Okay, that’s obviously pretty condensed and not sharing a lot of details, but just for the fun of it – here’s a clip from our celebration of World Belly Dance Day at the West End Bazaar!
Have you ever wanted to take Belly dance classes? What about Bollywood Classes?
Well, now you can do both at once!
Join me for BellyWood with Halyma starting September 2010!
Don’t miss the Nubian Tahtib (stick dancing) – and the Gha Wazi and the El Tahtip, two famed folk dances of Aswan that are enjoyable to watch.
Visitors to the Commissioner’s Park will have the opportunity to dance with the performers as they will be mingling and inviting spectators to take part.
Major’s Hill park
May 21 12:00 – 1:00 pm
May 22 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
May 23 1:00pm – 2:00 pm
May 24 11:30 pm – 12:30 pm
Commissioner’s Park
May 21 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
May 23 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
May 24 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Email: egyptian.embassy@rogers.com
MAY 22, 2010
Studios OASIS de la danse annual recital
Performances featuring
the Oasis students and teachers,
the Enan Egyptian Troupe, and
special guest dancer Amelia from MontrealCarleton University theatre
Tickets only $10
Contact Denise or Ahmed, or your Oasis teacher, for tickets
Nobody, but nobody can bring you the years of first-hand knowledge and
experience with authentic Egyptian dance! Denise and Ahmed will share
entertaining stories of their time with the Firqa Kaoumeia (National Dance
Troupe of Egypt) and life growing up in Egypt. Without missing any of the
tourist must-sees, we allow special time for dancers to go costume shopping,
take optional dance lessons, and outings to see dancers performing.
Call Ahmed for more details 819-776-5033.
May 30, 2010
Canadian marathon race day – belly dancers welcome!
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Freestyle Bellydance with Gee Robinson et al – contact Gee Gee for more details:
MAY 30, 2010 – Montreal
Bellydance Superstars workshops: Sabah and Sabrina Fox
9h30 à 13h30: Atelier danse orientale avec Sabah
14h30 à 18h30 : Atelier tribal-fusion avec Sabrina Fox
Prix pour les 2 ateliers/ both workshops (8 heures):
• 130$ avant le 14 mai/ before May 14
• 150$ après le 14 mai/ after May 14
Pour réserver votre place, vous devez effectuer le paiement directement sur le site/For registration, you should buy your place direclty on the website:
Bring your music! Contact Gee Gee for details – 613-731-0815
MAY 9, 2010
Mother’s Day Fortune-Telling with Rainbow Totem Beads by Dot Iskra
Twist of Fate Gift Emporium, 633 Somerset West, Chinatown Ottawa
A wonderful celebration of Mother’s Day with Fortune-telling, Artisan jewellery, fine art and furniture display. Jasmine tea and fortune-cookies served. A chance to get Mom a unique present from a far corner of the world from a Twist of Fate Gift Emporium’s collection of beautiful and rare shiny things.
Twist of Fate Emporium is a fair-trade emporium run by Miss Mika, who travelled all over the world to find rare handcrafted items to bring to Ottawa to share. Mika has lovely shiny things such as miniature jade sculptures of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, semi-precious stone eggs, window hangings, and beautiful linen and silk purses.
The fortune-telling readings are most unique in that Fortune-Telling with Rainbow Totem Beads is a new,form of divination using the energies of glass beads in the colours of the Rainbow Chakra system, as well as various symbolic animal totems and beads from Aboriginal, Asian and Old World European cultures. A past, present and future reading is given.
Cost: Fortune Readings start at $5 for 5 minutes.
The first 5 minutes of the reading are free if you come in with a Fortune-Telling with Rainbow Totem Beads Coupon. Coupon is available directly from Dot Iskra and/or also from posters for this event hanging at Umi Cafe, on Somerset West St in Chinatown.
Contact information for more details:
Phone; Dot Iskra 613-627-6562 dotjewels2@gmail.com for Fortune-telling and hand-made artisan Rainbow Totem Bead jewellery,
Mika at “Twist of Fate” Emporium, 613-233-3283
May 11-19, 2010
Bollywood/Classical Classes at Ottawa U
Anushya Vijayaraghevan, student at the University of Ottawa and head coordinator for the South Asian Alliance Dance Team will be running some bollywood and classical indian dance (bharathanatyam) workshops in order to raise money for the team.
Each class will be 3 hours long and will be $15 per class. Here are the details:
Bollywood Workshops:
Tuesday, May 11th——————-5:30pm-8:30pm
Wednesday May 12th—————-5:30pm-8:30pm
Classical Workshops:
Saturday, May 15th——————5:30pm-8:30pm
Tuesday, May 18th——————-5:30pm-8:30pm
Wednesday, May 19th—————5:30pm-8:30pm
Mix and match any of our Bollywood and/or Classical classes and get the following rates:
If you do 3 classes: $35
Group rate for 3 people per class: $35
****Groups rates will be available upon request (Must be a group of 5+ people)
The workshops will be taking place at the Ottawa U campus in the University Centre, 2nd floor, room 205.
Contact Anushya at: avijay90 at gmail dot com
May 15 and 16, 2010
Ottawa Sound Healing Conference
St. Paul’s University
223 Main Street, Ottawa (across from the Green Door)
Be sure to check out the amazing line up of performances, workshops and talks at this year’s 2nd Annual Ottawa Sound Healing Conference!
We are also asking for you to help us launch a full promotion by sending out this latest announcement to your email lists. Your support and co-creative assistance is important to the success of the 2nd Annual Ottawa Sound Healing Conference; the more people are informed about this weekend, the more ears and hearts we may touch!
The Ottawa Sound Healing Conference Team
May 16, 2010
Sister Bazaar
187 Holmwood Ave, apt 2, Ottawa
2 PM- 7 PM
Unique Hand-Crafted clothes and accessories from India
Contact Andree at 613-234-5599
May 16, 2010
Ukrainian Male Chorus from Edmonton along with Suzirya Ukrainian Dance group from Calgary are going to be performing “Kateryna” based on the literary work of Taras Shevchenko.
2 pm, Sunday, May 16, 2010
Centre Pointe Theatre
101 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, ON
Tickets: $40 dollars
MAY 27,2010
Full Moon Drum and Dance Circle
Thursday, May 27, 2010
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Maki House Community Centre
19 Leeming Drive (just west of Bayshore)
Weather permitting, we will be in the park behind the community centre otherwise, we will be inside.
Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be some shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.
There will be an optional meditation at the end of the circle for those wishing to stay.
Please RSVP to julieDOTtierneyATsympaticoDOTca.
SPRING CLASSES Starting soon
CORNWALL BellyDance classes: 6 week session.
Wednesday evenings from 7p to 8:15p at General Vanier school on Cumberland(upstairs in the mezz – dance studio)
Session runs from May 19 to June 23rd
This is open to those who have no experience as well as returning students
We will be doing drills and small combinations (but mostly drills! lol)
This will mean working on the mid section of the body as well as the hips and all the great gooey areas women should have and we’ll have having so much fun doing it!!
Price is only $85 (taxes included)
You do need to preregister by Wednesday May 12th (so one week from tonight). You can drop me a note here to confirm you’re attendance.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Feel free to go to the main page to get your full info including all of those classes you can still join even though they’ve already begun! Great seeing some familiar faces at the Women’s Show yesterday – hope to see some after the Hike for Hospice !
Happy Dancing!
MAY 8, 2010
West End Bazaar
This is a bazaar fundraiser for the women’s shelter known as Qimaavik, in Iqaluit, Nunavut. These ladies need help for supplies, utilities and security at the only shelter in the entire Territory.
25 vendors will be offering their wares, from Belly dance and Tribal costumes and accessories to food and Artists. Here is the list:
Creative Clothing by Roxane: costumes
TAV Creations and Eco-TAV: costumes and Eco-friendly bags!
