All posts by Tracey Vibert

About Tracey Vibert

Creativity abounds and balance is sought in both hermitting and peopling.

Dancers’ News Update

To see this as the main website, click here . Also find the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunites, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online!

Good morning All!

It was lovely to see about 300 patrons come out to the Dancers’ Bazaar yesterday – in spite of inclement weather and the shift from Sunday to Saturday!

I also enjoyed meeting some of the new vendors and seeing familiar faces there too! And after a lovely supper out with some of the vendors last night, I am grateful to have some of the nicest people around as part of my belly dance community!Pics and video will go up this week – taking it easy today!

As October comes to a end this week, the upcoming weekend has some fabulous events as a final hurrah – and then November is chalk full of belly dance fun!  Remember that even more events are listed on the main website too – so if you are not seeing something, check online to see if I have it there!

Have a wonderful week!


Latest Dancers’ Newsletter

Sunday, October 25


Check out the Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features:

This week’s Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature is your invitation to be creative and express your greenness! Eco-TAV is running a video contest with prizes for the top 4 videos! If you have bought – or will buy – anything from my Eco-TAV line, I hope you will have some fun shooting a quick video clip sharing the ways you are “green”!

You can find the details online here!


The Fall Fusion Cabaret  DVD available for ordering!

For those of you who missed out, or who would like a DVD:
DVD is available for order by contacting Tom at and they are $20 each.
The DVD does not include Rachel’s performances, but includes our guests Rosanna McGuire, Tribu Ghabal, Mat Jacob, Jamilah & Milana, Anna & Safiya, and Shakti fusion (including solos by Niki, Natasha and Leslie). The sale of the DVD goes to support the production of the event and we are lucky to have so many original performances in one place!

Also please note: Anyone who took photos or film of Rachel Brice at the show, these may not be published without her consent! We always ask that no flash photography or filming happens, but sometimes it seems people can’t resist. Please do not post photos/videos of performers online without their express permission :)”



November 1 2009 – Ottawa

SOLD OUT! A second workshop date will be set up – please email to add your name to the waiting list for the second workshop!

Sunday, 1 November 2009 1:00-4:00 pm
Location: Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Ottawa

1:00-3:00 pm Basic Workshop:

Cost: $35. Buy a set of veils in advance and get the workshop for $25

3:00-4:00 pm Advanced Workshop:

Cost: $20 . If you are taking the earlier
workshop that day you will receive a $5.00 discount for the extension.

For registration and information contact Zamira:

NOVEMBER 7, 2009
*Workshop with a twist*

Roxane (creative Clothing) is giving a workshop on NOV 7, from 1 to 5:

HOW TO MAKE A BRA and BELT SET with pre-sequinned and embroidered fabrics.

And to make it easier for you, she will have pre-packaged boxes of beautiful, shiny fabrics and matching trims and extras to make your set. All you would have to supply is the bra.

Pre-register now for $40 for the workshop, plus cost of your package.

It will be $50 at the door.

For more information contact Roxane at: roxkirkatsympaticodotca or phone: 613-726-9067.

Spectacle 30e anniversaire de la Troupe Égyptienne Enannov7-poster

Samedi le 7 novembre, 2009


Venez célébrer 30 ans de danse folklorique égyptienne au Canada avec les Enans!

au Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave

prix spécial, seulement $10!

disponible a l’Oasis de la danse, 819-776-5033


Denise and Ahmed would like to extend a special invitation for the 30th Anniversary show to all former Enan Troupe members. Please contact them at 819-776-5033.

Denise et Ahmed aimeraient offrir une invitation speciale au spectacle 30ième anniversaire aux toutes les anciennes membres de la Troupe Enan. Veuillez les contacter au 819-776-5033.

NOVEMBER 7, 2009
Enan Egyptian Troupe’s 30th Anniversary Show

Saturday November 7th, 2009
7:00 PM

Come celebrate 30 years of the Enans sharing Egyptian Folkloric dance in Canada!

at Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave

Special anniversary price, tickets only $10!
available at Dance Oasis, 819-776-5033

NOVEMBER 14, 2009



Nathalie and her double veils
Nathalie and her double veils


Nathalie Lebel Workshop

Double Veil Workshop
Saturday, November 14, 2009
10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Lunch and Bazaar from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
, 151 Chapel Street (parking entrance on the side of the building)
$70 if payment is received by November 4, 2009$80 thereafter.

Info: julie(DOT)tierney(AT)

Click on the photo to go to registration form!

NOVEMBER 14, 2009


FULL details are ONLINE!

Legion Hall at the corner of Kent and MacLaren

Fundraiser for Kids Help Phone, Distress Centre, Bereaved Families

Doors open at 7:30

Party starts at 8 pm and goes ’till we drop!

Tickets $25


Buy your tickets with Paypal(.50 nominal fee) to make sure you get yours!


There are only 150 tickets available so don’t delay. If there are any left, they will be $30 at the door.

NOVEMBER 20-26, 2009

Hadia’s Body Logic Technique Workshop

Friday November 20th 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Aurora Live Studios
392 Queens St. E

Hadia’s Body Logic is a revolutionary approach to belly dance that traces even the most complex movements and steps back to their essential, simple movement patterns. Based on her training and in the field of therapeutic exercise, optimal alignment, Biodance and NLP, Hadia has developed this series of safe, effective and effortless warm up exercises that naturally evolve into her repertoire of belly dance technique and movements with grace, ease and simplicity. Hadia’s Body Logic also has the benefit of allowing students to not only dance through 4 to 5 hours of class per day without pain, discomfort or fatigue, but even heals and strengthens the body.
Cost $80 before Nov. 1st $90 after Nov. 1st

NOVEMBER 21-24, 2009
Hadia’s Level 1 Teacher Training back in Toronto

Hadia is happy to share 38 years of teaching experience with you in this unique instructor training course (not just a dance course for instructors) which includes Mastery of effortless, beautiful and flawless technique for you and your students; musical and rhythm interpretation; the art of finger cymbals; anatomy for belly dance; injury prevention and body balance; teaching and communication skills; class/course planning; improvisation skills; origins, evolution and styles of oriental, including ROM, folklore, baladi and ritual and more……

Saturday and Sunday November 21st and 22nd 10 am to 5:30 pm plus Monday and Tuesday November 23rd and 24th 6 to 9:30 pm

$375 Can before November 1st
$425 Can after November 1st

For registration and information

1 (902) 640-2473

Authentic Turkish Rom (Gypsy) Workshop with Hadia

Thursday, November 26th, 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Aurora Live Studios
392 Queens St. E

Hadia has lived, studied and taught the primary forms of Roman/gypsy dance for many years and is pleased to share with you a taste of Authentic Turkish Roma dance. After getting comfortable with the unique Turkish 9/8 rhythm, we will work with a range of basic steps and foot patterns and finish these off with a fascinating array of gestures and movements that connect this fascinating and visceral dance form to the mysterious history of these strong, proud and vital people.

Registration and full details

NOVEMBER 26-29, 2009
Hadia’s Teacher Training Certification – Level 3 in Toronto

Don’t miss your chance to achieve your well earned certification for Hadia’s internationally recognized Middle Eastern Dance Training.
This 20 hour training will cement your technique, rhythm and musical interpretation, improvisation, communication and teaching skills, the art of cymbals, course/class planning, anatomy for dance, body balance, alignment, professional ethics, and guide you with business basics, advanced rhythms and musical interpretation, Mid East dance styles, history and evolution and more…

Thursday, November 26th 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Friday and Saturday, November 27 and 28, 10 am to 5pm
Sunday, November 29th, 10 am to 4 pm

Aurora Live Studios
392 Queen St. East.

For Registration and Information

1 (902) 640-2473


With Dave Rostenne and Tom Leroux

Introduction to Video Editing with Final Cut Express
October 27 and November 3rd

Using iPhoto
November 10 and 17th


OCTOBER 30, 2009
Halloween CommunitySilver Doumbek
Drum and Dance Circle

Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.

Friday, October 30
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Maki House Community Centre
19 Leeming Drive, Crystal Beach
(Between Bayshore and Kanata)

417 to Moodie Drive North. Turn right at Carling avenue, right at Crystal Beach Drive (your second street), left at Leeming Drive (your first street) Maki House is on the left right after the school.

Cost: Free

Please RSVP by email to julie(DOT)tierney(AT)

OCTOBER 31, 2009
11th Annual Witches’ Gathering Charity Ball (2009)imp

Nightmares: That Which Haunts Us Through The Night

Barrymore’s Music Hall



Tickets for this year’s Witches’ Gathering are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

10 Tips for Shopping at the Dancer’s Bazaar!

After a short conversation at last week’s Sunday Brunch, it was suggested that one of our brunch gang should write up a how-to guide for those coming out to shop at the Dancer’s Bazaar – and that can be used for any event!

I think that everyone has a plan when they come to the Dancers’ Bazaar – and I am hoping that you’ll take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments below – give some sage advice, share some awareness, whatever works!

But here are some general ideas to get you percolating!

1 – Check your coat – it just makes it easier to navigate the aisles and try things on!

2- Bring a tote bag or two. Or it you have a big list, bring a larger suitcase and check it with your coat!  You can always pack things into it through the afternoon!

3- Bring cash. UPDATED INFO: There is now an ATM Machine in the hall – but know that there are fees of course!While a small number of vendors can accept Visa/MC/AMEX, most cannot.  Or plan to go out and get cash after you’ve had a first looksee! And try to have some smaller change too – most vendors try to bring a good float, but it helps if you have the correct amount for those smaller pieces!

4-If you are trying to match a piece you have already, bring it along! You cannot be sure of colours, even of gold and silver, unless you have some part of your costume there for reference.

5- Quality costs. If you are a new dancer, you may not need to invest $60 plus in a hip scarf, and the $15-$25 ones will do you just fine.  But if you really want to have a piece that will last a while, check the stitching, and note the price – usually, the quality items will cost a bit more, but it is worth the investment.

6- Negotiations. This one is a tough topic – some vendors are really wanting to move their stuff and are willing to haggle a bit in order to get the piece gone, but still at a fair value for them.  Often this can be the case with used pieces, or if you are buying a larger ticket item, you might be able to get a discount on some other pieces.

Be aware that artisan/designer/one of a kind pieces are all more labour intensive than something that was imported in bulk from overseas…and think about it before asking that designer/artisan to drop the price on their pieces.  Often we are not actually asking a price that realistically reflects the time, creativity and supplies involved.

7- Wear something easy to get in and out of! A tank top over a good bra and leggings, under a loose fitting tunic or dress will not only let you be in style these days, but will also allow you to whip on skirts, try on bedleh sets  and more without having to wait in line at the changing rooms.

8- Bring a portable cd player and headphones. This is a bit iffy as most new cds will be shrink wrapped.  But you can easily check on used ones if you have your own system to play them on.

9- Be spatially aware. The Dancer’s Bazaar flows in waves of people.  There are times when it is quieter and there are booths that will be rockin the whole 4 hours.  If you are coming in with a huge backpack, and/or a baby carriage, think about maybe bringing along a friend to help watch your stuff, in a spot that is out of the way.

10-SMILE. This is fun – say hi to the vendors, the volunteers, and keep your energy light!  Remember that most vendors cannot “chat” for very long, but being pleasant makes the whole day more fun!

And finally – go vote for what you want to see at the Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar on the Bazaar Shopping POLL!

Add you comments below to share any good advice you have for the day too!

Dancer’s News Updates

To see this as the main website, click here . Also find the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunities, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online!

Us and JJ!Good morning!

Thanks to those who came out on Friday in the cold to see us do our Bollywood thing and celebrate Diwali!  I’ll be updating the Bollywood For Fun website soon with video clips etc. Busy, busy, busy!

The next few weeks seem to have something on every weekend – so be sure to check the Dancers’ Newsletter online as well – It’s hard to list everything every week and still call them Updates… So I have condensed things as much as I can, but there is a lot online!

Read on!

If you are able to help out at the Dancers’ Bazaar on Saturday, please email me!  There are always benefits to being  a volunteer there!



Check out the Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features:

This week’s Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature is a visit to my blog for some advice on how to shop at the upcoming Ottawa Dancers’ Bazaar! Check back this week for any extra comments – and please add yours too!
Click here for a quick look!


Part 2 is your invitation to be creative and express your greenness!


Eco-TAV is running a video contest with prizes for the top 4 videos! If you have bought – or will buy – anything from my Eco-TAV line, I hope you will have some fun shooting a quick video clip sharing the ways you are “green”!

You can find the details online here!


Teacher wanted:

“Do you happen to know anyone in my neck of the woods (well my school’s area) who teaches Belly dance? We are putting together a set of community arts workshops and would like to invite community artists to participate. We can offer a little bit of an honorarium but I think one of the real benefits is exposure to potential new students / customers. The local glass studio has had a significant flow of customers through his involvement with previous workshops with our school.

