Another step back in order to step forward

2015 has come to an end and I’ve learned some stuff this year that I am choosing to work with as I move forward in my businesses and personal adventures.
Catch phrases that apply:

  • I’m not as young as I used to be…
  • Work smarter not harder…
  • If your own cup is empty, you’ll have nothing to share with those who around you…


I’m not as young as I used to be…

This is a simple fact.  Not a self-deprecation, just a fact. I have arrived in a place where I have been pushing myself, mostly quite joyfully, sometimes stressfully, for years and lately I have felt the repercussions of perhaps doing a bit more than my body and sanity should have allowed.
Certainly, I have been choosing convenience eating and have the resulting physical manifestations of that occurring. I have benefited from therapy over the past year for anxiety issues, and have begun to process the changes I want to make in my routine that will contribute to me being healthier, both in body and mind.  One step at a time, and one day at a time, with some accountability worked in, but not too much pressure.

Work smarter not harder…

Self-employment has always been part of my income stream, and I have always tried to keep a logical head about outside work. For the past year, I’ve had the pleasure of a somewhat regular paycheque and the chance to work with some crazy fun ladies through bouts of high pressure and creative moments. Lots of challenges, and lots of rewards and LOTS of learning.  Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 10.33.03 AM
Awareness dawned that working outside my studio space, even “part time”, involves a big commitment, and the rewards are worth it, so I’ll be looking at some “stepping back” from my dance related activities during my high sewing season, even more than I have in the past.
I will continue to offer classes through the Winter 2016 session, both sewing and dance classes. In the spring, I will step back from teaching Saturday sewing classes.  I need that time for clients, both my own and the shop’s.
I also have realized that with my work in the bridal world being full time busy from April through the summer, I cannot organize a June Ottawa Community Class Party.

There will be NO Halyma’s OCCP in June.

I hope to offer a community showcase dance recital again December 2016 – depending on interest, classes, etc., of course. Keep posted in the fall for that.
What this might mean for May/June is that other teachers/studio owners/ community members, either as a collective or on their own can take the opportunity to show off their event-organizing skills and hopefully extend the invitations to me and other teachers, continuing that community feeling I have worked to create for years. Or not.  We shall see.

If your own cup is empty, you’ll have nothing to share with those who around you…

And finally, this concept: I am finally ok with the idea that I must take some time for me. I’ve already begun trying new skills, exploring other creative paths, revisiting past creative paths, and some days, just being.
And as I find cool things that inspire me, challenge me in a healthy way, or excite me < yeah, if you know me, you understand the hyperbole of that phrase, but hopefully will allow for some degree of “excitement”- at least in my writing about it>, I’ll be sharing those adventures here or in my other social media places!

So, there you have it.
2016 will be a journey like no other, based on the lessons of the past…
*Flashback*:“The Present is a Gift from The Past, and an Inspiration to the Future.” -Tracey “Halyma” Vibert, TEDxOttawa Talk, December 2009.

6 thoughts on “Another step back in order to step forward

  1. I am happy you are discovering this before major health issues arise. As someone who has learned the hard way and is still working through some major health issues, I congratulate you on loving yourself and having enough self awareness to take these steps. You will shine brighter than ever!

  2. loved your post….all the best in 2016…I am feeling the same this new year ahead…cheers gaye

  3. Very sorry to hear that you’ve had a challenging year, but I think it’s good that you’re taking some time for yourself.
    All the best in 2016 🙂

    1. I think a lot of people had a challenging 2015; and many have had to deal with much more than me. but thanks for the support 🙂

  4. Great post! This all sounds familiar to me… having gone through a VERY similar self evaluation and life adjustment period myself about 10 years ago. Hmmm… isn’t that about our age difference 😉 I’m sad to see you dropping some things that I’ve enjoyed and benefited from over the years but also FULLY understand the decision and process.
    2015 was a challenge for many of us, yes. Challenge is what pushes us to grow and growth makes us all better people.
    Best Wishes to you and Tom for a great 2016!

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