All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

Lazy news update!

To see the main website, click here . Or check the Blog version here

Head on over to see more Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!

Good morning!
We are heading out to volunteer at the Can’t Stop the Serenity Charity Screening at the Mayfair theatre today – even if you cannot come, you can make a donation to support Equality Now and iSisters, our local charity! Congrats to Heather H.W. who won the pair of tickets for today’s CSTS  screening that TAV Creations donated!

June has been a fabulously dancebusy month and July is shaping up to have some great stuff too!

With Bollywood For Fun, we’ll be doing some great public shows this month too – but I don’t have everything here yet – check it on our website if you have a moment!
Check out the Dancers’ News page here for new stuff and upcoming stuff – I gotta head out!
See ya at the Mayfair if you are joining us there today!

Many thanks to everyone: OCCP-June 16, 2010

So, there it is.

I’ve peaked.

Where can I go from here…?

{ and to clarify, the “peak” I speak of is the amazing culmination of everyone’s efforts, the fabulous contributions of the Shibori Wings and neck piece and the strength of our community coming together to create such a great party!}


Photo by Lainie Cambria – Click Here for more

Veils/ Wings: Shibori Borealis and TAV Creations co- creation

Necklace: Witchy Poo Boutique [ also check out her necklaces here]

Decor: Michele Roy

Stage Management: Catharine Crerar

DVD: Darner Media

General and much appreciated help on the day, in advance, and after:

  • Linda B
  • Isaden
  • Saddiqah
  • Zamira
  • Esmerelda
  • Louise H
  • Farasha

Ottawa Browncoats:  Allison

Dancers: to all of you lovely ladies, all of you made the evening an amazing event!  Thank you!

And if I missed anyone, leave me a comment to add your commendations to really pass along our appreciation for the parts everyone plays!

While I can easily go on and on about how great the evening was, how fabulous the dancing, costumes, energy etc was, what I really want is to hear from you.

I’ll be posting some of the email comments I’ve received already, but I want more!

Who did you love?

What music were you blown away by?


What improvements can you suggest to make future shows even better?

I’ve already had one reminder that I need to tell folks to stay  in their seats during the performances, and if they need to get up – sometimes ya just gotta – to not use the entrance the dancers are using – makes for some complicated extra footwork!

Also about the flash photography lighting up the entire audience – it’s fun to take pics of course, but we gotta try to keep it simple so that the dancers are not distracted by a flash of light!

So: bring it to the comments!!

I cannot please everyone, but with every event we learn and grow and by sharing with everyone, it also helps other organizers improve their shows!

Dancers News-2010-06-20

To see the main website, click here . Or check the Blog version here

Head on over to see more Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!

WOW – the past week has been dance filled for me and many of you!  Fabulous performances Wednesday evening at the OCCP, and then yesterday was a dance-all-day kinda day for me and some of the Belly Dancing For Fun Dancers along with our Bollywood For Fun crew!  Thanks to everyone who has come out to play!  My blog will be updated later today with pictures, video and some feedback from the day – check it out at – later!

Happy Father’s Day – BTW!  I suspect not that many gents read the news, but if you do and are a father – well, have a great day!

Finally: if you donated $1 to get a chance to win the 2 CSTS  Charity Screening tickets, and did not hear me call out the number, the last 2 digits on that little white “admit one” ticket were 79.  I need you to email me so that I know who can come and enjoy the show on Sunday next!



JUNE 24 to JULY 29, 2010

Thursday evenings of dance – come out and play
Where: 172 Guigues – Routhier Community Centre, 2nd floor
When: 6:30 to 8:30p.m.
What: Two hours in an air conditioned room with mirrors to play as you wish!

There with a cd player and music. Feel free to bring your own music too, or just take advantage of space and a safe fun atmosphere to test drive those belly dance moves you learned through the winter and spring!

Drop in anytime during the two hours to play, practice, and socialize.

Join us for a fun night out to get some exercise, to practice for upcoming performances, or try those props you have learned through the year and have nowhere to practice them!

OPEN TO ALL LEVELS – Beginner through professional!

Please note: this is not a class – but you’ll learn new stuff by watching and playing.

JULY 2, 2010~Montreal
The One and Only Mira Betz

Absolutely unique as a dancer and teacher, Mira is a must see. Read more about here here

She will be with us for 9 hours of intimate teaching (max 25 people) and a show on july 2nd.

At first, we will only accept registration for the full week end. Individual workshops will be open for registration only if they don’t sell out. We want to create a group energy that grows through the week end.

For 9 hours of workshops: 230 $
Registrations and workshop description at

Le 2 juillet à 20H30 venez découvrir l’incroybale Mira Betz, tout droit venue de San Francisco.
Elle a la rare qualité de savoir captiver un public et de l’émouvoir comme personne.
Elle vaut le détour. Mille fois.
Ouverture des portes à 19h30, spectacle à 20h30.

Avec elle, des artistes invitées:

Andrea Fryett
Dominique Senécal
Iza San
Lauren Caspar (New York)
Mat Jacob
Maryfer (Toronto)
Tribu Ghabal (Trois Rivières)

Le thème du spectacle est le temps. Ne ratez pas ça!!
Les billets sont au coût de 25 $ (30 $ sur place) et peuvent être achetés: ou au magasin “L’oblique” au 4333 rue Rivard (métro Mont royal).

Vive la danse!

JULY 16, 2010
Zafirah of Montreal in Ottawa

Friday, 16 July 2010
Topkapi Turkish Restaurant, 484, rue Preston Street

Dinnner with performance by Zafirah of Montreal.

Please make your reservation by calling 613-230-8828.

