All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

The Afterglow…and a request for feedback!


Wednesday evening brought out a heck of a pile of belly dancers and their supporters.  We all descended upon the Bronson Centre in Ottawa and danced and cheered and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

I start the planning for the Ottawa Centre Class party-Holiday Edition in September.  At that point, I know my class schedule, and since I have been organizing these parties for a few years now, I have a pretty good idea of how things may go.

Unforeseen: OC Transpo Bus Strike hitting one week before the party!!!!

Damage: Somewhat affected the dancers lists for the student groups, and definitely affected attendance and last minute ticket sales for cheering fans.

While the ticket sales were in the 350 range, I know that not everyone who purchased a ticket was able to attend.  But the audience did it’s best to give lots of good energy to the dancers!

The flow was adjusted for this event as well.  More on that in a moment…

I am blessed with what I hope is a good rep for these parties, and thus am contacted by dancers directly who would like to perform.  It also might be the $5 ticket fee that everyone pays, but it makes it inexpensive for student dancers,frugalistas and families to come out and see what great fun and skills are found in our belly dance community.

Back to the flow:  with over 35 performances originally booked for the event, even with a 3-5 minute guideline for each performance, that’s a long show!  After asking the teachers what they thought, I had to make some choices and hope for the best. I organize, am responsible all the financial aspects of, and take most credit for the event; I could not do it without the support of my colleagues and friends who are also dancers/volunteers/teachers.

The choices involved imposing tighter time limits on the music choices and with only a few logical bending of the rule for combined classes, everyone seemed fine with the limits.  It also meant that I needed to deal with introductions of each group in a timely and efficient manner.  Dropping an official MC and choosing the “Voice from Beyond” method, I was able to share the task of simply announcing the group name before each performance without listing each of the sometimes up to 12 dancers who would be on stage at any one time!

If you were there, this is all pretty much: ‘Been there, saw that” and for you, I have more coming later in this post!

Back to the reflections…The dancers were all very organized and ready to go – AiWA!

There were a few on stage glitches, but this is a student show for the most part, so that is to be expected.  I have always tried to make my shows as welcoming and relaxing as possible for all dancers – from the first timers to the seasoned pros.  I would say, “Leave the judgements and egos at the door” – but really, I have never had to actually say that as people just seem to “get it”.

The Bronson Centre has a new sound and light system in place.  Dave, our sound technician for the evening, was fabulous!  This really nice, easy going and helpful guy made the evening so easy!!!!  Thanks Dave of Wall Sound!  Sorry I don’t remember his last name, but kudos will go out all over the place!

K was in charge of backstage as usual, Michele arrived with her gorgeous fabrics to decorate, and my new main helpers on the front lines were Katheryne, Cynthia, Rain and Chantal, along with Jocelyne helping once the show started!

Howard Sandler was our official photog for the evening and Darner Media shoots and edits the video for the performers!  

I am so grateful to all of these people for helping make the evening run smoothly, the dancers for taking the time to come out and share their talents with us, and the audience members for being so supportive as they watch the dancers develop their craft!

Three cheers for the Ottawa Belly Dance Community!!!! 

So, if you were there, and are therefore a part of the community, I am asking for some feedback.  Just a couple of questions and also if you have any further comments, you can submit them in the comments section!  Please note that i tried to create a poll but something is funky, so regular questions it is!

 And if you were not there but feel like voicing an opinion – go ahead!

1 – How was the “flow” of the evening for you?

a- Great – fast and fun!

b- Pretty good, but I felt I wanted to hear more about each group before they danced.

c-Good but still too long of an evening for me, I had to leave before things ended.

2-Did you get a sense that this would be/was a “community” event?

a- Yes, I had that sense when I decided to come, and that was why I came!

b- Sort of, though I had no real connection to the community other than a friend who was dancing in the show.

c-No, I did not really think of it as a community event.

3- Did you have fun?


b-no { what?}


If you have thoughts you would like to share, please feel free!  

I do my best to make the evening run as smoothly as possible, and there are always new things for me to learn about audience perspective etc.

Thanks for reading! Pics will be up soon!

Halyma and the BDFF ladies at Mambo!

Click on photo to go to my Flickr page and see more fun shots!

HPIM6925.JPG, originally uploaded by campdancer2000.

Once again we have been called upon to perform our sacred duty of educating the masses on the elegance and beauty of belly dance!

This time, we are part of a series of fashion shows raising money for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. These shows are happening at Mambo, in the Byward Market, and our last show will be next week on December 10th.

After that, the next week we are committed to a fabulous evening of belly dance at the Ottawa Centre Class Party – you can see us and more at that event!