Woodroffe High School, is in the west end. Near Woodroffe and Carling. Another easy land mark is Lincoln Fields bus station. Any one interested can contact me. Feel free to put my phone number out – 613-721-3458.

Thanks for your help.”

Christy Stanhope

The Fall Fusion Cabaret – Special Thanks and DVD available!

“I’d like to extend a special thanks to everyone who helped make our sold out show, the Fall Fusion Cabaret, possible.  Mostly to Ms. Brice for travelling all the way up here for the weekend, and to our performers who came from other cities to dance in our show!  Locally, I’d like to extend gracious thanks to Tracey for all her help and support, Tom and Lainie for video and photo, Dantessa for the bar, and the Arts Court Theatre for their continued support of our events.  Thank you all for coming out to the show!

For those of you who missed out, or who would like a DVD:
DVD is available for order by contacting Tom at and they are $20 each.
The DVD does not include Rachel’s performances, but includes our guests Rosanna McGuire, Tribu Ghabal, Mat Jacob, Jamilah & Milana, Anna & Safiya, and Shakti fusion (including solos by Niki, Natasha and Leslie).  The sale of the DVD goes to support the production of the event and we are lucky to have so many original performances in one place!

Also please note: Anyone who took photos or film of Rachel Brice at the show, these may not be published without her consent! We always ask that no flash photography or filming happens, but sometimes it seems people can’t resist.  Please do not post photos/videos of performers online without their express permission :)”



Tribal fusion workshops with Leslie!Leslie

Sunday October 18th, 2009
Tribal Basics – new to tribal, or want to brush up on your technique?  This class is for you!
1196 Bank at Makin Moves
12:15-2:15pm (ish, depending on the class before ours finishing on time)
$30 drop in.

Friday October 23th, 2009
Tribal fusion combinations – this class is for the tribal experienced, or dancers well experienced in bellydance.
1196 Bank at Makin Moves
$30 drop in.

to register – leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca

OCTOBER 18, 2009 onwards – Montreal
Gypsy/Folklorique/Bollywood Dances of India– For Belly Dancers

Workshop Series 2009 by Amrita Choudhury

18 October – Gypsy/folklore Dances of Bengal (River Gypsies) (1-5) $90

15 November – Gypsy/folklore/bollywood fusion! Part -1 (1-5) $90

13 December – Gypsy/folklore/bollywood fusion! Part- 2 (1-5) $90

Also check out this show Amrita will be a part of:

October 22, 2009 – QuebeAsia

OCTOBER 23-25, 2009 ~ TORONTO
Hipnotech featuring: Rosanna McGuire

Labspace Studio
2A Pape Ave at Queen
Doors at 830, 1st set at 930, 2nd at 1030Tickets $10 in advance at, more at the door, and reduced after the bellydance performance is over.

Weekend intensive Workshop: for details!

October 23rd-25th. 
Fees: 1/2 day: $45, or $90/day.

Friday October 23rd (Aurora Live Studios, 392 Queen Street E)
12-2pm: Yoga and fast technique.
230-430: Technique contin. and flexibility training

Saturday October 24th (Mad For Dance 263 Adelaide St. West)
1230-230: Fusion, movement invention, and creating choreography

3-5: Flapper fusion

Sunday October 25th (Mad For Dance 263 Adelaide St. West)
12-2: Funk styles for bellydancers – Funkifying your bellydance and bellydancifying your funk.

230-430: Slow technique and flexibility.


OCTOBER 24, 2009Shibori Borealis Veil poi in action

Yes, it’s on Saturday


12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
260 McArthur (Knights of Columbus Hall), Ottawa.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Email me if you can help!

GO TO THE ONLINE POLL to share your shopping requests!

November 1 2009 – Ottawa

Sunday, 1 November 2009  1:00-4:00 pm
Location: Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Ottawa

1:00-3:00 pm Basic Workshop:

In this workshop you will receive instruction on all the techniques and
skills required to use weighted veils in your favourite choreography. From
basic movements to complex combinations and incorporating dance movement
with the dynamic movement of the veils. Weighted veils are rapidly
becoming the prop of choice for many dancers wishing to achieve a more
dramatic effect in dance or to add a new visual element. We will finish
off with a short choreography that will use much of what you learn in the

Cost: $30.00 up to October 24th, $35 after. Buy a set of veils in advance
and get the workshop for $25 (must register by 24 October 2009)

3:00-4:00 pm Advanced Workshop:

This advanced weighted veils workshop extension is for those who wish to
continue into more advanced spins, turns, combinations and choreography
work. You must have participated in at least one workshop before taking
this advanced class (includes the above workshop).

Cost: $15.00 up to October 24th, $20 after. If you are taking the earlier
workshop that day you will receive a $5.00 discount for the extension.

PayPal payment accepted. Please add $1.00 service fee and PayPal to
Email money transfer accepted. Please add $1.00 service fee and email to

Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Street, Ottawa
Parking available off-street. OCTranspo buses #1 & #9 stop within 1 block

For registration and information contact Zamira:

NOVEMBER 7, 2009
*Workshop with a twist*

Roxane (creative Clothing) is giving a workshop on NOV 7, from 1 to 5: HOW TO MAKE A BRA and BELT SET with pre-sequinned and embroidered fabrics. And to make it easier for you, she will have pre-packaged boxes of beautiful, shiny fabrics and matching trims and extras to make your set. All you would have to supply is the bra.

These packages will be on show and for sale at the upcoming Dancers’ Bazaar on SAT. OCT 24.
Pre-register now or at the bazaar for $40 for the workshop, plus cost of your package. It will be $50 at the door. 10 spaces available and 8 only 8 are left.

7 NOVEMBRE 2009nov7-poster
Spectacle 30e anniversaire de la Troupe Égyptienne Enan

Venez célébrer 30 ans de danse folklorique égyptienne au Canada avec les Enans!


au Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave

prix spécial, seulement $10!

disponible a l’Oasis de la danse, 819-776-5033


NOVEMBER 7, 2009
Enan Egyptian Troupe’s 30th Anniversary Show
Come celebrate 30 years of the Enans sharing Egyptian Folkloric dance in Canada!

7:00 PM Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave

Special anniversary price, tickets only $10!
available at Dance Oasis, 819-776-5033


NOVEMBER 14, 2009

Nathalie Lebel Double Veil Workshop

Nathalie and her double veils
Nathalie and her double veils

10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Lunch and Bazaar from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Dance, 151 Chapel Street (parking entrance on the side of the building)
$70 if payment is received by November 4, 2009 $80 thereafter.

To register: Send a cheque made out to Mouvance and mail it to Julie Tierney 84 McDermot Court, Kanata, Ontario K2L 3V1
Info: julie(DOT)tierney(AT)

NOVEMBER 14, 2009


Legion Hall at the corner of Kent and MacLaren

Fundraiser for Kids Help Phone, Distress Centre, Bereaved Families

Doors open at 7:30

Party starts at 8 pm and goes ’till we drop!

Tickets $25, $30 at the door.


Buy your tickets online with Paypal(.50 nominal fee) to make sure you get yours!

NOVEMBER 22, 2009


Creative Clothing by Roxane is hosting a Belly Dance Bazaar in the west end of Ottawa to raise funds for the Iqaluit Women’s Shelter.

Don’t miss the new West End Dancers’ Bazaar:
Bell’s Corners at the Legion Hall,
4026 Richmond Road: easy access and lots of parking.
Sunday, November 22, from noon to 5 pm.

We have 15 vendors:
Creative Clothing by Roxane,
Tracey with TAV Creations,
Lisa-Marie *Sha’Vega*,
Gailene *Zamira*,
Darlene *Shibori Borealis*,
Rain Kazymerchyk our lovely Silversmith,
Sylvie Girard and her food,
Val DeWitt *The Trader*,
Zena Nesrallah,
Curves (the gym people),
Melissa Wakeling from Belleville too
and a few new artisans amongst them.

Free admission: all money raised is for Qimaavik the Women’s Shelter!!

For more information contact Roxane at: roxkirkatsympaticodotca or phone: 613-726-9067.

December 12 & 13, 2009
Shakti fusion bellydance is excited to present a workshop and show with Rosanna McGuire (Toronto/San Francisco)

Rosanna brings her fabulous Hipnotech workshop to Ottawa!  A spectacular instructor and performer, she will bring her original fusions to the class and in performance at our show – for more about Rosanna, please visit her site at:

Saturday December 12

Yoga and Fast Technique and Flapper Fusion
See Rosanna’s video from Tribal Fest 2008 to see Rosanna’s original fusion style:

Sunday December 13
location TBD
Funk Styles for Bellydancers and Slow technique and flexibility.
See Rosanna’s video from Tribal Fest 2009 to see her funkstyle:

Registration for both days is $170, $190 with ticket for the show, or $85 for one day only.  This is an event not to be missed!
to register:  leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca
Space is limited!

Saturday December 12th
Show:  The Holiday Cabaret Spectaculaire!

The Mercury Lounge
56 Byward
Tickets $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Featuring our house dj, and special guest performer Rosanna McGuire, Shakti fusion, and many guests!
This event doubles as our first ever Christmas party, dress up in your best winter sparkle, and come dance with us!  Limited to 80 guests!  Santas and bad holiday sweaters welcome!

for tickets, email leslie – leslie AT shaktifusion DOT ca

DECEMBER 16, 2009

Wednesday, December 16th, 2007
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Show starts at 7 p.m.
Ottawa University Alumni Theatre

Tickets will go on sale in November, but check with your teacher to see if she has reserved space for your class to perform in the show!




David Rostenne and Tom Leroux have a Social Media Crash Course starting on Tuesdays.

Social Internet Crash Course
October 20th

6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

This course  is primarily geared towards small business owners, but can apply to anyone who is curious about participating in the online world. We are covering a whole slew of “keeping in touch” methods in this course: having a web site, surfing the web, passwords and online safety, email and etiquette, newsletters, instant messaging, blogs, podcasts, Digg, StumbleUpon, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter – there’s so much, and we will be doing our best to cover it all. We will let you know what it can (and can not) do for you, and answer your questions.

All classes are $150, or $275 if you sign up for two.

You can view more details online here: , give me a call, or you can shoot an email to


NOVEMBER 8, 2009
Jewelry Sale

Hello everyone!

Myself and a handful of talented friends will be hosting a Jewelry and Art Sale on November 8, 2009! The sale will be held at Studio B (591 Bank St, near Pretoria) from 12-5pm, and will include the following artists:

Jewelry, artwork and honey by A Sassy Conspiracy (
Oil paintings and art bookmarks by Erika Doyon (
Knits and plushies by Aeramel
Watercolour and oil paintings by Pookzilla
Watercolour paintings and buttons by Elektrafying
Artistic Cupcakes by Kasia

Stop in and say hello, and get your holiday shopping done early by supporting local artists! We promise, it’ll be worth the trip!

We hope to see you there! Please pass this information on to anyone you think might be interested 🙂

Erika Doyan



Tribal fusion classes with Niki

Tribal fusion classes with Niki

Tuesday 8-9pm

Oct 20 (6 week session for $70)

1196 Bank St at Makin Moves studios

to register: theodorn AT magma DOT ca


Honey Bee Cottage
Hand-painted silks by Melissa Wakeling, Belleville, Ontario

Hand-painted silk veils using Heliographic “sun printing” technique to create unique patterns and colour variations. This special technique results in beautiful colour swirls and marbling – a look that is not quite watercolour and not quite tie-dye – a one of a kind treasure! Custom-painted bellydance veils available April-October only.

Dancers’ News-October 11,2009

To see this on the main website, click here . Also find the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunites, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online!

Good Thanksgiving Weekend morning to you all!

What a fabulous weekend of dance and sunshine and eating!

I have the pleasure of helping out at the Fall Fusion Cabaret that took place on Friday evening and wanted to say WOW!



Bellysis and Nemira
Bellysis and Nemira flanking Halyma Backstage!


The lovely new dancers who joined our own local beauties were phenomenal and fun!  Congrats Leslie on putting on a great show!  And Rachel Brice. what a sweetheart!

Okay enough raving!  There is so much more happening today and this week and this month!  It was killer trying to edit down the “updates” to make sure I still included as much as I could without going overboard! Without any further ado – read on to set your fall dance calendar in motion!

Latest Dancers’ Newsletter

Sunday, October 11


Check out the Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features:

This week’s Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature is a visit to OTTAWA BOLLYWOOD NEWS – some fun local events that will include Bollywood For Fun! Contributors welcome! If you hear anything Bollywood/ Indian Dance/ Asian related that folks should know about – post it in the comments there!
Click here for a quick look!

Bollywood For Fun will be performing in Hintenburg/ Wellington street area for the Diwali festival – check the OBNews site for details!


Le 11 Octobre ~ Montreal ~TODAY!