Shibori Borealis: hand painted silk veils
Zamira: costumes and weighted veils
Zena: accessories for dance
Hollywood Music Centre: CDs and DVDs
Patricia Zaid and Bahiya: costumes and dance accessories
Boutique Baladi Ruby: coin belts, accessories, costumes
Nassim Naturals: natural make-up
Rain Kazymerchyk: from Gallery6: silver jewellery
Wendy Stevenson: from Gallery6: photographer
Carol Pillar: from Gallery6: watercolour artist
Tara Heft: glass jewellery
Margaret Toner: gemstone beaded jewellery
Tarot by Lisa-Marie
Curves Gym
Carolyn Penney: jewellery
Margaret Cape: jewellery
Divine Image: dance teacher
Janet Brown: A More Beautiful You esthetician
Joan Jesion: BeautiControl beauty products
Aloette products ptresented by RoseMarie Keogh
Sylvie the Incredible Pastry chef
Belly Dance Supplies
OUR LADY of PEACE Catholic School
3877 Richmond Road
Ottawa (Bell’s Corners), ON, K2H 5C1
The accomplished Aswan Folkloric Dance Troupe of Egypt will travel to the capital city of Canada to participate in the 2010 Canadian Tulip Festival that celebrates the tulip as a symbol of International Friendship.
Come and enjoy its performances that depict the great heritage of the Aswan region at Major’s Hill Park and Commissioner’s Park from May 21 to May 24.
They will bring their Ud, tabla, and tar to accompany the various songs, intricate patterns of hand-clapping and foot-stomping that are spectacular to watch.
Nubian folk dances of Aswan are performed on everyday and special occasions such as marriage and nuptial ceremonies, harvesting, community functions and merry-making. The Aswan folk dance troupe manifests these themes of folk life in very entertaining performances.
Don’t miss the Nubian Tahtib (stick dancing) – and the Gha Wazi and the El Tahtip, two famed folk dances of Aswan that are enjoyable to watch.
Visitors to the Commissioner’s Park will have the opportunity to dance with the performers as they will be mingling and inviting spectators to take part.
The Aswan Folkloric Dance Troupe has participated on various international stages across continents including the International Folklore Festival in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Charles De Gaulle Festival, France, Nairobi Festival, Kenya and at other important events at the India International Centre in New Delhi and Tagore Theatre, India; Toronto Cultural Week, Canada, and the Kennedy Centre for Arts in Washington D.C. and New York, U.S.A.
The Aswan Folkloric Dance Troupe shows have the following time slots at the parks.
Major’s Hill park
May 21 12:00 – 1:00 pm
May 22 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
May 23 1:00pm – 2:00 pm
May 24 11:30 pm – 12:30 pm
Commissioner’s Park
May 21 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
May 23 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
May 24 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
For more information contact the Press Office of the Embassy of Egypt.
Counsellor Elsayed Elhady, Director, Press Office
Telephone: 613-563-1248
Email: egyptian.embassy@rogers.com
MAY 22, 2010
Studios OASIS de la danse annual recital
Performances featuring
the Oasis students and teachers,
the Enan Egyptian Troupe, and
special guest dancer Amelia from MontrealCarleton University theatre
Tickets only $10Contact Denise or Ahmed, or your Oasis teacher, for tickets
Nobody, but nobody can bring you the years of first-hand knowledge and
experience with authentic Egyptian dance! Denise and Ahmed will share
entertaining stories of their time with the Firqa Kaoumeia (National Dance
Troupe of Egypt) and life growing up in Egypt. Without missing any of the
tourist must-sees, we allow special time for dancers to go costume shopping,
take optional dance lessons, and outings to see dancers performing.
Call Ahmed for more details 819-776-5033.
May 30, 2010
Canadian marathon race day – belly dancers welcome!
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Freestyle Bellydance with Gee Robinson et al – contact Gee Gee for more details:
MAY 30, 2010 – Montreal
Bellydance Superstars workshops: Sabah and Sabrina Fox
9h30 à 13h30 (incluant une courte pause): Atelier danse orientale avec Sabah
14h30 à 18h30 (incluant une courte pause): Atelier tribal-fusion avec Sabrina Fox
L’atelier se donne dans la palestre des miroirs (bloc sportif).
Dance class studio = Palestre des miroirs
About Sabah: http://www.bellydancesuperstars.com/sabah/
Description de l’atelier de Sabah: Warda
Atelier entier consacré à la musique d’une des chanteuses favorites de Sabah: Warda! La classe sera composée d’un échauffement, d’une partie technique et de combinaisons qui mises ensemble formeront une courte chorégraphie dansée sur de la musique faisant partie du répertoire de Warda.
L’atelier est ouvert et conçu pour tous les niveaux.
Sabah workshop description: Warda
Come learn a full workshop dedicated to one of Sabah ’s favorite singers to dance to – Warda!
This is an open level class.
The class will be broken down into warm-up, technique, and combinations that lead into a short choreography all using Warda’s extensive repertory of music.
Description de l’atelier de Sabrina Fox: Atash Maya style Dark and Sexy Choreography ~ Combos
Chorégraphie gothique et sombre ~ combos pour vos performances non-traditionnelles. Chorégraphie composée de 3 combos pour danser de façon stylisée en improvisation.
Atash Maya (troupe de Sabrina Fox) est connu pour son style ”edgy and sexually powerful”.
Cette chorégraphie, vous ne voudrez pas la ramener à la maison à vos parents, mais vos fans et vos amis du ”dark side” l’adoreront.
La chorégraphie sera de niveau avancée incluant une parite au sol, une descente lente à partir de la position debout, des techniques de superposition de mouvements lentes et rapides et des tours rapides.
Les danseuses de tous les niveaux sont bienvenues, mais les débutantes devront s’allouer du temps d’observation avant d’essayer les techniques.
Sabrina Fox workshop description:
Atash Maya style Dark and Sexy Choreography ~ Combos
Dark gothic stylized choreography ~ combos for your not so traditional performances. A choreography that is broken down into 3 combos for Improvisational stylized belly dance.
Atash Maya has been known for their edgy and sexually powerful style. This choreography you may not want to bring home to your parents, but your friends and fans on the dark side will love it, you can wear your vampire teeth with this one :)=.
This is an advanced choreography including floorwork, a slow drop from standing, layered techniques both fast and slow, and fast spot turns. All Level dancers are welcome to attend, but beginners please allow yourself time to journal and observe techniques before trying if needed.
Prix pour un atelier/1 workshop only (4 heures):
• 75$ avant le 14 mai/ before May 14
• 85$ après le 14 mai/ after May 14
Prix pour les 2 ateliers/ both workshops (8 heures):
• 130$ avant le 14 mai/ before May 14
• 150$ après le 14 mai/ after May 14
Pour réserver votre place, vous devez effectuer le paiement directement sur le site/For registration, you should buy your place direclty on the website:
Les paiement disponibles sur le site sont:
• Paypal
• Accès D (before May 25th only)
• Dépôt dans mon compte bancaire/ Deposit into my bank account
• Chèque (soit être reçu et post-daté pour maximum 14 mai, aucun chèque ne sera accepté après cette date)(should be received and post-dated maximum May 14th, no cheque after May 14th)
• Argent comptant (sur rendez-vous en boutique)/Cash (at boutique on appointment)
* Il est à noter qu’à compter du 14 mai 2010, les chèques ne seront plus acceptés pour l’inscription à ces ateliers.
Thank you,
June 5/6 , 2010
Art in the Park – Belly Dancers Welcome
Noon to 4 p.m.
Routines welcome: soloists/Groups
Bring your music! Contact Gee Gee for details – 613-731-0815
JUNE 13 , 2010
Saidi : Cane & Choreography Workshop with Chantal Dos Santos in Toronto When: Sunday June 13th, 2010 from 11:00am-3:30pm
Where: Martha Hicks School of Ballet – 2384 Yonge St. 2nd floor, Studio B
(West side of Yonge, North of Eglinton)
Pricing: $55 on or before June 1st / $65 after June 1st
To register contact Caliana: 416-821-4381 or calianadances@gmail.com
Work on your existing skills and gain new ones! This multi-level workshop
offers the opportunity to polish your cane skills to the tune of the earthy
Saidi rhythm. In the first half of the workshop, students will drill the use
of the cane from the basics and beyond, including balancing, flipping and
catching. In the second half, we will work on a 2 1/2 minute choreography, which can be performed as is or built on to fill the full 5 minute song. Students will be provided with a CD of both the edited and the full length version of the song.
Straight canes are necessary for this workshop. Please indicate when registering whether you will be bringing your own straight cane or will need to borrow one.
There will be a 30 minute lunch.
Chantal Dos Santos is a dance artist from Canada, currently based in
Germany. Chantal’s dance studies include Egyptian and Turkish style Oriental Dance, Contemporary, Creative Movement theories and various Roma dances. She has studied with many notable instructors including Hadia, Roula Said, Nourhan Sharif, Ranya Renee, Lesya Starr and Katjusha Kozubek. Chantal is also a certified Oriental Dance instructor through Hadia’s Middle Eastern Dance Teacher Training Program. Chantal continuously seeks out cultural experience and opportunities to explore endless possibilities of expression through the study of world dances.
