Tag Archives: belly dance classes ottawa

And It's September – time to get dancing again!

Yes, thanks, I have a wonderful holiday!  And now it’s time tog et back to work with both my sewing and dancing!
Have you signed up yet for your class of choice?  If not, please head over to my Schedule page and find one that works for you! I’m mainly offering belly dance through the City of Ottawa and Bellywood is being offered privately through me!
And register – details are with each class!!
Pushy, eh?
Well, I know I want to get creating some new fun stuff and I need lovely dancers to play with, so I hope to see you in a couple of weeks!

Some of my recent students in action!
Some of my recent students in action!


More dancing w/ Bollywood For Fun at Mercury lounge Saturday!

Welcomed once again by Kuljit of Galitcha to join in on a fun Saturday evening of Bollywood at the Mercury lounge, we hope to see you there!
KBH July 12 Poster with BFF 2014
And I’m getting my bellydance on in the morning at a private belly dance lesson – something fun for showers and bachelorette parties – think about it!

Come dance? Summer Playtime: half class/half practice

The idea:
Drop in for bellydance time in a studio space with mirrors.
It is Air conditioned- though we don’t always feel it.
I would teach a bit, and then you would have free time to play. And if you just want to practice on your own, that’s fine too – the fee is to cover the room rental fees.
You’ll have room to practice your own thing with veils, wings, zills stick, almost anything!
Tuesdays from June 17 to July 22
-6:30 to 7:30p.m.
Location: 172 Guigues – Free parking < entrance off Cumberland just north of St. Patrick>
$65 for 6 weeks 
Drop ins $15/ personTo Register for the full session:
Send me an email at halyma@bellydancingforfun.com and an email itnerac or Paypal payment of $65.  Or pay me in cash the next time you see me 🙂
 join the Facebook event
Link back here if you like this poster!

May is gonna be so busy!

I just began my Monday evening classes last night, and it’s a small group, but I think that’s going to be just right for this session!
I also start my Awaken your Inner Goddess classes this coming Thursday, and am working on how I’ll be manifesting this concept – since it’s a new type of weekly class for me, I want to go with the flow.  Fortunately, I am sure the women who have signed up will be open to the adventure!
May 9-11 is also Ottawa ComicCon and I’ll be volunteering there as an Ottawa Browncoat and am hoping to see some  cool celebs  when I take my breaks!
Tracey, Nathan, Tom
And then there’s the dance festival events that are coming up for both Bollywood For Fun { my other dance group} as well as Belly dancing For Fun and Bellywood with Halyma.  Lots of practices and co-ordination with my many wonderful colleague dancers ahead!
Keep an eye here and on the Dancers’ News for info about the many events – some are fundraisers and  have a ticket purchase involved, some are community events and are free to attend!

2014- Back to Dance! Classes begin tonight – Dance Party Next week!

Every session my schedule changes. For 16 years now,  I spend a few weeks before the start date negotiating with the universe, the community centres and sometimes even potential students to at least get one night of classes running.

I am weak. If I didn’t “have” to be there, the futon, the computer, the paperwork, the lurking sewing commitments would all give me one more reason to stay home.

Teaching helps me.  It helps me get outside. It helps me socialize. and it helps me develop, practice and enhance my craft.

For the winter it’s Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and that’s wonderful!  See some of you tonight!

Oh Yeah – And I also talked a little while ago about stirring things up… so here’s my active contribution to the solution ( with my Bollywood For Fun gals to help)…

Get your tickets here

Jan 24 poster version2

Thank you to all of the Seekers of Knowledge…

I was thinking this morning about how much effort it takes to get out and walk around in Ottawa in January; which then progressed to how I hope the side walks have settled back into walkable surfaces by next week, when I hope to being walking to classes in the evenings.

And then I thought about the participants in my classes who has made the commitment to get out there each week and join me in our learning adventure in dance.

So… wow…thanks ladies.

Screen Shot 2014-01-08 at 7.05.57 AM

It’s not that I am just realizing now how amazingly important it is having willing victims, er, I mean, students, in order for this path I am on to continue, but sometimes it’s good to be reminded that without them, my life would change significantly.

Maybe I would sign up for lessons myself, if I had more available time….

Maybe I would do more art….

Likely I would spend a lot more snuggle time with SprocketMinPin during these cold winter months and not be as active as I should be { knowing oneself is important too}.

Check her blog at sprocketminpin.com
Check her blog at sprocketminpin.com

So THANK YOU to everyone who has chosen to come play with me and force me off the futon!