Atelier avec Rachel Brice:

Dimanche 11 octobre 2009, 12h00 à 16h00 (incluant une courte pause)
Cette classe est ouverte à tous les niveaux

Collège Montmorency à Laval: 475 De l’Avenir, Laval (salle #3105):’avenir

Ce n’est pas facile de s’y retrouver dans le Collège alors voici les indications:
Vous devez entrer par la porte prinicpale #3, cage d’escalier à gauche, 3e étage, à gauche jusqu’au bout, salle #3105

Il y aura un bazar sur place (argent comptant seulement pour le bazar)
Pour plus de détails ou pour s’inscrire ou pour acheter les billets de spectacle:

OCTOBER 11~ Montreal
Workshop with Rachel Brice

Sunday, October 11th 2009, 12h00 to 16h00 (short break included)
This class is open to all levels

College Montmorency at Laval: 475 De l’Avenir, Laval (room #3105):’avenir
Entrance door #3, stairs on the left, 3rd floor, end left, room #3105

There will be a bazaar on the spot (cash only for the bazaar)
To see details or registrations (buy online):


OCTOBER 11, 2009 – TODAY

Tribal fusion workshop with Rosanna (Business as Usual, San Francisco/Toronto)

Please welcome Rosanna McGuire to Ottawa for the first in a series of tribal fusion workshops, a dancer well known for her original fusions of flapper style dance with tribal, and also for her infusion of liquid pops and locks. As she was in town for the Fall Fusion Cabaret, we didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to have her teach! For those of you looking to remain active on ‘turkey day’, this workshop will get you moving!

Sunday October 11th
1196 Bank St at Makin Moves studio

to register please email and for more info about Rosanna, visit her site:

If you have never seen her perform before, check out her recent performances at Tribal Fest, in Sebastopol, CA!

Thanksgiving Monday Oct 12 – Work off your Turkey with Leslie!

The intention of this workshop is a high energy, fun filled afternoon of up-tempo drills with a tribal fusion approach! For those who had their turkey on Sunday, or who just want to get out for the afternoon, Leslie will lead you in a 2 hour session of energetic movement.

Info as follows:

1196 Bank


$35 for this 2 hour session!

Please RSVP to – limited to ten participants!

Tuesday October 13th – Tribal Fusion class with Leslie 8-9pm – one night only!

Leslie returns for reading week, instead of reading, she’ll be dancing 🙂

This is a Tribal Technique Basics class, all are welcome!

1196 Bank at Makin Moves studio

$15 drop in for this one hour class, coffee and tea at Bridgehead afterwards!

This is a Drop-in class.

Friday October 16th – Next Level Tribal Fusion workshop with Leslie 7-9pm!

This workshop is for the tribal experienced dancer. We will work on layering, drills, and begin formulating our next choreography, to be taught in December!

1196 Bank at Makin Moves studio

$35 for this two hour class!

To register:

OCTOBER 17-18, 2009


Caroline Labrie, well-versed in knowledge of Folkloric danceform from Egypt, will be gracing our dance centre October 17 and 18; show at Diwan on the Saturday (17th)

Caroline’s website is found at for further information on her.

Jennifer (Jannah)

to Dance is Paradise!

OCTOBER 18, 2009 onwards – Montreal

Gypsy/Folklorique/Bollywood Dances of India– For Belly Dancers

Workshop Series 2009 by Amrita Choudhury

18 October – Gypsy/folklore Dances of Bengal (River Gypsies) (1-5) $90

After a successful run of the 2008 program of Indian Gypsy, Folklore, Bollywood dance workshops, Amrita is back from India again to offer the 2009 program. Because the participants of the 2008 workshops were mostly from the Belly Dance tradition, Amrita has designed these workshops to benefit dancers/teachers coming from the Oriental dance traditions. Come experience the joy and ecstasy of the vibrant gypsy, folklore and bollywood dance traditions of India; the beautiful and graceful hand gestures, facial/eye expressions, torso & hip movements, rhythmic feet movements and much much more! Please bring veils and joy in your heart! No experience is necessary.

For more information on Amrita, please see

OCTOBER 16-18 2009 ~Sudbury, Ontario

Turc Gitane Workshop with Lucie De La Fontaine and Rachelle Connor

DETAILS are online

Vous pouvez communiquer avec moi au numéro sans frais
tél. 888-673-0841
email : for the registration pdf and more details

October 16th-18th 2009- Sudbury, Ontario

Gypsy workshop with Lucie and Rachelle

You can contact me at toll free number tel. 888-673-0841

email : for the registration pdf and more details


Business as Usual proudly presents our inaugural bash: Hipnotech featuring Rosanna McGuire

Rosanna returns to Southern Ontario after spending 2 years studying and performing in San Francisco. There, she studied with a who’s who of bellydance: Suhaila and Jamila Salimpour, FCBD, Jill Parker, Zoe Jakes, Rachel Brice, Mira Betz, Cera Byer, and Amy Sigil.

Rosanna and Halyma Backstage :-)
Rosanna and Halyma Backstage 🙂

In California, Rosanna also had the opprtunity to expand her movement repertoire outside of bellydance and into vinyasa yoga, breakdance, house, and locking. She is known for her unique interpretation of tribal fusion, incorporating elements of vintage jazz dances as well as hip-hop, while referencing traditional styles of Middle Eastern dance. Rosanna continually strives to dance outside of her own box and fully admits to having dance ADD.

Tickets $10 in advance at

Labspace Studio
2A Pape Ave at Queen
Doors at 830, 1st set at 930, 2nd at 1030

Rosanna is also teaching a belly dancing workshop that same weekend.
Early bird prices have been extended to October 16th, per class
registration opening shortly. Weekly classes now being held in
Toronto. See or details!

OCTOBER 24, 2009


Saturday, October 24, 2009
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
260 McArthur (Knights of Columbus Hall), Ottawa.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Email me if you can help!

Click here for a quick look!

Posters/ details: Http://

NOVEMBER 14, 2009

Nathalie Lebel Workshop

Double Veil Workshop


Nathalie and her double veils
Nathalie and her double veils

Saturday, November 14, 2009
10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Lunch and Bazaar from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., 151 Chapel Street (parking entrance on the side of the building)
$70 if payment is received by November 4, 2009 $80 thereafter.

To register:
Info: julie(DOT)tierney(AT)

NOVEMBER 14, 2009


Details are still ONLINE!

Legion Hall at the corner of Kent and MacLaren

Fundraiser for Kids Help Phone, Distress Centre, Bereaved Families

Doors open at 7:30

Party starts at 8 pm and goes ’till we drop!

Tickets $25


Buy your tickets with Paypal(.50 nominal fee) to make sure you get yours!


There are only 150 tickets available so don’t delay. If there are any left, they will be $30 at the door.

NOVEMBER 14 and 15, 2009~MONTREAL


Deb Rubin has been a 5+year core member, and co-choreographer with Ultragypsy Bellydance Theater, until Fall 2007, and a regular sub for Jill Parker’s classes. She also holds a level 1 certification from Suhaila Salimpour School of Dance.

Workshop details and registration:

NOVEMBER 22, 2009

Creative Clothing by Roxane presents the WEST END BAZAAR:

Bell’s Corners on Richmond Road and there is ample parking.

Sunday, 22 November, 2009, from noon to 5p.m.

All proceeds from the booth rentals are going to Qimaavik, the Women’s Shelter.

Only a few booths remain!Regular booths, 8X8: $15@ or 2 for $30.

For more information contact Roxane at: roxkirkatsympaticodotca or phone: 613-726-9067.


October 13 and 20, 2009

Social Internet Crash Course

Presented by David Rostenne and Tom Leroux

This two night course (October 13 and 20th, 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM) is primarily geared towards small business owners, but can apply to anyone who is curious about participating in the online world.

We are covering a whole slew of “keeping in touch” methods in this course: having a web site, surfing the web, passwords and online safety, email and etiquette, newsletters, instant messaging, blogs, podcasts, Digg, StumbleUpon, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter – there’s so much, and we will be doing our best to cover it all. We will let you know what it can (and can not) do for you, and answer your questions.

This will be followed by our :

Introduction to Video Editing with Final Cut Express
October 27 and November 3rd

Using iPhoto
November 10 and 17th

All classes are $150, or $275 if you sign up for two.

You can view more details online here: , give me a call, or you can shoot an email to



OCTOBER 30, 2009

Halloween Community Drum and Dance Circle

Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.

Friday, October 30
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Maki House Community Centre
19 Leeming Drive, Crystal Beach
(Between Bayshore and Kanata)

417 to Moodie Drive North. Turn right at Carling avenue, right at Crystal Beach Drive (your second street), left at Leeming Drive (your first street) Maki House is on the left right after the school.

Cost: Free

Please RSVP by email to julie(DOT)tierney(AT)

OCTOBER 31, 2009

11th Annual Witches’ Gathering Charity Ball (2009)

Nightmares: That Which Haunts Us Through The Night

Barrymore’s Music Hall

Ottawa, Ontario


Each year, on October 31st, the Witches Gathering Charity Ball brings together people from a diverse range of Ottawa’s spiritual and cultural communities to celebrate Halloween while giving back to the local community.


Tickets for this year’s Witches’ Gathering are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.


Perfect Books

258A Elgin Street


Crystal Dawn
217 Dalhousie Street
Tel: (613) 241-2262

Venus Envy
320 Lisgar Street
Tel: (613) 789-4646

Advance Tickets may also be purchased online:;

NOTE: service fees may apply to tickets purchased on-line.

As soon as we get confirmation from Barrymore’s we’ll let everyone know when tickets are available for purchase there…


Getting into the rhythm of Fall

Hey all,

How are ya?  I am doing well!  I had a wonderfully busy summer, and was blessed with the month of August off!  This is something we work towards all year, so we relish that hammock time when we get it!  Sometimes I think that we should take more long weekends throughout the year, and if we can toss a few in this year, that would be great!

September has always been my “New Year”.  Back to school still exists for me as my new session of classes began a couple of weeks ago. Fresh starts to my sewing roster as well as I try to finish everyone’s summer projects before I leave for my holidays, and then in the first few weeks I am back, the calls {thankfully} start rolling in.

Budding Blossom Bag-09-281

I have some great new points of focus too happening this fall.  I was encouraged by a rush order for a select number my Eco-TAV products when I can back.  I have since sent off a small shipment to a distributor in Toronto, managed to get them into Arbour here in Ottawa, and have meetings this week and next to continue the momentum. And I have updated both the Eco-TAV and Artfire sites to show the new goodies available!

I also will be playing with creating some online video shows. Nothing fancy yet, it will grow as all things do in my world: baby steps and not too much horn bleating until I feel more comfy and polished.  But if you follow me in various online places, you see the hints and can check it out !  Just be gentle 🙂

And my stand-by fall events are in the planning stages – well, the Dancer’s Bazaar is almost sold out, and ready to rock on a new day!  Saturday the 24th should have a different feel to it, and there are some new vendors coming to this one which I am looking forward to seeing!  The December OCCP is just getting off the ground – possibly some changes in the air there too – but we’ll see!

Bollywood For Fun at the South Asian Festival

And Bollywood – what’s up with that!  We have been doing some serious fun with our new group, and getting some great face time!  Another new adventure for Halyma!

So, that’s my business realm in a nutshell.  Being self employed, being who I am , I seem to revolve around my variety of career choices in a way that seems to define my existence.  According to so many this would be wrong.  Or at the very least an incomplete definition of who am I.  I can accept the “incomplete”, but if I am not what I do, then I don’t know who I am. hmm…

….that’s another blog post on the way…

Til then – have a great one!


Dancers’ News – Updates!

To see this as a website, click here . Also find the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunites, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online!

Sunday, September 20


Check out the Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features:

This week’s Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature is a visit to THE FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE FOR THE UPCOMING DANCERS’ BAZAAR! I have included links to all of the confirmed vendors who have websites to you can get an idea of how exciting this October’s event will be!
Click here for a quick look!



Introduction to Macs
September 22, 29 and October 6th (Tuesdays)

Social Internet Crash Course
October 13 and 20th (Tuesdays)

Introduction to Video Editing with Final Cut Express
October 27 and November 3rd

Using iPhoto
November 10 and 17th


SEPTEMBER 23, 2009
Classical Indian dance classes with Anjali in Ottawa STARTING THIS WEEK!

Indian dance classes start Wed Sept 23

Fall sessions will start.
Please indicate the day you can come and your level of expertise.
Do try to come
Hope to hear from you
Best wishes
613 745-1368

Indian Temple Dance
6 sessions:

Cost $150 for 6 one hour sessions.
Time options
Monday 8-9 0r 7.30-8.30
Tuesdays 8-9 or 7.30-8.30
Wednesdays 8-9 or 7.30-8.30
Saturday 2-3
Sunday 2-3
1)Learn hand signs, neck and eye movements
2)how to tie a sari,
3)make-up and
4) DANCE steps to use in your belly dance work,
a) rhythmic beating of the feet,
b) how to speak the drum syllables that accompany the dance
c) How to beat the rhythms
COMPLETE a short temple dance

Option of participating in a small informal; recital in September.. If you want
1)bring an eyebrow pencil, and if you have one, a sari ( I have extra)
2)**bring a short example of a piece of your music that is rhythmic and I will give you some
“Fusion step options”

Indian Temple Dance
174 Dufferin Rd
Unit 11
Dufferin runs into Crichton Crichton is an extension of the Vanier Parkway
payable by cash only sorry I do not have Visa or interac
Please pass this on to your friends
Please confirm by email
Hope you can come
Best wishes
613 745-1368

OCTOBER 2, 2009
Full Moon Community Drum and Dance Circle

Friday, October 2
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Maki House Community Centre
19 Leeming Drive, Crystal Beach (between Bayshore and Kanata)
417 to Moodie Drive North. Turn right at Carling avenue, right at Crystal Beach Drive (your second street), left at Leeming Drive (your first street) Maki House is on the left right after the school.

