All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

October14, 2012- Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar

Many of you already know about the upcoming Ottawa Dancer’s Bazaar via the Dancers’ News or the Facebook event.  But in case you missed it:
Sunday October 14, 2012
Doors open 12-4 p.m.
260 McArthur – Knight’s of Columbus
Send your students/ friends/ colleagues/strangers etc to the online page:
For those who prefer to hand out a flyer: please find one attached that will print 4 per page:Bazaar quarters2012-Oct

And as a final note – this will be the last Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar presented by me. Please feel welcome to read.
Tracey/ Halyma

In Memory of Rosemary Corfield: Aka Zahra Haddad

The whole gang by Halyma
The whole gang, a photo by Halyma on Flickr.

In early September, I had the pleasure of being part of this group of ladies, dancing at a wedding.

It was an amazing event { thanks Eurika for inviting me} not only having the chance to dance with live musicians, but also working one more time with Rosemary/ Zahra.

For many years, when I first began dancing, I really only knew her in passing. I first danced in her husband’s restaurant at OMEDA events, [ Sam’s Falafel and Tabouleh Garden, on Rideau Street; Ottawa/Outaouais Middle Eastern Dance Association].
She was this quiet woman who had such a history, but I would only be in a position to access it on occasion, and more so after her husband passed.
I kept running into her, working with her on occasion over the remaining years, and would keep in a larger loop of concern and information as her own life took so many turns.
I just wanted to send her a thank you for the many years of energy she put into education, community spirit and the blazing touch she left on so many people.

I will add updates here when I receive them, and feel welcome to add your own comments below which I will pass along to her children, or go to her Facebook page and add your sentiments to her wall.

At the October 14th Ottawa Dancer’s Bazaar, there will be a table set up in memory of her, and information about a future event in the works by Randi Cherry and friends, please stop by if you are attending.

UPDATE -thanks Julia –

“Rosemary Corfield 
June 8, 1948 – October 7, 2012

Rosemary danced into the light to the beat of her own drum at the age of 64. Loving mother of Nicholas and Virginia, beloved cousin of Irene Wanless, and John and Jim Lang. Predeceased by her husband, Samir Haddad and parents, Norman and Virginia. Rosemary was born and raised in British Columbia. She will be deeply missed by her many dear friends and family and by all those whose lives she touched with her joy and love. Rosemary lived her life to the fullest and in the face of the increasing limitations of her illness, adapted and continued to live every day with resilience, courage and passion. She loved planning and hosting gatherings – including her own celebration of life just a few weeks ago. She was a dancer, a musician, an artist, a lover of languages, entrepreneur, a friend and, above all, a devoted mother. Rosemary was an inspirational figure in many groups, including the Ottawa Middle Eastern Dance Association, the Ukulele Ladies, the Belly dance and Arabic drumming communities, the Just for Women group. Everything she did, she did with her all. 

Her unbreakable spirit and love of life will live on in the hearts and lives of all who loved her. She leaves us with these words from Osho: “To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.”

Many thanks to all our family and friends, and especially cousin, Irene, dear friend, Noralee Goodwin and the staff and volunteers of the Hospice at May Court for their loving care during the past few months.

A funeral service will be held in the Chapel of Capital Memorial Gardens, 3700 Prince of Wales Drive Nepean, ON K2C 3H1 on Friday, October 12, 2012 at 1:00PM.

Internment and reception to follow at Capital Memorial Gardens.

In memoriam donations can be made to the Hospice at May Court, 114 Cameron Avenue Ottawa, ON.”

 You can go to her online guestbook here:

Ottawa Citizen Obituary


Taking a moment to get personal to share other interests…

This snippet is from the weekly Dancers’ News that I send out to relay information about Ottawa and area belly dance related news – workshops, shows, events and anything that might interest us as belly/ bolly dancers.  And since we all have a variety of interests, I also share bits about other things too!
Be sure to head over to the main web version to see the actual newsletter!
Good morning all,
Looking forward to a lovely fall week – yes – it’s now Fall! Automne! change of seasons! and cooler air – yay for those of us who like that kind of thing!  
On Friday the 29th, I’ll be getting my ping on with some “puh-tock puh-tock” as I will be playing in the Ottawa Charity Ping Pong event in the Byward market – have you sponsored/donated a bit o cash yet?  If not, please feel welcome to head over here and drop some coin for 4 great Ottawa Charities:
And if Creative Sci-Fi is more your thing, head on over to the Ottawa Browncoats site for the September 30th Ottawa Charity Serenity Screening – $12 advance donations get you your BIcket!
Come and see us today @  to get your bickets, we will be there all weekend in the vendor/fan table area!


Also wishing good luck to the folks in the Army Run today!

Winding down – but not quite yet!

The last Dancer’s News  weekly email version of the summer just went out – but during the month of August it will be quietly informing people by existing online and being updated via the comments in the Blog Version found here.

I have 4 more client projects to finish over the next few days then when my sewing machines go in for their month long spa treatment, I start mine as well!

