HPIM4992.JPG, originally uploaded by campdancer2000.
Thursday, June 12, 2008 ~ the Ottawa Centre Class Party~
What a night. It was the culmination of a lot of hard work and a lot of fun. I am still recovering from it in that I have done the bare minimum accounting, putting things away, send out thank you emails and put up some pics in a private area on Flickr for those who performed and might want copies.
Sorry, not open to the public – that’s the domain of our official photographer. When I get that link I’ll let ya know!
But it was a blast, and I am happy to now look forward to some random workshops this summer and some more sewing.
And the sun is shining today, so I think we’ll take advantage and have some outside time – forecasting a rainy week ahead!
Happy Father’s Day to all of those Dads out there!