On Saturday, November 14, 2009, the Dance the Night Away Fundraiser was born!
A new twist on Catharine’s Fundraising parties that began way back when Hartwell’s used to be the locale for a fun night out filled with socializing, dancing and fun! A return to this nature of party may be the way to go! I certainly had fun!
The Montgomery Legion was decorated with the gorgeous draperies of Michele Roy, living up to her now well established reputation of being the community’s decorator extraordinaire! Even with the speakers in front of her work, it made the simple space into an elegant atmosphere to showcase some local and out of town dancers.
We were lucky to have some amazing dancers come out for the evening, and while I have not opened up the privacy settings on everyone’s photos, I’ll open up the pics for viewing if I get permission to do so! Meanwhile, if you click on the photo of our Bollywood For Fun group, it will take you to my Flickr page where you can see many more fun shots from the evening!
Please feel welcome to add your own comments of your experiences or anything else in the comments below!
See you at the next fun Ottawa Belly Dance community event!
To see this as the main website,click here . Also find the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunites, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online!
Good morning All!
It was lovely to see about 300 patrons come out to the Dancers’ Bazaar yesterday – in spite of inclement weather and the shift from Sunday to Saturday!
I also enjoyed meeting some of the new vendors and seeing familiar faces there too! And after a lovely supper out with some of the vendors last night, I am grateful to have some of the nicest people around as part of my belly dance community!Pics and video will go up this week – taking it easy today!
As October comes to a end this week, the upcoming weekend has some fabulous events as a final hurrah – and then November is chalk full of belly dance fun! Remember that even more events are listed on the main website too – so if you are not seeing something, check online to see if I have it there!
Have a wonderful week!
Latest Dancers’ Newsletter
Sunday, October 25
Check out the Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features:
This week’s Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature is your invitation to be creative and express your greenness! Eco-TAV is running a video contest with prizes for the top 4 videos! If you have bought – or will buy – anything from my Eco-TAV line, I hope you will have some fun shooting a quick video clip sharing the ways you are “green”!
The Fall Fusion Cabaret DVD available for ordering!
For those of you who missed out, or who would like a DVD: DVD is available for order by contacting Tom at tom@darnermedia.ca and they are $20 each. The DVD does not include Rachel’s performances, but includes our guests Rosanna McGuire, Tribu Ghabal, Mat Jacob, Jamilah & Milana, Anna & Safiya, and Shakti fusion (including solos by Niki, Natasha and Leslie). The sale of the DVD goes to support the production of the event and we are lucky to have so many original performances in one place!
Also please note: Anyone who took photos or film of Rachel Brice at the show, these may not be published without her consent! We always ask that no flash photography or filming happens, but sometimes it seems people can’t resist. Please do not post photos/videos of performers online without their express permission :)”
November 1 2009 – Ottawa WEIGHTED VEIL WORKSHOP with Zamira
SOLD OUT! A second workshop date will be set up – please email to add your name to the waiting list for the second workshop!
Sunday, 1 November 2009 1:00-4:00 pm Location: Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Ottawa
1:00-3:00 pm Basic Workshop:
Cost: $35. Buy a set of veils in advance and get the workshop for $25
3:00-4:00 pm Advanced Workshop:
Cost: $20 . If you are taking the earlier workshop that day you will receive a $5.00 discount for the extension.
For registration and information contact Zamira: zamira@theveiledeye.com 613-797-4068
NOVEMBER 7, 2009 *Workshop with a twist*
Roxane (creative Clothing) is giving a workshop on NOV 7, from 1 to 5:
HOW TO MAKE A BRA and BELT SET with pre-sequinned and embroidered fabrics.
And to make it easier for you, she will have pre-packaged boxes of beautiful, shiny fabrics and matching trims and extras to make your set. All you would have to supply is the bra.
Pre-register now for $40 for the workshop, plus cost of your package.
It will be $50 at the door.
For more information contact Roxane at: roxkirkatsympaticodotca or phone: 613-726-9067.
7 NOVEMBRE 2009 Spectacle 30e anniversaire de la Troupe Égyptienne Enan
Samedi le 7 novembre, 2009
Venez célébrer 30 ans de danse folklorique égyptienne au Canada avec les Enans!
au Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave
prix spécial, seulement $10!
disponible a l’Oasis de la danse, 819-776-5033
ONLINE TICKET SALES http://www.baladi.ca/troupe/
Denise and Ahmed would like to extend a special invitation for the 30th Anniversary show to all former Enan Troupe members. Please contact them at 819-776-5033.