JUNE 19, 2010
Alhambra Dance & Friends presents Red Hot Summer Hafla in Toronto When: Saturday June 19th from 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Martha Hicks School of Ballet, 2345 Yonge St. 1st floor, back of Office Building
(East side of Yonge, North of Eglinton)
Price: $10 in advance, $15 at the door (*funds are being raised for troupe costumes*)
For advanced tickets contact Caliana:
416-821-4381 or calianadances@gmail.com
Summer will be here before we know it! Join Alhambra Dance & Friends in our “Red Hot Summer Hafla” (RHSH).
This event will be more informal, where performances & demonstrations will be interspersed with mingling, eating & free dancing time!
Snacks & refreshments will be provided -byob
Performances by:
Caliana, Jaene, Siham Sumaiya, Haifa, Alexandra, some students, live musicians and more (TBA)
JULY 3-4, 2010~Montreal The One and Only Mira Betz
will be in Montreal the week end of July 3-4th!
Absolutely unique as a dancer and teacher, Mira is a must see. Read more about here here :www.miramania.com
She will be with us for 9 hours of intimate teaching (max 25 people) and a show on july 2nd.
At first, we will only accept registration for the full week end. Individual workshops will be open for registration only if they don’t sell out. We want to create a group energy that grows through the week end.
For 9 hours of workshops: 230 $
Registrations and workshop description at www.matjacob.com
Bollywood/Classical Classes at Ottawa U
Anushya Vijayaraghevan, student at the University of Ottawa and head coordinator for the South Asian Alliance Dance Team will be running some bollywood and classical indian dance (bharathanatyam) workshops in order to raise money for the team.
Each class will be 3 hours long and will be $15 per class. Here are the details:
Bollywood Workshops:
Saturday, May 8th——————–5:30pm-8:30pm
Tuesday, May 11th——————-5:30pm-8:30pm
Wednesday May 12th—————-5:30pm-8:30pm
Classical Workshops:
Saturday, May 15th——————5:30pm-8:30pm
Tuesday, May 18th——————-5:30pm-8:30pm
Wednesday, May 19th—————5:30pm-8:30pm
Mix and match any of our Bollywood and/or Classical classes and get the following rates:
If you do 3 classes: $35
Group rate for 3 people per class: $35
****Groups rates will be available upon request (Must be a group of 5+ people)
The workshops will be taking place at the Ottawa U campus in the University Centre, 2nd floor, room 205.
Contact Anushya at: avijay90 at gmail dot com
MAY 9, 2010
Mother’s Day Fortune-Telling with Rainbow Totem Beads by Dot Iskra
Twist of Fate Gift Emporium, 633 Somerset West, Chinatown Ottawa
A wonderful celebration of Mother’s Day with Fortune-telling, Artisan jewellery, fine art and furniture display. Jasmine tea and fortune-cookies served. A chance to get Mom a unique present from a far corner of the world from a Twist of Fate Gift Emporium’s collection of beautiful and rare shiny things.
Twist of Fate Emporium is a fair-trade emporium run by Miss Mika, who travelled all over the world to find rare handcrafted items to bring to Ottawa to share. Mika has lovely shiny things such as miniature jade sculptures of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, semi-precious stone eggs, window hangings, and beautiful linen and silk purses.
The fortune-telling readings are most unique in that Fortune-Telling with Rainbow Totem Beads is a new,form of divination using the energies of glass beads in the colours of the Rainbow Chakra system, as well as various symbolic animal totems and beads from Aboriginal, Asian and Old World European cultures. A past, present and future reading is given.
Cost: Fortune Readings start at $5 for 5 minutes.
The first 5 minutes of the reading are free if you come in with a Fortune-Telling with Rainbow Totem Beads Coupon. Coupon is available directly from Dot Iskra and/or also from posters for this event hanging at Umi Cafe, on Somerset West St in Chinatown.
Contact information for more details:
Phone; Dot Iskra 613-627-6562 dotjewels2@gmail.com for Fortune-telling and hand-made artisan Rainbow Totem Bead jewellery,
Mika at “Twist of Fate” Emporium, 613-233-3283
May 15 and 16, 2010
Ottawa Sound Healing Conference
St. Paul’s University
223 Main Street, Ottawa (across from the Green Door)
Be sure to check out the amazing line up of performances, workshops and talks at this year’s 2nd Annual Ottawa Sound Healing Conference!
We are also asking for you to help us launch a full promotion by sending out this latest announcement to your email lists. Your support and co-creative assistance is important to the success of the 2nd Annual Ottawa Sound Healing Conference; the more people are informed about this weekend, the more ears and hearts we may touch!
The Ottawa Sound Healing Conference Team
May 16, 2010
Ukrainian Male Chorus from Edmonton along with Suzirya Ukrainian Dance group from Calgary are going to be performing “Kateryna” based on the literary work of Taras Shevchenko.
2 pm, Sunday, May 16, 2010
Centre Pointe Theatre
101 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, ON
Tickets: $40 dollars
JUNE 10-13,2010 Ontario Womyn’s Drum Camp 2010
Thursday – Sunday
Come Join the Fun!
Whatever your interest, there will be something for you!
Our talented teachers will offer you their very best as they share their knowledge and the rhythms of the Earth.
Check out the details online:
Leslie Presents Abstract at Univerisity of California Riverside (UCR) Dance Conference: Dance Under Construction – Economies in Motion
Leslie has been selected to present an abstract entitled: Slow Motion: The Minimalist Economy of Movement at the Dance Under Construction Conference at UCR. This student run conference features dance presenters from the University of California Dance Programs and beyond. This is an exciting opportunity to present on bellydance to an audience of student and professional dancers and dance academics!
In order to support travel to this academic event, Leslie is doing some fundraising! While Leslie is applying to York University for funding to support her travel, the University only provides a small percentage of funds required for participating in this event. The total cost of the trip including travel (flight & car rental), accomodations, registration and incidentals is approximately $1000. You can donate by sending an email interac transfer to oceanfiretribal@gmail.com – or, you can join or drop into Leslie’s weekly class, Tuesdays 8-9pm at Makin Moves, or check out her Tribal Bazaar at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/album.php?aid=184379&id=547580498 – (you can join Leslie’s facebook here too!)
Leslie will be teaching her Dance Under Construction choreography and presenting her abstract at a May workshop in Ottawa, date TBD and keep an eye out for information! Leslie is currently completing her Master of Arts in Dance at York University and is back in Ottawa for eight weeks for summer work.
Angelo Luzio bellydance shoes
in nude, black, gold and silver available for fall delivery.
Place your reservation now so that you will be one of the ones with his new and improved shoes on your feet when the fall session starts.
Contact Marcelle at Boutiqueisis@aol.com.
Chaussures danse orientale par Angelo Luzio en rose (nu), noir, argent et or ?sont disponible pour livraison à l’automne!
Placez votre réservation dès maintenant pour recevoir vos chaussures ?améliorée lors de la session d’automne commence.
Contactez Marcelle au Boutiqueisis@aol.com
Call for A Way to Women’s Wellness 2011 ArtBra Submissions
As founder of A Way to Women’s Wellness, Inc., I began the non-profit foundation in 2003, when I began to invite friends to create embellished bras. The term ArtBra was born and we continue to create ArtBras for our annual WTWW ArtBra calendar and exhibitions. 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of the ArtBra calendars are donated to different breast cancer centers.
Our group also designs a crazy quilt every year, which we donate to a breast cancer center.
This year the WTWW ArtBra Exhibit will appear at the Houston Quilt Festival and at national conferences of the American Sewing Guild and Embroidery Guild of America.
This year’s deadline for ArtBra entries is June 5th. Bras should arrive at the Ribbon Smyth Studio no later than June 5th to be considered for inclusion in the 2011 ArtBra Calendar. Area photographers and quilt book editors will select the 2011 Calendar ArtBras. All bras submitted will appear at this year’s exhibitions. Complete submission guidelines may be downloaded at www.artbra.org
There is a gallery featuring the latest ArtBra arrivals.
Head on over to see more Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!
The weekends are busy, and life is hectic, but as long as we keep on dancing we’ll find those moments of peace!
Here’s the latest news – read on!