Souper et spectacle avec Zafirah de Montréal.

Veuillez faire vos réservations dès maintenant en téléphonant au 613-230-8828.

We need 20 people to reserve in order for this event to take place.
Nous avons besoins de 20 réservations pour continuer avec l’élément.

July 17-18, 2010
Two Day Workshop with Zafirah of Montreal

Veil Poi (Voi) Workshop
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time: 10am-2pm
Location: Sandy Hill Community Centre (250 Somerset St.)
Note: Parking available for free.

Drum Solo
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Time: 12pm-4pm
Location: Routhier Community Centre (172 Guigues St.)
Note: Parking available for free
Learn technique and choreography at each workshop.
DVD of the choreographies are included.

Early Bird Prices (EXTENDED UNTIL JUNE 25, 2010)
1 day workshop: $65
2 day workshop: $120

Prices after June 11, 2010
1 day workshop: $75
2 day workshop: $140

Please make payments through Paypal to the email address and let me know which workshop or both you would like to register for.

Once your payment is processed I will send you an email confirming your registration.

If you would like to make other arrangements for payment please email at

A Midsummer’s Night Dance – A Celebration of Oriental and Tribal Dance
Special Guest Zafirah of Montreal

Saturday July 17, 2010
Ottawa University Alumni Theatre ( Jock Turcott Building/Unicenter )
Doors open: 7:00pm
Show starts: 7:30pm
$15.00 Advance or $20.00 at the Door

Tickets will also be available at the SUMMER PRACTICE EVENINGS!

for tickets email:

October 8-10, 2010
Tribal Fusion Bellydance with Rosanna McGuire

Rosanna will teach her signature style, and we’re excited to present a show featuring Rosanna and guest performers!

For information and registration email Leslie –

November 5-7, 2010 ~ Toronto
Dalia Carella, Carmine Guida, Beatbox Guitar
Serpentina North & Shakti fusion collaborate to bring you a divine weekend of music, dance and workshops featuring renowned world fusion artist, choreographer, and instructor Dalia Carella, accompanied by the internationally recognized percussive genius of Carmine Guida, and Brooklyn based duo, Beatbox Guitar (Pete List & Rob Mastrianni) who create an innovative mix of flamenco, psychedelic rock, hip hop and punk.

Details on this exciting weekend of workshops and performance to follow soon!
For information email: and

December 3-5, 2010
Dalia Carella and Carmine Guida of Djinn (NYC!) intensive workshop and show in Ottawa

Since many won’t be able to get to our Toronto intensive November 5-7 with Dalia, Carmine, and Beatbox Guitar, Leslie will be hosting a smaller version of the event here in Ottawa !

Dalia & Carmine will teach together, music/rhythms for dancers, and also offer separate workshops in both dance and drumming.  More details to follow.  The earlybird for *both* days (9 hours total) will be $275 and time limited, the full price will be more.

For information and registration for both these exciting workshops email Leslie –


JUNE 20, 2010
Sister Bazaar event

Sunday June 20th (yes…. Father’s Day) at

70 Third Ave in the Glebe,
from 1 PM to 6 PM.

We have received new stock of lovely floaty tunics and we do still have several excellent indigo printed items available. They won’t last long…

Hope you can attend. Feel free to share this notice with friends.

Madeleine & Andree

June 25, 2010
Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Drum and Dance Circle – Summer Solstice Edition

Friday – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Maki House Community Centre

19 Leeming Drive (between Bayshore and Kanata)

This month, the Full Moon falls just days after the summer solstice and coincides with a Lunar Eclipse.  We will celebrate outside weather permitting at Maki Park, otherwise we will be inside the community centre.

Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be some shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.

There will be an optional meditative drumming and period of silence at the end of the circle for those wishing to stay.

Please RSVP to so that we know how many people to set up for.

JUNE 27, 2010
Can’t Stop the Serenity 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Mayfair Theatre
1074 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1S 3X3
(613) 730-6552

What is Can’t Stop the Serenity?
Can’t Stop the Serenity is a charity event supporting Equality Now and iSisters Technology Mentoring. We are screening the sci-fi film “Serenity”, and “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.”


Equality Now is an international organization which documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support their efforts to stop these human rights abuses.

iSisters Technology Mentoring is a local charity that connects women in need with technology through mentoring. iSisters increases economic earning potential and independence for women in poverty in Ottawa who are unemployed, have limited education and depend on government services for basic needs.


Serenity (film starts at 1 PM)
Called “the best science fiction film ever” by science fiction author and legend, Orson Scott
Card, it’s hard not to like Joss Whedon’s shiny space western. Indeed, watch the film that rose from the ashes of the celebrated Fox television show, Firefly, and you’ll soon see why this movie garnered IGN’s 2005 Best Sci-Fi and Best Story awards, as well as topping numerous fan polls.
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (film starts at 3:20 PM)
A classic short film showcasing the writing talents of the Whedon family (and Maurissa Tancharoen) as well as the acting and singing abilities of none other than Neil Patrick Harris(Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How I Met Your Mother), Felicia Day (The Guild, Dollhouse) and Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Slither). You will laugh and cry in this amazing musical about an up-and-coming supervillain, his nemesis and his one true love.

To purchase tickets ($12 in advance, $15 after June 20th) or to make a donation please visit


Hello friends,

Might you know someone who’d like to adopt feline sisters Charlotte and Emily, affectionate in-door cats aged 6 and 7, as of October 2010?

Please contact Bill in Ottawa:  613 612 7460

see letter from Charlotte and Emily below.