Denise et Ahmed aimeraient offrir une invitation speciale au spectacle 30ième anniversaire aux toutes les anciennes membres de la Troupe Enan. Veuillez les contacter au 819-776-5033.
NOVEMBER 7, 2009 Enan Egyptian Troupe’s 30th Anniversary Show
Saturday November 7th, 2009 7:00 PM
Come celebrate 30 years of the Enans sharing Egyptian Folkloric dance in Canada!
at Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave
Special anniversary price, tickets only $10! available at Dance Oasis, 819-776-5033
NOVEMBER 14, 2009
Nathalie and her double veils
Nathalie Lebel Workshop
Double Veil Workshop Saturday, November 14, 2009 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lunch and Bazaar from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. DanceStudios.ca, 151 Chapel Street (parking entrance on the side of the building) $70 if payment is received by November 4, 2009$80 thereafter.
There are only 150 tickets available so don’t delay. If there are any left, they will be $30 at the door.
Hadia’s Body Logic Technique Workshop
Friday November 20th 6:30 to 9:30 pm Aurora Live Studios 392 Queens St. E Toronto
Hadia’s Body Logic is a revolutionary approach to belly dance that traces even the most complex movements and steps back to their essential, simple movement patterns. Based on her training and in the field of therapeutic exercise, optimal alignment, Biodance and NLP, Hadia has developed this series of safe, effective and effortless warm up exercises that naturally evolve into her repertoire of belly dance technique and movements with grace, ease and simplicity. Hadia’s Body Logic also has the benefit of allowing students to not only dance through 4 to 5 hours of class per day without pain, discomfort or fatigue, but even heals and strengthens the body. Cost $80 before Nov. 1st $90 after Nov. 1st
NOVEMBER 21-24, 2009 Hadia’s Level 1 Teacher Training back in Toronto
Hadia is happy to share 38 years of teaching experience with you in this unique instructor training course (not just a dance course for instructors) which includes Mastery of effortless, beautiful and flawless technique for you and your students; musical and rhythm interpretation; the art of finger cymbals; anatomy for belly dance; injury prevention and body balance; teaching and communication skills; class/course planning; improvisation skills; origins, evolution and styles of oriental, including ROM, folklore, baladi and ritual and more……
Saturday and Sunday November 21st and 22nd 10 am to 5:30 pm plus Monday and Tuesday November 23rd and 24th 6 to 9:30 pm
$375 Can before November 1st $425 Can after November 1st
Thursday, November 26th, 6:30 to 9:30 pm Aurora Live Studios 392 Queens St. E Toronto
Hadia has lived, studied and taught the primary forms of Roman/gypsy dance for many years and is pleased to share with you a taste of Authentic Turkish Roma dance. After getting comfortable with the unique Turkish 9/8 rhythm, we will work with a range of basic steps and foot patterns and finish these off with a fascinating array of gestures and movements that connect this fascinating and visceral dance form to the mysterious history of these strong, proud and vital people.
Registration and full details http://www.hadia.com/index.php?id=15#toronto2009workshop
— NOVEMBER 26-29, 2009 Hadia’s Teacher Training Certification – Level 3 in Toronto
Don’t miss your chance to achieve your well earned certification for Hadia’s internationally recognized Middle Eastern Dance Training. This 20 hour training will cement your technique, rhythm and musical interpretation, improvisation, communication and teaching skills, the art of cymbals, course/class planning, anatomy for dance, body balance, alignment, professional ethics, and guide you with business basics, advanced rhythms and musical interpretation, Mid East dance styles, history and evolution and more…
Thursday, November 26th 6:30 to 9:30 pm Friday and Saturday, November 27 and 28, 10 am to 5pm Sunday, November 29th, 10 am to 4 pm
Introduction to Video Editing with Final Cut Express October 27 and November 3rd
Using iPhoto November 10 and 17th
MORE INFO: classes@darnermedia.ca http://www.darnermedia.ca
OCTOBER 30, 2009 Halloween Community Drum and Dance Circle
Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.
Friday, October 30 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Maki House Community Centre 19 Leeming Drive, Crystal Beach (Between Bayshore and Kanata)
417 to Moodie Drive North. Turn right at Carling avenue, right at Crystal Beach Drive (your second street), left at Leeming Drive (your first street) Maki House is on the left right after the school.
