All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.


Wow – I woke up on Sunday morning to edit the Dancers’ News and realized very emphatically that it is now December.

Last night I taught my last two  Monday evening classes of this session, and last week I had covered the Thursday classes.  Wednesdays will continue until next week- so two more classes there and that’s unusual for me.  I like my 12 week sessions but with the new location having a different system, ya gotta go with the flow, right?

Photo by WTL

December is a month of myth for me.  In my spiritual journey, I understand that December brings about the dark to encourage us to rest and reflect.  But with society’s mentality, the reverse happens, where everyone gets busier and busier with parties, visiting and shopping.

I’ll be seeking that darkness after I get through my own end of year celebration with my classes and invited performers.  My Ottawa Centre Class Party downsized last year to reflect a turn in the dance classes, and has returned to more of a semi-private event to ensure that the 250 plus dancers and close friends of dancers can come in and enjoy the fun.

I was asked how long I have been organizing this event and  while I won’t post photos from the first one in my back yard: June 13, 1999, you can use your imagination.  There’s a tarp and a sheet hanging as the “backdrop”, and a small group of lovely ladies who came out and had fun!  We’ll leave it at that!

Photo by Lainie Cambria - Click to see more!


I’ll know next week if there will be any tickets available at the door, but usually it sells out to within 10 tickets, so I don’t really advertise.  But I can chat about it as it’s a big part of my life at the moment!

It’s like a light at the end of my tunnel by this time of year.  Darkness in the morning, darkness in the evening, I join in on the usual lament!  I approach December 21st with anticipation of the shift.  And it’s a full moon this year – that’s gonna be nice if the skies are clear!

So, the class party brings on challenges and fun at the same time.  Organizing, budgeting, cajoling, and harassing folks to bring them all together in a sparkling mass of movement and music is something that I enjoy and have allowed to grow gradually over the 10 plus years that I’ve been teaching and having an end of year party.

I am so grateful for the colleagues who participate as they understand how much work it can be and help so much by being on top of their own contributions to the event.  I do delegate and each teacher is responsible for getting her own groups choreographed, costumed, practised and prepared for this fun night!  It’s a lot of work for everyone involved and I think it gives everyone a great chance to shine!

Another shot by Lainie from last December's show!

And there are always the volunteers – amazing women who are my friends and playmates in various parts of my life, and they come out and help with generous hearts at many of the events I organize!

I am in my final week of preparations, have another show to perform in on Saturday evening, some social gatherings of the season coming up this weekend too, and some responsibilities of my own to keep on top of. <sigh>

And I know that I am blessed with so much….

I think January will be my time of rest!

The first week at least…till classes start again 😀

Er…Saturday update!

life’s busy, isn’t it?

Ah well – just a quick note to let you know about two fun events on this weekend:

There are still lots of tickets available for the “For the Love of Dance” show, tonight at 7:30 pm at the University of Ottawa Alumni Theatre

Chinese folk dances by the Ottawa Chinese Arts Troupe and the Xin Hua Chinese Dance Troupe
Step-dancing by Pauline Brown’s School of Stepdancing, and the Chad Wolfe Studio of Dance and Music
Romanian folk dances by IZVORUL Romanian Dance Troupe of Ottawa
Black-light Hooping by Sophie Latreille
Tribal Fusion by Niki and students
Street Jazz by the Dollhouse Dance Company
Hip Hop by Thrive
Bellydance by Anna & Safiya
…and more!

Fast-paced and informative, please come out and support this charity event…and have a great time too!

Tickets $15 available on-line at until 3:00 pm, and at the door after 6:30 pm

With thanks for your support,



A few moments of personal time…

There are so many things I think about when I am out walking that I would love to share – then I get home and get busy.  <sigh>

Last Friday morning, I had a great morning walk – the first in weeks that really felt like I was almost back on track with them.  As the days get shorter, I, like many others, am directly affected and wish to spend much more time in bed than I probably should.  So sleeping in until the clocks finally changed was becoming a dangerous norm.  Now that I’ve got sunlight to awaken me again, my morning walks have a chance at resuming at their prescribed early hour, so that I can get the walk in before too much traffic hits the streets and makes it noisy and too unfun!