Dancer’s News-Update
MAY 2, 2010
Fluidity and Slow Movements Workshop with Jalilah ALMOST FULL!!
If you want to register please contact Julie at julie.tierneyATsympaticoDOTca first to make sure there is still a spot available for you.
Jalilah will teach you how to move gracefully and to connect your arms, hip circles, infinity loops (figure 8s) and undulations together into a beautiful seamless flow.
This workshop is accessible and beneficial to all levels of dancers from beginner to professional levels.
Sunday, May 2nd, 11:00 a. m. to 1:00 p.m.
Nepean Creative Arts Centre, 35 Stafford Rd., Nepean (Bells Corners)
Cost: $45 . For the flyer, contact julie.tierneyATsympaticoDOTca
MAY 2, 2010
Coming up in just 2 weeks, on Sunday, May 2nd, is the annual Hike for Hospice, the major fundraiser for this worthy organization which provides loving support to persons diagnosed with terminal illness, their families & all those who care for them.
For the past several years the Ottawa community of dancers & drummers have come out in large numbers to sing, dance, drum & encourage the walkers returning to the Hospice grounds at the end of their 5 km hike along the canal. The purpose is to provide a colourful, noisy & congratulatory welcome back spectacle for the hundreds of walking, jogging, strolling, cycling adults, kids, babystrollers, decorated family dogs & even folks in wheelchairs. The warm thank-you’s & appreciative comments we have received for our efforts in the past would have been enough, but the Hospice also provides us with a sumptuous picnic lunch & live entertainment in their glorious garden beside the Rideau River after the Hike.
So, if you have participated in the past, or would like to lend your own dancing, zilling, drumming, clapping, cheering or zagareeting support with our group this year, please get in touch with me ASAP so I can reserve a lunch for you for Hike day. Husbands, kids, & interested bystanders welcome too.
There will be a place for you to change into a costume if you wish, or you can arrive already dressed. Plan to arrive between 9:00 & 10 a.m. & park on a nearby street. The walkers assemble behind the Hospice building for speeches & opening ceremonies prior to setting out on the Hike at 9:30.
For more information about Hike for Hospice, or about the Maycourt Hospice programs, please consult their website:
This is a bazaar fundraiser for the women’s shelter known as Qimaavik, in Iqaluit, Nunavut. These ladies need help for supplies, utilities and security at the only shelter in the entire Territory.
25 vendors will be offering their wares, from Belly dance and Tribal costumes and accessories to food and Artists. Here is the list:
Creative Clothing by Roxane: costumes
TAV Creations and Eco-TAV: costumes and Eco-friendly bags!
Shibori Borealis: hand painted silk veils
Zamira: costumes and weighted veils
Zena: accessories for dance
Hollywood Music Centre: CDs and DVDs
Patricia Zaid and Bahiya: costumes and dance accessories
Boutique Baladi Ruby: coin belts, accessories, costumes
Nassim Naturals: natural make-up
Rain Kazymerchyk: from Gallery6: silver jewellery
Wendy Stevenson: from Gallery6: photographer
Carol Pillar: from Gallery6: watercolour artist
Tara Heft: glass jewellery
Margaret Toner: gemstone beaded jewellery
Tarot by Lisa-Marie
Curves Gym
Carolyn Penney: jewellery
Margaret Cape: jewellery
Divine Image: dance teacher
Janet Brown: A More Beautiful You esthetician
Joan Jesion: BeautiControl beauty products
Aloette products ptresented by RoseMarie Keogh
Sylvie the Incredible Pastry chef
Belly Dance Supplies
OUR LADY of PEACE Catholic School
3877 Richmond Road
Ottawa (Bell’s Corners), ON, K2H 5C1
Performances featuring
the Oasis students and teachers,
the Enan Egyptian Troupe, and
special guest dancer Amelia from MontrealCarleton University theatre
Tickets only $10
Contact Denise or Ahmed, or your Oasis teacher, for tickets
TAV Creations and Belly Dancing For Fun is pleased to once again be participating in Ottawa’s National Women Show.
Begun in 2003, TAV Creations has been a part of this weekend of information, demos, fashion, fitness and much more since the beginning.
Featuring information on custom sewing, examples of some of my recent designs, and products available for sale, our booth will be along the wall just past the fitness area!
Extra special sales events will include Halmya’s Belly Dance DVD’s , Eco-TAV Blossom Bags and so much more!
Cash and credit card sales accepted!
Come out and enjoy a day of adventure in exploring all of those great things women love so much – and be sure to stop by to say hi!
See their website for the Ottawa Spring National Women’s Show for full details of the weekend!
Saturday 4:15 to 4:45
Sunday 3:30 to 4 p.m.
Main Stage Show featuring Halyma and Friends:
Belly Dance & Bollywood For Fun
Join us for some dancing fun from the middle east to the colourful fields of India! Halyma and friends will wow you with their colourful costumes and joyful show – and join them to learn a few moves too!
JUNE 10-13,2010 Ontario Womyn’s Drum Camp 2010
Thursday – Sunday
Come Join the Fun!
Whatever your interest, there will be something for you!
Our talented teachers will offer you their very best as they share their knowledge and the rhythms of the Earth.
Check out the details online:
TRACEY/HALYMA – Byward Market Area
172 Guigues – call 613 244-4470 to register or online through the City of Ottawa and follow the “how to register” instructions on the sidebar.
* Level 2+, also called “creative Intermediate”, will focus on more personal development as a dancer/performer
General info about classes: www.bellydancingforfun.com
Classes with Zeevah
Cabaret Style Belly Dancing for Beginners/ Belly Dance Basics
Beginners will learn enough basic steps and veil movement for a complete choreography. The style taught is American Cabaret belly dance which allows for freedom in the interpretation of movement. Perfect for beginners. Wear comfortable clothes and bare feet or flat dance shoes.
Spring Dates 2010 8 Weeks $66/person + GST
St. Patrick’s HS Tues 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Start Apr 20 (24028)
ON LINE www.winterconnections.com
Click on General Interest Courses to view program and to
sign up for a course. Login ID and PIN numbers are required for use of our online registration system. If you do not have an account but wish to create one please send your request for a login ID and pin number along with the student’s full name, home phone, work phone, home mailing address, and return email address to Continuing.Ed@ottawacatholicschools.ca.
NEW! – CardioBellydance with Anna & Safiya!
Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm, starting April 21st, 2010
Capital City Dance, Ottawa
1309 Carling Avenue, Westgate Mall (lower level)
A fun and fast-paced hour of bellydance sequences danced to up-beat music!
All levels of Bellydancers will benefit from this class. There will be some explanation of moves, and various level options will be given, but the focus will be on cardio workout.
Come get in shape for summer…sweat and love it!
For pricing and location, please see www.annabellydance.ca/classes
Tribal fusion classes with Leslie – 8 week session – starts Tuesday April 20!
This Tribal fusion Basics session will challenge both beginners and experienced dancers in a supportive environment. In this drill oriented class, you will learn the basic elements of this dance style, more advanced students will be asked to increase their speed and timing and practice layering. Some combinations will be taught near the end of the session.
Tuesdays April 20th to June 8th
1196 Bank St at Makin’ Moves studio
Registration is $100, space limited to ten participants!
Drop-ins possible for $15/class, rsvp by email to confirm space is available.
Head on over to see more Events, Classes Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections!
Another busy week has passed up by – I’ll see some of you today at the sold out Lynette Harper Workshop and others at the other fun events coming up in the next few weeks!
Have a good read and enjoy the sunshine today!
Dancer’s News-Update
April 25th, 2010
Fun and Funky Moves Workshop with Bahiya/Brenda
Time: 1:00 to 4:00
Cost: $35.00
Where: Manotick Legion
Things to bring: Snacks, yoga mat and of course your favorite shimmy belt.
We will be learning fun & funky moves to some great drum rhythms. We will practice some veil moves and also, how to connect to your audience when performing.
Learn about the IBCC 2010 Featured Instructors, Speakers, Main Stage Performers … and more!
Regular rate: $699 CDN
SPECIAL: All IBCC past package registrants receive an extra $50 off per year registered!
Just call: 1-416-920-5593
MAY 2, 2010
Fluidity and Slow Movements Workshop with Jalilah ALMOST FULL!!
If you want to register please contact Julie at julie.tierneyATsympaticoDOTca first to make sure there is still a spot available for you.
Jalilah will teach you how to move gracefully and to connect your arms, hip circles, infinity loops (figure 8s) and undulations together into a beautiful seamless flow.