Thanks!  Fran


Zamira’s Summer Classes

Belly Dance for Adults and Teens all levels

A Beginner-Intermediate Belly Dance class with an emphasis on flexibility, muscle isolation and increasing muscle strength and grace. To run this class a minimum of 6 students is required.

Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM
June 2 – July 28, 2010: block of 6 consecutive classes $66

Drop-in fee $12 cash per class – no registration necessary

Classes take place at Makin’ Moves Dance Studio:
1196 Bank Street at Ossington Avenue Old Ottawa South

For registration and information contact Zamira:

Tribal Fusion Leslie and Tools for your Practice with Leslie

This class is both for the absolute beginner and the more experienced tribal dancer looking to deepen their practice.  Drills for strong technique will be taught, along with some combinations throughout the session.  This session takes us through to the end of July.

Tuesdays 8:15-9:15pm
1196 Bank at Makin Moves studio
email leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca to register!
$90 for this 7 week session

CardioBellydance at the Arts Court with Anna and Safiya

Wednesday June 23rd, CardioBellydance continues all summer long at
Capital City Dance
1309 Carling Ave, Westgate Mall,
6:30 – 7:30 pm
Contact Safiya at , or visit

Dance OASIS de la danse

200 St-Joseph blvd, Hull

819-776-5033 / 819-962-2645

Register now for summer classes with Denise Enan, and the Oasis teachers.
Monday-Friday: lunch-time classes and evening classes
Saturday-Sunday: morning and daytime classes

Drop-ins welcome

Summer session starts June 21

Jalilah’s Summer Classes

Intermediate /Multi-level  Tuesdays Mornings 11-12
at The Studio School of Dance 11 Jamie Street (near Hunt Club and Merivale)
July 6 to August 10 $60
To register contact Jalilah (613)3388215

Intermediate 6:30-7:30 Thursday Evenings 6:30-7:30
Advanced 7:30-8:30 Thursday Evenings 7:30-9:00
At Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis
200 St Joseph, Hull
June 24 to August 12 Intermediate $85 Advanced $100
To register contact Oasis at (819) 7765033 or (819)9622645

Dancers’ News-updates-2010-06-13

To see the main website, click here .

Head on over to see more Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!

Good morning,

June is the month during which all of my worlds converge!

Dance classes are finishing up for the season and I have my, now SOLD OUT, OCCP coming up – congrats to everyone who bought there tickets in advance!

Both dance adventures I am involved with, Belly Dancing For Fun and Bollywood For Fun are active and featured at many local events over the next few weeks!

I also am blessed with sewing work for the show as well as for the standard wedding season – which has some quickly approaching deadlines too!

And my Eco TAV products have just been reordered at Life without Plastic!

So that’s my excitement, and I look forward to seeing many of you Wednesday evening as well as potentially tonight, and next Saturday!

Sunday, June 13


Bellydance with Anna & Safiya at the Carnival of Cultures!

Sunday June 13th (6:00 – 7:00 pm)
Marion Dewar Plaza (corner of Laurier and Elgin)

Come enjoy live and colourful performances presented by hundreds of local and out-of-town artists.

For weekend passes please contact Safiya at
or visit

June 19, 2010
Belly Dancing For Fun at Emily’s Run
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Aviation Museum, Ottawa, Ontario.


In support of these world class athletes, Halyma’s Belly Dancing For Fun will be on site dancing, cheering and teaching some fun moves that morning!

Come on out and support the racers and learn to shimmy!

June 19, 2010
BDFF Dancers at the MSMF India Food Festival:
International variety show including Halyma’s Belly Dancing For Fun!

JUNE 19, 2010
Alhambra Dance & Friends presents Red Hot Summer Hafla in Toronto

When: Saturday June 19th from 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Martha Hicks School of Ballet, 2345 Yonge St. 1st floor, back of Office Building
(East side of Yonge, North of Eglinton)
Price: $10 in advance, $15 at the door (*funds are being raised for troupe costumes*)

For advanced tickets contact Caliana:

416-821-4381 or

Summer will be here before we know it! Join Alhambra Dance & Friends in our “Red Hot Summer Hafla” (RHSH).

This event will be more informal, where performances & demonstrations will be interspersed with mingling, eating & free dancing time!

Snacks & refreshments will be provided -byob

Performances by:

Caliana, Jaene, Siham Sumaiya, Haifa, Alexandra, some students, live musicians and more (TBA)

JUNE 24 to JULY 29, 2010

Thursday evenings of dance – come out and play
Where: 172 Guigues – Routhier Community Centre, 2nd floor
When: 6:30 to 8:30p.m.
What: Two hours in an air conditioned room with mirrors to play as you wish!

There with a cd player and music. Feel free to bring your own music too, or just take advantage of space and a safe fun atmosphere to test drive those belly dance moves you learned through the winter and spring!

Drop in anytime during the two hours to play, practice, and socialize.

Join us for a fun night out to get some exercise, to practice for upcoming performances, or try those props you have learned through the year and have nowhere to practice them!

OPEN TO ALL LEVELS – Beginner through professional!

Please note: this is not a class – but you’ll learn new stuff by watching and playing.

JULY 2, 2010~Montreal
The One and Only Mira Betz

Absolutely unique as a dancer and teacher, Mira is a must see. Read more about here here

She will be with us for 9 hours of intimate teaching (max 25 people) and a show on july 2nd.

At first, we will only accept registration for the full week end. Individual workshops will be open for registration only if they don’t sell out. We want to create a group energy that grows through the week end.