As I was on my walk last Friday morning, I felt so compelled to share my little journey through the ups and downs, the busy times and making time for me/ hubby/ and how my life gets a bit crazy if I neglect these important aspects.  There was flowery language, deep thoughts and all kinds of impact filled revelations that were going to be expressed. Then I came home and began sewing and just didn’t do it.

Friday evening rolled around and I was able to head out to a great gig and then a post gig visit with friends that was late, but very enjoyable.

That started a weekend of busy moments bookended by enjoyable social time.

Saturday evening took me to City Hall for a lovely event that went very well, until I realized during my finale performance, my static treatment was inadequate, my system of attachment was not functioning properly and I became a broken winged butterfly for the last half of my song.

Will link up to Eurika’s pics here when she uploads them!

I did my best to recover from it, but moments like that can be so disappointing and full of self recrimination – should haves and would haves that really only help in the “hindsight is 20/20” department.  At least I had great company and we continued on to support a friend at another social event that was a lot of fun.

Sunday took us to Montreal. Family visits with the in-laws are always an adventure, and being there to celebrate my father-in-law’s birthday was great.  The live fish being cooked and served to us was a new concept for me, and one I really have to think about in the future { filed under: things that make me consider going vegetarian for real}.  The drive back was punctuated by a quick stop off the highway to deliver a client’s bag of goodies that made her life and mine much easier, and it gave me a quick break from the headlights in the rearview.

Then Fortune smiled and provided a parking space directly in front of our favourite Shawarma place on Dalhousie and @wtl was able to pop in to get us some much needed Lebanese food to round out the international fare of the day – we started with good ole Canadian food { Tim Horton’s}! And Scott Pilgrim Versus the World entertained us as we wound down after a fairly busy weekend.

Thus today = taking time off for me.  I needed my hair trimmed- done.  I wanted to simply write a bit of personal journey stuff – doing that now. I also wanted to do some retile therapy – about to head off to do that shortly as I go pick up some shirts for @wtl.

And I am glad to be able to take some time for me – I love my friends and family, but really do need that quiet time to recharge and take a break from it all.  And when I don’t, I suffer for it – which means those around me suffer for it.

So, a few more hours of me time, then off to teach classes tonight – choreographies are pretty much done, but I need to video tape them for the learning process and then we talk costumes.  Tomorrow night = classes and then a gig.  Next weekend = more gigs and a craft sale.  Each weekend has something booked or the potential of something to be booked.

Monday’s will once again be my time off methinks, making Monday a good day.

First public BellyWood with Halyma Show!

On December 11, 2010 Samahang  Ala Eh! a non profit organization will be hosting a Variety Show entitled “IBA’T-IBANG KILOS, ISANG LAYUNIN.
This fundraising event will be held at the Bronson Centre Theatre,  211 Bronson Ave.,  Ottawa,  ON, on Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 7:00pm in support of our commitment to assist and motivate a financially challenged group of students in our hometown of Batangas in the  Philippines, by giving them the opportunity to complete a high school education.
Samahang  Ala Eh! is dedicated to preserve our scholarship project for many more years to come.  We trust that we can count on your generous support to help them fulfill their dreams.
Your generosity will make a difference in the lives of many unfortunate high school students in the province of Batangas,  Philippines .
Bellywood with Halyma  will be performing their first public performance and are planning to really have some fun as part of this amazing fundraising evening:

Bollywood For Fun At Cabaret Pontiac

Click on the photo to see more shots!


Bollywood For Fun!, originally uploaded by Halyma.

What a crazy fun @BWFF night!
After a long work week for everyone, we loaded up and hit rush hour around 5 p.m. and spent 35 minutes on the 417 before slipping off at Island Park to head over into Quebec!

Traffic flow picked up, and then construction detours in the dark had us taking a slight variation on our planned route, but without any major stress – twas still a straight cut northwards through Aylmer to the 148 Ouest! YAY!

And we were off towards my hometown area – the places where I called home for the first 17 years of my life! AFter that Ottawa quickly became my “home”, but Campbell’s Bay will always be where it all started for me!

A few months back when Leslie connected Monique D from Aras Pontiac with us, I was totally surprised to see that someone was making such huge efforts to bring a variety of entertainment to the area – so good work folks at Aras Pontiac!

