All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

IN Memoriam: Gee Gee Amine….

I just received some very sad news.

Gee Gee Amine Robinson passed away in her sleep last night. She was admitted to the General Hospital on Saturday afternoon, and was in the cardiac care unit.  If you did not know this amazing woman, or only met her later in life, please read her Bio from 2000 sent to me by Ross: GEE Gee BIO

Celebrating the life of Gee Gee Amine Robinson – Memorial Gathering of Dancers and Friends

The Ottawa belly dance community received some very sad news this past week, our longtime friend, dancer, and colleague Gee Gee Amine passed away peacefully in her sleep on March 27. As well as being one of the founders of our dance community, she was a longtime driving force in OMEDA and was always involved in getting dancers involved in supporting community events such as Art in the Park, the Ottawa Marathon and various fundraising events around the city. Gee Gee leaves behind her a legacy of many dancers who learned from her and loved her, and together we wish to celebrate her life and her memory.
We invite you to join us for a gathering and halfa to share stories and memories, next Saturday, April 7th at the Heron Road Community Centre (2nd floor), 1480 Heron, from 1-4pm.

Please share this invitation widely with those who may not be receiving the Dancers’ News. Also, I know Gee Gee would love if we all performed her “Belly Gram” in her memory at this event.

So please bring your memories (stories, pictures, ect), a hip scarf and refreshments to share as we honor our dear teacher and friend.

Please contact Niki at: theodorn @, 613-736-2969 (day) or 613-818-8683 (cell), if you plan to attend or you need further details.You can also contact her husband, Ross at 613-731-0815.

I’ll be adding some photos here as soon as I have permission from folks in them. If you have photos of Gee Gee that you don’t mind having posted here, email me a jpg:  And Niki would love to have any high quality files you have for the memorial on Saturday – contact her at the information above.

Gee Gee Amine -Ottawa Race Weekend - May 25 2008

Gee Gee Amine with a Raceweekend runner-May 25 2008
Hi Tracey: This is one of my favourite pics..we were posing for several different cameras, and I couldn't resist making a naughty comment about having Zeevahs {edited} jabbing me in the back..everybody burst out laughing, and thankfully the photographer caught the moment.