Cost: Free
Please RSVP by email to julie(DOT)tierney(AT)sympatico.ca
OCTOBER 31, 2009 11th Annual Witches’ Gathering Charity Ball (2009)
Nightmares: That Which Haunts Us Through The Night
Barrymore’s Music Hall
To see this on the main website,click here . Also find the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunites, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online!
Good Thanksgiving Weekend morning to you all!
What a fabulous weekend of dance and sunshine and eating!
I have the pleasure of helping out at the Fall Fusion Cabaret that took place on Friday evening and wanted to say WOW!
Bellysis and Nemira flanking Halyma Backstage!
The lovely new dancers who joined our own local beauties were phenomenal and fun! Congrats Leslie on putting on a great show! And Rachel Brice. what a sweetheart!
Okay enough raving! There is so much more happening today and this week and this month! It was killer trying to edit down the “updates” to make sure I still included as much as I could without going overboard! Without any further ado – read on to set your fall dance calendar in motion!
Latest Dancers’ Newsletter
Sunday, October 11
Check out the Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features:
This week’s Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature is a visit to OTTAWA BOLLYWOOD NEWS – some fun local events that will include Bollywood For Fun! Contributors welcome! If you hear anything Bollywood/ Indian Dance/ Asian related that folks should know about – post it in the comments there! Click here for a quick look!
Bollywood For Fun will be performing in Hintenburg/ Wellington street area for the Diwali festival – check the OBNews site for details!
Le 11 Octobre ~ Montreal ~TODAY!
Atelier avec Rachel Brice:
Dimanche 11 octobre 2009, 12h00 à 16h00 (incluant une courte pause) Cette classe est ouverte à tous les niveaux
Ce n’est pas facile de s’y retrouver dans le Collège alors voici les indications: Vous devez entrer par la porte prinicpale #3, cage d’escalier à gauche, 3e étage, à gauche jusqu’au bout, salle #3105
Il y aura un bazar sur place (argent comptant seulement pour le bazar) Pour plus de détails ou pour s’inscrire ou pour acheter les billets de spectacle: http://boutique.anichka.ca/
OCTOBER 11~ Montreal Workshop with Rachel Brice
Sunday, October 11th 2009, 12h00 to 16h00 (short break included) This class is open to all levels
Tribal fusion workshop with Rosanna (Business as Usual, San Francisco/Toronto)
Please welcome Rosanna McGuire to Ottawa for the first in a series of tribal fusion workshops, a dancer well known for her original fusions of flapper style dance with tribal, and also for her infusion of liquid pops and locks. As she was in town for the Fall Fusion Cabaret, we didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to have her teach! For those of you looking to remain active on ‘turkey day’, this workshop will get you moving!
Sunday October 11th 2-4pm 1196 Bank St at Makin Moves studio $35
If you have never seen her perform before, check out her recent performances at Tribal Fest, in Sebastopol, CA! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqG-7DNB1No&feature=PlayList&p=AABE8DEFFC341E7B&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=50 http://www.youtube.com/user/blueberrysouffle#play/all/uploads-all/0/Km22Ai2mPlo]
Thanksgiving Monday Oct 12 – Work off your Turkey with Leslie!
The intention of this workshop is a high energy, fun filled afternoon of up-tempo drills with a tribal fusion approach! For those who had their turkey on Sunday, or who just want to get out for the afternoon, Leslie will lead you in a 2 hour session of energetic movement.
Tuesday October 13th – Tribal Fusion class with Leslie 8-9pm – one night only!
Leslie returns for reading week, instead of reading, she’ll be dancing 🙂
This is a Tribal Technique Basics class, all are welcome!
1196 Bank at Makin Moves studio
$15 drop in for this one hour class, coffee and tea at Bridgehead afterwards!
This is a Drop-in class.
Friday October 16th – Next Level Tribal Fusion workshop with Leslie 7-9pm!
This workshop is for the tribal experienced dancer. We will work on layering, drills, and begin formulating our next choreography, to be taught in December!
Caroline Labrie, well-versed in knowledge of Folkloric danceform from Egypt, will be gracing our dance centre October 17 and 18; show at Diwan on the Saturday (17th)
Gypsy/Folklorique/Bollywood Dances of India– For Belly Dancers
Workshop Series 2009 by Amrita Choudhury
18 October – Gypsy/folklore Dances of Bengal (River Gypsies) (1-5) $90
After a successful run of the 2008 program of Indian Gypsy, Folklore, Bollywood dance workshops, Amrita is back from India again to offer the 2009 program. Because the participants of the 2008 workshops were mostly from the Belly Dance tradition, Amrita has designed these workshops to benefit dancers/teachers coming from the Oriental dance traditions. Come experience the joy and ecstasy of the vibrant gypsy, folklore and bollywood dance traditions of India; the beautiful and graceful hand gestures, facial/eye expressions, torso & hip movements, rhythmic feet movements and much much more! Please bring veils and joy in your heart! No experience is necessary.