For 9 hours of workshops: 230 $
Registrations and workshop description at


JUNE 13, 2010

Bollywood For Fun will be part of the variety of talent performing in support of this great cause:

JUNE 20, 2010
Sister Bazaar event

Sunday June 20th (yes…. Father’s Day) at 70 Third Ave in the Glebe,
from 1 PM to 6 PM.

We have received new stock of lovely floaty tunics and we do still have several excellent indigo printed items available. They won’t last long…

Hope you can attend. Feel free to share this notice with friends.

Madeleine & Andree

JUNE 27, 2010
Can’t Stop the Serenity 2010

UPDATE: Advance price TICKETS AVAILABLE AT HALYMA’s OCCP! If you are coming Wednesday night, you also have the chance to win a pair of tickets, courtesy of TAV Creations, Sponsor of Can’t Stop the Serenity!

10&11 JUILLET/JULY, 2010 ~ Montreal

AUGUST 9, 2010

Explore the possibilities of the non-traditional “quilt” as an
expressive art medium through this process-oriented, sewing machine based
workshop. Students begin the week by compiling a series of small samples
of colour and elements of design studies to use as a springboard for
developing their own personal style. Samples can be employed as a
reference for future work or used as the starting point for art quilts
that will be designed and constructed in class the second part of the
Instructor : Karen Goetzinger
Fee : $225
Monday to Friday : 9h30 – 16h00
August 9 – August 13
5 sessions | 30 hours
Here’s the link to the page


Tribal Fusion Leslie and Tools for your Practice with Leslie

Starts Tuesday, June 15th – 7 week session!

This class is both for the absolute beginner and the more experienced tribal dancer looking to deepen their practice.  Drills for strong technique will be taught, along with some combinations thoughout the session.  This session takes us through to the end of July.

Tuesdays 8:15-9:15pm

1196 Bank at Makin Moves studio

email leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca to register!

$90 for this 7 week session

Carnival of Cultures Ottawa

Click on the photo to see the full set!

IMG_4258, originally uploaded by Halyma.

Day 1 – opening ceremony with gorgeous sunshine and beautiful folks! We had a blast participating in our first Carnival of Cultures in the guise of Bollywood For Fun.

We are out in the park again today between 2 and 3 p.m., and will hopefully get some more fun shots too!

Dancing is such a joy for us – that’s all!

What a weekend! Oh, and Dancer’s News…

Okay, so I’ve been dancing all weekend – and I am not done yet!  It’s exciting, nerve wracking, pretty, sparkly, hot, cold, a full roller coaster ride of emotions and it’s part of who I am!

Yesterday, we cheered on the walkers at the Weekend to End Cancer for our 4th year !

The BDFF gang from Saturday at the Weekend to End Cancer 2010

I am very blessed to have so many wonderful dancers open to the idea of coming out, hanging out, doing some fun dancing for our fans  and sharing the joy!

Did I say Fans, yes I did!

It has now been established that we are asked about in advance – ” will the belly dancers be here?”, and have been told by numerous participants that we are the best part of the walk!  While I know they are exaggerating about us being “the best” part of the walk – due to dehydration and hunger no doubt 🙂 – it is still nice to hear!

Thanks to our motorcycle buddy with whom we get a group shot with every year!

More dancing…

Last night I had the pleasure of dancing with Shade at the Indo-Carribean Cultural Event – and I don’t have any pics up yet, cause I came home and crashed!  But the evening was great fun and we were joined by the lovely Chandrika – who has been a busy dancer/singer/superstar in her own right!

And today, we will send piles of energy out to lighten up the rain for the WTEC walkers/Ottawa Health and Wellness folk/ and the Art in the Park/New Art Festival

Next Weekend…

June 11-13, 2010 features both Bollywood For Fun and Anna and Safiya’s Belly Dance at the Carnival of Cultures

$12 weekend passes are available – email

And the Dancer’s News page has some great new updates and info about lots more going on – so click here to read more!

Dancer’s News-Update-2010-05-30

To see the full version on the main website, click here . Or check the Blog

Head over to see the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!


Loads of new tidbits in the news this week and a few reminders as usual!  See you at some of the fun coming up this June!




June 5/6 , 2010
Art in the Park – Belly Dancers Welcome

Noon to 4 p.m.

Routines welcome: soloists/Groups

Bring your music! Contact Gee Gee for details – 613-731-0815

JUNE 5, 2010
Indo-Caribbean Cultural Celebration featuring Halyma and the Belly Dancing for Fun Dancers

Spectacle de danse d’Ethereal Tribal

Ethereal Tribal et ses élèves vous invite à venir passer une soirée à
la saveur des mille et une nuits. Un moment pour découvrir la danse de
l’orient en fusion avec leurs inspirations d’aujourd’hui.

Tribal and their students invite you to an evening of intoxicating
oriental fusion dance, in the spirit of the 1001 nights.

Bellydance with Anna & Safiya at the Carnival of Cultures!

Saturday June 12 (4:00 – 5:00 pm)
Sunday June 13th (6:00 – 7:00 pm)
Marion Dewar Plaza (corner of Laurier and Elgin)

Come enjoy live and colourful performances presented by hundreds of local and out-of-town artists.

For weekend passes please contact Safiya at
or visit
also check out the details for Bollywood For Fun’s performances below in the “Not Quite Belly Dance Section”

12 et 13 juin 2010 – Quebec
FesTribal de Québec 2010 Tribale Kabbale

JUNE 13 , 2010
Saidi : Cane & Choreography Workshop with Chantal Dos Santos in Toronto

When: Sunday June 13th, 2010 from 11:00am-3:30pm
Where: Martha Hicks School of Ballet – 2384 Yonge St. 2nd floor, Studio B
(West side of Yonge, North of Eglinton)
Pricing: $55 on or before June 1st / $65 after June 1st

To register contact Caliana: 416-821-4381 or

Work on your existing skills and gain new ones! This multi-level workshop
offers the opportunity to polish your cane skills to the tune of the earthy
Saidi rhythm. In the first half of the workshop, students will drill the use
of the cane from the basics and beyond, including balancing, flipping and
catching. In the second half, we will work on a 2 1/2 minute choreography, which can be performed as is or built on to fill the full 5 minute song. Students will be provided with a CD of both the edited and the full length version of the song.

