Tag Archives: Belly Dancing For Fun!

While I should be doing housework…

Instead of doing the laundry, I slept in. Instead of exercising, I couch surf. Instead of washing dishes, I dirty more by trying some new recipes.

Well, that’s only because it’s the last week off from classes and I will need to get myself in gear by the end of this week in order to be ready to start teaching again next week!  Actually I need to get myself in gear by this afternoon as I have a huge list of to-do’s for this week in regards to all three of my businesses [ well the three that I can count today – there are more when I break it down!]

What’s on my lists, you ask? Or not – depending on how busy you are with your own lists!

Beadwork done a few years back

TAV Creations has a lovely January wedding on the roster!  Yay!  I don’t always get January weddings but for the past two years I have been blessed with them!  Nice for the alleged “downtime” to not be downtime!  3 bridesmaid dresses plus the wedding gown means I need to get my space cleaned up, vacuumed, and ready for action!


Halyma’s Belly Dancing For Fun has a couple of events to prep for next weekend – January 17th brings us to The Bay at Bayshore for the “Beauty @ the Bay Beautiful Skin Event.  This event is all about wellness and beauty in 2009.  There are several components to this event, skin care regime, sun care, health and diet, fitness and well being.”



Then Halyma will be performing later that evening as part of the multi-dancer show: Uncle Louis’ Restaurant Belly dance show/Hafla Still room to book a table and come out I am sure for a fun evening of Lebanese food and dancing!

Halyma at Uncle Louis' - 2002

But before that, my classes resume on January 12th, 13th and 15th at all of my usual haunts, and I am looking forward to getting moving again!  I really do use the classes as my own personal workout time since the rest of my days seem to be involved with sitting and typing or sewing.

And the new baby: Eco-TAV has lots of work waiting for me to do for it as well!  I  will meet with a co-op this week to see about sewing help.  

mmm snackies!

I need to contact a list of stores regarding carrying the products in house – but I need to make more stock first so that i have it on hand when I approach the stores!  I still have a good amount of cotton and some hemp available [hint, hint] !

I also want to/need to do some major tweaking on the website and am looking at setting up my products on an online market place – but I need to get photos and descriptions organized for that before I go much further!

 I am supposed to be working on that lovely wedding, my time can only be split amongst so many projects before workmanship suffers!

That’s an exaggeration of course, workmanship never suffers!  Organization skills and phenomenal talents are my magical powers!  At least that’s the illusion I like to keep up!  and only as long as I schedule in fun time, rest, relaxation and time with hubby!

We won’t even get into the sewing videos, newsletter look update[ not done yet!], DVD3 [ not happening anytime soon, kids] or any of the other creative endeavors that I happily explore when I have a spare moment!

So, now that I have listed off most of what I want to do, I should really check on the soybeans I have cooking on the stove. I am trying a variation on the wontons that my friend S and I made back in December, but a vegan version with soybeans and mushrooms as the filling.
Maybe some other veggie stuff in there too – we’ll see! I was able to get the wrappers at a little chinese store in the market, so I am ready to go once the filling is !  
Hope your own lists for the upcoming year are fun filled and creative!  
Or healthy and beneficial!
Blessed be!

Live Artfully – backstage

Click on the pic for a few more photos!


Live Artfully – backstage, originally uploaded by campdancer2000.

My thanks to Vashti and Erika for being able to come out and join me at the Bay, Bayshore!

We performed as part of the entertainment between fashion show sets during the Live Artfully Funky Fashion show.

Performing at these events can be approached from a few viewpoints, but really adaptability is what is needed. That and professionalism! And these ladies were great for both!

Actually most of my Belly Dancing For Fun Dancers have behaved professionally and been flexible – that’s why I choose to work with them!

We arrived with the barest of information – only having been able to confirm the evening before what length of time our show was going to be. So, dropping from 15 minutes that included a few solos, to 5 minutes, of short and sweet intermission time dancing was not so bad.

Note: Sometimes organizers forget that the performers actually need to know what is going on, other than be there on this date for this time! We were not the only performers in the event and I think the others were given the same kind of haphazard information. What matters is how you deal with it – I don’t want to train this organizer that it is okay to wreak havoc by not giving out pertinent information, but I also want her to know that we can work with last minute changes to the plan in a friendly and self-sufficient way.

