This afternoon, I had the pleasure of working on some funky synthetic fabric covered in foil dots. And after 1 hour of handling it, cutting, sewing on the machines and generally trying to get it to the next stage for a fitting tomorrow, I have had to stop.
I am actually seeing spots -yes, those little sliver dots are now clouding my vision even as I type. My throat is scratchy and what’s worse, I have has uber bad mood swings that can only partially be attributed to hormones.
SO where does that leave me? For now, I am leaving the pretty fabric in it’s bag and I will go take Sprocket for a walk to air out my lungs and eyes before my bridal clients start arriving “after work”.
But for future projects, I am really going to have to think twice before taking on the metallic lames, foil dots etc if the off-gassing continues to affect me this much.
It took me YEARS!
I took workshops, walked along in the winter with my heavy mitts on tapping out 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3…
And so now I want to give a little bit of info to help my students, and anyone wandering across this article, in their adventure with zilling!
Zills come in different sizes.
Small ones are great for small hands and beginners, and you can progress to the larger ones as you go along.
If you purchase “Single holed” zills, you will eventually hang them on your Christmas/Yule tree after they spin around your finger multiple times, so look for the “two slotted” zills.
Some online sites to check out:
Saroyan Cymbals – amazing quality – but sadly the store is closed temporarily as I write this post, but you can search for used Saroyans online, I am sure.
Ebay: Search and look carefully before buying. These resemble some very low-end Zills I purchased a few years ago, but would be fine to get used to the motion and having something on your fingers: CLICK HERE has some tiny ones at a reasonable price – good for starting out!
These folks just started following my Twitter stream – so check ’em out:
And remember to search for “Zills” “Zagat” “Sagat” and Finger Cymbals to cover all of your bases.
Zill covers:
Obvious: Zills make noise.
By covering one or both of your cymbals on each hand { you are wearing 4 at a time}, you will find it easier to full on “play” them without worrying about your neighbours hearing you or your pets going whacky.
– Baby socks
– elastic wrapped around the zills – just take it off after each practice session.
And just do a quick search for “Zill Mufflers” on ETSY.COM and you will find LOADS of them – thank you crafty dancers!!
So you found zills, you found mufflers, now what?
Put them on. One on each thumb between the nail and first knuckle, one on each middle finger, again, between the nail and first knuckle.
Tighten the elastic until your fingers and zills feel like they won’t separate. No, I mean it. Secure the elastic by sewing or using a tiny brass safety pin.
Then you want to head over to some online places to familiarize yourself with the potential rhythms and beats you can achieve with practice – or find a class and join in! HEre are just a couple – again do some searching and see what you find!
This lovely instructor explains a lot of what I wrote – but here – enjoy:
Once you’ve checked her out – head over to Shimmy Goddess for some interesting rhythms written out, articles and more info:
And that should get you started!! Practice all of that fun stuff while walking and then start adding it as you are dancing. Simple as that 🙂 …Kidding – it takes practice and allow yourself that time to get comfortable!
We are working with our little headed demon to get her social behaviour more acceptable – she’s just so darned excitable!
One thing we have always said, we did not want a dog who sleeps in bed with us. So far, both dogs we have had, came to us having slept in bed with their people before we got them. And with both, crate training in an apartment building can only reasonably happen during daytime hours, not at night when everyone can hear the howling.
But with Tom working at night in his “office” and me up by 7 a.m. to get started on my days, we are working out the system. We had it going for a while, then over the holidays somehow Sprocket managed to squirm her way under the blankets and the bad habit of letting her come to bed with me began. But it also meant I did not sleep through the night as she was hot, then she would fuss, then I would fuss, then Tom would come to bed, or not and the entire month was a mess.
We were also both people sick, so sleeping patterns were disrupted across all boundaries, so finally this week, with relative health settling into T2, I started to get to go to bed without a furry demon to accompany me.
First two nights went so well, she did not even want to get up with me at 7 a.m. for her morning walk. So I would go out for my own walk, and let her out when I got home. Last night, she slept until 4 am, then decided to come to our door and try to push her way in. I awoke, as I don’t need to pick up any gifts, thanks, and asked, ” You want to go out? ”
She said, “No, just coming to bed.”
I said, ” You are bugging me, you must want to go out.”
As she skittered back to her own bed, ” No, no, I’m fine.”
I said , “Okay, I’m going to bed now.” Closing the door gently, I waited.
And back she bounded to our door and started pushing. And i came out, walked past her and went about my own 4 a.m., might as well take care of business myself type stuff, while I’m up.
She followed me about as best she could, then i asked again, “You wanna go out?’
” Nope”
“Just wanna come to bed with you”
“Let’s go out” I say, and grapple her into her harness. Anyone who has met her understands her wiggliness requires the occasional grappling until we all understand each other.
4:30 a.m. out for a ‘Quick P’ and back in for a Kong full of doggy granola and liver treats on her bed.
And then I was able to head back to bed myself for a remaining few hours of ZZZs before I had to get up for my own day.