Straight canes are necessary for this workshop. Please indicate when registering whether you will be bringing your own straight cane or will need to borrow one.

There will be a 30 minute lunch.

Chantal Dos Santos is a dance artist from Canada, currently based in
Germany. Chantal’s dance studies include Egyptian and Turkish style Oriental Dance, Contemporary, Creative Movement theories and various Roma dances. She has studied with many notable instructors including Hadia, Roula Said, Nourhan Sharif, Ranya Renee, Lesya Starr and Katjusha Kozubek. Chantal is also a certified Oriental Dance instructor through Hadia’s Middle Eastern Dance Teacher Training Program. Chantal continuously seeks out cultural experience and opportunities to explore endless possibilities of expression through the study of world dances.

*inspire movement…*

JUNE 24 to JULY 29, 2010

Thursday evenings of dance – come out and play
Where: 172 Guigues – Routhier Community Centre, 2nd floor
When: 6:30 to 8:30p.m.
What: Two hours in an air conditioned room with mirrors to play as you wish!

There with a cd player and music. Feel free to bring your own music too, or just take advantage of space and a safe fun atmosphere to test drive those belly dance moves you learned through the winter and spring!

Drop in anytime during the two hours to play, practice, and socialize.

Join us for a fun night out to get some exercise, to practice for upcoming performances, or try those props you have learned through the year and have nowhere to practice them!

OPEN TO ALL LEVELS – Beginner through professional!

Please note: this is not a class – but you’ll learn new stuff by watching and playing.

August 6 – 8th 2010 ~Mississauga, Ontario
Fifi Abdo
First Time to Canada!
Also featuring Khaled Mahmoud of Cairo!

2 days of workshops. Saturday night gala starring Fifi Abdo!

Delta Meadowvale Resort & Conference Centre, Mississauga

Whole Weekend Package includes four 3-hour workshops
(12 hours of training) and Friday & Saturday night shows!

Only $399 before July 25th

Single workshops
$150 per workshop for Fifi Abdo.
$80 per workshop for Khaled Mahmoud.

Friday show
$25 in adv., $30 at door.

Saturday Gala
$125 advance
$150 at door.

Don’t miss your chance to study with the Egyptian legend Fifi Abdo along with Khaled Mahmoud for the first time in Canada! Six hours of workshops each day!  PLUS Saturday night Gala starring Fifi Abdo performing with live band!

Saturday Baladi Workshop. Sunday Raks Sharqi Technique.

Saturday Oriental workshop. Sunday Tabla Solo.
Saturday Gala starring Fifi Abdo! With live band Layali El Sharq!
Click here for more details:


Zamira’s Summer Classes

New SUMMER 2010 classes CONTINUE

Belly Dance for Adults and Teens all levels

A Beginner-Intermediate Belly Dance class with an emphasis on flexibility, muscle isolation and increasing muscle strength and grace. To run this class a minimum of 6 students is required.

Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM
June 2 – July 28, 2010: block of 6 consecutive classes $66

Drop-in fee $12 cash per class – no registration necessary

Classes take place at Makin’ Moves Dance Studio:
1196 Bank Street at Ossington Avenue Old Ottawa South

For registration and information contact Zamira:

CardioBellydance at the Arts Court with Anna and Safiya

– 1 night only! June 2nd (6:30 – 7:30 pm)

Due to studio renovations, Anna & Safiya will be holding their CardioBellydance course on Wednesday June 2nd at Arts court (2 Daly Avenue Studio B)
If you are downtown and care to come dance with us, all levels of bellydancers are welcome to join in the sweat-infused fun!
Contact Safiya at , or visit

(Starting again on Wednesday June 23rd, CardioBellydance continues all summer long at Capital City Dance (1309 Carling Ave, Westgate Mall), 6:30 – 7:30 pm)


JUNE 10-13,2010
Ontario Womyn’s Drum Camp 2010

Thursday – Sunday
Come Join the Fun!
Whatever your interest, there will be something for you!

Our talented teachers will offer you their very best as they share their knowledge and the rhythms of the Earth.

Check out the details online:

JUNE 11-13, 2010
Carnival of Cultures

Bollywood for Fun will proudly be participating in the the 2010 Carnival of Cultures!

WE NOW HAVE WEEKEND PASSES AVAILABLE AT $12 each! Email us and get yours!

Carnival of Cultures is Ottawa’s unique international folkloric festival that brings to life music, song and dance of countries from the four corners of the globe each June.

June 11, 12, 13, 2010
Marion Dewar Plaza (Formerly Festival Plaza)
Corner of Laurier and Elgin

Bollywood For Fun shows:
Join us for the parade to kick off the festivities from 6 p.m. onwards!

Friday, June 11, between 9 and 10 p.m.
Saturday, June 12, between 2 and 3 pm.

JUNE 13, 2010


Bollywood For Fun will be part of the variety of talent performing in support of this great cause…

JUNE 27, 2010
Can’t Stop the Serenity 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Mayfair Theatre
1074 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1S 3X3
(613) 730-6552

What is Can’t Stop the Serenity?
Can’t Stop the Serenity is a charity event supporting Equality Now and iSisters Technology Mentoring. We are screening the sci-fi film “Serenity”, and “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.”


