All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

Inspiration for Creative Folk – Where does your Genius Live?

WTL [ my hubby] and I don’t have cable, so we watch a lot of video podcasts online when we stop for our lunch or supper breaks. We are also both self employed and work from our home, so we get to spend some time during our “work days” together.

One online source of amazing entertainment, education, and information is/are Ted Talks. One website with 100s of presentations that can run from 5 minutes to an hour, these talks are video taped at conferences held throughout the world.

Some are not my cup of tea – heavy duty computer geekiness I can only bear for a short while. Sciences also must be made interesting for me to remain conscious. Artists, musicians and writers can either keep me mesmerized for hours or bore me to click to something else.

The variety available is so immense that it is really quite easy to find many of the Ted Talks that I personally find simply inspiring and awesome.

All of this introduction commentary is simple a lead up to the latest one that we watched yesterday and I totally connected with it. While I have not actually read the book with which Elizabeth Gilbert has hit her success mark, Eat, Pray, Love, I found her talk expressed exactly how I also feel about moments of creativity that seem to come from beyond.

Please  enjoy and check out more Ted Talks for your own inspiration!



As I watched her presentation, I knew that I have always [ with brief exceptions when my “ego” gets out of hand] felt that my best works come when I am “in the zone”, “connected”, or “plugged in”.  When I am doing my job, but without forcing it, the ideas can flow with such elegance and beauty that I have always felt the source had to be beyond me.

Moments of glorious awakenings can offer glimpses into something so vast and powerful, that it is too much to try to contain in our little bodies!  I look forward to enjoying these windows into a different world with an expanded perspective!

Blessed be…

Dancers’ Bazaar: Almost 10 years of shopping fun!


Just a view of the hall...
Just a view of the hall...

The Dancers’ Bazaar has been an event that I have been organizing since June 1999. It began with 7 tables in the community centre that I teach at in the Byward market, expanding to two room, then moving to a larger, and larger hall for the first 5 years or so.

Since I cannot make costumes for everyone, and I knew of teachers who were importing and making pieces themselves, it made sense to bring us all together and let the students and pros see everything in one place!  And so it began.  I have seen many of my friends and colleagues give it a go in one form or another, from selling hip scarves to jewelry to cleaning out their closets!

It is one of those projects that I do because I see the benefit of it to our belly dance community. It helps me feel l can be a part of something larger, which is important when self employed in my cozy home studio during the day!

The events I organize are always done with the intention of creating a “win-win” [ I apologize for the cliche] situation, and I learn a lot through producing them. I won’t get into all of that right now, but maybe a future post will share my learning!

This time around, on February 22nd, we’ll have new vendors coming in from all over the area, as well as many of our favorite exhibitors. I am pleased that there are so many new faces to show their wares – and many non-belly dance products coming to light for our shopping pleasure!

Chocolate is a big thing these days at markets, and a new vendor will be coming with specialty chocolates. Hoping the kids who frequent the Bazaar will not get too much in their little hands!

This one will help me warm up a bit more to the development of my Eco-TAV line – sharing this concept with those in my main community face to face will help get the word out of their existence!


Eco-Tav Food Napkins and Pouches! Saving the planet, One Napkin at a Time!
Eco-Tav Food Napkins and Pouches! Saving the planet, One Napkin at a Time!



While I could rave on and on about how fabulous the  Dancers’ Bazaar is, I am thinking that you’ll just have to come see it yourself to enjoy the community atmosphere, social aspect, shopping frenzy and belly dance spirit in action!

Come join us for the afternoon! 260 McArthur, Doors open from 12 noon to 4 p.m.!img_4517img_4515img_4514img_4513

Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features – Belly Surfing #2

Guest post!

Salutations from Renee D.

Last week I had mentioned the name Hossam Ramzy who was the friend and fellow performer of Samy El Bably. Hossam is by far the most recognized percussionist of the Middle East and he has written, performed and directed with the some of the world’s best musicians.


Serena and Hossam Ramzy
Serena and Hossam Ramzy



You might ask yourself, where has the illustrious musical master been lurking and if he’s so famous, why haven’t I heard his music? Astonishingly enough, he’s already been on your radio, in your DVD collection, in your CD collection, in your belly dance class or at a dance recital!