Bring your own hand drums, shakers, bells and other percussion instruments. There will be some shakers for people to use if they don’t have anything of their own.

Cost: Free
Please RSVP by email to

FALL CLASSES – ALL of the other classes are still online – likely with room for new students still!  Check the full list online

Starting this week!

Belly Dance in Kemptville with Nancy/Shakira

613-258-4753 or

Beginner/Intermediate 1
Wednesday 6:00-7:00 pm

Intermediate 2
Tuesday 7:00-8:30 pm
(pre-requisite: a couple of years BD)

Wednesday 7:00-8:30 pm
(pre-requisite: lots of years BD)

Bahiya’s Classes – Fall Belly Dance 2009

Monday 5:15pm to 6:15pm
Sept 21st to Nov 23rd 10 weeks (Beyond Beginner)
Nutri-Land 3625 Rivergate Way
Contact: Brenda

Tuesday 6:30 pm-7:30 pm
Sept 22nd to Nov 7th 8 weeks (Beyond Beginner) (1169)

Tuesday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm
Sept 22nd to Nov 7th 8 weeks (Beginner) (1163)
St. Nicholas Adult High School
893 Admiral Ave
Contact: Catholic School Board

Thursday 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Sept 24th to Nov 19th 9 weeks (Beginner)

Thursday 7:40pm to 8:40pm
Sept 24th to Nov 19th 9 weeks (Beyond Beginner)
Hunt Club Riverside Community Centre
3320 Paul Anka Drive

Sunday 2:30 to 3:30
Sept 13th to Oct 11th 5 weeks (Beginner)
Blue Bamboo Yoga Studio
6081 Hazeldean Rd, Stittsville

Louise Houle – Embrun Belly dance Classes

Embrun at La Maison des Arts this fall.

Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.
Registration is on the 8 – 9 -10 of September, to register call 613-443-0058
The classes start on the 22nd of September.

Jocelyne “Jehane” Khan

Beginner Bellydance
Bilingual Class!
Sundays 4:00-5:00 PM

Baladi Débutant
Cours bilingue!
Dimanche 16h00 – 17h00

Oasis de la danse
200 St-Joseph Hull


Friday September 25, 2009
TOPKAPI Turkish Restaurant invites you to their “Fasil Night Celebration”

A four-hour dinner cruise on the Outaouais river on board of the ‘Miss Gatineau’

Departure at 7:00 pm from the ‘Quai des artistes’ on Jacques Cartier Street in Gatineau, Qc

All you can eat buffet and Live Entertainment
Bellydancers and live musicians

$55.00 per person

For information or reservations, call 613.230.8828

NOVEMBER 14, 2009
Nathalie Lebel Workshop

For those of you who have not yet studied with Nathalie, she has been a popular workshop instructor with Ottawa dancers for 10 years. Many of Ottawa’s best dancers and performers have studied with her and have performed her choreographies. Her style is graceful, feminine and innovative and she is known for her emphasis on technique and for her lovely choreographies.
Mark your calendars and keep your eyes peeled for details.

Registration is now open!


Double Veil Workshop
Saturday, November 14, 2009
10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Lunch and Bazaar from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Dance, 151 Chapel Street (parking entrance on the side of the building)
$70 if payment is received by November 4, 2009 $80 thereafter.

To register:
Info: julie(DOT)tierney(AT)

NOVEMBER 21-24, 2009
Hadia’s Level 1 Teacher Training back in Toronto

Hadia is happy to share 38 years of teaching experience with you in this unique instructor training course (not just a dance course for instructors) which includes Mastery of effortless, beautiful and flawless technique for you and your students; musical and rhythm interpretation; the art of finger cymbals; anatomy for belly dance; injury prevention and body balance; teaching and communication skills; class/course planning; improvisation skills; origins, evolution and styles of oriental, including ROM, folklore, baladi and ritual and more……

Saturday and Sunday November 21st and 22nd 10 am to 5:30 pm plus Monday and Tuesday November 23rd and 24th 6 to 9:30 pm

$375 Can before November 1st
$425 Can after November 1st

PLUS Hadia’s Ultimate Technique Workshop

Friday November 20th 6:30 to 9:30 pm

This workshop is designed as a preparation for the Level 1 Participants who have not studied extensively with Hadia prior to the Training, but it is also open to dancers who are not taking the Training on a space available basis.

Aurora Live Studios
392 Queen St. East.

$80 before November 1st
$90 after November 1st
$50 for paid participants of Level 1 Teacher Training before November 1st

For registration and information

1 (902) 640-2473 (out of country Sept 14th to October 9th)

NOVEMBER 26-29, 2009
Hadia’s Teacher Training Certification – Level 3 in Toronto

Don’t miss your chance to achieve your well earned certification for Hadia’s internationally recognized Middle Eastern Dance Training.
This 20 hour training will cement your technique, rhythm and musical interpretation, improvisation, communication and teaching skills, the art of cymbals, course/class planning, anatomy for dance, body balance, alignment, professional ethics, and guide you with business basics, advanced rhythms and musical interpretation, Mid East dance styles, history and evolution and more…

Thursday, November 26th 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Friday and Saturday, November 27 and 28, 10 am to 5pm
Sunday, November 29th, 10 am to 4 pm

Aurora Live Studios
392 Queen St. East.

$425 before October 15th
$475 after October 15th

For Registration and Information

1 (902) 640-2473 (out of country Sept 14th to October 9th)

Dancers’ News!

To see this on the main website, click here.

Also find the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunites, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online!

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing August – just like I did!  Camping, canoeing, reading, relaxing – it was a wonderful break! Tom put up a great video clip that is a cute synopsis of our camping trip and I’ve updated my flickr page with our final holiday weekend’s adventures as we attended FAn-Expo in Toronto and I got to see some great Sci-Fi Actors and characters!

Also, congrats to Laura, who posted her comment on Halyma’s Blog and won an Eco-TAV Blossom Bag for her efforts! I will be working this week to get more Eco-TAV products and designs ready for the Health and Wellness Ottawa Show coming up next Saturday!

I was so pleased to hear that the first order of Eco-TAV Napkins and Sandwich Pouches ordered by Wakefield’s own, Life Without Plastic, SOLD OUT in the first two weeks! They have been restocked [ a great bit of work to come home to!] – so be sure to check out their site! They have a new line of insulated lunch bags that they have just launched as well I helped consult on these, and they are totally plastic free!!

Enough about me – on to the news you’ve been waiting for!


Latest Dancers’ Newsletter

Sunday, September 6


Check out the Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features:

This week’s Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature is a visit to my new Facebook Fan Page. Another way to get quick updates on what I am doing using the Facebook interactive options as efficiently as possible!

Click here for a quick look!


SEPTEMBER 12, 2009
Halyma @ Health and Wellness Ottawa


Location: St. Paul’s University, 223 Main Street Time: 9:00AM Saturday, September 12th
Admission: $5

TAV Creations/Eco-TAV and Halyma’s Belly Dance will be at the Health and Wellness Ottawa!

Come check out over 100 Local Health and Wellness Practitioners under the big tents at “Ottawa’s newest, brightest, holistic, health and wellness show!”

9 a.m. Halyma will be demoing/dancing or something equally sparkly and fun! If you are an early bird – come by and say hi!

Eco-TAV/TAV-Creations/ Halyma’s Belly Dance will be there to showcase stuff that is good for your body mind and soul!Show runs until 5 p.m. so if you cannot make it for my demo, do come by as there will be other demos all during the day!

September 13, 2009 onwards – Montreal
Gypsy/Folklorique/Bollywood Dances of India– For Belly Dancers

Workshop Series 2009 by Amrita Choudhury

13 September – Gypsy/folklore Dances of Gujarat (Dandiya – Stick Dances) (1-5) $90

18 October – Gypsy/folklore Dances of Bengal (River Gypsies) (1-5) $90

15 November – Gypsy/folklore/bollywood fusion! Part -1 (1-5) $90

13 December – Gypsy/folklore/bollywood fusion! Part- 2 (1-5) $90

After a successful run of the 2008 program of Indian Gypsy, Folklore, Bollywood dance workshops, Amrita is back from India again to offer the 2009 program. Because the participants of the 2008 workshops were mostly from the Belly Dance tradition, Amrita has designed these workshops to benefit dancers/teachers coming from the Oriental dance traditions. Come experience the joy and ecstacy of the vibrant gypsy, folklore and bollywood dance traditions of India; the beautiful and graceful hand gestures, facial/eye expressions, torso & hip movements, rhythmic feet movements and much much more! Please bring veils and joy in your heart! No experience is necessary.

Amrita Choudhury has devoted the past 27 years to the dance and music of India. She began her life journey in dance at the age of four as she studied with her mother who was also a well known dancer in India. She studied the classical/sacred dances as well as the traditional and folkloric/gypsy dances of India for many years in India at a the specialized art school “Santiniketan”. Amrita also has a degree in Anthropology and continues to pursue her research of “Anthropology and Dance”. Amrita travels all over the world offering workshops and performances. For more information on Amrita, please see

OCTOBER 16-19 2009 ~Sudbury, Ontario
Gitane Workshop with Lucie De La Fontaine and Rachelle Connor

Atelier du 16-17 et 18 octobre 2009.
Au programme:

vendredi soir un atelier avec les cymbales (drum solo) 2 chorégraphies dans 1 écrit par de Lucie,
samedi danse gitane Turque avec la tambourine écrit par Rachellle
dimanche danse gitane Turque avec la tambourine (la suite)
Note: si vous voulez danser le soir du spectacle, s’il vous plaît me le faire savoir. Le maximum de votre danse sera de 5 minutes.

Vous pouvez communiquer avec moi au numéro sans frais
tél. 888-673-0841
email : for the registration pdf and more details


Gypsy workshop October 16th-17th and 18th 2009
Program :

Friday night worshop with cymbals (drum solo) 2 choreographies in 1, writting by Lucie
Saturday gypsie dance turc dance with tambourine writting by Rachelle
Sunday gypsie dance turc dance with tambourine (continuation)
Note: if you will like to dance at the show, please let me know the time for the dance it will be maximum 5 minutes.

You can contact me at
free toll number
tel. 888-673-0841
thank you
email : for the registration pdf and more details

OCTOBER 24, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
260 McArthur (Knights of Columbus Hall), Ottawa.

A Dancer’s Bazaar
The largest gathering of Ottawa area dancers with the best selection of new and used costumes, fabrics, music, accessories and more to buy, sell, swap and trade!

Open to all – free admission

Meet teachers, check out class schedules, get costume information, and much more!

Something for everyone – young and old – men and women! Come on out and enjoy the afternoon!

The Dancer’s Bazaar now hosts approximately 40 tables of goods and services to appeal to the shopper in us all!

Looking for zills? Sticks? Veils? Skirts? Music? Anything you can think of, and many things you might not have thought would come in handy – tote bags and cover-ups, baladi dresses, and accessories to complete any outfit! Whew! There will be new stock from Egypt, Turkey and of course from our local artisans and designers. And be sure to check out the many deals for used costumes as well.

There are many vendors who are connected to the belly dance community who are offering products and services that might not automatically seem like a bellydance purchase, so come with an open mind! Remember this is a cash and carry event – credit cards are not likely to be accepted by most vendors. And as in the past, many new vendors will be coming out, so there will be a huge selection of products available!

Contact me for any more information at (613) 241-3397 or

NOVEMBER 7, 2009
The Enan Egyptian Troupedenise1a

will present a show of Egyptian Folkloric dance, on November 7 at the Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Ave, Ottawa. Tickets will be available from Studio Oasis, 819-776-5033.

La Troupe Égyptienne Enan presentera un spectacle des danses folklorique d’Égypte le 7 novembre au Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson, Ottawa. Billets au Studio Oasis, 819-776-5033.

NOVEMBER 14, 2009
Nathalie Lebel will be in Ottawa to give a Double Veil Workshopshowthumb.php

For those of you who have not yet studied with Nathalie, she has been a popular workshop instructor with Ottawa dancers for 10 years. Many of Ottawa’s best dancers and performers have studied with her and have performed her choreographies. Her style is graceful, feminine and innovative and she is known for her emphasis on technique and for her lovely choreographies.
Mark your calendars and keep your eyes peeled for details.