Now back to this latest Mambo event…

We like to arrive early, in order to be ready to go when they need us.  We wait around down in the dressing room, trying to stay out of the way of the models!  Two amazing notes about this show: 

The clothes!

The food afterwards!

Details – > The clothes were on two racks, gorgeous fabrics, amazing designs and such fun!  Three Wild Women [and a second store that i cannot remember, but owned by the same people, so they’ll tell you,] are worth checking out.  I have no idea for pricing, but the stuff is jaw-droppingly beautiful.  I sew for my day job and make nice stuff myself, so yeah, I can voice an opinion!

And the food!  We have an arrangement to eat after we dance when we donate our time and energy to these shows.  The  meals that are being offered as part of the $40 ticket price to attend one of these events are phenomenal!  We don’t like to ask for anything in particular, so we just  sit, and food arrives in whatever way the owner feels works for her.

 OMG – we were brought 4 entrees.  So we asked for little plates so that we could share from each.  Salmon, beef, chicken and an odd combination of yummy dumplings, chicken salad and shrimp.  Everything was amazing – obvious that I am not vegan…  Sorry no pics – but you’ll have to believe me that it was wonderful.  I just kept raving afterwards, and figured I had better just post it and get it out of my system!

So, we had fun, thanks to Shade, Erika and Vashti for joining me!

And maybe I’ll see some of you next week at Mambo for a good cause!

Happy Samhain – or Halloween!

First – the fun began yesterday when my dog, Boing, decided she wanted to get dressed up for Halloween.  Not, I am not one of “those” per parents who actually goes out and buys her pet a clown suit and forces her to be man-handled into a costume.  I believe that Boing has a stronger character than that and she is really an actor who could be a star – if only we actually trained her 🙂  So, I helped her compose her Boing Saga blogpost and let the fun begin.  

The EVIL DOG from H*%L
The winner so far - go vote!



There were a few brave souls who ventured into the comments area, and then today, I remembered that WordPress and Polldaddy have joined forces and that i could actually include a little “poll”.  

I added that this morning – please go give it a test drive!  Always want to see how these things work!

The intention of this silliness was to change my own avatar for today = Samhain = to indicate a change of personality for the day – and to share some laughs at the funny shots we occasionally get of the Boing doing her thing!  We will be getting dressed up again tonight for the Witches Gathering at Barrymores here in Ottawa – it should be a fun night!

Then I thought, well maybe folks would also get a kick out of what we, as humans, have done for Halloween in the past – just cause ’tis the season…. so, a couple of pics and some video by WTL!

 T2 Gothic



Captain Mal and Inara
Captain Mal and Inara



Ottawa’s A Belly Dance Smorgasbord – Did you know?

Let me start by saying I feel like I spend a lot of time praising Ottawa’s Belly Dance community – to the point where I am wondering if it is starting to sound like a broken record!  So I am hoping that some of you will add your comments below~ so that it does not just seem like me saying how fabulous Ottawa is!!


Michele Roy's displays
Michele Roy


This past weekend, of which I believe I have now recovered, issued forth two great events in which our community could participate [ the Zombie walk notwithstanding!]

On Saturday evening, the Belly Dance Teacher’s Fundraiser gave many local teachers the chance to strut their stuff in support of three charities close to the heart of the organizer, Catharine Crerar, owner of Daisies and Dragons Daycare.  Money raised was donated to Kids Help Phone, Bereaved Families, and the Distress Centre.

While we all find ways to comment, constructively criticize, and whine a bit – we are human after all – I feel that every event has to have a benevolent dictator to make it happen. Committees can work, but often too much discussion amongst equal powers leads to inertia, so I would rather have one person lead the way, with a strong bevy of volunteers to help make it happen.  This is also how I run my events, so I am a bit biased!

Catharine began these fundraising events years ago at Hartwell’s, and when they were moved to the Glebe Community Centre, the ability to serve food/ a meal was added.  Some may not see it as a bonus for the evening, some do.  There are waves of energy that put out the thoughts and comments that the ticket price is too high for the community to support, but perhaps the question we should be asking is, why would we not be able to support a $25 ticket price?  If contrasted with other local Fundraising events I have seen advertised, $25 is nothing.  I have been invited to $60,$100 and more events, some with a full sit down meal, some with only cocktails and some entertainment.  Maybe we need to rethink our approach to these fundraising events from a bigger picture perspective.

And then, when I looked at how full the room was as the evening began, and there were plenty of folk willing to pay $25 to come enjoy an evening of beautiful dancers!  For all of the comments begin tossed around, our hearts are in the right place and we do know that the right thing to do is support each other’s endeavors as best we can!!