This workshop is accessible and beneficial to all levels of dancers from beginner to professional levels.
Sunday, May 2nd, 11:00 a. m. to 1:00 p.m.
Nepean Creative Arts Centre, 35 Stafford Rd., Nepean (Bells Corners)
Cost: $35 if payment is received by April 23, $45 thereafter. For the flyer, contact julie.tierneyATsympaticoDOTca
MAY 8, 2010 West End Bazaar
This is a bazaar fundraiser for the women’s shelter known as Qimaavik, in Iqaluit, Nunavut. These ladies need help for supplies, utilities and security at the only shelter in the entire Territory.
25 vendors will be offering their wares, from Belly dance and Tribal costumes and accessories to food and Artists. Here is the list:
Creative Clothing by Roxane: costumes
TAV Creations and Eco-TAV: costumes and Eco-friendly bags!
Shibori Borealis: hand painted silk veils
Zamira: costumes and weighted veils
Zena: accessories for dance
Hollywood Music Centre: CDs and DVDs
Patricia Zaid and Bahiya: costumes and dance accessories
Boutique Baladi Ruby: coin belts, accessories, costumes
Nassim Naturals: natural make-up
Rain Kazymerchyk: from Gallery6: silver jewellery
Wendy Stevenson: from Gallery6: photographer
Carol Pillar: from Gallery6: watercolour artist
Tara Heft: glass jewellery
Margaret Toner: gemstone beaded jewellery
Tarot by Lisa-Marie
Curves Gym
Carolyn Penney: jewellery
Margaret Cape: jewellery
Divine Image: dance teacher
Janet Brown: A More Beautiful You esthetician
Joan Jesion: BeautiControl beauty products
Aloette products ptresented by RoseMarie Keogh
Sylvie the Incredible Pastry chef
Belly Dance Supplies
OUR LADY of PEACE Catholic School
3877 Richmond Road
Ottawa (Bell’s Corners), ON, K2H 5C1
Come check out TAV Creations and Eco-TAV at the Ottawa Eco-Fair at the RA Centre, Ottawa.
New products along with the growingly popular Eco-TAV Napkins and Pouches!
“The Ottawa Eco-Stewardship Fair brings together community environmental groups, up-and-coming new small business ventures as well as large companies and all levels of government, to promote to the public a range of innovative new products, exciting services and appealing volunteer programs. ”
APRIL 25, 2010
Full Moon Drum and Dance Circle
Sunday April 25 – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Maki House Community Centre
Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be some shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.
There will be an optional meditative drumming and period of silence at the end of the circle for those wishing to stay.
Please RSVP to julie.tierneyATsympaticoDOTca.
You can also invite friends through facebook http://www.facebook.com/event.php?invites&eid=109519185746019
MAY 1 and 2, 2010
TAV Creations/Eco-TAV at the National Women Show
Saturday, May 1 10:00 AM to 6 p.m.
Sunday May 2, 2010 10:00 AM to 5 p.m.
1015 Bank Street – Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, Ontario.
TAV Creations and Belly Dancing For Fun is pleased to once again be participating in Ottawa’s National Women Show.
Begun in 2003, TAV Creations has been a part of this weekend of information, demos, fashion, fitness and much more since the beginning.
Featuring information on custom sewing, examples of some of my recent designs, and products available for sale, our booth will be along the wall just past the fitness area!
Extra special sales events will include Halmya’s Belly Dance DVD’s , Eco-TAV Blossom Bags and so much more!
Cash and credit card sales accepted!
Come out and enjoy a day of adventure in exploring all of those great things women love so much – and be sure to stop by to say hi!
See their website for the Ottawa Spring National Women’s Show for full details of the weekend!
SUNDAY 3:30 to 4 p.m.
Main Stage Show featuring Halyma and Friends:
Belly Dance & Bollywood For Fun
Join us for some dancing fun from the middle east to the colourful fields of India! Halyma and friends will wow you with their colourful costumes and joyful show – and join them to learn a few moves too!
SPRING CLASSES – starting this week and next!
TRACEY/HALYMA – Byward Market Area
172 Guigues – call 613 244-4470 to register or online through the City of Ottawa and follow the “how to register” instructions on the sidebar.
* Level 2+, also called “creative Intermediate”, will focus on more personal development as a dancer/performer
General info about classes: www.bellydancingforfun.com
Classes with Zeevah
Cabaret Style Belly Dancing for Beginners/ Belly Dance Basics
Beginners will learn enough basic steps and veil movement for a complete choreography. The style taught is American Cabaret belly dance which allows for freedom in the interpretation of movement. Perfect for beginners. Wear comfortable clothes and bare feet or flat dance shoes.
Spring Dates 2010 8 Weeks $66/person + GST
St. Patrick’s HS Tues 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Start Apr 20 (24028)
ON LINE www.winterconnections.com
Click on General Interest Courses to view program and to
sign up for a course. Login ID and PIN numbers are required for use of our online registration system. If you do not have an account but wish to create one please send your request for a login ID and pin number along with the student’s full name, home phone, work phone, home mailing address, and return email address to Continuing.Ed@ottawacatholicschools.ca.
NEW! – CardioBellydance with Anna & Safiya!
Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm, starting April 21st, 2010
Capital City Dance, Ottawa
1309 Carling Avenue, Westgate Mall (lower level)
A fun and fast-paced hour of bellydance sequences danced to up-beat music!
All levels of Bellydancers will benefit from this class. There will be some explanation of moves, and various level options will be given, but the focus will be on cardio workout.
Come get in shape for summer…sweat and love it!
For pricing and location, please see www.annabellydance.ca/classes
Tribal fusion classes with Leslie – 8 week session – starts Tuesday April 20!
This Tribal fusion Basics session will challenge both beginners and experienced dancers in a supportive environment. In this drill oriented class, you will learn the basic elements of this dance style, more advanced students will be asked to increase their speed and timing and practice layering. Some combinations will be taught near the end of the session.
Tuesdays April 20th to June 8th
1196 Bank St at Makin’ Moves studio
Registration is $100, space limited to ten participants!
Drop-ins possible for $15/class, rsvp by email to confirm space is available.
Call for A Way to Women’s Wellness 2011 ArtBra Submissions
As founder of A Way to Women’s Wellness, Inc., I began the non-profit foundation in 2003, when I began to invite friends to create embellished bras. The term ArtBra was born and we continue to create ArtBras for our annual WTWW ArtBra calendar and exhibitions. 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of the ArtBra calendars are donated to different breast cancer centers.
Our group also designs a crazy quilt every year, which we donate to a breast cancer center.
This year the WTWW ArtBra Exhibit will appear at the Houston Quilt Festival and at national conferences of the American Sewing Guild and Embroidery Guild of America.
This year’s deadline for ArtBra entries is June 5th. Bras should arrive at the Ribbon Smyth Studio no later than June 5th to be considered for inclusion in the 2011 ArtBra Calendar. Area photographers and quilt book editors will select the 2011 Calendar ArtBras. All bras submitted will appear at this year’s exhibitions. Complete submission guidelines may be downloaded at www.artbra.org
There is a gallery featuring the latest ArtBra arrivals.
For additional information please contact Victoria Brown at info@artbra.org
Vous devez mettre l’article dans votre panier, visualiser votre panier (en haut à gauche), puis suivre les indications Pour vous inscrire vous devez le faire via le site, car ce système comptabilise les inscriptions.
Vous pourrez choisir votre mode de paiement: Paypal, Chèque, Accès D ou dépôt bancaire Si vous désirez payer par chèque, votre chèque doit être post-daté pour maximum le 1er avril 2010. Aucun chèque ne sera accepté après le 1er avril, mais les autres modes de paiement seront toujours en vigueur.
Merci, Anichka
April 25th, 2010
Fun and Funky Moves Workshop with Bahiya/Brenda
Time: 1:00 to 4:00
Cost: $35.00
Where: Manotick Legion
Things to bring: Snacks, yoga mat and of course your favorite shimmy belt.
We will be learning fun & funky moves to some great drum rhythms. We will practice some veil moves and also, how to connect to your audience when performing.
Come check out TAV Creations and Eco-TAV at the Ottawa Eco-Fair at the RA Centre, Ottawa.
New products along with the growingly popular Eco-TAV Napkins and Pouches!