We knew where to meet, and that our contact would arrive to take us to the changing room when she passed by – she was dealing with a lot so no worries there. I always try to imagine the worst case, and in many situations it involves stepping around a corner and dropping the cover up and placing our stuff near the dj booth or backstage – out of the way, but handy. Fortunately, she arrived and we headed off with her so that final costume adjustments could be dealt with!

When we got there , we found the main stage quickly enough so before even seeing our contact, we met the Dj. I gave him our cd, so that was taken care of – I try to always make sure I talk to the dj directly if I can. The few times that someone else has offered to take the cd to the dj has seemed to go badly, so lesson learned.

We were told to come out when we were ready, so that meant we would use our veils as cover-ups for the few minutes that we would be waiting for our time on stage. That gave us a bit more time to see how the crowd was filling up and decide on a “game plan”.

With no advance knowledge of the staging area for events, it is not worth trying to establish much of an advance plan. You brainstorm when you get there and be creative and flexible, assuming that if one of the group forgets, everyone keeps smiling and works it out somehow!

The plan worked perfectly! Three dancers: Vashti with her large veil up on the catwalk first with Erika and I worked our large veils while off on the sidelines amongst the crowd, ready to be cued up. Then Erika took the catwalk and showed off her double veils [ I assume from the Veiled Eye] at the time in the music when she knew would work for them. Then she cued me up and I was able to play up the taxim and have some fun!

And then I invited them back onto the catwalk with me, sans veils and we all were able to improvise, switching places as we danced, taking turns at the front, and playing with the crowd!

It was fun, short and sweet, and a great experience! I even had one of the audience chase after us as we were off and done to find out where she could take classes! Her kind words included how she was sitting with her Lebanese friends and they were very impressed with my dancing – always a bonus for the ego!

We had time to head back stage, get some quick shots and then change into regular clothes as WTL and I were heading off to a wedding east of Ottawa.  I love the fast and furious shows – you get ready, dance and go!


And the video clip![youtube=http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=iHmbIcEphgo]

Getting ready to WOW ’em

[Click on the pic to take you to more shots!]


HPIM4492.JPG, originally uploaded by campdancer2000.

Number 2 of the Bay World Gala events, and so far they have each had their own set-up, style and energy!
No stage for this one, we just danced around the cosmetics area – which could have been odd…

But it was great! Thanks to Liz and Andrea who graciously came out to cheer us on and dance with us a bit! It was great having some familiar faces. And I was able to self-promote to some of the women working the counters!
A lovely young couple stopped and watched until I wandered over towards them, and then I scurried off to get them a card after she had inquired if we “do weddings” – you betcha we do!

And the food – sushi, fruit, little desserts, a chat with the Egyptian women who was serving hummus and tabouli… was all good!

I am now looking forward to later today at the Experimental Farm where the Ottawa SuperCities Walk is happening. At about 11 a.m. a wonderful group of dancers and drummers who have volunteered their time to come out and “welcome” the walkers to the Finish line will be joining me! YAAY US!

Mambo number 4


Originally uploaded by campdancer2000

Downstairs at Mambo is where the first part of the fun is!

We arrived just in time to spend a few moments checking out the designs of Frank Sukhoo, someone I went to L’Academie des Couturiers Canadiens with many moons ago – late 80’s! Beautiful stuff and great concept for a business here in Ottawa!

The two ladies were with me again, and the crowd was ready for a good show! Which we gave them, dancing through the crowded space and twisting and shimmying around the servers!

Shade even got the MC up to shimmy a bit too – which had the crowd going wild! What fun!

On our second set/encore dance, I was waved over by a lovely older lady who then reached into her purse and pulled out a fiver! She then proceeded to tuck it into my hip, and everyone had a great laugh! My tip managed to stay there for the rest of my dance – which was funny and cool as it waggled with every hip shake!

And it matched my costume since our CND $5 are blue 🙂

Afterwards, the owner kindly called ahead to another of her restaurants to let us have a snack in thanks for our volunteer dancing – all for a good cause, but the food at Kinki was fabulous! And unexpectedly generous!

We had a great time and that’s why I dance!