The show was great – with lots of fabulous donated prizes – which I did not win – wonderful dancers and great volunteers.  I could write an entire post just reviewing the show – maybe later once Lainie has posted pics! 

Another topic of interest for me as a participant, volunteer, and general busy body at the event was hearing the energies brought up by the presence of the modern dance troupe from Makin’ Moves.  

As I am primarily a belly dancer, and choosing on a path to enlighten those around me that belly dance is not derogatory, not shameful, not negative.  The cliches, the assumptions, the inuendos are still there that it is a “hoochy dance“.  Seeing it from someone else’s perspective though, are we suffering from an extreme case of denial?  We undulate, we wiggle our hips, we pop our chests, we let our arms snake about sinuously – are we not aware of how sensual and sexy it can be?  Maybe, just maybe, it is not wrong to be sexy.

 This is your new mantra: It is not wrong to be sexy.  Oh wait,  positive phrasing required: It is good to be sexy!

 This is the power we are creating when we dance – embracing that feminine energy which comes from our grace, our flow, our sensual energy.  So, if we can embrace this kind of thinking – and maybe you disagree – leave me a comment below, I want to hear from you! – but if we can go on the journey of allowing ourselves to be the sensual beings that we are, why do some of us look down on these other dancers? The Dollhouse Dance Company were covered completely – albeit some great thighs were shown, but the shorts covered lots, and the tops were full coverage, so, nothing wrong there…A lot more flesh is shown on television on a regular basis that we saw up close and personal during their routine.  

And they are strong dancers!  I challenge most of us who only belly dance to take on some of those moves for flexibility and balance!  I admire their strength, and their journey.  I took a moment to talk to them after their show, because I was so impressed by their routine.  They recognize that their style of dance may not go over well at a full-on, children in attendance, family event.  For them, Catharine’s fundraisers offer them the perfect venue to show their skills in what could be considered a sister field of dance.  As we chatted, they reminded me of the very things I spoke of above, the undulations, the hips moving – all very strong female power moves 🙂   Maybe we can think about the idea that, just because the costumes are different, the moves a bit stronger, we are still all sisters in dance.

Anything else I need to express?  Hmm, well, I do re-iterate that we are a strong and community minded group here in Ottawa.  We still express ourselves quietly in back rooms – perhaps the influence of it being a government town – we then come together, pull up our bootstraps and get down to helping each other.  So good for us!  Please feel that pat on the back!


UPDATE: Lainie’s Gallery is up!  Check it out!

On to Sunday…


Random shot of the Dancer's BAzaar
Random Dancer's Bazaar Pic




You people totally rock!


About a week and a half before the Dancer’s Bazaar, I realized that I only had three volunteers, based on the emails I had received at that point from those offering to help.  The other responses were from about 5 of my previous crew members who had other obligations and would not be able to attend!  


So, I hit my Facebook group up with a message to all of the Attendings and Maybe Attendings.  My plea for help was answered whole heartedly by 12 people!!! And many more wishing they could help!

These fabulous souls showed up at various times through the day and did so much to help out that “thanks” is SO inadequate!  I am hoping that the Brad cookie and drink helped express my heartfelt appreciation!

The day was beautiful, so I was very pleased to see that over 340 people had come in by 3 p.m., when we handed out the final door prizes and opened the stage to Zahra Haddad and her drummers.  After that, though, even more people came through, so I am sure we hit closer to 370ish before we closed off at 4 p.m.

The vendors put so much work into bringing their goodies, and setting up their displays! I am always impressed by how creative these entrepreneurs get!  Thanks to their participation, I am able to give this community a varied selection of products that hopefully everyone was able to find what they were looking for on Sunday.

And if you could not find it, you know you can contact me for some custom sewing work 🙂

So, immense thank you to everyone who came out, sent good wishes if they could not attend, and especially those who shopped!

Reminder to check my Dancer’s Newsletter to find out about more of these amazing belly dance related events!  Workshops, Shows, mini bazaars, you never know what is happening next unless you check it out online, or subscribe!

Next event for me:

Halyma’s Ottawa Centre Class Party: December 17th, 2008

Ottawa’s Weekend of Belly Dance – October 18 and 19, 2008

Belly Dance Teacher’s Fundraiser – Halyma Performs

Saturday, October 18, 2008

7:00 PM to 11:00 PM

3 RD AVE & LYON – Glebe Community Centre, Ottawa, Ontario.   Google Map


and raise funds for:

You are cordially invited to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the rich culture of Bellydance in the Ottawa Region
7 pm, Saturday October 18th, 2008
Glebe Community Centre (corner of 3rd ave. & Lyon)

* Wonderful performances by your favourite teachers
* Surprise Guest performers
* Great FOOD !!! by Corner Cafe/Mona’s
Two Weekend Get-aways courtesy of STARWOOD Hotels
Authentic Dance Belt from Egypt courtesy of OASIS Dance
Beautiful Handmade Silk Veil courtesy of Shibori Borealis

Tickets: $25


AND on Sunday…..