There is so much information about Hossam on the internet that it’s almost impossible to find a dead end. Interestingly, the paramount feature on Hossam’s website is dedicated to his wife Serena Ramzy, an outstanding belly dancer. You can watch her perform on Youtube below!

Here are a few websites to start your journey. Just click on the words to check them out!

Hossam’s Website

Hossam Ramzy on

 Audio clip on Youtube – not a video, but the music is great


Visiting Celebrity to my Tuesday Class!

Holly, a lovely young woman, also known as “the Chosen One” has been making some major efforts to get of her comfort zone for the past three weeks.

As the winner of a contest being held by Ottawa’s Hot 89.9 fm, she has been meeting every challenge set before her in order to win a nice stack of cash at the end of it all.

At the beginning of this week, I received a call from Josie, one of the hosts of the Morning Hot Tub radio show, inquiring about coming out to my class through the Old Ottawa South Community centre.

Now, I don’t actually listen to Hot 89.9fm. I had no idea what was going on, but I am sure Josie thought I would have some clue about the contest so did not really explain too much about it. As far as I knew, it was a cool idea, and that Holly would come, try the class, and if she liked it perhaps she would sign up afterwards.

I have a policy of “First Class Free” to encourage people to try it, as they either like it and sign up right away, or at least head off knowing that they were given a generous chance to experience it.

On Monday, I got a second call asking if Holly could recruit some people to come out as well. I said , yeah, sure, it is a small class, so there is room for some extra people, no problem.

That evening, I had arrived early as usual, was all set up and then headed out to the ladies room since I did not see anyone yet looking like they were lost. Oh – they were in the hallway, getting a bit turned around! I yelled down and pointed them in the right direction while I dealt with my trip across the hall.

I got back into the gym where I teach the class a few minutes later, and they were chatting excitedly about Holly’s new hair style [ looked very nice], some of her other challenges, and life in general as the ladies she had brought were friends.

Jenny, the other co-host of the show, had come with her, and was taking photos of the group { hope to see those soon} and everyone was having a pretty relaxed time, but there seemed to be a bit of underlying tension or uncertainty.

Since none of the other students had arrived yet, I thought I should try to connect at least a bit and was curious about the contest, so I was able to get more info about the whole thing by asking a few questions and joining in the conversation a bit. Then I started taking pics of them, so that also helped them relax!

Eventually, the regulars arrived, the 4 newbies were sheathed in chiffon veils, and we started class.

My usual caveats of “knees bent, hips tucked”, and “if it hurts, stop” were issued, and off we went.

They did as well as anyone would at their first class, and some of the group were actually already dancers I think, so they caught on pretty quickly!

Overall, I think they had fun, and while they may not take it again, I think there was some new respect generated for this fabulous dance form!

Thanks for coming out to play ladies!

You can check out Holly’s own thoughts here!

Oh, and I was surprised at how many of my own students were, “Is that Holly?” “Is that The Chosen One?”  

I do live under a rock obviously!

Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature – Guest post 2

I am so gratefull to have received the first two of many more guest posts to come! Please welcome Aspa as she shares her journey into belly dance!

We Are All Dancers

By Aspa

I was never a woman who was comfortable with her body. As we know, there are a lot of social influences that affect women’s perceptions of their bodies. Being academically inclined, I had the additional challenge of always thinking of myself as a brain with legs. When I turned 40, my life changed drastically because of external circumstances I could not control. It was at this point that belly dancing came into my life.

There was so much change already, so much that was new. I think I had to challenge every limiting thought I had ever had about myself — including about my body and my relationship to it. My body was more than just a carrier for my brain, after all.

So I took a class. And to my amazement, I learned to move my hips — in front of other people no less! Flash forward in time, and I am showing my cousins how to do the camel at Christmas dinner!

When friends or colleagues ask me about belly dancing , I always tell them how important it has been to building my confidence and my self-esteem. I always tell them, too, how wonderful it is to see women of all ages and body types expressing themselves and their femininity through this form. More and more, too, I am growing to enjoy the sense of community I see — belly dancing brings together women from all walks of life to celebrate the beauty of movement and the strength to be found in that.

Ever being in the pursuit of knowledge (not everything in my life changed!), I have also come to appreciate learning about different cultures through belly dancing — it is truly cross-cultural. I have been fascinated by how belly dancing persists as a form not only across cultures but across time because it adapts to context. We can see this with the newer styles of belly dancing, which are very much adapted to contemporary times. This ability to adapt is what keeps belly dancing so alive and so vital as a form of expression.