“The Ottawa Eco-Stewardship Fair brings together community environmental groups, up-and-coming new small business ventures as well as large companies and all levels of government, to promote to the public a range of innovative new products, exciting services and appealing volunteer programs. ”
SPRING CLASSES- Starting this week or later:
TRACEY/HALYMA – Byward Market Area
172 Guigues – call 613 244-4470 to register or online through the City of Ottawa and follow the “how to register” instructions on the sidebar.
* Level 2+, also called “creative Intermediate”, will focus on more personal development as a dancer/performer
General info about classes: www.bellydancingforfun.com
Jalilah’s Spring 2010 Sessions:
RA Centre 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
Belly Dance for Fitness a fast paced cardio class using only Middle Eastern dance movements! Perfect for both beginners to learn the basic Middle Eastern Movement repertoire and for intermediate dancers to improve stamina and technique! Mondays 10:30-11:30 a.m. at RA Centre 2451 Riverside Drive or Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 p.m. at the Rideau tennis Club 1 Donald Street April 12-June 23 2010-03-10 Price: Free for Life Fit Members $89 for RA members $114 for non-members
To register contact the RA Centre Tel (613) 7335100 www.racentre.com
Metro Y on Argyle with Christine
Starting April 3 to June 27 , 2010
• Tuesdays 7:15 – 8:15pm
• Thursdays 8:30 – 9:30pm
and again . . .
June 28 to August 29, 2010
• Tuesdays 7:15 – 8:15pm
• Thursdays 8:30 – 9:30pm
Join us for a girls night out of dancing, laughing and a did I mention, a great work out.
Belts and veils are provided for those new and curious to try a taste of Baladi.
Don’t be shy 😉
Classes with Zeevah
Cabaret Style Belly Dancing for Beginners/ Belly Dance Basics
Beginners will learn enough basic steps and veil movement for a complete choreography. The style taught is American Cabaret belly dance which allows for freedom in the interpretation of movement. Perfect for beginners. Wear comfortable clothes and bare feet or flat dance shoes.
Spring Dates 2010 8 Weeks $66/person + GST
St. Patrick’s HS Tues 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Start Apr 20 (24028)
ON LINE www.winterconnections.com
Click on General Interest Courses to view program and to
sign up for a course. Login ID and PIN numbers are required for use of our online registration system. If you do not have an account but wish to create one please send your request for a login ID and pin number along with the student’s full name, home phone, work phone, home mailing address, and return email address to Continuing.Ed@ottawacatholicschools.ca.
Bellydancing with Zena
Spring Schedule
Kanata: Classical Dance Academy, 100 Castlefrank Rd., (613) 836-5725
Monday nights at 8:15-9:15 pm for Beginners starting Apr. 12, 2010. 10wks/$105
Thursday afternoons at 1:00-2:15 pm for Intermediate/Advanced starting Apr. 15, 2010. 10 wks/$105 taxes included.
Stittsville: Astral Fitness, 44 Iber Rd. (613) 831-2348
Thursday evenings at 6:30-7:30 pm for Beginners. Available to current gym clients with a full one year membership.
NEW! – CardioBellydance with Anna & Safiya!
Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm, starting April 21st, 2010
Capital City Dance, Ottawa
1309 Carling Avenue, Westgate Mall (lower level)
A fun and fast-paced hour of bellydance sequences danced to up-beat music!
All levels of Bellydancers will benefit from this class. There will be some explanation of moves, and various level options will be given, but the focus will be on cardio workout.
Come get in shape for summer…sweat and love it!
For pricing and location, please see www.annabellydance.ca/classes
Belly Dancing with Sha’ Vega
MONDAYS at South Fallingbrook in Orleans:
Mom & Daughter belly dance – child (6-14 yrs) – $36
Course code: 435123
Mom & Daughter belly dance – adult (15+ yrs) – $38.75
Course code: 435120 April 12 – June 14 (no class on May 3 and 24)
5:15 – 6:15pm
Level 1/2 – $44.50
April 12 – June 14 (no class on May 3 and 24)
Course code: 435487
Level 2/3 – $44.50
April 12 – June 14 (no class on May 3 and 24)
Course code: 435488
Lisa-Marie Serafin
Ceramic Artist/Middle Eastern Dance Artist
Poterie du Lac la Blanche
Free Tribal Fusion class with Leslie this Tuesday, 8-9pm!
Always wanted to try a tribal fusion bellydance class but can’t commit to a regular session – now’s your chance! This Tuesday from 8-9pm, Leslie will teach some tribal fusion basics to funky beats at Makin Moves Studio, 1196 Bank St! Class is limited to 10 spots, so best to RSVP and confirm your attendance!
Tribal fusion classes with Leslie – 8 week session – starts Tuesday April 20!
This Tribal fusion Basics session will challenge both beginners and experienced dancers in a supportive environment. In this drill oriented class, you will learn the basic elements of this dance style, more advanced students will be asked to increase their speed and timing and practice layering. Some combinations will be taught near the end of the session.
Tuesdays April 20th to June 8th
1196 Bank St at Makin’ Moves studio
Registration is $100, space limited to ten participants!
Drop-ins possible for $15/class, rsvp by email to confirm space is available.
Leslie has been selected to present an abstract entitled: Slow Motion: The Minimalist Economy of Movement at the Dance Under Construction Conference at UCR. This student run conference features dance presenters from the University of California Dance Programs and beyond. This is an exciting opportunity to present on bellydance to an audience of student and professional dancers and dance academics!
In order to support travel to this academic event, Leslie is doing some fundraising! While Leslie is applying to York University for funding to support her travel, the University only provides a small percentage of funds required for participating in this event. The total cost of the trip including travel (flight & car rental), accomodations, registration and incidentals is approximately $1000. You can donate by sending an email interac transfer to oceanfiretribal@gmail.com – or, you can join or drop into Leslie’s weekly class, Tuesdays 8-9pm at Makin Moves, or check out her Tribal Bazaar at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/album.php?aid=184379&id=547580498 – (you can join Leslie’s facebook here too!)
Leslie will be teaching her Dance Under Construction choreography and presenting her abstract at a May workshop in Ottawa, date TBD and keep an eye out for information! Leslie is currently completing her Master of Arts in Dance at York University and is back in Ottawa for eight weeks for summer work.
Angelo Luzio bellydance shoes
in nude, black, gold and silver available for fall delivery.
Place your reservation now so that you will be one of the ones with his new and improved shoes on your feet when the fall session starts.
Contact Marcelle at Boutiqueisis@aol.com.
Chaussures danse orientale par Angelo Luzio en rose (nu), noir, argent et or ?sont disponible pour livraison à l’automne!
Placez votre réservation dès maintenant pour recevoir vos chaussures ?améliorée lors de la session d’automne commence.
Contactez Marcelle au Boutiqueisis@aol.com
UNTIL APRIL 15, 2010
Renovation sale and BGGO Boutique
Please come and enjoy the sale on everything in the store. Mother’s Day is approaching soon!!!! Get the best piece for your mother and for yourself at special sale price.
Please note: The store will be closed from 16th of April till 30th of April for Renovation.
Dear Ottawa dancers,
Classes are canceled all this week.
This past weekend there was a fire behind the dance studio and unfortunately the dance floor was damaged by water.We are unable to hold classes this week as it will take time for the floor to be re-done.
I will keep you updated on the situation.
Shadia’s EXCITING “Advanced Drum Solo Choreography” class will start soon. We will keep you updated.
Vous devez mettre l’article dans votre panier, visualiser votre panier (en haut à gauche), puis suivre les indications Pour vous inscrire vous devez le faire via le site, car ce système comptabilise les inscriptions.
Vous pourrez choisir votre mode de paiement: Paypal, Chèque, Accès D ou dépôt bancaire Si vous désirez payer par chèque, votre chèque doit être post-daté pour maximum le 1er avril 2010. Aucun chèque ne sera accepté après le 1er avril, mais les autres modes de paiement seront toujours en vigueur.
Merci, Anichka
JUNE 13 , 2010
Saidi : Cane & Choreography Workshop with Chantal Dos Santos in Toronto When: Sunday June 13th, 2010 from 11:00am-3:30pm
Where: Martha Hicks School of Ballet – 2384 Yonge St. 2nd floor, Studio B
(West side of Yonge, North of Eglinton)
Pricing: $55 on or before June 1st / $65 after June 1st
To register contact Caliana: 416-821-4381 or calianadances@gmail.com
JUNE 19, 2010
Alhambra Dance & Friends presents Red Hot Summer Hafla in Toronto When: Saturday June 19th from 2:00-4:00pm
Where: Martha Hicks School of Ballet, 2345 Yonge St. 1st floor, back of Office Building
(East side of Yonge, North of Eglinton)
Price: $10 in advance, $15 at the door (*funds are being raised for troupe costumes*)
For advanced tickets contact Caliana:
416-821-4381 or calianadances@gmail.com
Summer will be here before we know it! Join Alhambra Dance & Friends in our “Red Hot Summer Hafla” (RHSH).