Whatever classes run next week, know that I super grateful for you! And we’re gonna play with zills– just a heads up !

Here’s some of my ladies doing their thing at one of our volunteer events – Keeping it fun!:

Planes and dancers

Wow- I’m so uncoordinated…I could never do that.


When I tell people I belly dance, that’s one of the “admiring” statements I hear.

And my brain says, “WHAAT?”

and my heart says, “sigh…”

I would love to write an inspiring post that would lift up the self esteem and belief systems of everyone who says that to me, so that they can see how belly dance is SO MUCH MORE than just dancing.

I would love to flick that switch in everyone who says, “I can’t do that”, to ” hmm, I want to  see how I can do that”.

The most I can do is continue to share my love for this dance form, educate those interested in learning more, and flash a small smile to those who might be on the fence and encourage you to give it a try.

It’s okay if belly dance is not your thing.  Maybe you are a runner, maybe yoga touches your heart, maybe walking is your happy place – and to all of this I say “YAY. you go!” And the best way to find “your thing” is to try out all of the potentials – when the right activity comes your way, you’ll feel it!

My approach to this dance form began with the phrase, “Belly Dancing For Fun” and I still use that to describe our performance group of rogue dancers, the nature of my classes and my general philosophy.  If it’s not fun, why bother.

Belly dance can be fun – when one chooses to:

  • accept that it’s a journey
  • smile and laugh with classmates/troupe mates/audiences
  • slow down { journey, remember}
  • no really, slow down
  • take that time to explore what CAN be done
  • revel in those moments of achievement – you are learning!
  • breathe
  • go within and focus on what you are doing, ignoring the grocery list
  • BE THERE –  in class, in the performance, in the moment
  • Slow down.

Belly dance saved me.

It brought me into a group of whacky women with whom I could not have found myself.

It brought me the courage to leave a deadend situation for a much better one { married to the AWeSOME @WTL since 1998!}

It allows me to play! Halyma has fun sparkly  costumes, has fabulous long hair, a sense of feminine empowerment that permeates all of my life!

And while I never considered myself uncoordinated { except for those moments when I am taking a workshop with a master teacher and trying to figure out, What the heck?!? – then I slow down…} I never thought I would be dancing for an audience….

Ad it’s so cool now that I do it for a “job”!


Dancers’ News- 2010-01-31

To see this as a website, click here . Also find more Events, Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online!

Good morning,

The hibernation tendencies of January are easy to give in to when we get the uber cold of this past week! But it won’t last long, so bundle up and keep dancing !  I’ve relisted a few of the classes this week – ones that are starting over the next week or two – so no excuses!  Come dancing!

March 6th brings us the Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar and we welcome you to Take our shopping POLL! and you can also get the bilingual Miniposter (404 KB PDF) with all the details!

And keep warm!


Sunday, January 31




What: BellyDance workshop

When: Sunday Jan 31st, 11:30a – 1:30p
Where: SatNam Yoga Centre, 333 Pitt Street in Cornwall.


Why: well, to dance of course. lol
Cost: $40 ($35 for SatNam Yoga members) to be paid at SatNam by Wednesday Jan 27th. 613-930-9314
Please note that SatNam’s doors are only open 30 mins before and after classes so go online to check their schedule to see when you can get in.

So bring your bellydance gear, your smiles and good energy and let’s have some fun!

See you there,


Feb 5 – Ladies’ Valentine’s Prep Night – $35 register with Jannah please
Feb 7 – 1pm – 3pm – Drumzy solo – $35 register with Jannah please
Feb 20/21 – Dance with Jasmin – $165 by Jan 20, $175 – reg’n w/ Jannah

March 6/7 – Dance with Nath Keo! $155 by Feb 6, $165 – reg’n w/ Jannah
March 15-19 – Youth Dance Camp – never a dull moment $150 – Jannah

Jennifer (Jannah)
to Dance is Paradise!
www.jannahdancer.info 519.569-1432
Jannahdancer Dance Centre….a Positive Place to Be!

February 6th and 7th 2010 Deb Rubin In Montreal !

About Deb

Deb Rubin has been a 5+year core member, and co-choreographer with Ultragypsy Bellydance Theater, until Fall 2007, and a regular sub for Jill Parker’s classes. She also holds a level 1 certification from Suhaila Salimpour School of Dance.

