All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

Christmas, I’m just not that into you….

With all of the work on my plate, the events, shows, parties and such, 2012 Christmas season has been even more of a pain than previous years.  The frenzy of trying to squeeze it all in during a one month period reminds me that I need to focus on getting it in during the year, not just now.


We don’t give gifts for Xmas, we donate to charity.  Throughout the year, I get mail outs from those charities asking for donations to be spread out during the year, not just at that one hyped up time of year which is Christmas { my words, not theirs}.

And they are right – so plan 1, when I finally get around to making our donations { we use } on behalf of family members for holiday gifts, I will be looking at setting up a monthly plan, or at least scheduling in my own calendar to make the donations on a more year-round way.

And seeing folks over the holidays is fun/stressful/superficial/whacky and full of contradictions. We want to see people and this time of year, we are programmed to schedule in that time to go to parties and re-connect o a social level.  But we cannot attend every event and can get very crazy trying.  And when we are there, it’s loud, distracting and again we are trying to squeeze in those quick catch up conversations with everyone we know, so that we only really get that soupçon  of connection.

So that’s plan 2 – make time for double date nights, fifth wheel nights { this would be the mix of couple and singles,just to be clear}, girls nights, guys nights, etc. throughout the year.  We had already begun doing this in 2012, and while again, we cannot attend every event, if we know there are planned out multiple options, we will at least get in 4-6 visits outside of regular channels, as opposed to just one whacky party!


I did not get cards out this year – I might, after I finish my work load this week. I will try to go digital at the very least and bombard emails/twitterfeeds/facebookwalls etc with some adorable imagery of the season sending greetings of joy to all of you.


Or I may just sleep.

In my “week off”, we will travel and host, and see cultural events and visit with family – just like everyone else.  And in that brief period of time, I hope to catch up with my husband and new doglet. Cause we’ve had a busy 2012.

So, Christmas, don’t be hurt, don’t be offended.


Yule barely got a toast from me this year, and it’s closer to my heart.  It did get a Cherpumple, though, so I guess you can feel a bit left out as you’ll be getting the leftovers…yes, Cherpumple does seem to freeze okay – must be the preservatives in the cake mixes and store bought pies.

The remaining half will emerge when we host my family – Bwahaha!

So, Merry Christmas to all of you who have the spirit at this time of year.  May we start to create a balanced approach and keep it going throughout the year, instead of the standard collective manic burst for the rest of the month followed by the post Cherpumple Coma.

Sprocket Min Pin
Sprocket Min Pin

Thanks, part 1

Awesome night. Months of prep, hard work for everyone involved, and fun showing off our pretties.

So many people to thank. Very tired.
Going to bed.
But here’s the info for the raffle prizes:


Lost/ left behind- are these yours? Contact me!!

Cheesecake thins



Today’s party snack is based on my previous cheesecakelets recipe.

But no wontons in the house!
So instead I chose to lightly spray my muffin tins and go crust less – creating these thin slivers of cheesecake!

1 block of cream cheese
2 eggs
1/4 cup brown sugar
Make 11-12 in the basic and then add
– if desired- 1 tablespoon cocoa for the remaining 11-12.

Mix it all well.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Spoon 1 tablespoon or so into each lightly oiled muffin tin.

Add toppings if you like:
Basic- I sprinkled cinnamon sugar on top.
Cocoa- I added coconut.

Bake for about 6-8 minutes- I was distracted…

Let them cool in the muffin tins then gently remove. They will be a bit sticky.

Hoping for some Clutch reviews later!

Fall sessions almost over; a break is in order!

I love teaching. I love the energy coming through the students as we dance, explore and learn new things together. As December approaches and we prepare for our end of season recital { sorry, it’s a semi-private sold out event}, I am reminded why I love belly dance.

Even though there are very specific rhythms and moves accorded to all the varieties of Middle eastern dance/ arabic dance, I call what I do, Belly dancing For Fun, because that’s what it’s supposed to be.

Fun, for adult women who have stress filled days and need an hour – or two – to get out and shake things up in a gentle yet physically enriching way.

Fun, as we play with beautiful pieces of fabric that we direct through the air and laugh as those same gentle piece of fabric go awry and wrap around our heads.

Fun, as most of the ladies I teach are from completely varied backgrounds and get to know something about themselves as they all work together over the weeks of a session to learn and accept what their bodies can do!

And then, when it all seemed to be settling into a too familiar rhythm, I decided to mix thing up and created my own fusion classes that I call, Bellywood.

And the fun got turned up a notch!  Mixing moves from Bollywood, classical indian, and general mayhem with fusion music from south asian artists/ canadian artists and whatever suits my fancy, my ever evolving Bellywood with Halyma gang has been making me smile!

Ameenah, Sadirah, Halyma and Esmerelda

And now as things are winding up for the Fall 2012 session, I am looking forward to the break. during which I will over indulge in relaxation and food.