This event will be more informal, where performances & demonstrations will be interspersed with mingling, eating & free dancing time!
Snacks & refreshments will be provided -byob
Performances by:
Caliana, Jaene, Siham Sumaiya, Haifa, Alexandra, some students, live musicians and more (TBA)
Mixed Media: Indian Classical Dance, Video, Images Music Text
April 9-10
7.30 pm
Arts Court Theatre, Ottawa
$25, $22 info tickets 613 564 7240
Classical Indian Temple and Court Dances
Mixed Media Dance-Theatre – Performed in front of Video and Images from Hindu Temples, sculptures and miniature paintings throughout India
Journey back in time to savour the classical arts of Ancient India through their temple dances and sacred spaces. The unfolding of tradition, history and imagination is assisted by stunning imagery and poignant narration.
première: Dance meets Yoga with BASIA GOING of Adishesh Yoga
APRIL 10,2010
Ottawa Turkish Music Ensemble Concert
Saturday, April 10, 2010 8:00pm
at Alumni Theatre, University of Ottawa,
85 University Private
Jock-Turcot building
Tickets $15.00 Adults, $10 students,
Reception to follow
17 APRIL, 2010
(No Class on May 18th ) – These classes take place in the Hopewell School( Bank and Sunnyside/Hopewell), north gym, but you register at the community centre – online is easiest.
172 Guigues – call 613 244-4470 to register or online through the City of Ottawa and follow the “how to register” instructions on the sidebar.
A Beginner-Intermediate Belly Dance class with an emphasis on flexibility, muscle isolation and increasing muscle strength and grace. To run this class a minimum of 6 students is required.
Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM
Mar 24 – May 26, 2010: 10 one hour classes $110
Drop-in fee $12 cash per class – no registration necessary. Try a class any time.
Classes take place at Makin’ Moves Dance Studio:
1196 Bank Street at Ossington Avenue Old Ottawa South
For registration and information contact Zamira:
Jalilah’s Spring 2010 Sessions:
RA Centre 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
Belly Dance for Fitness a fast paced cardio class using only Middle Eastern dance movements! Perfect for both beginners to learn the basic Middle Eastern Movement repertoire and for intermediate dancers to improve stamina and technique! Mondays 10:30-11:30 a.m. at RA Centre 2451 Riverside Drive or Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 p.m. at the Rideau tennis Club 1 Donald Street April 12-June 23 2010-03-10 Price: Free for Life Fit Members $89 for RA members $114 for non-members
To register contact the RA Centre Tel (613) 7335100 www.racentre.com
Greta Leemings Studio of Dance 1460 Merivale Road, Ottawa
Intermediate a fun mixture of technique, drills, fluidity exercises, choreography, improvisation and more! Tuesdays 11-12:15 March 30 to June 15 2010 $156
To register contact Jalilah (613)2288215 jalilah@rogers.com
Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis 200 St. Joseph, Hull
Beginner 5:30-6:30 p.m. Learn the basic Middle Eastern Movement repertoire and get a fun and healthy workout ! $85 for 8 weeks
Intermediate 6:30-7:30 a fun mixture of technique, drills, fluidity exercises, choreography, improvisation and more! $85 for 8 weeks
Advanced 7:30-9:00 in addition to technique, drills, fluidity exercises, choreography, and improvisation also musicality, learning how to create your own choreography and improvise all by yourself! Good for dancers who have been dancing a while and would like a challenge! $100 for 8 weeks
The new session started March 3 however you can join any time and missed classes will be pro-rated!
To register contact Oasis Studio (819) 7765033 (819)9622645 www.baladi.ca
Metro Y on Argyle with Christine
Starting April 3 to June 27 , 2010
• Tuesdays 7:15 – 8:15pm
• Thursdays 8:30 – 9:30pm
and again . . .
June 28 to August 29, 2010
• Tuesdays 7:15 – 8:15pm
• Thursdays 8:30 – 9:30pm
Join us for a girls night out of dancing, laughing and a did I mention, a great work out.
Belts and veils are provided for those new and curious to try a taste of Baladi.
Don’t be shy 😉
Classes with Zeevah
Cabaret Style Belly Dancing for Beginners/ Belly Dance Basics
Beginners will learn enough basic steps and veil movement for a complete choreography. The style taught is American Cabaret belly dance which allows for freedom in the interpretation of movement. Perfect for beginners. Wear comfortable clothes and bare feet or flat dance shoes.
Spring Dates 2010 8 Weeks $66/person + GST
St. Patrick’s HS Tues 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Start Apr 20 (24028)
ON LINE www.winterconnections.com
Click on General Interest Courses to view program and to
sign up for a course. Login ID and PIN numbers are required for use of our online registration system. If you do not have an account but wish to create one please send your request for a login ID and pin number along with the student’s full name, home phone, work phone, home mailing address, and return email address to Continuing.Ed@ottawacatholicschools.ca.
Spring classes with Loulouh
Sandy Hill Community Centre (613) 564-1062
Level 1 – Mar 24 to May 26
$68 for 10 weeks
6 to 7 pm
Program Code 437079
Level 2 – Mar 25 to May 27
$68 for 10 weeks
5:30 to 6:30 pm
Program Code 437081
Level 2/3 – Mar 25 to May 27
$75 for 10 weeks
6:30 to 7:45 pm
Program Code 437084
Level 3/4 – Mar 25 to May 27
$75 for 10 weeks
7:45 to 9 pm
Program Code 437088
Kanata: Classical Dance Academy, 100 Castlefrank Rd., (613) 836-5725
Monday nights at 8:15-9:15 pm for Beginners starting Apr. 12, 2010. 10wks/$105
Thursday afternoons at 1:00-2:15 pm for Intermediate/Advanced starting Apr. 15, 2010. 10 wks/$105 taxes included.
Stittsville: Astral Fitness, 44 Iber Rd. (613) 831-2348
Thursday evenings at 6:30-7:30 pm for Beginners. Available to current gym clients with a full one year membership.
NEW! – CardioBellydance with Anna & Safiya!
Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm, starting April 21st, 2010
Capital City Dance, Ottawa
1309 Carling Avenue, Westgate Mall (lower level)
A fun and fast-paced hour of bellydance sequences danced to up-beat music!
All levels of Bellydancers will benefit from this class. There will be some explanation of moves, and various level options will be given, but the focus will be on cardio workout.
Come get in shape for summer…sweat and love it!
For pricing and location, please see www.annabellydance.ca/classes
Belly Dancing with Sha’ Vega
If you have yet to register, do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment (full or cancelled classes). These are the last classes Sha’ Vega will be teaching in Ottawa for a while, so if you have ever wanted to study with her, now is the time to do it.
TUESDAYS at McNabb Rec Centre in Centretown
An instructional & fun-filled evening of Middle Eastern drumming with Chris from California, multi-instrumentalist & drummer extraordinaire, well-known to Ottawa dancers & drummers from past workshops. Chris will entertain, inform & challenge all levels of players to take a leap forward in drumming & technique. Bring your own doumbek & a stool or cushion to sit on. A few loaner drums available on request when registering.When: Wednesday, March 31st, 7 – 9 pm
Vous devez mettre l’article dans votre panier, visualiser votre panier (en haut à gauche), puis suivre les indications Pour vous inscrire vous devez le faire via le site, car ce système comptabilise les inscriptions.
Vous pourrez choisir votre mode de paiement: Paypal, Chèque, Accès D ou dépôt bancaire Si vous désirez payer par chèque, votre chèque doit être post-daté pour maximum le 1er avril 2010. Aucun chèque ne sera accepté après le 1er avril, mais les autres modes de paiement seront toujours en vigueur.
Merci, Anichka
April 25th, 2010
Fun and Funky Moves Workshop with Bahiya/Brenda
Time: 1:00 to 4:00
Cost: $35.00
Where: Manotick Legion
Things to bring: Snacks, yoga mat and of course your favorite shimmy belt.
We will be learning fun & funky moves to some great drum rhythms. We will practice some veil moves and also, how to connect to your audience when performing.