I am really looking forward to getting a massage from Vera Sagram, and then walking away with an order of Vera’s Belgian Waffles!







I was scanning through my blog and saw the post I had written last year around this time, and the great pics of the fun stuff I did last summer.  And I just don’t have the energy this summer to do the same.

Maybe while I am on my break, I will find the time to go through things and relive the fabulous spring and summer I have had – it’s been great.  And it’s been BUSY.

But for now, I will look forward to the break and know that I’ll be thinking of each and every one of you while I am swinging in my hammock, drinking a toast with camping buddies, or viewing the amazing vistas in the park.  Honest 😉

See ya in September – unless I get creative and bloggy in the meantime !



Why my voicemail message says, “Send me an email…”

Well. ya see…

I, like most people, am super busy. And like many people, find  the time taken to answer a phone call during my work day can really disrupt my personal ability to focus, taking work time away while I am  potentially on a big deadline, dealing directly with a client, etc.

I also, like many people, forget things unless they are written down. So by having an email arrive with all of the details of your, very important to me, question, I can refer to it when I can focus on it and give it my full attention.  I also have lost my prize winning penmanship skills { ask me to show you the book I won in Grade 1} and cannot read my hand writing anymore.

I also may just simply be physically away from the phone and don’t want to panic rush from the facilities to try to catch the phone call.

Where does that leave you, the caller. The person who “likes” to call because for you, it’s faster than typing out an email.  Or you are away from your computer/smartphone etc. and just need a “quick” answer to your question. Well, a bit outta luck.

Sorry Dude.

You get 2 options:

1 – leave me an actual detailed message on my voicemail so that I know why I have to call you back.  That way, I can send you an email answering your important questions as soon as I can take a break from whatever kept me from answering the phone in the first place.

2- Send me an email.

Oh, and if your number comes up “private caller”, I’m call screening. So again – go with option 1 or 2.  Nothing personal, just the way I roll…

A belated and quick thanks…

Classes are over. the summer is here – happy solstice BTW.

It has taken a week for me to recover my energies /focus etc to thank everyone who cam out last Wednesday to my 29th – yes, 29th – class party { officially for the past few years, called the OCCP- Ottawa Centre Class Party}.

It’s always a bit of a roller coaster ride – some years we sell out early, some years I am scrambling to cover the costs by opening it up to the public. The dancers- teachers and students  alike – always bring their best to the show and make it an interesting and diverse mix.

This time around, I was extra grateful to the people who were there helping out and relieved to know that I could wander about a bit, leave pretty much all of the night of details in their hands and be a bit more social.  It’s months of work with the last few weeks for the June show being an especially hectic time as I am also in full bridal swing, so thank you to Erika and Catherine who took care of the Stage management and tag teamed with me for “voice from beyond” action and more.  Thank you Linda and Katheryne who were the main door folk – along with Emilie and Laura and Erika helping out as needed.  Thanks to Brenda and Donna for their jumping in as needed to direct people and just stepping up.

Then there is Michèle Roy. She is there before any of us, hanging fabrics with the help of Dennis at Ottawa U, and spends time before the event planning out the set design to make us all look great.

Decor by Michèle Roy; photo by David Peralty

For the 3rd time in a row, I have forgotten to thank her in my final words – and have to scramble to make sure at least some of the people give her some accolades before they leave – ’cause she deserves much more than  40% of the people thanking her with applause for the decor.  She deserves 110% thanks for always designing something gorgeous to create that very social mood for the show.

Tom. Tom has been videotaping my performances almost from the beginning and has been recording and creating beautiful dvds for the performers for my class parties since they started.  Again, he spends hours assembling the info and creating a beautiful record of the event so that even the beginning performers can see themselves looking great on stage!  For performers who have not yet ordered a DVD but want one – email him via his website:

David. New to the scene – this great guy has been tossed into the whirlwind of Tom’s world by becoming both our neighbour and a huge help at both mine and Tom’s projects of late!  His first foray into being our official photographer has yielded some amazing results!   My photos will soon be viewable to the public and as other dancers give permission/post them on their own sites, you’ll be able to see what a great photographer he is!  And he’s a nice guy so I am sure you’ll be seeing him around !

While there are better pics of Halyma, this shows a bit of the veil and skirt from Shibori Borealis…

And Dar of Shibori Borealis is one of my very special VIPs at the OCCPs!  her veils inspire us all to challenge ourselves to dance better, show them off and do them justice!  My costume for this show was once again designed with pieces from Shibori Borealis, both the veil and the silk for the skirt.  The rest of my costume was created by assembling pieces of our community.  Other turquoise silk on the bedleh set was from Roxanne, another local costumer. the beaded fringe I purchased from Nikita, another local dancer.  Purple sequins I think came from Leila, the purple beaded appliqué at my hip from Michele Roy, along with the turquoise sequin fabric on the bra and belt.  So much inspiration from so many creative people all manifesting in my newest creation.

