The pan is a sizzling – lean pork with sweet potato, cauliflower and apple slices in a light spicy mix.
2 table spoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon curry powder
Salt and pepper.
Mix it.
Coat it.
Cook it ( stove top with a lid after the near was browned)!
All posts by Tracey Vibert
Feeling the energy return with the spring!
Went out last night to the Aziza & Aida Hafla organized by Jehane of Duniya Studios and had a lovely time. It was great to reconnect with the community and get that little boost of #SparkleEnergy that comes from seeing wonderful dancers expressing themselves!
Thanks to Eurika, for the little boost of, of course I’ll drive, as not having a car also adds a factor to what events I participate in. Still ok with not having a car, Ottawa’s bus system is reasonable, but there are moments when it tilts me into the, I’m going to stay in tonight, mode. And while that has been something I have needed to do for myself, it’s time to peak my head out of my burrow as it were.
This winter I’ve been taking time to take care of myself, including adding strength training to my system of life. The personal training is not inexpensive, but I’ve found the level that I can afford and while it means really trying to maintain some serious accountability at home, I’m getting there. I’m trying to adjust my eating habits too and have received some interesting advice from my trainer and the Free Form Fitness website.
Obviously, anything that gets us moving, in a way that we continue to do it, is great. I like the complementary aspect of the weight training to the dancing I am still doing, now to start working on cardio a bit more – the bane of my existence… But last week I also started walking a bit more after work, rather than catching the bus right away, so I hope to do that when I can…
So, I’m looking forward to the many upcoming events with both Bollywood For Fun and Ottawa’s belly dance community! 2016 started out a bit tough, and I’m taking it one day at a time, but I’m so very blessed!
The morning after…#snowmageddon2016
Well, that’s dramatic isn’t it.
February 16, 2016 gave Ottawa a record snowfall:
The Citizen
The Globe and Mail
And my window/ street:
Last night, when @wtl came home, I knew he would be grabbing the shovel and heading out to do some community shovelling #ottawashovel. So I grabbed the second shovel, and helped a bit too.
I had already called a ” Snow Day” for our dance practices, as I strongly believe that if you do not HAVE TO go out, STAY HOME. Let the city do it’s work and don’t be adding to the vehicles on the road.
Emergency service workers, people picking up children from school, people trying to get home from work, you all HAVE to be out, but are more likely to stay off the roads as soon as you can. Otherwise, why would you put yourself and others into a situation that merely contributes to potential accidents and delays for the people trying to clear the roads.
I a very grateful that my back has healed enough for me to be a functionally walking and shovelling person again, so that I could help out with some of the neighbours driveways, and on a completely selfish note, I knew I would want to walk this morning, so I made sure to shovel my own sidewalk along our block to King Edward. And I was very glad to have it this morning as Sprocket could walk easily along it, and not be buried with every 3rd step.
Having gone for my coffee walk this morning – it’s gorgeous out, and great for a workout, walking along through the pile of snow- I wanted to make some suggestions and things to consider, based on what I have already seen between 7 and 8 a.m. this morning.
1 – Do you really have to drive today? REALLY?
2 – If you do have to drive today SLOW DOWN PLEASE.
3 – Pedestrians are taken care of LAST, so they are walking ON THE ROAD, because there is NO SIDEWALK for them. SLOW DOWN.
4- Even if there is a side walk, Pedestrians will also likely have to MOUNTAIN CLIMB to cross intersections, OR WALK ON THE ROAD.
5- SIDE STREETS ARE NOT PLOWED – Why are you trying to drive onto one?
6- Consider paying FOR PARKING TODAY if you really have to drive instead of trying to park on side streets.
7 – If you see someone has cleared some snow already- a path, a space for their garbage cans, access for their stroller/car etc., DO NOT PILE SNOW THERE!
These are merely suggestions, and some folks will take offence, and that’s fine. And many folks will be able to stay off the roads today as they planned in advance as we were provided with advance weather forecasting that told us there “might” be a storm coming through.
Maybe one piece of advice to cover it all:
Be kind today.
Volunteering in Ottawa's Belly Dance community
As some of you have read, I’m shifting my focus to enjoy some new adventures in my life, and letting others pick up the torch for some of my long time endeavours. I am looking forward to continuing to be apart of these wonderful events, as a volunteer/ sponsor/ participant, just not as organizer.
I thought I would just do a quick post to highlight a couple of upcoming events that can use some helping hands and invite you to contact the organizers to offer your help!
If you are already on the crews, please feel free to share this post to invite more folks to help out and maybe get some of our newer community members involved in fun ways!
Info from the Dancers’ News – submit your event info here
Leading up to the May 14, 2016 Ottawa Gatineau Shimmy Mob, advanced help and day of help would be awesome – PLUS MORE DANCERS!! All proceeds go to charity, and for 2016 – Interval House Ottawa!
Head over here for preliminary .
To join in on the dancing, and to get your t-shirt and choreography access, you’ll need to sign up at the official site to perform, but other help is welcome too!