Sunday, October 19, 2008

12:00 PM to 4:00 PM

260 McArthur (Knights of Columbus Hall), Ottawa, Ontario.   Google Map


A Dancer’s Bazaar
The largest gathering of Ottawa area dancers with the best selection of new and used costumes, fabrics, music, accessories and more to buy, sell, swap and trade!

Open to all – free admission

Meet teachers, check out class schedules, get costume information, and much more!

Something for everyone – young and old – men and women! Come on out and enjoy the afternoon!

The Dancer’s Bazaar hosts over 40 tables of goods and services to appeal to the shopper in us all!

Looking for zills? Sticks? Veils? Skirts? Music? Anything you can think of, and many things you might not have thought would come in handy – tote bags and cover-ups, baladi dresses, and accessories to complete any outfit! Whew! There will be new stock from Egypt, Turkey and of course from our local artisans and designers. And be sure to check out the many deals for used costumes as well.

There are many vendors who are connected to the belly dance community who are offering products and services that might not automatically seem like a bellydance purchase, so come with an open mind! Remember this is a cash and carry event – credit cards are not likely to be accepted by most vendors. And as in the past, many new vendors will be coming out, so there will be a huge selection of products available!

Get the bilingual Miniposter (403 KB PDF) with all the details!


Randi Cherry ~Sahara Art~Carlos Rojas and Brigitte Chavez~Zamira~Gurel & Ayfer Karaocku ~Karen Jennings~Jocelyne Khan~Zahra and Jewel~Natasha’s Treasures~Samia/Enchantress of Egypt~Tara Heft~Half Moon Street~Imports by Nikita ~Shibori-Borealis~Patricia Zaid ~Julie Tierney~Dorothy’s Magical Fairy treasures ~Hollywood Music~Dalia’s collection~Boutique de danse baladi de l’Estrie ~Infineight~Boutique Clothing By Roxane ~Fashion Impex / Belly DAnce Supply~Suzie Lafrance~Sha Vega’s Tarot TentTAV CREATIONS/Halyma’s Belly Dancing For Fun~B. Good’s cookies 


I have been meaning to sit and write an article about professionalism.  As a dancer, as a business owner, as a human being, professionalism for me is an all encompassing set of choices.  Reflected in our actions and reactions to situations we find ourselves in, it gives us a chance to look at a bigger picture than just our little world, to see that our actions and choices do affect others.

There is a philosophy that floats around self-help groups based on the concept of, ” I cannot change anyone else, I can  only change myself.”or even ” I am not responsible for the actions of others, only my own.”

Both of these sentiments can be used to guide ones actions in a very positive light.  But they can, like any other catch phrase, be used to justify odd and selfish behavior that serves no purpose but to alienate and disturb.

If we behave in a way that takes into account only our reactions and consequences, we may be “being ourselves”, “living true”, and growing into a place of confidence and integrity.  But if it goes so far that we become so ignorant of others needs in order to accommodate our choices, that can go too far. Divas, dictators, and invaders come to life.

We “cannot please everyone all the time” is another statement that can be used to justify extreme actions that defy emotional intelligence.  Does it really mean that you should only please yourself?

We live in an assortment of societies that to some degree all have “working together” as an integral part of human evolution. As familial clans grew into tribal groups organized to survive by working for the benefit of their groups interests, conflicts could erupt between “rival” tribes/clans.

None of this is new, so I won’t belabor the point, but I guess my real question is, when are we going to reach that point where the tribal lines are blurred enough to allow us to be that global village? It might be totally unrealistic. It might be so far off in the future that I won’t see it in my lifetime, but maybe working in our own little universes, we can keep working towards it.

But what is it? With so many different cultures and civilizations to deal with, at what point is one deemed equal to another, equal but different? And can we co-exist without coming to blows if our ideals are completely different?  “Being civilized” has been both a curse and a blessing. In the name of “civilization”, a lot of wrongs have been committed. Also in the name of religion, political beliefs, and so many other excuses for bad behavior have affected our world in epic proportions.

AND what does this have to do with professionalism?