Starting mid January, though, we are back at it!  You gonna join in the fun?

CreatorCamp Ottawa2012

Click here to go to the main website.

Just got my confirmation email yesterday from the organizer, Mark Blevis, that I will be part of the very intimate group of presenters at the upcoming Creator Camp Ottawa on Sunday November 18th at Pressed, 750 Gladstone.

What will I be talking about? Well they always say to focus on what you know…so:

Bellywood: Creating dance, fusing cultures and styles.

I think every dancer has their own way of creating choreographies as well as improvising and I am grateful for the chance to briefly share my own approach. While I suspect the participants will be seated, I hope to inspire and move people.  Or … get people moving…that’s a bit of a forewarning I guess!
Based on the Eventbrite page, there is still room for folks to sign up to attend this free event, with the suggested donation of $10 for the Ottawa Food Bank.
So what are you doing Sunday, November 18th?
I had a great time – all the talks were inspiring – thanks again to Mark Blevis for letting me come out to play! See a couple of photos on my Flickr page and check out the video of Derek DeBeer getting the folks to be musical:

Modern Bollywood Style Upbeat Hindi Instrumental Free Stock Music

All Hallows Eve – “retro”spective

@halyma and @wtl by Halyma
@halyma and @wtl, a photo by Halyma on Flickr.

This year, we celebrate Samhain with some of Ottawa’s finest at the 14th Annual Charity Witches Gathering on the Saturday before Halloween.

We have been judges for many years with Auz and Marianne as our cohorts for the evenings adventures and it’s always a fun but challenging experience!

If you click on the photo, you’ll be taken to my Flickr page where there a handful of great shots from the party, which featured the theme of Day of the Dead.

And if you are one of my Flickr contacts, you will see a couple of shots from my youth which inspired by hair for Saturday!

We were actually characters from “Weird Science” from the end of the movie when the nerds were now cool. But for those who just thought we were Duran Duran, I’ll accept that too!


Fusion Fun: Mudras with Amrita Choudhury and @Delhi2Dublin

A while back, I picked up Amrita Choudhury’s book on mudras to help me explain them in class and practice them myself!  Here’s her latest promotional video:
And since I am talking about the Bellywood fun in my world, I’ve also got plans to see Delhi2Dublin when they hit Ottawa at Maverick’s on October 25th.
They often seem to be here on a weeknight, but since it’s right after my Thursday Bellywood, class, I think I can manage to be a night owl for one night!
I totally love their new album and have used 2 of their songs for class routines already! Here’s one of their early songs that I have performed to at some events in the past:

With a sigh of relief and a nod of gratitude…

As I take a break from putting the few bits and pieces I brought home after yesterday’s Ottawa Dancers Bazaar, I easily know this is the right choice for me. Letting go of organizing this event after 13 years, took me about a year to process, think about, and accept.

Both Tom and I spent time yesterday explaining the various reasons why I am “retiring” from organizing the Bazaars {Retiring letter from Tracey/Halyma}, and reassuring folk that I will indeed be continuing teaching, having my OCCPs as chance for students to perform, making costumes, and sending out weekly updates via email to keep folks informed of the online information in the Dancers’ News I am sent.

I have met some amazing people over the years and am glad to have been a part of the Ottawa tradition of creating a Belly Dance Community. I did not start it. I came into it when I was a beginning dancer by being introduced to it by my teachers, attending workshops organized by OMEDA, the Ottawa/Outaouais Middle Eastern Dance Association, which was run by volunteers and lasted for over 20 years. It has since faded, but many of it’s members are still strong in the Ottawa Community, supporting each other as best they can.

Memorial table for Rosemary ” Zahra Haddad” Corfield

The vendors who have come through the doors of the Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar have come from Sudbury, Barrie, Toronto, New York state, Sherbrooke, Montreal and area, and of course, our local designers/teachers/artisans have been well represented. And I thank all of you who have made it a remarkable experience in my life. Challenging at times, but always full of energy and learning.

Folks who have stepped up to volunteer have been amazing. Giving their time and energy to hep in whatever way they can, being part of the bigger picture and creating their own whacky experiences – they all rock. Thanks Dudes.

20121015-130712.jpgThanks Linda – my longest volunteer, and Trisha, one of the newest volunteers! And Melissa in the background on door duty – she won the volunteer prize!!



Eurika may be in the back, but she’s gonna be moving to the front with Farasha!

So, with a sigh of relief and a nod of gratitude, the torch is passed. Eurika and Farasha, the newly crowned, “The Queen of the Bazaars” and “Bazarina” – we get very silly in our community – will be “strategizing” and coming up with their own adventures to bring to Ottawa’s Belly Dance Community. And I’ll be there with my full support – but no longer at 8:30 a.m. 🙂

Post Bazaar Supper – thanks for the memories folks!