Non mutant Black Forest cupcakes

I  did start with a simple chocolate cake mix, cherry pie filling and premade vanilla icing. Sometimes it’s just gotta be that way.
Once the cupcakes were baked and cooled, I cut the little funnel shapes to give room for the cherry pie filling.
Then I dug out the one icing tip I have and taped it securely into the bottom cut corner of a large ziplock bag. ( I know/ so not eco friendly today, but I’m using a car sharing service to drive later today, so that’s something, right?)

I blobbed the cherries into the divets and then piped the icing around. And now they sit in the fridge chillin’ until it’s party time later today.

Here’s what I did with the removed cake:
And if you are wondering why “Non-Mutant” BFcakes – see the mutant ones here…it’s all about your audience!

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