I was also very pleased to see my niece Leanne as part of the evening’s performances with the Ecole de danse Corriveau and even in her padded fat cat costume, she is a truly fabulous dancer! While she is moving on towards other creative pursuits for the next while, I hope she’ll be able to keep up her dance – crazy proud aunt stuff ya know!

The theatre was not huge, but it gave us the feeling of a very close community effort – the folks in attendance were there because they really supported the groups performing!  We did our 10 minutes, were given resounding appreciation and then headed back stage to get my cameras so that I could get some shots of Leanne and the group on stage!  Then a few more minutes back stage afterwards to change and get ready for the ride back to Ottawa.

We had snow/rain/crazy drivers/ etc.but most of our focus was on a really great road trip and getting to know each other a little bit more!  And for some catching up on needed sleep was a great benefit of  an almost 2 hours drive each way!

Thanks to my Bollywood For Fun buddies: Eurika, Vashti, and Kalyani for a really good start to the weekend!


Friday Update!

Good morning,

I have had a crazy week of low energy and fighting to get stuff done and deadlines met! But always loads of fun out dancing with my classes and trying new stuff to keep my brain active and thinking -always thinking!

I have the plans for the Dancers’ Bazaar on October 17th are well underway, The Vintage Cabaret show is now in my calendar to support my good dance buds out there – I won’t be dancing so I get to enjoy everyone’s company from a helper/audience seat!  Starting work on my student choreographies for my December OCCP will begin next week – though the songs have almost all been chosen – so that’s fun!

And in November, Bollywood For Fun will be making a few public appearances-  more details on our main website for that soon…let’s get through October’s adventures first!

Update time:

Another fun weekend  is ahead and here are just a few things going on in Ottawa that might be of interest to the dancer in ya!

Full details on the News page – but the gist of it below!


November 25, 2010
BellyDance Superstars in Gatineau

Bellydance and Bollywood at Théâtre du Casino

Tickets go on sale at noon Oct. 1 for Bombay Bellywood, a show by the Bellydance Superstars at the Théâtre du Casino in Gatineau on Nov. 25. Named “the most important dance troupe in the world” by London’s Sunday Times, the troupe has performed more than 700 shows in 22 countries. The new show combines the techniques of dances from Middle Eastern bellydancing to American Tribal with the music of India.

Tickets cost $43.50 plus service charges at 613-755-1111 or

TONIGHT [ Friday, October 1st]: Repo! The Genetic Opera

Shadowcast Performance by the Necromerchant’s Payment

Club SAW-67 Nicholas Street (near the arts court and next to the youth hostel)

Doors open at 8pm

Show starts at 9pm.

Admission $10

Welcome to “Repo! – the Genetic Opera!” Bring your zydrate and get ready for some fun with Ottawa’s shadowcast performers – “The Necromerchant’s Payment” – a tribute group to the movie “Repo! the Genetic Opera”.  Shadowcasting is when a live ensemble recreates a movie on stage while the film is playing behind them. It is the ultimate melding of film and theatre, with the cast complimenting the action on screen, and subtly contrasting it with their own unique vision. As such, you are really getting two shows for the price of one. It is the perfect blend of theatre and film, with audience participation and gags thrown in to create a fun, unique event.
For more information on the Necromerchant’s Payment, visit

October 3, 2010
Indian Temple Dance for Belly Dancers Intensive with Anjali

Oct 3 (Sunday)
Time 1-3 pm
Cost $60 for one  session
174 Dufferin Rd
Unit 11
Cost:payable by cash
Please confirm by email
613 745-1368

Sunday mornings and the news…

Good morning,

When I began including a weekly update to the Dancers’ News on my blog many months back, it was due to some major issues with our server and *touch wood*, now that we’ve changed to a different company and I’ve become somewhat used to the new system, things have been flowing along quite well.

Each Sunday morning, I go through the emails I have received, update the main website, gather the new bits and any updates and compose the weekly update news email and then also add the new information to my blog Dancers’ News page.

IN order to break things up a bit, and hopefully be a bit less redundant, I think I’ll shift to posting Friday Updates. I will focus on what’s happening on the weekend coming up, bringing last minute news to those of you who follow via my blog/in turn the trickle through to Facebook.