The new incarnation of the Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar, now known as the Ottawa Souk, will take place April 24th. I think Jehane and Lisa-Marie, the awesome new bosses, have a full onslaught of vendors, but be sure to “volunteer” you time and come out to shop!
If you have students looking to perform this spring/summer – June 21st, 2016- Shimmy into Summer Dance Showcase see the Facebook event is happening at the Studio Theatre in Centrepointe Theatres!
I am not producing a June OCCP this year, and the lovely and enthusiastic Mia and Danya are shimmying up, presenting this night of belly dancing in support of Breast Cancer Action Ottawa.
They are still looking for performers, please contact: for more information.
I hope to hear of more community events in the future, and to see all of you soon!
Getting Artsy…
Part of my new adventures involve taking time to revisit things I used to do/ always wanted to do/ felt I could do, but never got around to doing… like painting.
So… Acrylic painting under the guidance of a lovely artist seemed like a great way to go about this.
2 paint events later, under the tutelage of Laura Daub, my fellow student of couture at Richard Robinson’s Academie des Couturiers Canadiens, who has gone on to flourish in her own artistic style, and here are my pieces!
If you are thinking of trying one of these trending art events, but want to create in an atmosphere of encouragement to be unconventional if you wish, check her Friday Paint Nights out, and give it a try.
And go do something fun for yourself!
OMG – Butterscotch Meringue Pie…
What happens when your foodie friend decides to make you a birthday gift?
and she goes onto your blog and finds your grandmother’s recipe you shared last year?
and then she makes it and brings it to you still warm?
Well, obviously, you melt and say thank you!!!
I’m letting it chill for now and will enjoy it tomorrow!
Is it possible…
Playtime – Tis the right stuff!
What a great time tonight with a great group of dancers! Awesome to see my returning Tuesday ladies and welcoming back BJ!
If you are wondering what the heck I’m talking about, my classes are taking a different spin on Tuesdays for the winter session and I’m just playing along with everyone!
We have the space, we are booked for the next 9 more Tuesdays and we are both watching along with those dvds I have purchased over the years, as well as some digital footage I’ll bring out later!
Details are in my class schedule, and you can come by any Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m.; pay the drop-in fee of $10 to me; and PLAY!
Everyday in my world…
Another step back in order to step forward
2015 has come to an end and I’ve learned some stuff this year that I am choosing to work with as I move forward in my businesses and personal adventures.
Catch phrases that apply:
- I’m not as young as I used to be…
- Work smarter not harder…
- If your own cup is empty, you’ll have nothing to share with those who around you…
I’m not as young as I used to be…
This is a simple fact. Not a self-deprecation, just a fact. I have arrived in a place where I have been pushing myself, mostly quite joyfully, sometimes stressfully, for years and lately I have felt the repercussions of perhaps doing a bit more than my body and sanity should have allowed.
Certainly, I have been choosing convenience eating and have the resulting physical manifestations of that occurring. I have benefited from therapy over the past year for anxiety issues, and have begun to process the changes I want to make in my routine that will contribute to me being healthier, both in body and mind. One step at a time, and one day at a time, with some accountability worked in, but not too much pressure.
Work smarter not harder…
Self-employment has always been part of my income stream, and I have always tried to keep a logical head about outside work. For the past year, I’ve had the pleasure of a somewhat regular paycheque and the chance to work with some crazy fun ladies through bouts of high pressure and creative moments. Lots of challenges, and lots of rewards and LOTS of learning.
Awareness dawned that working outside my studio space, even “part time”, involves a big commitment, and the rewards are worth it, so I’ll be looking at some “stepping back” from my dance related activities during my high sewing season, even more than I have in the past.
I will continue to offer classes through the Winter 2016 session, both sewing and dance classes. In the spring, I will step back from teaching Saturday sewing classes. I need that time for clients, both my own and the shop’s.
I also have realized that with my work in the bridal world being full time busy from April through the summer, I cannot organize a June Ottawa Community Class Party.
There will be NO Halyma’s OCCP in June.
I hope to offer a community showcase dance recital again December 2016 – depending on interest, classes, etc., of course. Keep posted in the fall for that.
What this might mean for May/June is that other teachers/studio owners/ community members, either as a collective or on their own can take the opportunity to show off their event-organizing skills and hopefully extend the invitations to me and other teachers, continuing that community feeling I have worked to create for years. Or not. We shall see.
If your own cup is empty, you’ll have nothing to share with those who around you…
And finally, this concept: I am finally ok with the idea that I must take some time for me. I’ve already begun trying new skills, exploring other creative paths, revisiting past creative paths, and some days, just being.
And as I find cool things that inspire me, challenge me in a healthy way, or excite me < yeah, if you know me, you understand the hyperbole of that phrase, but hopefully will allow for some degree of “excitement”- at least in my writing about it>, I’ll be sharing those adventures here or in my other social media places!
So, there you have it.
2016 will be a journey like no other, based on the lessons of the past…
*Flashback*:“The Present is a Gift from The Past, and an Inspiration to the Future.” -Tracey “Halyma” Vibert, TEDxOttawa Talk, December 2009.