I still consider myself a beginner belly dancer. But one thing I never say any more is that I am not a dancer. Because I am! I learned that I could be graceful and sensual in my movements, and that we are all dancers. The limiting thoughts I once had about my body are gone now. I have gone from “I can’t possibly do that” to “I can do that — with patience and with practice.” And a touch of bravery.

Belly dancing came into my life in a time of crisis. The crisis passed, but the dancing stayed, and for that, I am grateful. Through belly dancing, we honour our uniqueness and our strength, our ability to endure just as surely as the form itself has endured the centuries.

Aspa is a student of Zena’s at Dance with Alana Studios.

Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature – Guest post!

Please welcome Renee and her first contribution to the new Dancer’s Newsletter Extra Features!


Salutations from Renee D    

My journey with belly dancing began last year.  Every Friday a group of women meet at a local bead store.  We sit around and chat, admire each other’s work and talk about the world.  
In early April, one of our ladies was working on a marvellous belt that was pieced together with jump rings, coins and metal fishing lures. Gradually, one question lead into another and before you could say jackrabbit I was taking my first belly dance class. 
Apart from all the obvious elements that make belly dancing so spectacular, I quickly became aware of the music.  Unexpectedly, I discovered fresh tempos mingling together with age-old instruments that absolutely compelled my body to move.
I rapidly searched my CD collection to find this “new to me” sound. Fortunately, I did have some examples but I realized that I needed a broader variety and this is where I started my Bellysurfing.
I’ll begin this exposé with the late legendary Egyptian trumpeter Samy El Bably. Critiques describe his style “as woozy, sinuous and sometimes beguilingly sleepy.” According to the world famous percussionist and friend Hossam Ramzy, “He made this western style horn speak like a Nay flute mixed in with a singing violin with a mixture of an Armenian Duduk without the slightest change to the instrument itself.” Oddly enough, there is very little information on his life yet he was considered the Miles Davis of the Middle East.
As obscure as this musician is, you might be surprised to know that many of you are already dancing to his music!! Instructor Julie Tierney often plays the track Asrar El Ein from the Cairo Nights: Bellydance Bar CD, in her warm-ups.  Want to listen?  Just click to this link: and select PREVIEW. Asrar El Ein is the first track but do have a snoop around the samples.  If you like what you hear, you can order this CD either on the internet with a reliable seller or place an order at Chapters.




“We don’t know who we are until we can see what we can do” -MARTHA GRIMES
Please feel welcome to add your own comments to this post – add to the discussion and offer your own thoughts!





The End of one decade, Beginning of the next Era

No, I am not going to talk about the amazing moment in history that occurred yesterday in the land of our southern neighbors.

Well, maybe for a brief moment, just to give a tip of the hat to the US of A in congrats for what looks to be the beginning of a new Era in their political and emotional journey.

Here is hoping their changes are swift and painless and reflect well on the rest of the world as well!


ON His Big DAY!
ON His Big DAY!



Selfishly I also want to explore my own journey on this planet, this time around if I go with that reincarnation possibilities.

Today marks the end of 40 years for me.

And I am gonna celebrate for sure.

I am the youngest of my family, and am fortunate enough to speak to them all somewhat regularly. I have 8 amazing nieces and nephews that I am blessed with the chance to see on Facebook and in person to get to know them! My mom and her hubby are also within a short distance – and she’s on Facebook now too so I get poked often enough 🙂

I have a wonderful [ understatement of the year] husband who supports me in every way possible. Emotionally, he is my rock. Business wise, he is my tech guy, consultant, first line of brainstorming for new ideas. Lifewise, he is my best friend. I luv ya honey!


From our 10 year anniversary party Feb.2008
From our 10 year anniversary party Feb.2008



We have our little dog Boing to keep us company and make us laugh – and she does that often between the moments of insanity.

I have many, many friendships of all depths and levels of which I can only begin to extoll the virtues! Some are here and I see them multiple times a week, some are far away and I only touch base with them once ayear or less, but we have touched each other’s lives and hold a place in each other’s hearts.
And some are new, and developing acquaintances that may stay at this level or may blossom into close friendships, and that’s nice too!

I am part of a dance community that is supportive, talented and amazing – so very happy with that aspect of my life. May of these women are also part of my friendship circle!