The Dancers’ News page will be updated so that you can use it for reference, as well as the main online site, and the Sunday newsletter will continue for those who have subscribed to receive it in email.

So, what news today?  Check it online at the various links above and have a great week!

Pretty flowers I chose not to pick but to find a photo of - I see these on my early morning walks these days!


Friday News …A bit later in the day…


This is another attempt to just give some heads up on last minute plans you might make for the upcoming weekend!

If you know of anything else happening that you think folks might like to participate in THIS WEEKEND – please add it in the comments below!

SEPT. 25/26,2010 – MONTREAL





RESERVATION : 514-768-9711







September 26 , 2010

Indian Temple Dance for Belly Dancers Intensive – OTTAWA

2 Sundays in September = choose 1 or both!

September 26 plus Oct 3 (Sunday)

Time 1-3 pm

Cost $60 for one 2 hour session


$100 for 2  2 hour sessions

Each session is a complete teaching session so you will get valuable material if you attend only one.


1)Learn hand signs, neck and eye movements

2)how to tie a sari,

3)make-up and

4) DANCE steps to use in your belly dance work,

a) rhythmic beating of the feet,

b) how to speak the drum syllables that accompany the dance

c) How to beat the rhythms

Please confirm by email


613 745-1368


September 26, 2010
Capital Cupcake Camp 2.0

City Hall
Bakers arrive at 11:30 am; Doors open to tasters at 1pm
After last years fun and massive sugar rush – we’ve decided to do it all again. This time: with a larger venue, more cupcakes and people. The Capital CupcakeCamp team listened to all the baker feedback from last year and lessons learned from CupcakeCamps in other cities.
We’ve come up with some fun new ideas for this year – check the website for more details! but Pro Bakers and only 24 cupcake per baker means some fun!

This years proceeds will be donated to: The Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa and the City of Ottawa program Women Alive

Details and ticket info:

Dancers’ News Update



September 19 2010 ~ Gatineau

11am – 3pm

Mini-bazaar at Dance Oasis, 200 St-Joseph Hull

New and used Egyptian costumes, hip scarves and other goodies

September 26 and October 3, 2010

Indian Temple Dance for Belly Dancers Intensive

2 Sundays in September = choose 1 or both!

September 26-Oct 3 (Sunday)

Time 1-3 pm

Cost $60 for one 2 hour session


$100 for 2  2 hour sessions

Each session is a complete teaching session so you will get valuable material if you attend only one.


1)Learn hand signs, neck and eye movements

2)how to tie a sari,

3)make-up and

4) DANCE steps to use in your belly dance work,

a) rhythmic beating of the feet,

b) how to speak the drum syllables that accompany the dance

c) How to beat the rhythms

Please confirm by email


613 745-1368

October 17, 2010

TAV Creations Presents the Dancer’s Bazaar

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Noon to 4 p.m.
260 McArthur, Knight’s of Columbus Hall

With over 40 tables booked with fabulous return and NEW vendors, it’s gonna be another great day at the Dancers’ Bazaar!

The usual fare of gorgeous hip scarves, costumes, jewelry, music and dvds will be offset with some new flavours!  Hmm… Bollywood, anyone?

Click here to VOTE for what you are hoping to find there!

October 30, 2010

Halloween Masquerade and Fundraising Party! or 613-276-0969

Good news!  We have persuaded Denise Enan to present a hand and arm movement workshop the day after the Party….and it is only $25!  Call her at 819-776-5033 for details. Maybe she can be persuaded to do a demo at the Party!

HalloweenFundRaiser – downloadable poster


Halyma’s Class Info – CLICK HERE

Tribal Fusion Basics and Practice Tools with Leslie

This class is for all levels of dancers – learn the basics and improve upon your technique, simply put.

Starts Tuesday, September 28th, 8 week session

1196 Bank at Makin’ Moves Studio


$100 registration for this 8 week session

To register: leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca

Limited to ten participants.

JEHANE (Jocelyne Khan) – CLICK HERE


Jalilah’s fall 2010 Classes!

More dancers are needed in order to run the following classes: Belly Dance Level 2 with Jalilah

For those who have mastered all the movements taught in a Beginner class and wish to continue learning more advanced movements and routines in the authentic Egyptian style.