Hoping tonight is a solid night’s sleep for her and me, but really, it’s a good start!
And “Dad is still in there- I could be cuddled in with him…right?”
So this morning, the stars finally aligned for me to head out for a #morningwalk, post #Sprocketwalk, pre #SundayBrunch.
-19 is chilly but not as windy. The sun shining gorgeously through the trees and sparkling on the snow.
As I saw a picturesque moment, and reached into one of my many coat pockets to capture it forever – and for you – I realized I accidentally left my iPhone at home. Ah, well. So I just kept walking without worry, and let myself feel the morningwalk work it’s magic.
For today, the choice is to peruse the millions of online shots of gorgeous Canadian winter mornings, or maybe even go outside and live the moment.
Yes, it takes me at least 3 weeks to feel like the new year has begun. It may have to do with my astrological sign < wink wink nudge nudge to those who know me and what I mean re: today>, or having classes start last week and still have some shuffling to do there.
With working through a lot of the yule holidays, I do need to ease into things so that I feel at least a bit rested and ready for the upcoming year. Already in the works – classes as mentioned – including a fuller and expanded Sewing Level 1 class starting this coming Saturday, room to have more students in all of my dance classes, and a general feeling schedule of wedding alterations and custom projects already in the calendar.
2013 has some good vibes in it already!
Philanthropic/volunteer wise, I think I am mainly going nerdy/geeky this year as the Ottawa Browncoats Community is centring itself into my vision – we’ve been kindly nudged into having a table at the upcoming Game Summit on February – early – more details on that when we get them onto the website. And Ottawa Comicon should be confirming that they received our request for space there too…in May.
Where I have chosen to step back is of course, the Bazaar, which is a feeling of freedom and relief – as much as I love our dance community here in Ottawa, I am really looking forward to joining events run by the other fab organizers in the area, and being part of their support system as they have been for me over the years!
While there are better pics of Halyma, this shows a bit of the veil and skirt from Shibori Borealis…
I’ll still have my OCCP/ student recitals, as long as I don’t go crazy 🙂 So feel welcome to come dancing !
And sewing is looking as fun and rewarding as ever! Along with a few fun custom projects as mentioned, I am still thoroughly enjoying being Luxe Bridal’s Alterations Specialist – bringing the final touches to the dresses their brides order/ pick up from their sample sales. Lisa and Madeleine are great to work with and 2013 is looking good!
After needing major futon time last night as a cold invaded my system, and having a mediocre night sleep wise, this morning is off to a good start!
Got to the drive clean testing place a bit early( after getting a bit turned around in the back roads of Vanier), and headed off for a short coffeewalk to a nearby bakery.
Recommended by the staff at McConville’s, the Maison Baguettes on Montreal Road was a place I have walked past over the years, and now I know I will pop in again. Simple coffee and muffins that are crispy on top as they are freshly baked, makes me happy. Wifi too.
As I was happily nomnoming away, my cell rang and my car was ready 15 minutes early. Yay! And it passed. Double yay!
And after pulling into my driveway with but of revving- there be snow speed bumps :-), I got out of the car and looked down to see my earring. Lost almost a month ago, it is not an expensive piece, but a lightweight pretty piece that I had worn to dinner chez Deepali and Ashish in December.
It had fallen out before the evening began and waited patiently through multiple trips before creeping back out from under the seat to be spotted.
While I still have a dry cough settling in and a busy day ahead, I think a good start deserves an immediate dose of recognition!
This holiday season has been an amazing blend of fabulous friends in intense doses interspersed with quiet downtime with Tom and Sprocket. It’s been exactly what we both have needed and it’s not quite over yet.
My lurvs…
December 31st and while I am still officially on a break, I have found I am already doing my traditional housecleaning of transition. AS I finish up one block of time/segment of life/ session of work, I automatically take some time to tie up loose ends.
Even before we go on our summer holidays, I clean the house as much as I can so that when I am ready to come back and start work again, it’s waiting for me, ready to get started without any major distractions holding me back.
New holiday fun – Henna/Mehndi at both family gatherings – photos from the Leroux fun later!
This Yule/New Year felt like we really needed that down time, and I was so happy to have a few days here and there to ourselves to just be { nap/ watch movies/spontaneously try new things and just relax}.
Breakfast of leftovers! Waffles, berries, bananas and maple syrup are great leftovers!!
This past weekend, we both hosted and visited, so today I already slept in 2 hours, Sprocket has just jumped off the bed now – that’s a 3 hour sleep in. And we are grateful that we have a few invitations to choose from for gathering with our amazing friends tonight, but we may need another quiet night.
So, may your NYE be exactly what you need, may 2013 bring you everything you manifest with your thoughts and deeds, and may you all keep posting your goals and achievements on your blogs, Facebook and twitter with gusto- alongside lots of food pics and nature shots!
Now back to changing my calendar to 2013, paperwork for TAV Creations and enjoying another quiet day out in the Byward market , if I get there! If not – there’s a futon and some company waiting for snuggling! And those Thank You notes I still owe oodles of people!