Currently, Deb teaches and performs nationally and internationally. Most recently, she assisted Rachel Brice in her 5-day Tribal Massive intensive 2008.
She co-taught a retreat with Sharon Kihara in Hawaii, Dec. 08 She will also be co-teaching a retreat with Heather Stants in Costa Rica this year and another reatreat with Sharon Kihara in Australia.

As a performer, Deb is honored to have collaborated and shared the stage with amazing artists such as: Balkan Beat Box, Beats Antique, Brass Menazerie Balkan Brass Band, UltraGypsy Bellydance Theater, members of the Yard Dogs Road Show, Urban Tribal Dance Company, Mira Betz… and festivals throughout this hemisphere.

1. Engaging the core: Slow and Slinky LENGHT: 2 HR
2. Rocking the Core: Mixed levels LENGHT: 2 HR

1. Arms! LENGHT: 2 HR
2. Drills & Skills LENGHT: 2 HR

2 WORKHOPS = 150 $ CAN

2 WORKHOPS = 170 $ CAN


February 5, 6 and 7, 2010 – Montreal
Journey through Egypt 1
20 hours+ intensive/certification course with Sahra Saeeda

limit of 20 students.

Journey through Egypt” Basic 1 Intensive weekend with Certification presents an overview of the Dance Zones of Egypt with attention paid to movement and posture recognition, zone location, historical consideration and cultural diffusion. Includes free notebook and study materials, map, DVD and CD.

The cost includes: teaching notebook, Map of Folkloric Zones, new “Journey through Egypt” DVD, music CD, Saturday’s lunch and dinner and certificate upon completion of 20 hours.

Subjects Include: Nubia, Ghawazee, Saidi,
Cairo (Awalem, Orientale, Hassaballah, Shamadan),
Suez Canal Zone, Delta, Siwa, Bedouin &
pan-Egypt (History, Moulid, Tanura, Melaya Luff, Zar)

Full intensive only, not enrolling in individual dance zone classes
more info on http://www.eliseoasis.com

February 12,13,14, 2010
Intensive/certification course with Sahra Saeeda

Journey through Egypt 2 (Pre-requisite journey through Egypt 1)

“Journey through Egypt” Basic 2: Movement Intensive.

This Intensive weekend with Certification is an advanced “basic” overview, within which we base to our future research and specializations.
In JtE-2 we address movement proficiency, in addition to instruction in core Dance Ethnography concepts.
We aim to study and replicate each dance zone’s movement at the levels of: authentic indigenous home-style, local performers, regional government groups, national government theater-stage troupes: both Reda and Kowmeya, and within Night Club shows.
more info at www.eliseoasis.com

FEBRUARY 27/28,2010
Montreal workshops with Rosanna Mc Guire (Toronto/San Francisco)!!!

Saturday February 27th, 1-4pm
Flapper fusion (technique and combinations):
A combination of vintage jazz dance and bellydance, completely fabricated from Rosanna’s imagination.  Don’t know what on earth this could be?See Rosanna’s video from Tribal Fest 2008

Sunday February 28th 2010, 1-4pm:
Hip hop fusion choreography
Fusing bellydance with hip hop and funk styles (popping, locking, waving, etc.)


For more videos, please visit:

Location:  École Anichka
65 St-Judes, Laval Quebec

75$ for 1 workshop
140$ for both

For registration CLICK HERE



We will once again be partying and raising funds for great causes.
(Distress Centre, Bereaved Families)

The party will be at the Legion hall at the corner of McLaren and Kent (lots of parking).
The doors (and the bar) open at 7 pm.  The party starts at 8 pm.  Food will be served from 9 pm till close!
Everyone is invited to dance: soloists, groups, troupes,bunches….out-of-towners are welcome again.

Tickets are $25 in advance….$30 at the door

Don’t forget our great prizes, DVDs, the bar…so bring along some cash!!  It all goes back to our community!
Contact Catharine at dragonslivehere.glebe@gmail.com

P.S.  Our Oct.30 party is just before Halloween so I expect to see some really unusual costumes!!!
We will have a contest!!!  Rules (such as they are) will be announced in the fall.  Booooo!


Also see the TEACHER LISTINGS online for all teachers who may have classes running and info available…

Belly Dance With Dale in Brockville

Eight Weeks
Boost your energy and fitness with eight weeks of belly dance classes that will burn fat, tone muscle, develop the power of your femininity, and make you feel good about the body you’re in.  Enjoy the tribal spirit of middle eastern dance.  Includes moving meditation, muscle isolation, drills, shimmies, and steps.  Eight weeks for $80, $12 drop in.