For info about the workshop contact julie(DOT)tierney(AT)sympatico(DOT)ca.

NOVEMBER 14, 1009

Party time!
November 14th is just around the corner and we have only 150 tickets available! (and must be purchased before the show) This fundraiser is different from our usual….it is an impromptu party.

ALL ARE WELCOME to bring their costume and a CD of their music and perform. If you would like to be introduced, I will be happy to oblige ( just bring me some notes to read.)

BUT there is more!
Although most performers will be unscheduled, we have brought in some special guests for our audience’ pleasure. As most of you already know, Nathalie Lebel who will be presenting a workshop on the 14th  has also said she will be happy to perform for us at our party and her performances are absolutely lovely!!

BUT that’s not all ….a dancer is coming in from Kitchener….another with her troupe from Toronto….and yet another from British Columbia!!! And no…I won’t tell you who they are yet. It is more fun to keep you guessing for awhile!

Our party will be very central at the Legion Hall on the corner of Kent and MacLaren. There is a big dance floor for spontaneous dancing.

There will be Middle Eastern treats served around 11 pm, and the bar will be open until 1 am.

This will still be a fundraiser….and very serious of course!!!….but I felt it was time for a bit of a shake-up. We haven’t ‘kicked up’ our heels for a long time…and our partners might enjoy it too! ..You are all much appreciated!

TICKETS: Catharine ( or 613-276-0969) (Party starts at 8 pm and goes ’till we drop! (Tickets are $25 in advance and …if any are left at the door…these will be $30)

NOVEMBER 20-29, 2009~Kingston
Oasis Dance Studio hosts Sahra Saeeda in Kingston, Ontario for two incredible workshops!Index Orientale gold.jpe

JTE-1 and JTE-2 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada — November 2009!

Nov. 20th – 27th 2009: Oasis Dance Studio will be hosting the fabulous Sahra Saeeda of California in two weekend seminars entitled “Journey Through Egypt I and Journey Through Egypt II”.

For more information on Sahra Saeeda: Sahra Saeeda

Please note: Each workshop seminar is limited to 20 participants. Please register at your earliest convenience.

General outline:

Journey Through Egypt 1, Nov. 20th – 22nd, 2009

$350 + GST for full weekend, teaching notebook, Map of Folkloric Zones, new “Journey through Egypt” DVD, music CD, and Certificate upon completion of 20 hours.

Includes theory, cultural information, and dance technique for the following dance styles: Nubia, Ghawazee, Saidi, Cairo (Awalem, Orientale, Hassaballah, Shamadan), Suez Canal Zone, Delta, Bedouin & pan-Egypt (History, Moulid, Tanura, Melaya Leff, and Zar)

Journey Through Egypt 2, Nov. 27th – 29th, 2009

$350 + GST for the 20-hour intensive weekend workshop. The focus will be on an advanced dance overview of the movements learned in JTE-1 as well as an introduction to core dance ethnography concepts. Dance level minimum intermediate. Prerequisite: JTE-1.
For more detailed information, please visit JtE

Based on years of research in Egypt, Sahra (Master’s Degree in Dance Ethnology from UCLA) has presented portions of this intensive for graduate level anthropology students, dancers and teachers worldwide. Now presented in full intensity for the first time.

Sahra will also be offering two workshops on Oriental Dance technique at Oasis Dance Studio on Tuesday, Nov. 24th and Wednesday, Nov. 25th. Sahra will also be available for privates, semi-privates, and small group lessons from Nov. 24th – Nov. 26th inclusive.

For more information and registration, contact Khalida/Kellye by email, or by phone at 613-544-9773.

NOVEMBER 22, 2009


Creative Clothing by Roxane is hosting a Belly Dance Bazaar in the west end of Ottawa to raise funds for the Iqaluit Women’s Shelter. This is an opportunity for vendors (or dancers/students who wish to sell their gently used costumes and accessories) before the recitals start in December! You are also welcome to sell goods or sell/advertise for services which are not necessarily dance-related. It will be held in Bell’s Corners on Richmond Road and there is ample parking.

Our West End Belly Dance Bazaar will be held on Sunday, 22 November, 2009, from noon to 5p.m. There are 15 booths. Here are the prices for the booths:

4 smaller booths, 6X6: $10@ or 2 for $18. NONE LEFT.
9 regular booths, 8X8: $15@ or 2 for $30. ONLY 3 LEFT.
2 large booths: 8X16 (corners) $20 each. NONE LEFT.

All proceeds from the booth rentals are going to Qimaavik, the Women’s Shelter. I will reserve spaces on a first pay first served basis… cheque or cash. You can mail to: Roxane Kirkman, 32 Cassidy Road, Ottawa, K2H 6K1.

For more information contact Roxane at: roxkirkatsympaticodotca or phone: 613-726-9067.

NOVEMBER 28, 2009
The 8th Annual “For the Love of Dance” Multi-Cultural Dance Showcase!

Please join us for a spectacular evening of dance representing cultures from around the world!

Saturday November 28th, 2009
University of Ottawa Alumni Theatre
7:30 – 10:00 pm
Tickets will be $10 in advance, $15 at the door.

Last year we were sold out, and raised $1500 for The Leading Note Foundation thanks to overwhelming audience support. Showcased were dance styles such as Bellydance, Venezuelan Folk, Swing, Persian, Irish, Flamenco, Latin Jazz, Celtic Fusion and more.

This year we aim to create just as diverse and spectacular a show…with all proceeds donated to Propeller Dance, a non-profit organization leading dance innovation by providing dance programming to people with and without disability (

Although we already have our full complement of Bellydance performances (thank you to all who have agreed to perform!), we would love to hear from performers from all types of cultural dance who might be interested in donating their talent.

Please contact Safiya at for more details.



Tuesday evenings
Introduction to Macs
September 22, 29 and October 6th (Tuesdays)

Social Internet Crash Course
October 13 and 20th (Tuesdays)

Introduction to Video Editing with Final Cut Express
October 27 and November 3rd

Using iPhoto
November 10 and 17th



Volunteer drivers are needed to take clients to their medical appointments. If you have a car and some time to spare, please call 613-737-7195 x2303.
Leave a message and a volunteer will call you back within 2 days to direct you to the agency closest to you or one(s) of your choice.

This campaign is sponsored by Ottawa Community Support Coalition (representing 12 agencies across Ottawa, offering transportation services to seniors and adults with physical disabilities), Friends of Hospice Ottawa and Canadian Cancer Society.

Thank you.


Des bénévoles sont requis pour conduire des personnes âgées à leurs rendez-vous médicaux. Si vous avez une automobile et du temps à offrir, s’il-vous-plaît appeler au 613-737-7195 x2303. Laissez un message et un-e bénévole vous rappellera à l’intérieur de deux jours afin de vous diriger à un organisme de votre choix ou près de chez vous.

Cette campagne est commanditée par la Coalition de services de soutien communautaire d’Ottawa (représentant 12 agences qui offrent un service de transport aux personnes aînées et adultes ayant une incapacité physique, la Société Canadienne du Cancer et Friends of Hospice Ottawa.





172 Guigues – call 613 244-4470 for registration

Monday,Sept 14 Level 1 6:30pm.-7:30pm. ( 12 weeks) $86.50 code 412497

Monday,Sept 14 Level 2 7:30pm.-8:30pm. ( 12 weeks) $86.50 code 412544

Thursday,Sept. 17 Level 1 6:30pm.-7:30pm.( 12 weeks) $86.50 code 412505
Thursday,Sept. 17 Level 2+ 7:30pm.-8:30pm.( 12 weeks) Creative Intermediate $86.50 code 412559

Register online

OLD OTTAWA SOUTH area ( Near the May Fair theatre)
260 Sunnyside – call 613 247-4946 for registration as of September 3
Tuesday,Sept 15(12 weeks)6:30pm.-7:30pm. – level 1 $88.00
Tuesday,Sept 15(12 weeks)7:30pm.-8:30pm. – level 2 $88.00

Register online starting Sept. 2th, at 9 p.m.

Zamira’s Fall-Winter 2009 Classes – STILL SPACES AVAILABLE

My classes are moving to a new home in a more central location. These specialty classes focus on the needs of 2 specific groups to bring the joy of Belly Dance to even more women and girls too. A description of my teaching style and thoughts about dance can be found on my website at

Women 40+ Belly Dance all levels
8 classes per session
$90.00 (taxes included)
6:45 – 7:45 PM (1 hour)
Sep 1 – Oct 20 2009
Oct 27 – Dec 15 2009

Youth Belly Dance for ages 13-17
8 classes per session
$80.00 (taxes included)
6:15 – 7:15 PM (1 hour)
Sep 3 – Oct 22 2009
Oct 29 – Dec 17 2009

All classes take place at Makin’ Moves Dance Studio:
1196 Bank Street at Ossington Avenue
Old Ottawa South

For more information or to register please contact:
The Veiled Eye
Phone: 613-797-4068

Jalilah’s Fall 2009 Schedule
Authentic Middle Eastern Dance Classes

New! Belly Dance for Fitness!
At the RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
Mondays 10:30-11:30
Starting September 14 to December 7
Free for CanFit members ,$89 for RA members and $114 for non- members
To Register contact RA Centre:(613) 7366224

Intermediate Level: Monday Evenings from 7:30- 8:45
At The Studio School of Dance, 74 Jamie Avenue, Ottawa-Nepean
September14-December 14
Price: $160
To Register contact Jalilah: (613)2288215

At Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis 200 St. Joseph, Hull

September 17-November 5
Beginner Thursday Evenings from 5:30-6:30
Intermediate Thursday Evenings from 6:30-7:30
Advanced Baladi/Belly Dance Thursday Evenings 7:30-9:00 PM
To register contact Oasis (819) 7765033 or (819) 9622645

At Greta Leemings Studio of Dance, 1460 Merivale Road, Ottawa

Intermediate Level Tuesdays Mornings 11-12:15 
September 15 to December 15
Price: $175
Pilates Tuesdays 10-11 September 15 to December 15 $140
To Register contact Jalilah (613)2288215

more information about Jalilah:

Fall Classes at Dance with Alana Studios

Teen Belly Dance with Vera
When: starts Monday Sept 15, from 4:15-5:15pm
Where: Dance With Alana Studios, 858 Bank St. @ 5th Ave.
Cost: $90 for 8 weeks

Beginner Belly Dance with Zena
When: starts Saturday Sept 12, from 12:30-1:30pm
Where: Dance With Alana Studios, 858 Bank St. @ 5th Ave.
Cost: $105 for 8 weeks

Intermediate Belly Dance with Oksana
When: starts Tuesday Sept 15, from 8:15-9:15pm
Where: Dance With Alana Studios, 858 Bank St. @ 5th Ave.
Cost: $105 for 8 weeks

Also, coming in the fall…Burlesque, Bollywood, Tap, Salsa, Hip Hop, Swing, Zumba, Dance Fusion and more!
Please contact Alana at 613-233-3456


Fall Bellydance Classes with Anna & Safiya
– Start Wednesday September 16th, 2009

Beginner-Intermediate (Wednesdays 8:00 – 9:30 pm)

Review basic bellydance techniques, and build them into sequences culminating in choreography to an upbeat Arabic pop song.

Intermediate-Advanced (Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm)

Challenge yourself with high-energy drills and isolations, and learn an innovative choreography inspired by Khaliji, a dance of the Persian Gulf States.