This is a bazaar fundraiser for the women’s shelter known as Qimaavik, in Iqaluit, Nunavut. These ladies need help for supplies, utilities and security at the only shelter in the entire Territory.
25 vendors will be offering their wares, from Belly dance and Tribal costumes and accessories to food and Artists. Here is the list:
Creative Clothing by Roxane: costumes
TAV Creations and Eco-Tav: costumes
Shibori Borealis: hand painted silk veils
Zamira: costumes and weighted veils
Zena: accessories for dance
Hollywood Music Centre: CDs and DVDs
Patricia Zaid and Bahiya: costumes and dance accessories
Boutique Baladi Ruby: coin belts, accessories, costumes
Nassim Naturals: natural make-up
Rain Kazymerchyk: from Gallery6: silver jewellery
Wendy Stevenson: from Gallery6: photographer
Carol Pillar: from Gallery6: watercolour artist
Tara Heft: glass jewellery
Margaret Toner: gemstone beaded jewellery
Tarot by Lisa-Marie
Curves Gym
Carolyn Penney: jewellery
Margaret Cape: jewellery
Divine Image: dance teacher
Janet Brown: A More Beautiful You esthetician
Joan Jesion: BeautiControl beauty products
Aloette products ptresented by RoseMarie Keogh
Sylvie the Incredible Pastry chef
Belly Dance Supplies
OUR LADY of PEACE Catholic School
3877 Richmond Road
Ottawa (Bell’s Corners), ON, K2H 5C1
Mixed Media: Indian Classical Dance, Video, Images Music Text
April 9-10
7.30 pm
Arts Court Theatre, Ottawa
$25, $22 info tickets 613 564 7240
Classical Indian Temple and Court Dances
Mixed Media Dance-Theatre – Performed in front of Video and Images from Hindu Temples, sculptures and miniature paintings throughout India
Journey back in time to savour the classical arts of Ancient India through their temple dances and sacred spaces. The unfolding of tradition, history and imagination is assisted by stunning imagery and poignant narration.
première: Dance meets Yoga with BASIA GOING of Adishesh Yoga
APRIL 10,2010
Ottawa Turkish Music Ensemble Concert
Saturday, April 10, 2010 8:00pm
at Alumni Theatre, University of Ottawa,
85 University Private
Jock-Turcot building
Tickets $15.00 Adults, $10 students,
Reception to follow
TRACEY/HALYMA – Byward Market Area and Old Ottawa South
OLD OTTAWA SOUTH area ( Near the May Fair theatre)
260 Sunnyside – call 613 247-4946 to register in person or go online to http://www.oldottawasouth.ca
Tuesdays – start April 6
Level 1 – 6:30pm.-7:30pm. – ($63/ 8weeks)
Level 2 – 7:30pm.-8:30pm. – ($63/8 weeks)
(No Class on May 18th ) – These classes take place in the Hopewell School( Bank and Sunnyside/Hopewell), north gym, but you register at the community centre – online is easiest.
172 Guigues – call 613 244-4470 to register or online through the City of Ottawa and follow the “how to register” instructions on the sidebar.
* Level 2+, also called “creative Intermediate”, will focus on more personal development as a dancer/performer
General info about classes: www.bellydancingforfun.com
Zamira’s Classes
**New SPRING 2010 class schedule**
*Belly Dance for Adults and Teens all levels*
A Beginner-Intermediate Belly Dance class with an emphasis on flexibility, muscle isolation and increasing muscle strength and grace. To run this class a minimum of 6 students is required.
Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM
Mar 24 – May 26, 2010: 10 one hour classes $110
Drop-in fee $12 cash per class – no registration necessary. Try a class any time.
Classes take place at Makin’ Moves Dance Studio:
1196 Bank Street at Ossington Avenue Old Ottawa South
For registration and information contact Zamira:
Jalilah’s Spring 2010 Sessions:
RA Centre 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
Belly Dance for Fitness a fast paced cardio class using only Middle Eastern dance movements! Perfect for both beginners to learn the basic Middle Eastern Movement repertoire and for intermediate dancers to improve stamina and technique! Mondays 10:30-11:30 a.m. at RA Centre 2451 Riverside Drive or Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 p.m. at the Rideau tennis Club 1 Donald Street April 12-June 23 2010-03-10 Price: Free for Life Fit Members $89 for RA members $114 for non-members
To register contact the RA Centre Tel (613) 7335100 www.racentre.com
Greta Leemings Studio of Dance 1460 Merivale Road, Ottawa
Intermediate a fun mixture of technique, drills, fluidity exercises, choreography, improvisation and more! Tuesdays 11-12:15 March 30 to June 15 2010 $156
To register contact Jalilah (613)2288215 jalilah@rogers.com
Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis 200 St. Joseph, Hull
Beginner 5:30-6:30 p.m. Learn the basic Middle Eastern Movement repertoire and get a fun and healthy workout ! $85 for 8 weeks
Intermediate 6:30-7:30 a fun mixture of technique, drills, fluidity exercises, choreography, improvisation and more! $85 for 8 weeks
Advanced 7:30-9:00 in addition to technique, drills, fluidity exercises, choreography, and improvisation also musicality, learning how to create your own choreography and improvise all by yourself! Good for dancers who have been dancing a while and would like a challenge! $100 for 8 weeks
The new session started March 3 however you can join any time and missed classes will be pro-rated!
To register contact Oasis Studio (819) 7765033 (819)9622645 www.baladi.ca
Advanced Belly Dance Choreography with Shadia
Come and learn a challenging drum solo that will be performed in June.
Date: Starts this Tuesday, March 30th from 8:30-9:30pm
Location: 858B Bank Street at 5th Ave. Below Booster Juice.
Cost: $90 for 7 weeks or $77 for full-time students
Cabaret Style Belly Dancing for Beginners/ Belly Dance Basics
Beginners will learn enough basic steps and veil movement for a complete choreography. The style taught is American Cabaret belly dance which allows for freedom in the interpretation of movement. Perfect for beginners. Wear comfortable clothes and bare feet or flat dance shoes.
Spring Dates 2010 8 Weeks $66/person + GST
St. Patrick’s HS Tues 7:00 pm-8:00 pm Start Apr 20 (24028)
ON LINE www.winterconnections.com
Click on General Interest Courses to view program and to
sign up for a course. Login ID and PIN numbers are required for use of our online registration system. If you do not have an account but wish to create one please send your request for a login ID and pin number along with the student’s full name, home phone, work phone, home mailing address, and return email address to Continuing.Ed@ottawacatholicschools.ca.
Spring classes with Loulouh
Sandy Hill Community Centre (613) 564-1062
Level 1 – Mar 24 to May 26
$68 for 10 weeks
6 to 7 pm
Program Code 437079
Level 2 – Mar 25 to May 27
$68 for 10 weeks
5:30 to 6:30 pm
Program Code 437081
Level 2/3 – Mar 25 to May 27
$75 for 10 weeks
6:30 to 7:45 pm
Program Code 437084
Level 3/4 – Mar 25 to May 27
$75 for 10 weeks
7:45 to 9 pm
Program Code 437088
Kanata: Classical Dance Academy, 100 Castlefrank Rd., (613) 836-5725
Monday nights at 8:15-9:15 pm for Beginners starting Apr. 12, 2010. 10wks/$105
Thursday afternoons at 1:00-2:15 pm for Intermediate/Advanced starting Apr. 15, 2010. 10 wks/$105 taxes included.
Stittsville: Astral Fitness, 44 Iber Rd. (613) 831-2348
Thursday evenings at 6:30-7:30 pm for Beginners. Available to current gym clients with a full one year membership.
Belly Dancing with Sha’ Vega
Spring Session
If you have yet to register, do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. These are the last classes Sha’ Vega will be teaching in Ottawa for a while, so if you have ever wanted to study with her, now is the time to do it.
MONDAYS at South Fallingbrook in Orleans:
Mom & Daughter belly dance – child (6-14 yrs) – $36
Course code: 435123
Mom & Daughter belly dance – adult (15+ yrs) – $38.75
Course code: 435120
April 12 – June 14 (no class on May 3 and 24)
5:15 – 6:15pm
Level 1/2 – $44.50
April 12 – June 14 (no class on May 3 and 24)
Course code: 435487
Level 2/3 – $44.50
April 12 – June 14 (no class on May 3 and 24)
Course code: 435488
TUESDAYS at McNabb Rec Centre in Centretown