Rough baking!

It’s been a busy week (yay) and the hubby is having a few friends he worked with this summer over tonight. And one of the lads has recently had/is about to have a birthday. Let’s call him X.

So I decided I would use a couple of mixes I had on hand, and make up a two layer cake: 1 chocolate, 1 confetti. ( cupcakes are bring saved for a future adventure, frozen, not iced)

We then got an update regarding no dairy and found out the confetti mix had dairy in it.

So the plan of icing both cakes with whipped cream became a fast change up to two cakes-

1 Creamy Confetti Delight


1 Chocolate Coconut Xtravaganza!

Creamy Confetti Delight
Chocolate Coconut Xtravaganza

In 2019, I’m going to get some proper piping bags do I can make things look less rough and more refined!