Equality Now is an international organization which documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support their efforts to stop these human rights abuses.

iSisters Technology Mentoring is a local charity that connects women in need with technology through mentoring. iSisters increases economic earning potential and independence for women in poverty in Ottawa who are unemployed, have limited education and depend on government services for basic needs.


Serenity (film starts at 1 PM)
Called “the best science fiction film ever” by science fiction author and legend, Orson Scott
Card, it’s hard not to like Joss Whedon’s shiny space western. Indeed, watch the film that rose from the ashes of the celebrated Fox television show, Firefly, and you’ll soon see why this movie garnered IGN’s 2005 Best Sci-Fi and Best Story awards, as well as topping numerous fan polls.
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (film starts at 3:20 PM)
A classic short film showcasing the writing talents of the Whedon family (and Maurissa Tancharoen) as well as the acting and singing abilities of none other than Neil Patrick Harris(Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How I Met Your Mother), Felicia Day (The Guild, Dollhouse) and Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Slither). You will laugh and cry in this amazingmusical about an up-and-coming supervillain, his nemesis and his one true love.

To purchase tickets ($12 in advance, $15 after June 20th) or to make a donation please visit

Finished the parade!


Finished the parade!, originally uploaded by WTL-Ottawa.

Relaxing on the futon now over 24 hours later, it’s still a fresh buzz at having performed as part of the Museum of Nature’s Grand re-opening in Ottawa, on Saturday May 22.

The opportunity came as a result of another local group passing on it, due to their own busy schedule, and sending the contact info my way. When I called to find out more about this “parade” I was totally excited to realize what it was.

We have a friend on the board for the Museum of Nature and were able to get a preview last year of some of the new exhibits and are huge fans. So to be able to be a part of the event, it’s a big deal!

The parade organizer, Winnie, was great and while there were some minor last minute adjustments that had to be made for our outdoor stage performance, due to the enormous crowd out front, it all worked out great.

We had no way to get to the stage, so we had to abscond a volunteer who was very helpful at herding us as well as the Chinese dragon dancers – but we seemed to lose them along the way to the stage. I can still see our snaky line of sticks up in the air as we were led through the crowded museum foyer to the outside – it was really great that we had our sticks to keep track of each other!

Our music system was sad – and that was my bad.  But we’ll work out something better for any future outdoor events.  Even so, we managed to find the rhythm of the marching band behind us and another group in front of us to alternate between following.  I think we had 4 fairly steady sill players dancing along, so we did what we could to keep us some danceable rhythms!

The weather was perfect parade weather.  Slightly overcast, with a few sprinkles of rain to keep us cool, and loads of folks to cheer us on!  And the photo ops were hysterical!  And great for our egos!

So, major thanks to the lovely ladies who were available to join me on the latest adventures of Ottawa’s Belly Dancing For Fun!

BTW – the Banner was actually from the time we were in the Help Santa Toy Parade a few years back!  Very cool to use it in a parade again!


And apparently we made it onto the news that night!  Check it out while it’s online HERE

And from @wtl:

Dancers News-2010-05-16-UPDATES



May 21-24, 2010

Aswan Troupe at the Tulip Festival

The accomplished Aswan Folkloric Dance Troupe of Egypt will travel to the capital city of Canada to participate in the 2010 Canadian Tulip Festival that celebrates the tulip as a symbol of International Friendship.

They will bring their Ud, tabla, and tar to accompany the various songs, intricate patterns of hand-clapping and foot-stomping that are spectacular to watch.

Nubian folk dances of Aswan are performed on everyday and special occasions such as marriage and nuptial ceremonies, harvesting, community functions and merry-making. The Aswan folk dance troupe manifests these themes of folk life in very entertaining performances.

Don’t miss the Nubian Tahtib (stick dancing) – and the Gha Wazi and the El Tahtip, two famed folk dances of Aswan that are enjoyable to watch.

Visitors to the Commissioner’s Park will have the opportunity to dance with the performers as they will be mingling and inviting spectators to take part.

The Aswan Folkloric Dance Troupe shows have the following time slots at the parks.

Major’s Hill park
May 21 12:00 – 1:00 pm
May 22 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
May 23 1:00pm – 2:00 pm
May 24 11:30 pm – 12:30 pm
Commissioner’s Park
May 21 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
May 23 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
May 24 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

For more information contact the Press Office of the Embassy of Egypt.

Counsellor Elsayed Elhady, Director, Press Office

Telephone: 613-563-1248


May 22, 2010

Ottawa’s Belly Dancing For Fun dancers At Museum of Nature Grand Reopening

Join us as we do our best to represent Ottawa’s diverse belly dance community with a variety of costumes and dances!

Grand Reopening Weekend Celebrations
Ceremonial Parade and Official Unveiling Ceremony

• 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.- Ceremonial Parade

Led by the town crier, enjoy marching bands, multicultural performers, historical figures, museums from coast to coast, community partners, celebrities and much, much more!
Parade route: Starting at Ottawa City Hall (Lisgar Street), along Lisgar to Metcalfe Street, to McLeod Street, to museum main entrance.

• 11:30 a.m. to noon – Official Unveiling Ceremony

To commemorate the official reopening of the museum, a ribbon cutting will take place at the main entrance with a blessing from Algonquin Elder William Commanda.

• Noon- Welcoming Entertainment

Chinese dragon dancers

Belly Dancing For Fun!!

Plus more!

Museum opens. Admission today is free.