Business as Usual proudly presents our inaugural bash: Hipnotech featuring Rosanna McGuire
Rosanna returns to Southern Ontario after spending 2 years studying and performing in San Francisco. There, she studied with a who’s who of bellydance: Suhaila and Jamila Salimpour, FCBD, Jill Parker, Zoe Jakes, Rachel Brice, Mira Betz, Cera Byer, and Amy Sigil.
Rosanna and Halyma Backstage 🙂
In California, Rosanna also had the opprtunity to expand her movement repertoire outside of bellydance and into vinyasa yoga, breakdance, house, and locking. She is known for her unique interpretation of tribal fusion, incorporating elements of vintage jazz dances as well as hip-hop, while referencing traditional styles of Middle Eastern dance. Rosanna continually strives to dance outside of her own box and fully admits to having dance ADD.
Labspace Studio 2A Pape Ave at Queen Toronto Doors at 830, 1st set at 930, 2nd at 1030
Rosanna is also teaching a belly dancing workshop that same weekend. Early bird prices have been extended to October 16th, per class registration opening shortly. Weekly classes now being held in Toronto. See http://www.cleoflaptra.com/instruction.html or details!
OCTOBER 24, 2009
TAV CREATIONS PRESENTS the Dancers’ Bazaar Saturday, October 24, 2009 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Where: 260 McArthur (Knights of Columbus Hall), Ottawa.
Saturday, November 14, 2009 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lunch and Bazaar from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. DanceStudios.ca, 151 Chapel Street (parking entrance on the side of the building) $70 if payment is received by November 4, 2009 $80 thereafter.
To register: Info: julie(DOT)tierney(AT)sympatico.ca
NOVEMBER 14, 2009
Details are still ONLINE!
Legion Hall at the corner of Kent and MacLaren
Fundraiser for Kids Help Phone, Distress Centre, Bereaved Families
There are only 150 tickets available so don’t delay. If there are any left, they will be $30 at the door.
NOVEMBER 14 and 15, 2009~MONTREAL
Deb Rubin has been a 5+year core member, and co-choreographer with Ultragypsy Bellydance Theater, until Fall 2007, and a regular sub for Jill Parker’s classes. She also holds a level 1 certification from Suhaila Salimpour School of Dance.
Creative Clothing by Roxane presents the WEST END BAZAAR:
Bell’s Corners on Richmond Road and there is ample parking.
Sunday, 22 November, 2009, from noon to 5p.m.
All proceeds from the booth rentals are going to Qimaavik, the Women’s Shelter.
Only a few booths remain!Regular booths, 8X8: $15@ or 2 for $30.
For more information contact Roxane at: roxkirkatsympaticodotca or phone: 613-726-9067.
October 13 and 20, 2009
Social Internet Crash Course
Presented by David Rostenne and Tom Leroux
This two night course (October 13 and 20th, 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM) is primarily geared towards small business owners, but can apply to anyone who is curious about participating in the online world.
We are covering a whole slew of “keeping in touch” methods in this course: having a web site, surfing the web, passwords and online safety, email and etiquette, newsletters, instant messaging, blogs, podcasts, Digg, StumbleUpon, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter – there’s so much, and we will be doing our best to cover it all. We will let you know what it can (and can not) do for you, and answer your questions.
This will be followed by our :
Introduction to Video Editing with Final Cut Express October 27 and November 3rd
Using iPhoto November 10 and 17th
All classes are $150, or $275 if you sign up for two.
Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.
Friday, October 30 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Maki House Community Centre 19 Leeming Drive, Crystal Beach (Between Bayshore and Kanata)
417 to Moodie Drive North. Turn right at Carling avenue, right at Crystal Beach Drive (your second street), left at Leeming Drive (your first street) Maki House is on the left right after the school.
Cost: Free
Please RSVP by email to julie(DOT)tierney(AT)sympatico.ca
Nightmares: That Which Haunts Us Through The Night
Barrymore’s Music Hall
Ottawa, Ontario
Each year, on October 31st, the Witches Gathering Charity Ball brings together people from a diverse range of Ottawa’s spiritual and cultural communities to celebrate Halloween while giving back to the local community.