2 Daly Avenue downtown Ottawa (Daly at Nicholas)
Drop-ins $13/class
Beginning of the month special $45/month
Contact Safiya at

Belly Dancing with Sha’ Vega Malibu

South Fallingbrook C.C. (aka Maple Ridge Elementary School), 998 Valin Street, Orléans

Monday, September 21 – December 14, 2009

*NEW CLASS* Mother and Daughter belly dance – 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Mother and Daughter – $52.00 – 12 weeks. Course code – 419444
Children’s fee – $49.74 – 12 weeks. Course code – 420030
Level 1 & 2 – 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Course code – 415840
Level 2 & 3 – 7:45 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Course code – 415846
Cost: $65.00 for 12 weeks.
No classes on Monday, Oct 12 (Thanksgiving)
Call 613-824-0633 ext. 221 or register online at

McNabb Recreation Centre, 180 Percy St. (at James), Centretown
Tuesday, September 15 – December 1, 2009
Level 1 & 2 – 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Level 2 & 3 – 7:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $87.50 for 12 weeks.
Call 613-564-1070 for more information. Register online at

McNabb Recreation Centre, 180 Percy St. (at James), Centretown
Thursday, September 17 – December 3, 2009
Level 1 & 2 – 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Level 2 & 3 – 7:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $87.50 for 12 weeks.
Call 613-564-1070 for more information. Register online at

Lisa-Marie Serafin
Ceramic Artist/Middle Eastern Dance Artist
Poterie du Lac la Blanche



Sandy Hill Community Centre

(613) 564-1062

Level 1 – 417170 (program code)
Wednesdays, Sept. 16 – Nov. 18
6 – 7 pm

Level 2 – 417179 (program code)
Thursdays, Sept. 17 – Nov. 19
5:30 – 6:30 pm

Level 3 – 417186 (program code)
Thursdays, Sept. 17 – Nov. 19
6:30 – 7:45 pm

Level 4 – 417199 (program code)
Thursdays, Sept. 17 – Nov. 19
7:45 – 9:00 pm

Bellydancing with Zena

Fall Session 2009

Ottawa/Glebe: Dance With Alana, 858 Bank St., 613-233-3456,
Beginners: Sat. Sept. 19 to Nov. 14 at 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Pre-Intermediate: Thurs. Sept. 17 to Nov. 5 at 7:15 – 8:15 pm
Cost: $105/8 weeks Please contact Alana to register

Kanata: Classical Dance Academy, 100 Castlefrank Rd. (@ Abbeyhill), 613-836-5725
Beginners: Fri. Sept. 18 at 6:30 – 7:30 pm or Tues. Sept. 22 at 10:00 – 11:00 am
Intermediate: Fri. Sept. 18 at 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Cost: $75/7 weeks Please contact John to register

Renfrew: Ma Te Way Activity Centre, 1 Ma Te Way Dr., 613-432-3131 or email: Nadine at

Basic Bellydance Workout: Mon. Sept. 14 to Nov. 2 at 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Bellydance Workout Plus Choreography: Mon. Sept. 14 to Nov. 2 at 7:00 – 8:30 pm. This will be for more advanced students who will focus on a Zill choreography by Jalilah.
Cost: Basic Bellydance Workout: $80/8 weeks; Bellydance Workout Plus Choreo: $100/8 weeks.

Bahiya’s Classes – Fall Belly Dance 2009

Monday 5:15pm to 6:15pm
Sept 21st to Nov 23rd 10 weeks (Beyond Beginner)
Nutri-Land 3625 Rivergate Way
Contact: Brenda

Tuesday 6:30 pm-7:30 pm
Sept 22nd to Nov 7th 8 weeks (Beyond Beginner) (1169)

Tuesday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm
Sept 22nd to Nov 7th 8 weeks (Beginner) (1163)
St. Nicholas Adult High School
893 Admiral Ave
Contact: Catholic School Board

Thursday 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Sept 24th to Nov 19th 9 weeks (Beginner)

Thursday 7:40pm to 8:40pm
Sept 24th to Nov 19th 9 weeks (Beyond Beginner)
Hunt Club Riverside Community Centre
3320 Paul Anka Drive

Sunday 2:30 to 3:30
Sept 13th to Oct 11th 5 weeks (Beginner)
Blue Bamboo Yoga Studio
6081 Hazeldean Rd, Stittsville

Louise Houle – Embrun Belly dance Classes

Embrun at La Maison des Arts this fall.

Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.
Registration is on the 8 – 9 -10 of September, to register call 613-443-0058
The classes start on the 22nd of September.


* Beginner 1 & 2 * at Studio Bizz

Sep 10 – Dec 10
7:00 – 8:30PM
14 wks $170
Or first 7 week option $95
Drop-ins $15

551 avenue du Mont-Royal Est
3e étage 3rd Floor

* Beginner 1 * at McGill Sports Centre

Sep 14 – Nov 23
6:00 – 6:45PM
10 wks $62.02*

Sep 16 – Nov 18
6:00 – 6:45PM
10 wks $$62.02*

475 Pine Ave West

McGill Staff Only
Sep 14 – Dec 14
12:15 – 1:00PM
13 wks

Tribal fusion classes with Niki

Tuesday 8-9pm

Sept 1 Oct 6 (6 week session)

1196 Bank St at Makin Moves studios

to register: theodorn AT magma DOT ca

….Creativity Abounds…


Phone: 613.241.3397


Custom Sewing:

Belly Dance shows and Classes:


Eco Products:

Classes starting in two weeks! Come Dancing!

Hey everyone – I am back!  I’ll be getting some photos of my fabulous holidays up on my flickr site soon!

Welcome to September !  My New Year begins!

Classes start at my two fave community centers on September 14th and registration begins this week!


172 Guigues – call 613 244-4470 for registration

Monday, Sept 14

Level 1 6:30pm.-7:30pm. ( 12 weeks) $86.50 code 412497

Level 2 7:30pm.-8:30pm. ( 12 weeks) $86.50 code 412544

Thursday,Sept. 17

Level 1 6:30pm.-7:30pm.( 12 weeks) $86.50 code 412505

Level 2+ 7:30pm.-8:30pm.( 12 weeks) Creative Intermediate $86.50 code 412559

Register online

OLD OTTAWA SOUTH area ( Near the May Fair theatre)

260 Sunnyside – call 613 247-4946 for registration as of September 3

Tuesday,Sept 15(12 weeks)

Level 1 6:30pm.-7:30pm. –  $88.00

Level 2 7:30pm.-8:30pm. –  $88.00

Register online starting Sept. 2th, at 9 p.m.:


Dancers’ News – August 2009

To see this as the main website, click here . Also find the Teacher Directory, Shopping Opportunites, and Healing, Guides and Energy workers, Pampering sections online there!


Good morning,

Here is your FULL – EVERYTHING IS almost HERE newsletter for August!  While I am off doing holiday things, I hope you all have loads of fun with all of the August activities that are happening – there are LOTS!


A quick reminder that the summer OPEN PRACTICE Evenings will be running for 3 weeks in August, thanks to my home base, Routhier Community Centre, and the generosity of Isaden/Erika and Zamira/Gailene! Details are in the news below!


There are also summer classes taking place – and the Fall sessions are just around the warm sunny corner!


Thank you all for subscribing, supporting our community by participating, and for taking the time to write me sometimes! 


 While I am gone, I ask, in order to minimize the emails I will come back to, that you post any comments or even news bits that you want to remember to tell me HERE.  Just click on the word “comments” and add your say!  I may even include your comments as entries for that July contest I had running!

Have a wonderful August – see you in September!




Check out the Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Features:

This week’s Dancers’ Newsletter Extra Feature is a visit to the Ottawa Bollywood News site – Contributors welcome!!! Check out August’s events- not all are listed here, so Click here for a quick look! 





August 6, 2009 to AUGUST 20, 2009

Thursday evenings of dance – come out and play
Where: 172 Guigues – Routhier Community Centre, 2nd floor
When: 6:30 to 8:30p.m.
What: Two hours in an air conditioned room with mirrors to play as you wish!

There with a cd player and music. Feel free to bring your own music too, or just take advantage of space and a safe fun atmosphere to test drive those belly dance moves you learned through the winter and spring!

Drop in anytime during the two hours to play, practice, and socialize.

Join us for a fun night out to get some exercise, to practice for upcoming performances, or try those props you have learned through the year and have nowhere to practice them!

OPEN TO ALL LEVELS – Beginner through professional!

Please note: this is not a class – but you’ll learn new stuff by watching and playing.

During August, it will be hosted by Isaden and/ or Zamira, who will provide some music for your dancing pleasure – but please bring your own cds as well!



AUGUST 9, 2009 onwards – Montreal
Gypsy/Folklorique/Bollywood Dances of India– For Belly Dancers

Workshop Series 2009 by Amrita Choudhury


9 August – Bollywood Dance – Part 2 (1-5) $90

13 September – Gypsy/folklore Dances of Gujarat (Dandiya – Stick Dances) (1-5) $90

18 October – Gypsy/folklore Dances of Bengal (River Gypsies) (1-5) $90

15 November – Gypsy/folklore/bollywood fusion! Part -1 (1-5) $90

13 December – Gypsy/folklore/bollywood fusion! Part- 2 (1-5) $90

After a successful run of the 2008 program of Indian Gypsy, Folklore, Bollywood dance workshops, Amrita is back from India again to offer the 2009 program. Because the participants of the 2008 workshops were mostly from the Belly Dance tradition, Amrita has designed these workshops to benefit dancers/teachers coming from the Oriental dance traditions. Come experience the joy and ecstacy of the vibrant gypsy, folklore and bollywood dance traditions of India; the beautiful and graceful hand gestures, facial/eye expressions, torso & hip movements, rhythmic feet movements and much much more! Please bring veils and joy in your heart! No experience is necessary.

Amrita Choudhury has devoted the past 27 years to the dance and music of India. She began her life journey in dance at the age of four as she studied with her mother who was also a well known dancer in India. She studied the classical/sacred dances as well as the traditional and folkloric/gypsy dances of India for many years in India at a the specialized art school “Santiniketan”. Amrita also has a degree in Anthropology and continues to pursue her research of “Anthropology and Dance”. Amrita travels all over the world offering workshops and performances. For more information on Amrita, please see



AUGUST 13, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009
6:45 p. m. to 9:45 p.m.
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
35 Stafford Rd., Nepean (Bells Corners)

For intermediate to advance level dancers as well as professionals.

$45 by August 7, 2009, $55 thereafter

Workshop includes:

Warm-up and a cool-down
Break down of all the movements and combos bit by bit to ensure all workshop participants can learn to master this wonderfully fun choreography
Notes for the choreography
A DVD of Zelia performing the choreography is available for $10 to those who pre-order.

For more information about Zelia, please visit her website:

You can access the flyer at

To register, fill out the flyer and mail it in along with your payment. For info contact julieATottawabellydanceDOTcom.



AUGUST 20, 2009
Hadia: Master Class in Montreal

I hope that you are having a fabulous summer so far! I am very happy to let you know that I will be back in Montreal for a one evening Master Class on Thursday, August 20th at Studio Metronome, from 5:30 to 9:30pm. I will be teaching technique, musical interpretation and choreographic sequences to a gorgeous song called “Ba’eed Annak”.

Registration before August 1st is $80, August 1st to 15th $90 and after August 15th $100
Please click on the link for more info, and the registration forms. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 514 969-2220 or email me at 
The workshop is almost full so be sure to register as soon as possible for this great evening!

Join me for my Last and Latest Greatest Dance Tour to Turkey – “Gateway to the Orient” from Sept 15th to 30th. Don’t miss the early registration deadline on August 1st to take advantage of our great discount for this last fabulous tour, which includes 20 hours of wonderful dance training with Master instructor Reyhan Tuzsuz and Hadia in authentic Turkish Rom and Egyptian Oriental dance . There are still a couple of spots waiting for you on our adventure into authentic Turkish Culture, Dance and History through Istanbul, Bodrum, Afrodisias, Pamukkale and Cappadocia. For all info and registration forms


Bonjour les belle danseuses!

J’espère que tout passe très bien chez vous cet été! Je suis très heureuse à vous envoyer les nouvelles que je serais de retour à Montréal jeudi, le 20 Aout pour un soir de « Master Class » au Studio Métronome du 17h30 au 2h30. J’enseignerai la technique, l’interprétation musicale et les séquences chorégraphique a une très belle chanson « Ba’eed Annak ».
Les prix sont 80$ pour l’inscription avant le 1e Aout, 90$ entre le 1e et le 15 Aout et 100$ après le 15 Aout. Pour tout info ainsi que les formulaires d’inscription veuillez cliquer sur le lien ici si vous avez encore des questions, je vous invite de m’appeler à 514 969-2220 ou de m’envoyer un courriel à

Vu que l’atelier est presque complet maintenant, n’hésitez pas de vous inscrire bientôt pour vous assurer votre place parmi nous!




August 22-23 2009 workshops by Caroline of Cairo in Montréal

Her workshops are hugely popular around the world because she is able to bring the latest styles and movements from Egypt. to you. A dancer who lives there and sees it daily…. Fun full of energy these workshops will leave you wanting more!!! Which is why I return to Egypt to study with Caroline every winter for four or five months. Full package and registration will be sent to you should you be interested. Caroline may also be visiting Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver during her stay in Canada. At the moment the only city where workshops are confirmed is Montréal.
We welcome all dancers to a great ladies weekend in Montréal!!!! Come and enjoy the other treats we have instored for you.
Ruby Roy

*Studio Location in Montreal*:Studio will be near the downtown area, close to metro station with available parking. Location will be confirmed when registration and payment has been received

Full weekend package registration after June 1st 2009 paid in full: $330.00

Workshop 1: Saturday August 22nd 2009 9h30- 12h30

Oriental Instruments and Movements that go with them:

This workshop will offer dancers a great tool of understanding of /Oriental Music,/ instruments and movements that can go with it. This in turn makes the difficult task of choreographing so much easier. Many dancers want to learn combinations of movements, outside of Egypt and then apply these combinations to every piece of music. This is not done in Egypt.

The Nai, The Accordian, The Oud, The Kamanga The Kanoon are some of the instruments that will be covered.

Workshop will be given in English and French. Ateliers serai en anglais et français

After June 1st : $70.00____

*Workshop 2 Saturday 22nd August 2009 13h30-16h30
Shaabi awi!- Choreogpraphy to “Assalayah”*

The real shaabi of the backstreet weddings and microbuses! A fun and fantastically real workshop on the backstreet weddings. This workshops will give dancers an authentic feel, understanding for what Shaabi really is.