MAY 22, 2010

Studios OASIS de la danse annual recital

Performances featuring
the Oasis students and teachers,
the Enan Egyptian Troupe, and
special guest dancer Amelia from MontrealCarleton University theatre
Tickets only $10

Contact Denise or Ahmed, or your Oasis teacher, for tickets


MAY 23, 2010
Workshop with Amelia from Montreal

at studio OASIS de la danse
200 boul St-Joseph Gatineau

The workshop was sold out, but due to a few cancellations, some spots have opened up!

Contact Denise 819-776-5033

MAY 30 – JUNE 15, 2010


Travel in Egypt with Denise and Ahmed Enan!

Details of the next tour now available on their website:

Nobody, but nobody can bring you the years of first-hand knowledge and
experience with authentic Egyptian dance! Denise and Ahmed will share
entertaining stories of their time with the Firqa Kaoumeia (National Dance
Troupe of Egypt) and life growing up in Egypt. Without missing any of the
tourist must-sees, we allow special time for dancers to go costume shopping,
take optional dance lessons, and outings to see dancers performing.

Call Ahmed for more details 819-776-5033.

May 30, 2010

Canadian marathon race day – belly dancers welcome!

8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Freestyle Bellydance with Gee Robinson et al – contact Gee Gee for more details:


MAY 30, 2010 – Montreal

Bellydance Superstars workshops: Sabah and Sabrina Fox

9h30 à 13h30 (incluant une courte pause): Atelier danse orientale avec Sabah
14h30 à 18h30 (incluant une courte pause): Atelier tribal-fusion avec Sabrina Fox
Collège Ahuntsic:
825 Émile-Journault (Émile-Jounault/St-Hubert), Montréal.
L’atelier se donne dans la palestre des miroirs (bloc sportif).
Dance class studio = Palestre des miroirs
About Sabah:
Description de l’atelier de Sabah: Warda
Atelier entier consacré à la musique d’une des chanteuses favorites de Sabah: Warda! 
La classe sera composée d’un échauffement, d’une partie technique et de combinaisons qui mises ensemble formeront une courte chorégraphie dansée sur de la musique faisant partie du répertoire de Warda.
L’atelier est ouvert et conçu pour tous les niveaux.
Sabah workshop description: Warda
Come learn a full workshop dedicated to one of Sabah ’s favorite singers to dance to – Warda!
This is an open level class.
The class will be broken down into warm-up, technique, and combinations that lead into a short choreography all using Warda’s extensive repertory of music.
Description de l’atelier de Sabrina Fox: Atash Maya style Dark and Sexy Choreography ~ Combos
Chorégraphie gothique et sombre ~ combos pour vos performances non-traditionnelles. Chorégraphie composée de 3 combos pour danser de façon stylisée en improvisation.
Atash Maya (troupe de Sabrina Fox) est connu pour son style ”edgy and sexually powerful”.
Cette chorégraphie, vous ne voudrez pas la ramener à la maison à vos parents, mais vos fans et vos amis du ”dark side” l’adoreront.
La chorégraphie sera de niveau avancée incluant une parite au sol, une descente lente à partir de la position debout, des techniques de superposition de mouvements lentes et rapides et des tours rapides.
Les danseuses de tous les niveaux sont bienvenues, mais les débutantes devront s’allouer du temps d’observation avant d’essayer les techniques.
Sabrina Fox workshop description:
Atash Maya style Dark and Sexy Choreography ~ Combos
Dark gothic stylized choreography ~ combos for your not so traditional performances. A choreography that is broken down into 3 combos for Improvisational stylized belly dance.
Atash Maya has been known for their edgy and sexually powerful style. This choreography you may not want to bring home to your parents, but your friends and fans on the dark side will love it, you can wear your vampire teeth with this one :)=.
This is an advanced choreography including floorwork, a slow drop from standing, layered techniques both fast and slow, and fast spot turns. All Level dancers are welcome to attend, but beginners please allow yourself time to journal and observe techniques before trying if needed.
Prix pour un atelier/1 workshop only (4 heures):
• 85$
Prix pour les 2 ateliers/ both workshops (8 heures):
• 150$
Pour réserver votre place, vous devez effectuer le paiement directement sur le site/For registration, you should buy your place direclty on the website:
Les paiement disponibles sur le site sont:
• Paypal
• Accès D (before May 25th only)
• Dépôt dans mon compte bancaire/ Deposit into my ban accourt
• Argent comptant (sur rendez-vous en boutique)/Cash (at boutique on appointent)
Thank you,

June 5/6 , 2010

Art in the Park – Belly Dancers Welcome

Noon to 4 p.m.

Routines welcome: soloists/Groups

Bring your music! Contact Gee Gee for details – 613-731-0815

July 16, 2010

Zafirah of Montreal in Ottawa

Friday, 16 July 2010

Topkapi Turkish Restaurant, 484, rue Preston Street

Dinnner with performance by Zafirah of Montreal.

Please make your reservation by calling 613-230-8828.

Souper et spectacle avec Zafirah de Montréal.

Veuillez faire vos réservations dès maintenant en téléphonant au 613-230-8828.

We need 20 people to reserve in order for this event to take place.

Nous avons besoins de 20 réservations pour continuer avec l’évément.

JULY 17-18, 2010



May 18-19, 2010

Classical Classes at Ottawa U

Anushya Vijayaraghevan, student at the University of Ottawa and head coordinator for the South Asian Alliance Dance Team will be running some classical indian dance (bharathanatyam) workshops in order to raise money for the team.