At the Bay, Bayshore!
At the Bay, Bayshore!

And I love my many jobs – I get to be creative, hands on and ethereally! I get to dance, make pretty things, and try to save the planet with my endeavors.


I guess this is more of a thank you note to everyone around me for the many years of support, friendship, love, adoration, fangril and fanboy behavior you have all sent my way! [ Obviously kidding on those last few quips, kids!]

So, thank you all for the well wishes, laughter, and your presence in my life at this time.

I know that my new era and Barack’s are filled with promise and hope of even more greatness and potential for us and those who we touch!  Wow, that sounded a bit arrogant, but I’ll leave it in with the caveat that the potential and greatness comes from those around us as well as within ourselves.  Working together is what makes it all happen!

Blessed  be~


Cynthia’s party at Uncle Louis – a good time!

The opening act!
Isaden - The opening act!

I asked for folks to send me reviews, pics and comment about the Show on Saturday, January 17th and Uncle Louis’ Restaurant, organized by Cynthia/Civia. They have started to come in:

My girlfriend and I got there early and had front row seats for the dancing. We LOVED it! I put in a word to the waitress that I hope Uncle Louis does this again. Very inspiring and such variety.

Jane Spencer”


Relaxing in the back corner
Relaxing in the back corner

I had a great time last night myself, seeing all the new friends, and the old!  Great job Cynthia on this fun night out!


While I should be doing housework…

Instead of doing the laundry, I slept in. Instead of exercising, I couch surf. Instead of washing dishes, I dirty more by trying some new recipes.

Well, that’s only because it’s the last week off from classes and I will need to get myself in gear by the end of this week in order to be ready to start teaching again next week!  Actually I need to get myself in gear by this afternoon as I have a huge list of to-do’s for this week in regards to all three of my businesses [ well the three that I can count today – there are more when I break it down!]

What’s on my lists, you ask? Or not – depending on how busy you are with your own lists!

Beadwork done a few years back

TAV Creations has a lovely January wedding on the roster!  Yay!  I don’t always get January weddings but for the past two years I have been blessed with them!  Nice for the alleged “downtime” to not be downtime!  3 bridesmaid dresses plus the wedding gown means I need to get my space cleaned up, vacuumed, and ready for action!


Halyma’s Belly Dancing For Fun has a couple of events to prep for next weekend – January 17th brings us to The Bay at Bayshore for the “Beauty @ the Bay Beautiful Skin Event.  This event is all about wellness and beauty in 2009.  There are several components to this event, skin care regime, sun care, health and diet, fitness and well being.”



Then Halyma will be performing later that evening as part of the multi-dancer show: Uncle Louis’ Restaurant Belly dance show/Hafla Still room to book a table and come out I am sure for a fun evening of Lebanese food and dancing!

Halyma at Uncle Louis' - 2002

But before that, my classes resume on January 12th, 13th and 15th at all of my usual haunts, and I am looking forward to getting moving again!  I really do use the classes as my own personal workout time since the rest of my days seem to be involved with sitting and typing or sewing.

And the new baby: Eco-TAV has lots of work waiting for me to do for it as well!  I  will meet with a co-op this week to see about sewing help.  

mmm snackies!

I need to contact a list of stores regarding carrying the products in house – but I need to make more stock first so that i have it on hand when I approach the stores!  I still have a good amount of cotton and some hemp available [hint, hint] !

I also want to/need to do some major tweaking on the website and am looking at setting up my products on an online market place – but I need to get photos and descriptions organized for that before I go much further!

 I am supposed to be working on that lovely wedding, my time can only be split amongst so many projects before workmanship suffers!

That’s an exaggeration of course, workmanship never suffers!  Organization skills and phenomenal talents are my magical powers!  At least that’s the illusion I like to keep up!  and only as long as I schedule in fun time, rest, relaxation and time with hubby!

We won’t even get into the sewing videos, newsletter look update[ not done yet!], DVD3 [ not happening anytime soon, kids] or any of the other creative endeavors that I happily explore when I have a spare moment!

So, now that I have listed off most of what I want to do, I should really check on the soybeans I have cooking on the stove. I am trying a variation on the wontons that my friend S and I made back in December, but a vegan version with soybeans and mushrooms as the filling.
Maybe some other veggie stuff in there too – we’ll see! I was able to get the wrappers at a little chinese store in the market, so I am ready to go once the filling is !  
Hope your own lists for the upcoming year are fun filled and creative!  
Or healthy and beneficial!
Blessed be!