After June 1st $70.00

*Workshop 3 : Saturday August 22^nd 2009 17h00-18h30*

*Discussion Lecture: Life as a foreign dancer living in Egypt & Learn how you can visit Egypt and learn directly from the Egyptians who live and dance there.*

A short discussion/lecture session will be offered about some of the things that Caroline has discovered from living and working in Egypt for more than 10 years as a foreign dancer that are important to learn/understand/watch out for. 
Ruby has been living in Egypt every winter as a local and has learned things that make her teaching in teaching of the dance to students in Montréal richer, more rewarding and appreciated.

Before: June 1st : $20.00_____ After June 1st : $25.00_____

*Workshps 4: Sunday August 23 2009 9h00-11h00*

*Raks Khalijee ( Dance of the Arbian Gulf) Given by Ruby: *
The two hour workshop will introduce dancers to this dance, the gestures and the movements. Very different dance to Egyptian Oriental. Not a very well known dance in North America. Raks Khalijee is danced by women at weddings.

After June 1st : $55.00______

*Workshop 5 Sunday August 23 2009 11h00- 14h00*

*Saidi- modern pop saidi song with double cane introduction*
The choreography commences with double canes then uses just one cane or alternatively it can be danced with just one cane.

*Register*: Before June 1st $60.00 After June 1st $70.00

*Workshop 6 : Sunday August 23 2009 15h00- 18h00*
“Bous ala Halawa”- the choreography *
Although the song was originally from the Said region (South of Egypt) the song has been reinvented into a modern pop song. A fun choreography, full of gestures to the music which will be explained during the workshop. The translation and transliteration of the music will be provided to students attending this workshop.

After June 1st $70.00____

Editor’s note: FOR FULL DETAILS, email Ruby for her informative registration package!

Ruby Roy
Media Relations Specialist
Montreal Professional Tourist Guide, for Tourisme Montréal
International Event and Meeting Planner
Egyptian Oreintal, Folkloric and Raks Khalijee Dance Instructor
+1 514 992- 0632



Performance by Shifra Tobiasch

The Cavern @ 112 Osborne Street, Winnipeg, MB. Phone: 204-284-7201

Night of burlesque + belly dance performance with Shifra Soria Tobiasch & dancers (old & new). Stay tuned for more information (dancers names & more events).

שפרה טוביאש 
Shifra Tobiasch 
طوبياش شفرا 
Leading Master Belly Dance Master zills 
Burlesque instructor



September, 2009 – Hadia in Nova Scotia

It’s off to Toronto for Level 3 Teacher Training Certification over the Labour Day Weekend, September 5th to 7th.; for all details and registrations; (902) 640-2473.

Finally, Get Ready for my 8th Annual TURKEY “Gateway to the Orient” Tour from September 15th to October 1st. Don’t Miss the chance for a truly Authentic Cultural Experience with Hadia and Bulent in the Tour that gets better every year! Istanbul, the Aegean, Bodrum, Village Life, Afrodisias, Heiropolis, Pamukkale and Cappadocia with 20 hours of Roman and Oriental Dance Training with master Roman dance teacher – Reyhan Tuzsuz and Hadia – You will be so happy you made the choice! For lots of other details, comments, reviews and photos, I invite to you check out the Turkey page on my site.
Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you all soon at or 1 (902) 640-2473.

Maintenant en français…
En suite, je passerais l’été à concentrer sur ma carrière de thérapeute, avant de le terminer avec la Formation de Professeur en Danse Orientale Volet 1 dans mon nouveau village de Lüneburg du 27 au 30 Aout et le Certification Volet 3 à Toronto du 5 as 7 Septembre. Pour tout détails; ou me contacter directement a (902) 640-2473

Finalement, préparez vous pour notre 8e Voyage en Turquie “Portail a l’Orient: du 15 Septembre au 1e Oct. Cette voyage incontournable vous donne une expérience authentique de la culture, la danse est les peuple de ce pais inoubliable! 20 heures des cours en Rom (gitan) Turc et la danse orientale – l’Istanbul, le Méditerrané, Bodrum, Pamukkale, le Cappadoce. ou me contacter a (902) 640-2473.

Je serais très heureuse de recevoir tes nouvelles et de répondre a vos questions a ou bien 1 (902) 640-2473.


Hi and just a quick note to let you know that Turkey is SOLD OUT,

My workshop on Aug 20th is almost sold out with only 3 places left.

Level 3 in Toronto has been moved to the end of November 26th evening and all day 27-29th plus l also will now have a Level 1 there the week before; November 21st/22nd all day and evening of 23 /24th

Last thing is the Level 1 Teacher Training in Lunenburg, NS August 28th to 31st 

All the info except TO is on my new website.



OCTOBER 9, 2009
A Thanksgiving weekend with Rachel Brice!THIS SHOW IS NOW SOLD OUT !!!

Friday October 9th
Shakti fusion presents: Fall Fusion Cabaret
The Arts Court Theatre, 2 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, ON
Featuring Rachel Brice, with Leslie, Shakti fusion, Rosanna, Tribu Ghabal, Anna & Safiya, Milana & Jamilah and Mat Jacob.
leslie at shaktifusion dot ca




OCTOBER 24, 2009

Save the date! NOTE: it will be on a Saturday this time around – let’s see how that goes!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

260 McArthur, Knight’s of Columbus Hall,

Doors open from noon to 4 p.m.


Registration for vendors will be available as of September 1st – when I am back from my break!



NOVEMBER 14 & 15, 2009
Nathalie Lebel will be in Ottawa to give a 2 day workshop

For those of you who have not yet studied with Nathalie, she has been a popular workshop instructor with Ottawa dancers for 10 years. Many of Ottawa’s best dancers and performers have studied with her and have performed her choreographies. Her style is graceful, feminine and innovative and she is known for her emphasis on technique and for her lovely choreographies.

Mark your calendars and keep your eyes peeled for details. 

For info about the workshop contact julieATottawabellydanceDOTcom.

Nathalie will be performing on Saturday November 14 at the fundraiser to be held at the Legion Hall at the corner of Metcalfe and MacLaren. If you are interested in performing in the show contact Catharine at



NOVEMBER 14, 1009

Our next show will be very different.


It will be an ‘open stage’ or ‘impromptu’ show on November 14, 2009. Everyone is welcome to dance! It will be at the Legion Hall at the corner of Kent and MacLaren. It is very central, the room will seat 150 people, has a big dance floor, and the bar stays open until 2 am!!! I think it will be a great way to celebrate the fact that snow will not yet have arrived! A way to pretend we do not live in the frigid north! It will still be a fundraiser….and very serious of course!!!….but I felt it was time for a bit of a shake-up. We haven’t ‘kicked up’ our heels for a long time…and our partners might enjoy it too!

AND…big surprise….Nathalie Lebel who will be presenting a workshop on the 14th and 15th, has also said she will be happy to perform for us as our party. Keep your fingers crossed…her performances are absolutely lovely!! More info to follow…You are all much appreciated! Catharine



NOVEMBER 22, 2009

Creative Clothing by Roxane is hosting a Belly Dance Bazaar in the west end of Ottawa to raise funds for the Iqaluit Women’s Shelter. This is an opportunity for vendors (or dancers/students who wish to sell their gently used costumes and accessories) before the recitals start in December! You are also welcome to sell goods or sell/advertise for services. It will be held in Bell’s Corners on Richmond Road and there is ample parking.


Our West End Bazaar will be held on Sunday, 22 November, 2009, from noon to 5p.m. There is space for 15 booths. Here are the prices for the booths:

4 smaller booths, 6X6: $10@ or 2 for $18. 
8 regular booths, 8X8: $15@ or 2 for $30. (6 still available)
3 large booths: 8X16 (corners) $20 each. (1 still available)
A plan is available for your convenience, just contact me at the e-mail address below.

All proceeds from the booth rentals are going to Qimaavik, the Women’s Shelter. I will reserve spaces on a first pay first served basis… cheque, internet banking or cash. You can mail to: Roxane Kirkman, 32 Cassidy Road, Ottawa, K2H 6K1.

For more information contact Roxane at: roxkirkatsympaticodotca or phone: 613-726-9067.



NOVEMBER 28, 2009
The 8th Annual “For the Love of Dance” Multi-Cultural Dance Showcase!

Please join us for a spectacular evening of dance representing cultures from around the world!

Saturday November 28th, 2009
University of Ottawa Alumni Theatre
7:30 – 10:00 pm
Tickets will be $10 in advance, $15 at the door.

Last year we were sold out, and raised $1500 for The Leading Note Foundation thanks to overwhelming audience support. Showcased were dance styles such as Bellydance, Venezuelan Folk, Swing, Persian, Irish, Flamenco, Latin Jazz, Celtic Fusion and more.

This year we aim to create just as diverse and spectacular a show…with all proceeds donated to Propeller Dance, a non-profit organization leading dance innovation by providing dance programming to people with and without disability (

Although we already have our full complement of Bellydance performances (thank you to all who have agreed to perform!), we would love to hear from performers from all types of cultural dance who might be interested in donating their talent.

Please contact Safiya at for more details.






AUGUST 6, 2009
“The Pulse of Eternity” -Featuring the electric dance duo Ramli Ibrahim of Malaysia & Dali Basu of Ottawa

When: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 7.30 pm

Where: Canadian Museum of Civilization Theatre
100 Laurier Street, Gatineau, Quebec, K1A0M8

Tickets: $20

To Reserve call: (819)776-7000 (To reach the CMC Box Office press options – 2, 1 and 7)

“Politics, nation and religion divide peoples while dance is an expression of art that brings people together” –Ramli Ibrahim.

A powerful dancer of international acclaim, he started his dance career with the Australian National Ballet. Later as a Fullbright scholar to India he trained in different Indian classical dance forms, and extensively in the Odissi form in Orissa, the birth place of the Indian Odissi classical style. His every production is a labour of love, display of a perfect jewel on a stage. Ramli Ibrahim is a pride of Australia, India and Malaysia.

Dali made her passion into her profession.

She mesmerizes her audience with the grace and fluidity of her movements. Trained in all the Indian classical styles she chooses Odissi to express her inner dance. The two-time Shastri Indo-Canadian scholarship award winner pursued intensive Odissi training in India. Her training culminated into well acclaimed performances in India, Canada and the US. Her most prestigious presentation was recently at the world-famous Bhubaneswar Festival in the elite gathering of Odissi experts.

“The Pulse of Eternity” is the duo’s expression of a never-ending cosmic cycle – of creation and destruction. Shiva, the emblem of pure consciousness, dances with Shakti, his companion, in a rhythm which continues through eternity.




Indian Temple Dance AUGUST Summer Intensive

Time 2-3 pm Wednesdays

Cost $100 for 4 one hour sessions August 6, 12, 19, 26


1)Learn hand signs, neck and eye movements
2)how to tie a sari,
3)make-up and
4) DANCE steps a) rhythmic beating of the feet,
b) how to speak the drum syllables that accompany the dance
c) How to beat the rhythms


Indian Temple Dance 
174 Dufferin Rd
Unit 11
Dufferin runs into Crichton Crichton is an extension of the Vanier Parkway
payable by cash only sorry I do not have Visa or interac
Please pass this on to your friends
Please confirm by email
Hope you can come
Best wishes
613 745-1368




Hey Everybody,


Every 2nd and 4th Sunday we have been drumming at the Cabin at 6pm

This coming Sunday ,we have been asked to hold our drum gathering at the O’haras Mill Park in Madoc 
for a celebration they are holding.The volunteers at the park would like to give drumming a try.

So, this Sunday, instead of drumming at 6pm at the Cabin we will be drumming at the O’haras Mill Park at 12:30 pm

The park is located just west on hwy 7 off hwy 62

If you would like to meet at the cabin around 12pm, we can all ride out together.

We hope to see everybody, its a very beautiful park.

Luv Deborah & Terry Richardson

Note: This years September Drum gathering and cornroast will be held at the same park.
Here is our new website for the event



Joyful Expressive Dance

No routine.
No instruction.
Just fun expressive dance.

This is not a belly dance class, although if you know belly dance you will enjoy using your belly dance moves when you dance.

This class consists of guided and free dance moves finishing with a relaxation exercise at the end.

No dance experience is necessary. This class is for everyone who wants to enjoy freeing and expressive movement.

7:00 to 8:00
Almonte Community Centre, 2nd floor upper hall
180 Bridge Street, Almonte

For more info contact
julieATottawabellydanceDOTcom (replace AT with @ and DOT with .)
or call 254-8469



Ongoing until September, 2009
Bag Reflex

Most of you know (Creative Clothing by) Roxane as a prolific source of unique costume designs for your dance performances. Now come see her other works in the “Bag Reflex” Exhibit at Gallery 6 in Kemptville. The Gallery is opened 8:30-4pm Monday to Friday and 8:30-3 Saturdays year round except statutory holidays..