Each class will be 3 hours long and will be $15 per class. Here are the details:

Classical Workshops:

  • Tuesday, May 18th——————-5:30pm-8:30pm
  • Wednesday, May 19th—————5:30pm-8:30pm


Mix and match any of our Bollywood and/or Classical classes and get the following rates:

If you do 3 classes: $35

Group rate for 3 people per class: $35

****Groups rates will be available upon request (Must be a group of 5+ people)

The workshops will be taking place at the Ottawa U campus in the University Centre, 2nd floor, room 205.

Contact Anushya at: avijay90 at gmail dot com

May 15 and 16, 2010

Ottawa Sound Healing Conference

St. Paul’s University

223 Main Street, Ottawa (across from the Green Door)

Be sure to check out the amazing line up of performances, workshops and talks at this year’s 2nd Annual Ottawa Sound Healing Conference! (if the link doesn’t work, please cut and past it into your browser)

We are also asking for you to help us launch a full promotion by sending out this latest announcement to your email lists. Your support and co-creative assistance is important to the success of the 2nd Annual Ottawa Sound Healing Conference; the more people are informed about this weekend, the more ears and hearts we may touch!

The Ottawa Sound Healing Conference Team

May 16, 2010

Sister Bazaar

187 Holmwood Ave, apt 2, Ottawa

2 PM- 7 PM

Unique Hand-Crafted clothes and accessories from India

Contact Andree at 613-234-5599

May 16, 2010

Ukrainian Male Chorus from Edmonton along with Suzirya Ukrainian Dance group from Calgary are going to be performing “Kateryna” based on the literary work of Taras Shevchenko.

2 pm, Sunday, May 16, 2010

Centre Pointe Theatre

101 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, ON

Tickets: $40 dollars

MAY 27,2010

Full Moon Drum and Dance Circle

Thursday, May 27, 2010

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Maki House Community Centre

19 Leeming Drive (just west of Bayshore)

Weather permitting, we will be in the park behind the community centre otherwise, we will be inside.

Celebrate the powerful energy of the Full Moon.

Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be some shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.

There will be an optional meditation at the end of the circle for those wishing to stay.

Please RSVP to julieDOTtierneyATsympaticoDOTca.

May 29, 2010

8th annual Asian Heritage Month Gala Concert

May 29, 2010  8th annual Asian Heritage Month Gala Concert

Saturday, 7:30pm

Location: Theatre, Canadian Museum of Civilization.

The Gala Concert showcases the artistic talents of ten acts from across the pan-Asian spectrum.

Details online:

Call for A Way to Women’s Wellness 2011 ArtBra Submissions

As founder of A Way to Women’s Wellness, Inc., I began the non-profit foundation in 2003, when I began to invite friends to create embellished bras. The term ArtBra was born and we continue to create ArtBras for our annual WTWW ArtBra calendar and exhibitions. 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of the ArtBra calendars are donated to different breast cancer centres.

Our group also designs a crazy quilt every year, which we donate to a breast cancer centre.

This year the WTWW ArtBra Exhibit will appear at the Houston Quilt Festival and at national conferences of the American Sewing Guild and Embroidery Guild of America.

This year’s deadline for ArtBra entries is June 5th. Bras should arrive at the Ribbon Smyth Studio no later than June 5th to be considered for inclusion in the 2011 ArtBra Calendar. Area photographers and quilt book editors will select the 2011 Calendar ArtBras. All bras submitted will appear at this year’s exhibitions. Complete submission guidelines may be downloaded at

There is a gallery featuring the latest ArtBra arrivals.

For additional information please contact Victoria Brown at

SPRING CLASSES Starting soon

CORNWALL BellyDance classes: 6 week session.

Wednesday evenings from 7p to 8:15p at General Vanier school on Cumberland(upstairs in the mezz – dance studio)

Session runs from May 19 to June 23rd

This is open to those who have no experience as well as returning students

We will be doing drills and small combinations (but mostly drills! lol)

This will mean working on the mid section of the body as well as the hips and all the great gooey areas women should have and we’ll have having so much fun doing it!!

Price is only $85 (taxes included)

You do need to preregister by Wednesday May 12th (so one week from tonight). You can drop me a note here to confirm you’re attendance.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Can’t wait to dance with you!


Morning walks…sunshine…water…moments

Hey Kids [” kids” is a positive term, reminding us to laugh and play – or act like a baby goat… your choice!]

So, I’ve been going for a morning walk every day – practically- since late January/early February and it’s been amazing.  Some mornings are tougher – cold mornings after a warm spell are killer – it just feels out of order!  I’ve also had a cold the past week so each morning has been a bit slower, but I am still getting out there.

I’ve had a lot going on lately, a lot of changes, a lot of decisions and stuff to process and think about.  The walks help me work out some of the stressful angry talk that should never be said out loud, but I can rant in my head and release it that way.

My walks last about an hour, and the first 10 minutes is often spent thinking, coffee,coffee,coffee… Then after I’ve left Bridgehead, I eat while I walk and start getting my pace set up by the time the last few dribbles of coffee are drained from my travel mug.  The next 20 minutes or so are the ranting time, organizing time, and general rehashing of whatever has been allowed to wreak havoc of my life that week/previous day or whenever!

After that, I usually hit the park nearby – either on my side of the river or the other side, depending on the route I have chosen for that morning.  When the sun shines, like today, it sparkles and dances on the surface of the river and brings me to that happy place.  And finally, I have a little while of really and truly living in the moment and seeing the beauty all around me.

I wanted to share this today as many of my friends are also dealing with a lot in their lives, and well, if this note helps you remember to find your happy place for at least 10 minutes in your busy day, then YAY…

The view almost every day!