Mondays 7:30-8:30 pm at the Rideau Tennis Club, 1 Donald Street

Registration through the RA Centre: (613)736-6224


Jalilah’s Classes at Oasis Starting September 9 to October 28 2010

Intermediate 2 Thursdays 6:30-7:30

Technique with an emphasis on flowing form one movement to the next, a short veil Choreography and the beginnings of improvisation

Fees: $95

At Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis, 200 St. Joseph, Hull

To register contact Oasis at (819) 9622645 or (819) 7765033

To read about Jalilah’s background:

Dance with Alana – CLICK HERE

Belly Dance Fundamentals – Cabaret Style Belly Dancing for Beginners
Zeevah/ Liz Chaisson Thompson – CLICK HERE

Bellydance with Anna & Safiya- CLICK HERE

Beginning bellydance starting soon at Fitness Fusion – CLICK HERE

Belly dancing with Maysoon at the Kanata Classical Dance Academy-CLICK HERE

Loulouh’s Belly Dance classes

Sandy Hill Community Centre

10 classes per session

Wednesdays – begin Sept 22
Level 1
6 to 7 pm
Program Code 464325

Thursdays – begin Sept 23
Level 2
5:30 to 6:30 pm
Program Code 464326

Level 2/3
6:30 to 7:45 pm
Program Code 464328

Level 3/4
7:45 to 9 pm
Program Code 464329

Classes with Nikita


Beginners Bellydance @ OSSD

294 Picton Lane

Friday 7-8pm for 10 weeks

To register… on-line, over the phone 613-567-6788 or in person.

Ample parking!!!!
Plant Recreation@ Preston and Somerset
Monday nights
6:30-7:30 Beginners
7:30-8:30 Intermediate
Register in person or

Classical Indian Dance with Anjali

SESSION starts THURSDAY September 23 .. or sooner CLICK HERE

Indian Dance Classes with Amrita- Monteal

Guitar Lessons with Jamie Anderson – CLICK here


Free Meditation Practice Group

8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maki House, 19 Leeming Drive (between Bayshore and Kanata)

For info contact Julie: 613-254-8469 or

Full Moon/Fall Equinox Drum and Dance Circle with Leo Brooks

Wednesday September 22, 2010 (rain date Thursday September 23 – outside if it’s nice, indoors otherwise)
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Maki Park
19 Leeming Drive (between Bayshore and Kanata)

Leo Brooks will be leading this celebration of the Fall Equinox and Full Moon.
We will be outside in the park. Rain date is Thursday September 23, inside if it rains and outside if it is nice.
Bring you own drum if you have one. There will be plenty of instruments for people to borrow.
If you have been reluctant to attend a drum circle this is the one to come to try it out.
While our drum circles are usually free, we will be accepting donations at this circle to offer to Leo as a token of our gratitude for his services.
You can invite friends through Facebook

Be sure to mark your calendars for future Full Moon Drum and Dance Circles:

Fri. Oct. 22 – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Sat. Nov. 27 – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (as close to the Full Moon as the room was available)
Mon. Dec. 20 – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

For info contact Julie: 613-254-8469 or

September 26, 2010
Capital Cupcake Camp 2.0

City Hall
Bakers arrive at 11:30 am; Doors open to tasters at 1pm
After last years fun and massive sugar rush – we’ve decided to do it all again. This time: with a larger venue, more cupcakes and people. The Capital CupcakeCamp team listened to all the baker feedback from last year and lessons learned from CupcakeCamps in other cities.
We’ve come up with some fun new ideas for this year – check the website for more details! but Pro Bakers and only 24 cupcake per baker means some fun!

This years proceeds will be donated to: The Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa and the City of Ottawa program Women Alive

Details and ticket info:

Request for clothing

The Well are in need of underwear, socks, slippers, etc.

The colder weather is fast approaching and the ladies are in need of some warmer clothing. Some of the ladies also live on the street, etc.

If you want to deliver it yourselves, here’s the address and you may want to call first to confirm when they’re open .. I know in the past they were closed after lunch on Mondays.

The Well-La Source

154 Somerset Street West
Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
(613) 594-2843

These items do not have to be new, gently worn and clean are just fine.

And thanks so much for your kind generosity.