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Supporting the Weekend to End Breast Cancer here in Ottawa is a fun and rewarding experience. Supporting any cause you feel strongly about in a way that feels right for you is always a win-win situation. I have already extolled my opinion on the importance of volunteer performances in a previous post, so I won’t go on about it again.
We worked hard both mornings, we had fun with each other, and the smiles on the faces of the Walkers as they came into the Oasis each morning were priceless.
Thanks to Zamira, Zeevah and Shade – see more pics of our fun weekend by clicking on this one!
Sorry about the tan lines; next year I will have some spray on 45 SPF – or maybe 60 by then. 30 SPF just does not cut it any more!
I was able to take the afternoon to relax – Zeevah continued out to Art in the Park and supported the other group of dancers gracing that area of town! Zamira headed home to prepare for the show that night as well.
Saturday evening took us to Ottawa U alumni Auditorium for Jalila’s – now known as “Jewel”- Welcome to the Dance Event – a multi-class recital that featured students and teachers from across the city. I was fortunate to be able to present my advanced group, Zafar [ Victory in turkish] and perform a solo myself. I did not get pics of me in my outfit, but I am hoping that Lainie did!
A great evening – lots of fabulous dancers and some really nice progression as we see dancers who started a while back and have improved in their skills with each consecutive show in which they perform!
A long day brought a quiet evening at home, checking over video footage [ Hubby shots the video of the show].
Sunday morning had me up not too early – I was able to sleep in a bit. I chose to go easy for costuming and was ready to head off by the time Shade arrived. We headed over to pick up Zamira, and off to Pit Stop # 2’s second location. Not too far form my place, but definitely a drive. And we were heading off to the Clutch afterwards, a non belly dance event of relaxing and nibbling of fresh fruit in a quiet lovely basement in Navan! So I wanted to have the car handing and ready to go.
Zeevah joined us at 10:30 as the Walkers were not moving so quickly on Sunday morning! We danced, had our pictures taken some more, laughed, felt hot, sweated, got sprayed, drink water and ate bananas!
Then Zeevah again headed off to Art in the Park while Shade and I finished off the final hour before happily finding our way to that air conditioned basement!
All in all a great weekend of belly dance – and I am happy to have a light day today to put away all of these costumes, and get back to work on Thursday’s Ottawa Centre Class Party that I am organizing!