Another year almost over.

Today offers me a brief lull in life.

No travel, no shopping, no real obligations other than a couple of meetings that could not be avoided, but nothing more to prepare for them, so all is good.

We are in a moment of stasis between festivities.

Three holiday gatherings have filled our lives with laughter and our bellies with too much food. And two more are coming up within the next few days.

Soup, healthy eating, maybe even some exercise will bring me back to earth and help me start to feel better. We bought a new scale, and realized how off our old one was. This means renewed exuberance for the weight loss and healthy lifestyle choices journey we began in September.

I have also realized how much sugar affects me. Badly. Really badly. So, now I have to put out a request to those who graciously provided me with lovely snacks as gifts over the past week and a day [ it has only been a week!?!] that I cannot accept them. Or that I must pass them on to others. And there is another dilemma.

How do I justify passing along something that I have rejected as unhealthy/unwanted for me. If I have reached the point that I believe that sugar and white flour are really bad, and I mean really bad, for a person to consume, how can I condone the consumption of these unhealthy “foods” at all?

I’ll calm down soon, I am sure, but I really have had to explore my own reactions to holiday foods, both physically and psychologically.

I love the texture of those little squares with coconut, chocolate chips and condensed milk – other stuff too, but that combination makes me drool! A butterscotch pudding dessert was served that I had to have two pieces – and I am sure it was dreamwhip or nutriwhip on top, but I just gobbled it up!

I am off teaching dance for another 2 weeks; the ice on the sidewalks has finally been scraped up enough that I think I can go for a walk, but really, exercise over the holidays seems to involve a bit of hand to mouth motions, and maybe some carrying of packages from the car to the house or, in reverse.

And on to 2009…

I cannot say what resolutions I might consider making for 2009 as I have never really followed through on what tends to turn into goal setting exercises in futility.

I must hit a wall, realize that my choices can be amended, and then follow through with self-awareness and a dose of forgiveness for the transgressions that will inevitably ensue.

Moments of self awareness that have helped me make changes:
1 – I have no willpower.
2 – I know what works for me.
3 – I can find win-win solutions if given a moment or two!

How did these revelations help me?
1 – No willpower refers to eating crap [ read: sugar, chocolate, sweets of any sort, high calorie foods, etc..] So I don’t buy it, I try to not be around it, and then I won’t be tempted. I may moan and groan about wanting it, but if I really want it, I must make the extra effort to go out to get it.

I also can work this well when @wtl and I go out to eat. If I really want something I cannot afford calorically, we share it. But it has to be wanted by both and therefore enjoyed by both.

Bad days are when I just go ahead and order the excessive food and eat it all myself! Forgiveness required at that point and a bit of extra exercise!

2 – I know what works for me refers to my approach to life, especially when interacting with others.

When I am planning my own adventures, I have an idea of what will keep me sane, and what might cause stress so if I have to deal with adding other people into that equation, I plan accordingly to make it work for me.

I know I like to be places early or on time, so if I don’t want to have stress around that, I won’t offer to pick up those who are always/often late. Or I plan to be at their place early to allow for that time lag.

If I know someone else’s home will likely have stress inducing stimuli, I will make sure I have an escape plan/ exit strategy established before arriving – just in case!

Selfish? possibly… but it also translates into number 3 in most cases.

3 – Finding win-win situations.

Such a cheesy phrase, but it is a very accurate description of that which can be achieved with a bit of consideration and thoughtful awareness!

Think about what keeps you sane, and think about what the others involved need to keep themselves sane. Find the balance point between the two and run with it.

Having some flexibility also helps, but knowing that you are the better person for considering their needs too can really help in those self-righteous moments!

I am happy to put others’ needs on equal footing with my own, or even on occasion putting their needs ahead of mine. But not always – this leads to resentment or martyrdom! And sometimes it is okay to put my own needs first – especially if it means I am happy and that way much more pleasant to be around!

Maybe those are my main life lessons from 2008 – passed along to you for your consideration.

I wish everyone the blessings of enlightenment, awareness and opportunity for 2009!  May you see every moment with clear vision and anticipation of the joy it may bring!