Tag Archives: organic beans

Sprouting Goodness

Occasionally I like testing various seeds for sprouting to increase my raw vegetarian comsumption.  I think it is fascinating how quickly the seeds can go from this:

To this in less than 48 hours:

After less than 2 days

I have a very simple system of glass mason jars, a mesh sieve/strainer, and tap water for rinsing.

I found some amazing recipes and ideas for this online at http://www.sproutpeople.com where you can purchase seeds online as well as get generally free advice and great ideas of what to do with your sprouts once they have developed!

Each seed/bean has a different taste, and I made raw hummous based on a recipe from the sprout people and it was wonderful!  You don’t have to cook the chickpeas!  Some sprouted legumes do need to be cooked to kill off a particular toxin – look into each type before eating raw!

And then there are whole almond soaks – what a great way to wake up your food!

I just love watching the sprouts develop – give it a try yourself!  Be sure to get organic seeds though for best results!  non organic ones may be “mules” and not meant to be grown, just cooked and eaten…