Again, I believe that our choices and reactions affect every aspect of our lives, and choosing to be professional in every situation can be a positive choice to make. That is not to say that I want to be stiff and at a distance from everyone I deal with, from new clients down to my closest family members. It means that the respect accorded to the stranger I meet on the street who needs a helping hand should also be accorded to my closest friends and family.

The training, through observation and experience, I received growing up was not always polite and respectful. Mixed messages in those formative years, of expected behaviors outside the home to show proper manners, and the demonstrated and experienced behavior in the home valuing a “witty barb.  It has taken me a long time to grow up and become my own person who does not need to be “mean” all the time. Though it really does creep in, once and a while, and comes out of me before I can stop it! My apologies to those who are the occasional victims of my past training!

This affected how I taught belly dance in the beginning, giving me some presumed freedom to isolate and pick on students who were not “getting it”. After witnessing a similar act of teacher superiority at a dance workshop I attended a few years into my teaching, I saw it from the other side. While the person isolated and picked upon was not me, it was one of my students who was a good dancer, and I felt the pang of embarrassment when she was singled out.  I immediately resolved to make an effort to offer constructive suggestions if someone was really not understanding the move. Though I still occasionally slip up, I do try to be more positive and supportive in my treatment of my students.

Fortunately, that early training did instill the ability to be professional when working. I have always tried to make sure that I arrive slightly early or on time for any gigs that I am hired to dance at, and my very nature of being a control freak lends itself well to being pretty self-contained before any event. It takes some time and experiences to know what you can entrust to others, and what you need to make sure you do yourself, and how to do it gracefully and politely.

Always make sure you take your music to the DJ. Suggest he/she test it before your performance so that you’ll know if the disc will work in the player they have. Most professional systems will not have a problem, but some cd players won’t play MP3 discs. Have a back up if you can! When in doubt, burn an audio cd.

Always be prepared for whatever kind of changing room you are offered. It might be a large space with a mirror, it may be the largest stall in a public washroom, it may be the coat check room. If you can have your make-up done in advance, it saves time. If you can be partially dressed in costume, it saves effort. But each situation is different.

Not always a pretty sight!
Not always a pretty sight!

I arrived on time to a wedding a few years ago, and they were running early in their evenings plan. They had wanted me for 8:30 and I was actually at the hall by 8:15, fully dressed, in a caftan, walking in the doors of the building. To my right, a man was practically running out of the building in a black tux. He spotted me and followed me back in – “Oh great, you’re here!. We’re ready for you now, is that okay?”
“uh yeah…” I say, as he runs off. ” You need my cd…” I try to quietly yell.
He comes running back as I am quickly wrestling out of my caftan, in the main foyer of this banquet hall, and I can only fold it and place it on the floor near a plant. Fortunately my husband was outside in the car with my ID etc., so I did not have to worry about that.


Halyma and the caftan
Halyma and the caftan!

The music starts and I dance, and then I am done! Payment arrives within moments of me gathering my things in the foyer [ this includes my glasses and outdoor shoes!, and I leaving before I was even supposed to have started dancing! A positive experience as I was able to adjust my timing and was fully prepared upon arrival – I really enjoyed that one!

Other events have had me waiting in my car for 20 minutes after I was supposed to dance as they finished supper. It happens. You deal. Or you indicate in your contract/ brochure/ guidelines that you send your clients what happens if they make you wait – they pay more.

While I have only had my brochure for my Dancers For Hire services on my website for about 2 years now, it has been a blessing. I don’t have to remember to email all of the little details, they are already written up on a pdf that the potential client can download themselves. And it feels a bit more professional to be able to provide it. I had created the first one when people were asking for private lessons, and developed both info sheets as a result!

With all of this wading through the shallow end of the professionalism lake, I was also inspired by DanceAdvantage, who wrote a 2 part series on the same topic recently, and her article is so worth reading!

My preferred policies:

  • Please as many people as you can, including yourself – keep it “Win-Win” for everyone involved!
  • Build your community through acts of support and appreciation, not words and rhetoric.
  • It is okay to say, “no, I cannot” but try to offer a solution, recommend someone else to do the job, help in any way you can that won’t infringe on your moment of self preservation!
And come out to the Teacher’s Fundraiser and the Dancers’ Bazaar here in Ottawa on the weekend of October 18 and 19!

P.R. Time!

I enjoy my little universe of notoriety as much as I can.  I have moments of ‘fame”  when someone recognizes the website/business name, and that’s cool.

Once in a while I am lucky enough to be interviewed by a reporter and a bit more sharing of the fun of Belly Dance goes out into the world.

I was in Madoc this summer and Diane Sherman came out to check out the workshop I taught at The Wild Blue Yonder Cabin.

You can find her write-up online on the community press website.