tuesday Spring session, and the performances are still coming in as well – so I do have to try to take care of myself, but the little whiny voice echos in my stuffy head.  A muffled echo, but it says “lie down” nonetheless.

Ah, well, that’s what vitamins and water and chicken soup are for. And an appreciation of being self-employed so that I don’t have to get up and travel to work.

 I did seek my morning walk to BridgeHead this morning, and while the staff is super great, I cannot even taste the coffee and muffin properly – something definitely amiss with the cranium and it’s functioning parts this morning.

A few more minutes of  online time then I will try to clear my head and start on the day’s list of sewing projects for clients. At least I can see the sun today!