Where:  Dream Weaver (behind the store)
20 King Street West, Brockville
Time:     Wednesdays
February 3 – March 31
5:30 to 6:30 pm
Call to register or stop in at Dream Weaver.
Wear comfortable clothing and bring a scarf
to tie at your hips.

Dale has worked with hundreds of women of all ages, watching them step into their own sense of beauty, strength and grace as they share this ancient art form.   You are never too young, too old, too tall, too short, too big, too small, too out of shape, or too in shape to benefit from all that Middle Eastern Dance has to offer.

There are still spots in this class!
Jalilah’s  Intermediate Evening Class Mondays

7:30-8:45pm. at the Studio School of Dance, 74 Jamie (off Hunt Club near Costco) January 4 to March 8, 2010

It is not too late to join! Price will be pro-rated $13 a class.
A fun combination of technique and drills, chorography and learn how to improvise!….
To register contact Jalilah (613)2288215 jalilah@rogers.com

Bellydancing with Zena

Classical Dance Academy, 100 Castlefrank Rd., (613) 836-5725
Beginners: Monday 8:15 pm;
$65/6 for the next term starting Feb. 22, 2010.

The pricing for Intermediate or advanced is $90/ 6wks .
Intermediate: Tues. Jan. 5th at 10:00 am to 11:15 am,
Advanced: Thurs. Jan. 7th at 1:00pm to 2:15 pm,

Class description: All classes include warm-up, technique and cool down. Participants interested in Intermediate or Advanced classes should have already taken classes with Zena in Beginner or Intermediate Bellydance. For the advanced class: we will be working on a Zill choreography.

Cabaret Style Belly Dancing for Beginners With Liz

Have fun while getting fit. Beginners will learn enough basic steps and veil
movement for a complete choreography. The style taught is “American Cabaret” belly dance which allows for more freedom in the interpretation of movement – perfect for beginners. Wear comfortable clothes and bare feet or flat dance shoes.

All body types and sizes welcome. Liz Chaisson Thompson
Winter Dates 2010 8 Weeks $66/person + GST
St. Patrick’s HS Tues 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Start Feb 2 (14028)
Spring Dates 2010 8 Weeks $66/person + GST
St. Patrick’s HS Tues 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Start Apr 20 (24028

ON LINE www.winterconnections.com
Click on General Interest Courses to view program and to
sign up for a course. To obtain your client # and PIN # for on
line registration call 613-228-3338.
Payment by Visa or MasterCard only.
BY PHONE 613-228-3338
Please have your Visa or MasterCard information ready.

Bahiya’s Classes

Thursday Classes at Hunt club Riverside Comunity Center start date to be announced.
3320 Paul Anka Drive
Ottawa Ontario K1V 0J9
Thursdays Beginner 6:30 to 7;30
Thursdays Level 2 7:40 to 8:40

St Nicholas Adult High School
893 Admirl Ave
Catholic School Board
Starts Feb 9th 8 week session
Tuesdays 7:00 to 8:00


Barrhaven – Mother Teresa High School

Mondays Beginner 7:00-8:00PM Beyond Basics 8:15-9:15M

Orleans – St. Peter High School

Thursdays Beginner 7:00-8:00PM Beyond Basics 8:15-9:15M

Classes will being in February
For details email: jewel2k9 (at)gmail (dot)com


FEBRUARY 1, 2010
Vagabond Opera in Kingston, ON

While at the Toronto winter festival, I ran into Vagabond Opera (Cabaret Gypsy Klezmer Jazz band), who are musicians from Portland, OR that also play with March Fourth Marching Band, they currently perform shows with Rachel Brice and Mardi Love of the Indigo, and we are incredibly lucky to have them on this side of the coast! By chance, they are playing in Kingston Monday! If you love the new musical stylings in tribal fusion bellydance, this show is a must-see!!! The drive is definitely worth the field trip.

Vagaobond Opera w/ Swampland Orchestra!
The Mansion
506 Princess St
Kingston, ON
This is a 9pm show with the lovely Swampland Orchestra! A show not to be missed!

more infos & music: http://vagabondopera.com


The Present is a Gift from The Past, and an Inspiration to the Future.” -Tracey “Halyma” Vibert, TEDxOttawa Talk, December 2009.

….Creativity Abounds…


Phone: 613.241.3397

E-mail: tracey@tav-creations.com

**TAV Creations **Eco-TAV **Eco-TAV Blog EcoTav onTwitter

**Halyma’ Belly Dance shows and Classes ** Halyma’sBlog **Halyma onYoutube

**Halyma on Twitter