So thank you.

I’m gonna shift gears and focus on private lessons and shows fro the summer.  Wedding dress, bridesmaids and other costume work will keep me busy during the days. And a few dance festival performances will keep me humble as I dance with my buddies in Bollywood For Fun.

See ya in September when my classes resume and in October for the next Dancers’ Bazaar!

The OCCP – one popular event { it’s sold out }

From my December OCCP

Twice a year, since I began teaching belly dance, I organize an end of season class party { Ottawa Centre Class Party}. December and June bring out the dancing students and professionals to a <hopefully >fun filled evening of performances, and for those doing the performing, some fun socializing in the green rooms.

It’s gone up and down in size over the years, depending on enrolment in classes, availability of teachers and student groups to come out etc.  When it began, back in June of 1998, it was in my back yard for the spring/summer one, and in a nearby Byward Market restaurant for the December one.

It peaked a few years back at about 450 performers and guests, and was at the Bronson Centre for a couple of shows. Then the cycle had started to move downwards again and less people were able to participate, so I happily moved back closer to home at the Ottawa U Alumni Auditorium- averaging 270 people for the past few years.

Last week, we peaked again – all 300 tickets are out with teachers, and I have growing list of performers and their guests waiting to hear if any tickets come up for grabs.  There will be a lot of last minute shuffling.  And stress for those folks wanting to bring those 5 extra people { really doubtful that I’ll be able to find that many extra tickets.}

So what to do?

1 – I have teachers checking with their students – are you sure all of your tickets will be used?

2- this morning it occurred to me that often the people involved in the first half, in spite of being told to stick around since the second half of the show has even more fun, LEAVE.  And so during the second half of the show there are piles of empty seats for no good reason.  Do I need to work this already existing “negative” into a positive for this one event?  I’ll percolate on this, but if any teachers know for sure that their students will only be there for the first half { due to early morning shifts/kids etc. – LET ME KNOW!}

3- Crowdsourcing solutions: I run a benevolent dictatorship, but I am open to good ideas.  So if you have any solutions – bearing in mind it’s less than 2 weeks away and about 20 people want to have tickets to sit for the whole show, on top of some floaters who will only be there part of the time…

Ah well, I am now off to a full day of web series shoot and then dancing at the Indo Caribbean Cultural evening tonight.  See ya later!  Leave me some comments below!

Going to the movies alone

Tonight I wasn’t sure I would be able to take advantage of a last minute movie pass given to me by a client. It was for “Five Year Engagement” and although I did check with a few girlfriends to see if they wanted to come with me, all were busy, or not home.

So I headed out and decided that I would come alone. I texted my hubby to let him know and got the perfunctory, “Aw, that’s sad”. I replied, it’s fine ( and yes, I’ll pay those $.20 per text later!)

And it is fine. I used to go to movies alone all the time when I first moved to Ottawa. No need to worry about where to sit, no need to choose the snacks that are share-able( mmm coffee crisp), and generally, I enjoy my own company.

So I found a back corner, where no one behind will kick my chair, and no one will crawl over me mid movie to go out.

And bonus: the Cupcake Lounge was giving away free mini cupcakes to each person!! One per ticket- I shoulda let then give me two at the door!! But I was honest and only took my ticket from the free double pass.
Note: Maple cupcakes- very nice!

Present were a lot of young couples – in theory already engaged/ newly married. But there is a surprising number of older ( my age of early 40s and older) ladies in pairs and male/female couples. And, of course, the girl gaggles- goes without saying…

Sponsored by KissFM, Y101and CTV, so a squealing microphone begins the show!!

What a fun movie- just enough dark humor and absurd humor to have all bases covered! Deer sliding off the roof of a car… Not for the faint of heart!

And a priceless moment of parcour had us all rolling with laughter!

Enough spoilers- go see it- chicks and dudes will enjoy!

And if you only go to movies with a buddy, try it on your own! And tell me about it !

Mini Lessons in belly dance….

A few years back now, I was going to get rolling on Youtube and create a weekly episode of mini lessons.  As I got busier, it instead became a mere short series of videos { there are 5} that all include some dance moves and some include some extra stuff, as I was trying to make them interesting!

As I begin a new session, I try to remember to let my students know both about my Basic Lesson DVDs as well as these mini clips for those who want to practice during the week.  And rather than making them search too hard, here is the playlist from my youtube channel!

Try this at work 🙂 CLICK ON THE PHOTO – I couldn’t get the youtube fancy embedding to work yet!

Why I use video for choreos!

Creating choreographed pieces for my students and/ or troupe/group mates can be a fun and challenging experience. Years ago, before Bellywood, before I had a Mac, I would try to write out the routines for my students.
This is what I write now:

And that’s why they never see this until now! These two routines are in the process of being developed. My dancing of it will be videotaped over the next few weeks and privately shared with the performers as they prepare for the June OCCP!
No notes- they now can make their own!!
See some of you tonight!!