You can see the “Bag Reflex” collection on Roxane’s website:
Gallery 6
126 Prescott St., 
Kemptville, Ontario
K0J 1T0
613 258-0668

Nathen Aswell ( – Performance

Sept. 10, 6:30 PM (doors open at 6:00 PM) 
– House Concert in Kemptville, ON 
– $15/$10 for children under 18.
(Space is limited, so please RSVP with Ellen at ASAP to reserve a spot and to get details on the concert’s location.)

Nathen Aswell ( – Bio
(Please note: the last line is to be added to the program for my mother’s House Concert)

Nathen was born in Montreal, and has been a professional vocalist/bassist/guitarist since 1977, graduating from Concordia University’’s Music Program in 1985. Since calling Vancouver his home in 1992, he’’s enjoyed making music with numerous local, national and international acts, including ABBA-Cadabra, Randy Bachman, Keith Bennett (Tin Sandwich), Joani Bye & The Homewreckers, Susan Crowe, The Euphorics, Gary Fjellgaard, Babe Gurr, Russell Marsland, Lowry Olafson, Mark Perry, The Aaron Pritchett Band, Lyndia Scott, Shari Ulrich, Bill Usher and Edith Wallace. He also performs regularly with his buddies in The Hitmen (

Nathen’’s musical life began in the Catholic church of his youth, and he’’s remained active in liturgical/sacred/inspirational music ever since. He performs regularly at many local churches, including Unity of Vancouver, The Centre for Spiritual Living in Vancouver, Spiritual Centre for Dynamic Living in Vancouver, The Centre For Positive Living in White Rock, and Unity of the Valley in White Rock.

Nathen believes that his purpose in this life is to inspire and heal through his music. His debut CD, “Little By Little”, released in March of 2007, is a powerful realization of his purpose, fully intertwining his two passions of music and spirituality.

In an effort to build relationships and get his music out into the world, Nathen attends and performs at as many music conferences and events as he can. (In March, he performed at the Affiliated New Thought Network Conference in Phoenix, AZ, and in August, he’ll be performing in the Circle Of Love Gathering in Kelowna, BC.) As a direct result of these experiences, Nathen is now beginning to perform at House Concerts (, Kirtans (devotional chanting nights) and New Thought churches in both Canada and the U.S. (including Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Seattle, Phoenix and Kansas City).

Nathen now presents his music with his voice and with the NS Stick, an 8-stringed electronic instrument that can be plucked like a bass, strummed like a guitar, or tapped with both hands like a piano (

We are glad that Nathen has decided to bring his talent to eastern Canada. In the month of September, he will be performing at a House Concert in Dartmouth NS, a Concert in Montreal QC, and a House Concert in Kemptville ON.




Volunteer drivers are needed to take clients to their medical appointments. If you have a car and some time to spare, please call 613-737-7195 x2303.
Leave a message and a volunteer will call you back within 2 days to direct you to the agency closest to you or one(s) of your choice.

This campaign is sponsored by Ottawa Community Support Coalition (representing 12 agencies across Ottawa, offering transportation services to seniors and adults with physical disabilities), Friends of Hospice Ottawa and Canadian Cancer Society.

Thank you.


Des bénévoles sont requis pour conduire des personnes âgées à leurs rendez-vous médicaux. Si vous avez une automobile et du temps à offrir, s’il-vous-plaît appeler au 613-737-7195 x2303. Laissez un message et un-e bénévole vous rappellera à l’intérieur de deux jours afin de vous diriger à un organisme de votre choix ou près de chez vous.

Cette campagne est commanditée par la Coalition de services de soutien communautaire d’Ottawa (représentant 12 agences qui offrent un service de transport aux personnes aînées et adultes ayant une incapacité physique, la Société Canadienne du Cancer et Friends of Hospice Ottawa.






Summer Classes 2009
Bellydancing with Zena

Date: June 30th to Aug 18, 7:05 pm
Bellydance Level 2/3 with veil routine
Location: Dance with Alana Studio, 858 Bank St.


Dancing with Jalilah this Summer!

Jalilah’s Intermediate Level Classes in Ottawa:

Monday Evenings 7:30- 8:45 July 6 to August 10 
Tuesday Mornings 11:00-12:15 July 7 to August 11 
At: The Studio School of Dance 74 Jamie Avenue, Nepean/Ottawa(near Costco)
The price for 6 week session is $70 if registered before June 26 or $75 thereafter 
To Register for these classes contact Jalilah: (613)2288215

Jalilah’s Classes in Hull: Summer Session Starting July 2
Beginner Baladi/Belly Dance Thursdays 5:30-6:30 $80 for 7 Weeks

Intermediate Baladi/Belly Dance Thursdays 6:30-7:30 $80 for 7 Weeks

Advanced Baladi/Belly Dance Thursdays 7:30-9:00 $90 for 7 weeks

At Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis : 200 St. Joseph, Hull

To register contact Oasis (819) 7765033 or (819)-962-2645. (613)2288215



Summer Bellydance with Nikita

Beginners and Beyond starting July 6th
Monday Nights @ Plant Rec Centre
To register go to or in person. Please quote this barcode 420200



SUMMER Classes with Lois Brake (Loulouh)

203 Catherine St.

Tuesdays – 7:30 to 8:30
August 4, 11, 18, 25. 
Cost is $ 40 for the 4 week session (drop-ins welcome)
August 4, 11, 18, 25.

Class is at 203 Catherine St.
Between O’Connor and Bank
Entrance to the studio is from the parking lot at the back of the building.



Summer Classes – It’s My Pleasure

Wednesdays | 10 weeks (beginning July 8)

It’s My Pleasure Women’s Resource Center, Dance Studio and Boutique at 205-250 Panet Rd. Winnipeg, MB. Call 204-853-7389 to register.

4:00 – 5:00 – Beginner Belly Dance
5:30 – 6:30 – Beginner Belly Dance
6:30 – 7:30 – Multi Level Burlesque Choreography
7:30 – 8:30 – Multi Level Belly Choreography

–Summer Workshops – Rady JCC

Tuesdays | 6:30 – 8:00pm

Rose and Max Rady Jewish Community Center @ 100B – 123 Doncaster St., Winnipeg, MB. Please call 477-7508 or fax 477-7530 to register.

July 21
August 11
August 18
September 1








172 Guigues – call 613 244-4470 for registration 

12 weeks = $86.50 per course

Monday,Sept 14 Level 1 6:30pm.-7:30pm. ( 12 weeks) Course Code 412497

Monday,Sept 14 Level 2 7:30pm.-8:30pm. ( 12 weeks) Course Code 412544


Thursday,Sept. 17 Level 1 6:30pm.-7:30pm.( 12 weeks)Course Code 412505
Thursday,Sept. 17 Level 2+ Creative Intermediate 7:30pm.-8:30pm.( 12 weeks) Course Code 412559

Register online starting August 13th through the City of Ottawa website here 

OLD OTTAWA SOUTH area ( Near the May Fair theatre)
260 Sunnyside – call 613 247-4946 for registration  

12 weeks  = $88.00 per course
Tuesday,Sept 15(12 weeks)6:30pm.-7:30pm. – level 1
Tuesday,Sept 15(12 weeks)7:30pm.-8:30pm. – level 2

Register online starting Sept. 2th, at 9 p.m.:



Zamira’s Fall-Winter 2009 Classes

My classes are moving to a new home in a more central location. These specialty classes focus on the needs of 2 specific groups to bring the joy of Belly Dance to even more women and girls too. A description of my teaching style and thoughts about dance can be found on my website at

Women 50+ Belly Dance all levels
8 classes per session
$90.00 (taxes included)
6:45 – 7:45 PM (1 hour)
Sep 1 – Oct 20 2009
Oct 27 – Dec 15 2009

Youth Belly Dance for ages 13-17
8 classes per session
$80.00 (taxes included)
6:15 – 7:15 PM (1 hour)
Sep 3 – Oct 22 2009
Oct 29 – Dec 17 2009

All classes take place at Makin’ Moves Dance Studio:
1196 Bank Street at Ossington Avenue
Old Ottawa South

For more information or to register please contact:
The Veiled Eye
Phone: 613-797-4068



Jalilah’s Fall 2009 Schedule
Authentic Middle Eastern Dance Classes


At the RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa
Beginners Belly Dance Workout
Mondays 10:30-11:30 
Starting September 14 to December 7
$85 for CanFit members and RA members, $140 for non- members
To Register contact RA Centre:(613) 7366224

At Greta Leemings Studio of Dance, 1460 Merivale Road, Ottawa
Intermediate Level Tuesdays Mornings 11-12:15 September 15 to December 15 
Price: $175 ($160 if paid by August 31)
Pilates Tuesdays 10-11 September 15 to December 15 $140
To Register contact Jalilah (613)2288215

At The Studio School of Dance, 74 Jamie Avenue, Ottawa-Nepean
Intermediate Level: Monday Evenings 7:30- 8:45 September14-December 14 
Price: $160 ($150 if paid by August 31)
To Register contact Jalilah: (613)2288215

At Denise Enan’s Studio Oasis 200 St. Joseph, Hull 
Intermediate Thursdays 6:15-7:15 PM $85 for 8 Weeks
Advanced Baladi/Belly Dance Thursdays 7:15-8:45 PM $100 for 8 weeks
To register contact Oasis (819) 7765033



Fall Classes at Dance with Alana Studios

Teen Belly Dance with Vera
When: starts Monday Sept 15, from 4:15-5:15pm
Where: Dance With Alana Studios, 858 Bank St. @ 5th Ave.
Cost: $90 for 8 weeks

Beginner Belly Dance with Zena
When: starts Saturday Sept 12, from 12:30-1:30pm
Where: Dance With Alana Studios, 858 Bank St. @ 5th Ave.
Cost: $105 for 8 weeks

Intermediate Belly Dance with Oksana
When: starts Tuesday Sept 15, from 8:15-9:15pm
Where: Dance With Alana Studios, 858 Bank St. @ 5th Ave.
Cost: $105 for 8 weeks

Also, coming in the fall…Burlesque, Bollywood, Tap, Salsa, Hip Hop, Swing, Zumba, Dance Fusion and more!
Please contact Alana at 613-233-3456



Fall Bellydance Classes with Anna & Safiya 
– Start Wednesday September 16th, 2009

Beginner-Intermediate (Wednesdays 8:00 – 9:30 pm)

Review basic bellydance techniques, and build them into sequences culminating in choreography to an upbeat Arabic pop song.

Intermediate-Advanced (Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm)

Challenge yourself with high-energy drills and isolations, and learn an innovative choreography inspired by Khaliji, a dance of the Persian Gulf States.

2 Daly Avenue downtown Ottawa (Daly at Nicholas)
Drop-ins $13/class
Beginning of the month special $45/month
Contact Safiya at



Belly Dancing with Sha’ Vega Malibu

South Fallingbrook C.C. (aka Maple Ridge Elementary School), 998 Valin Street, Orléans

Monday, September 21 – December 14, 2009

*NEW CLASS* Mother and Daughter belly dance – 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Mother and Daughter – $52.00 – 12 weeks. Course code – 419444
Children’s fee – $49.74 – 12 weeks. Course code – 420030
Level 1 & 2 – 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Course code – 415840
Level 2 & 3 – 7:45 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Course code – 415846
Cost: $65.00 for 12 weeks. 
No classes on Monday, Oct 12 (Thanksgiving)
REGISTRATION begins AUGUST 13, 2009 
Call 613-824-0633 ext. 221 or register online at

McNabb Recreation Centre, 180 Percy St. (at James), Centretown 
Tuesday, September 15 – December 1, 2009
Level 1 & 2 – 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Level 2 & 3 – 7:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $87.50 for 12 weeks. 
REGISTRATION begins AUGUST 13, 2009 
Call 613-564-1070 for more information. Register online at

McNabb Recreation Centre, 180 Percy St. (at James), Centretown 
Thursday, September 17 – December 3, 2009
Level 1 & 2 – 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. 
Level 2 & 3 – 7:15 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 
Cost: $87.50 for 12 weeks. 
REGISTRATION begins AUGUST 13, 2009 
Call 613-564-1070 for more information. Register online at

Lisa-Marie Serafin
Ceramic Artist/Middle Eastern Dance Artist
Poterie du Lac la Blanche




Sandy Hill Community Centre

(613) 564-1062


Level 1 – 417170 (program code)
Wednesdays, Sept. 16 – Nov. 18
6 – 7 pm

Level 2 – 417179 (program code)
Thursdays, Sept. 17 – Nov. 19
5:30 – 6:30 pm

Level 3 – 417186 (program code)
Thursdays, Sept. 17 – Nov. 19
6:30 – 7:45 pm

Level 4 – 417199 (program code)
Thursdays, Sept. 17 – Nov. 19
7:45 – 9:00 pm


Tribal fusion classes with Niki

Tuesday 8-9pm

Sept 1 Oct 6 (6 week session)

1196 Bank St at Makin Moves studios

to register: theodorn AT magma DOT ca